My mother in law keeps posting photos of my husband and his ex: Advice?

My husband and I have been together since 2012 and married since 2013. We are both happy, and we are doing great… but My mother in law keeps posting pics of my husband and his ex’s and different times in his teenage years… and writing look at my son and his girlfriend at the time! They look so happy! Just stuff like in general, and IDK why but I’m really ticked off about it. Am I overreacting? Like it doesn’t really bother him because he says I had to kiss a few toads to find my princess, and if it bothers you that bad, I’ll say something. They don’t have a great relationship, to begin with, haven’t really talked to each other since Dec. 9th, not because of my husband. He’s tried making phone calls, but she’s active in social media and won’t answer the door if he tries to go over and spend time with her…


That’s so odd. Why would she do that? Block her for real.

Comment on all the posts with y’all’s wedding photos “love the pics! Look how happy he looks in THESE”:upside_down_face:


She’s living in her memories. She needs an intervention to get a real life.
It’s more than likely not even about you or him. She’s alone & that’s all she has.

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Cut her off. She’s toxic


Shes not doing that to be good kind or considerate shes toxic let her on block her


Social media isn’t life. So I wouldn’t worry. She could be doing it as a way to get at you. That way blame you for their strained relationship. Just a guess based off what you said. If I were you I’d unfollow. Not block or unfreind. That way you don’t see it.


You’re not over reacting. I’d have him say something to her. Otherwise just remove her from your social media. She’s just being plain rude.


Just ignore these things,
Go ahead be happy with your husband,
Life’s too short for crap like that!


She sounds like a narcissist. Toxic asf cut her off. Disrespectful


Don’t rise to the bait. If your husband makes a big deal of it with her, she’ll blame you. Just ignore it.

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She’s toxic and from experience it’s probably best to cut her off. Doesn’t seem like she has any good intentions. Start by blocking her from your social media accounts


She sounds like a nutcase :crazy_face:


I would honestly legit ignore it and "like’ every photo.
What for… it’s so exhausting fighting over shit like that and it’s not going to change ur relationship.
Whatever mil, u do u!

Save this pic and start putting it under every pic she posts! LoL. Yes, I’m petty. :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Sounds like petty bs to get a rise out of you! Don’t but the ticket to the shit show! Move along don’t let her get to you!

Honestly it sounds to me like she the mother In law has some major jealousy issues towards you and likely thinks you have stole her baby boy so she is acting childish towards him when he is tring to get her attention…and her posting pics of your man and his ex is down right disrespectful and spiteful towards you and her son…she seems like a very toxic woman and if she wants to act that way then it’s best for both of you to distance yourself from her…with her behaving in that way she is just looking for attention and a reaction she seems to enjoy drama…Trust me I know what it’s like to battle others just to be happy with your partner so much jealousy and envy out there…stay strong and keep being yourself and your man needs to stand up for you and himself if it comes down to it and put his foot down…


She sounds horrible. Both of you cut her off! You both deserve to be happy and let her be miserable by herself. I feel bad that your husband tries to see her and she doesn’t open the door??? She’s not a good mother much less a good mother in law. Her loss!!


Cut her off. Block her in social media. You don’t need that kind of person in your life.


My opinion over reacting! The situation at hand could have multiple motives! A) she liked that girl b) she did it for the chance that it might upset you C) something harmless and maybe she was looking back at her son and the girl just happened to be in it and the list can go on only she knows the intent your decision is if you should feed into if it’s bait or bs or just ignore it and give no reaction! Just my opinion


She’s toxic af! I cut my sons mom off and we broke up. He took her side when we were together, then when we split and he had the kid by himself he felt it firsthand and apologized. Don’t let her bring you down.


I’ll take shit that never happened for $400.

That sounds super awkward, and perhaps she is projecting her unhappiness onto you for whatever reason. Remember, her behaviour has nothing to do with you, but everything about her. Sorry she is being this way. I would flat out ask why she is doing that and say it feels like she is purposely trying to hurt you – she may not be, and she just may be a mindless old woman, but… being mindless isn’t a good excuse.


Lol I dated someone who had a cheating ex who’d still talk to the family and bring her kid over and visit when I wasn’t around :joy::+1: dodged a bullet there


Sounds like my mother-in-law. I have tried literally everything possible in the past 21 years but we are on year 10 of barely being acknowledged. My brother-in-law recently passed away and we found out on Facebook. They didn’t include my husband in the obituary. My advice would be to cut your losses early and let her make an ass out of herself alone. I am sorry you have to deal with it. It’s a nightmare no one should have to deal with.

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No you’re not overreacting! I would keep as much distance from her as possible! She sounds like she has major issues! Probably not a healthy mind or body! Stay happy and away from her, she’s toxic!


I would cut her off and block her on social media.

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Why not just delete her then she can’t tag him in anything


Block her. I blocked mine. She doesn’t need to be in my business. I have no hard feelings. My social media is my fun place away from her.


She trifflin, trying to push your buttons and not acceptable bcuz she has a motive behind it


Get some photoshop action goin on, I’d say a picture of her arm and arm with Quasi Moto and the Elephant Man ought to do it, any caption will do


My husband’s Dad and his family has blocked me on all social media because they don’t like me or what I post but it’s been peaceful so I say cut her off and block her it will decrease the stress


You are definitely not over reacting!!! I’d confront her, bring it up to hubby first, but both confront her!!! She sounds jealous and ridiculous!!! If hubby doesn’t put her in place, then you know what you need to do!!!

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She’s trying to start shit. Id post every damn picture you have of the 2 of you every damn day a new one and tag her. But I’m petty AF :woman_shrugging::grin:

He can talk to her all he wants but it won’t change anything so just block her. If she hasn’t accepted you by now I highly doubt she ever will sad to say

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Post your own pictures of you and your husband. I would ignore her. Maybe block her so you don’t have to see her posts.


Don’t follow her on social media. She’s toxic. No need to deal with it especially since they don’t have a real relationship. Time to let her good. Just be happy without her


Ii would delete her off social media

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Ew that is so cringey. First, block her. Let her know that behavior is disrespectful and unacceptable. Then tell your husband yes, it’s time he let her know it’s not okay as well. What in the actual


Send her pics of you and him together over the years…
I’d go extra petty since she is and get several photo sessions taken of you and your hubby and start sending them to her with each holiday’s greeting cards and as personalized gifts like photo frames and calendars postcards collages etc… (since she loves photographs sooo much she should love your thoughtfulness) and now she’ll have all kinds of pictures to post of you and her son together…:
Then you can call her out at that point for not listing any of you and your man!


It sounds like your mother-in-law is a miserable human being that is trying to for some reason sabotage you and your husband relationship by playing into your insecurities and posting on social media about his ex. It is 100% disrespectful towards you and your husband because if your mother-in-law can’t even respect you for the happiness of her son even if she doesn’t like you then she doesn’t really love her some in the first place. Your mother-in-law clearly does not like you and is trying to upset you and probably knows that you see what she post. You let your husband say something to his mother so that he puts a stop to her disrespect or tries to because I don’t think it’s going to make a difference. If she doesn’t care to have a good relationship with her own son. Block her on all social media and distance your self meaning don’t go out of your way to contact her


First and for most your not over reacting. He needs to say something to stick up for you. But I almost guarantee it won’t change a thing and she won’t stop so the best thing you can do is remove her off social media and he should do the same so she doesn’t tag him. Stay away if she continues to disrespect you. You don’t need that kind of negativity and disrespect at all. People like this do it on purpose and as long as people allow them too.

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Block her & post pics of you & your husband

Delete and block. She ain’t worth the stress, BS, and drama.


Comment on them pics girl!! Be like Oh look at my handsome husband. Ooo she was cute! He’s definitely got good taste in women but I already knew that… Put them petty girl panties on!


You are overreacting. She’s trying to get under your skin and it’s working.
Unfollow her, Snooze her, block her, but if she gets to you, she wins.

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Block her :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: let her look like a crazy lady on her own.


Ignore her, she’s trying to get a reaction.


Well what she does you have no control over. Weather its right or wrong you cant control what she does on her own FB. All you can do is just unfollow her that way you wont see them pop up on your time…


She is petty just move along she wants to divide you two

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Overreacting! Everyone has a past. Don’t let it get to you

That’s just nasty… she’s got issues don’t let it get as That’s probably what she wants!


Kiss the Prince and enjoy life

I’d post yalls pictures under it and say this is how happy he currently is​:rofl::rofl::rofl::raised_hands::expressionless::fu::muscle:


Sounds like a passive aggressive jab to me. I’d say something. As a grown woman she knows she is being disrespectful and I think it’s on purpose based on your post.


She’s just a petty old b*tch. Block her and let her be like that. Because you cant fix stupid.
That is super childish and extremely rude to you two.


She is very disrespectful. Unfriend her. Do not surround yourself with negativity. Don’t stress over it either. Do not stress over things you cannot control. Let her do what she wants, you do not need her in your life! Good luck!


Laugh react them lol

Comment on all of them with wow look at my handsome man. I’m so thankfully that old girlfriend let him go all these years ago so I could put a ring on that. Do it every single photo she post and I bet she stops pretty quickly.


Sorry but can we just talk about how great of a response he has. That is legit so sweet and supporting


Put her in a home and dont let her out till she deletes all pics of the ex :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Block her and move on…hubby put out the effort to try to mend the fences and she doesn’t want…it’s her lose then!


Ew wtf hahaha tell him and let him handle that B
Gross and rude and immature

Seriously don’t be jealous over that. They were teenagers. It was before he met you. I think it’s silly to worry about. You need to be secure in your marriage. With trust, you can get through anything. Don’t harbor hard feelings towards his family. It isn’t healthy for you or them. He’s obviously crazy about you, you’re his princess. That in itself should be enough to let this go


First and foremost,ask yourself these questions before you decide whether to talk to her or not.

  1. Are you comfortable bringing up the subject.
  2. How much do you really value her opinion
  3. Is she capable of really listening to what you have to say
  4. Does she have the mental capacity to absorb what you are saying without turning it around and being defensive
  5. Does she has a history of admitting when she wrong?
  6. Do you think she genuinely has your best interest at heart?

If you answered No to at least 3 of these, do not waste your time. Unfollow and/ or block


I think maybe it is time for your husband to have a word to his mother.


Ide unfollow her or block her. She knows what she’s doing

How uncomfortable for everyone


Lmfao. You took away her baby! Duh!
Have YOUR mom cook him his FAVORITE MEAL and post him tearing it up…
Give her enough time to see it then bliggity bloct!


I wouldn’t pay it any mind. She clearly wants a response if she keeps doing it over and over. Take some pictures of you and your husband, post them captioning like, “forever together” I think she just wants to be in control and since she’s not she’s trying to take you out of your character.
I wouldn’t socialize or mess with her anymore. Her true colors have been revealed. Don’t be ugly back, just be honest. If yall are happy, show it off…thats the best revenge :smile:


Jk , block her never heard anything so rude and disrespectful put a big fkn like on the photo then put , but he got his princess then block the fuck out of it .gudluck

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Unfriend her. Or say, yeah as I was told he had to collet a few pennies before he could cash in for a dime… lol.


My monster in law would do some shit like that im sure if my
Husband had some notable ex. Shes been trying to engage me into another argument for months as shes tried to come in between us so many times. She almost succeeded last fall and winter. So after that i just ignore her Shes blocked on my social and only sees our kiddo every other month when she arranges it will hubby. I refuse to be part of her toxic Narcissistic nature. I only talk to her when i have and only about my daughters care anything else is a myob

Get him to comment on it every time she does it… like… he said… had to kiss a few toads before I found the love of my life… or great photo of me but why remind me of the mistakes in my past??? She will soon get peeved off with him saying stuff like that… or you could posy something like… love the outfit or live the hair… or isn’t my man so very handsome …I am a lucky lady … positive shiy to her poison game playing… they hate it … gd luck x


If its affecting your mental health then block her. I had to do similar with a similar situation and I don’t have very many of my husbands family on social media for that reason. If the behaviour keeps up, and you know it won’t change, make peace that others don’t treat their friends and family as you treat yours. Not everyone is considerate. You keep doing you, treating others with respect and kindness, let others be how they are but just don’t put yourself in the situation to be the target of it all. It took me a few years to not take it personal, you’ll get there too. Sending love, I know how shitty it can feel. :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

I bet that girl doesn’t want the pictures back online either.


Yea shes being toxic

Post a pic of u n ur hubby next 2 every pic she posts n include the date it was taken.

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Unfollow her so you don’t have to look at it. She’s trying to get to you. If you don’t respond, she’ll stop.

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Unfollow her from social media and you won’t see them. Don’t let it bother you. Sounds like she may be a bit jealous of you and her sons relationship. Especially if she doesn’t have one with him right now. She can only have so many pics of the exes surely. It’ll stop soon. Xx

Shes accomplishing her goal which is to upset you. Comment something nice everytime “oh they looked so cute” “what a pretty dress” etc once she thinks it doesnt phase u she will either try harder or give up but what ever she throws out there meet her with unbotheredness lol not a word but u get the idea


Block her. Don’t be part of that sick immature behavior.


I would question her if I were you

Honestly she is probably doing it to be petty and get a rise out of you. She probably isn’t worth it since she is blanently ignoring him. Keep your head up. It’s one of those instances that you have to pick and choose your battles. If she said something directly about you then maybe that would be a reason to say something. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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Block her, you’re just driving yourself crazy for nothing. She’s probably doing it to get to you and its working.


F her ! That’s wrong!! Sounds like a mean woman

Block her. She’ll know you can’t see it.

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My mother in law is much the same, worse even. She hung them in her home from his previous wedding day as well. While we were living with her!!! Honey it’s simple, this woman doesn’t respect you and she’s trying to get a rise out of you. Let me give you my best advice… IGNORE THE HELL OUT OF HER! These people keep saying it will stop, but they’re wrong. It never stops, it just gets worse. You’ll spend a lifetime arguing with her if you don’t just ignore it. She’s petty, let her be and stay above it. I haven’t spoken to mine in almost 6 years, she still tries to get a rise out of me every chance she gets, including at her own mother’s funeral. Just stay above it, you’ll thank me later.


She is insecure about her own relationship with her son, she is trying to make yerskf feel better by remebering the times when he and her were probably closer. Unfollow her she sounds toxic

Block her on your social media and whn she ask u tell her da u are jz avoiding negative energies.


Yeah, I’d feel it out. Maybe she’s not being malicious. Comment on the next one with something like, “wow he surely hasn’t changed! He still has such a great smile!” [Insert photo of you both]. If she gives you slack back, you know where she stands with you. Either way, just be happy she doesn’t want to talk if this is her attitude.


If its bothering you guys that much and you’ve talked to her about you feel then either delete her off your social media so you won’t have to it or I believe you can hide or silence people’s posts you no longer see them. Just because she’s ‘family’ don’t mean you gotta put up with disrespectful behavior. Maybe then she’ll stop. But you guys need to be firm and out your foot down. There’s no excuse for her doing this.


If yall don’t have much contact anyway don’t worry about it. I’d say just take her off your social media so you don’t have to see it. You’re not over reacting, it’s completely disrespectful and she knows what shes doing. Don’t even waste your time with someone like that, you got your prince.


Totally just delete her. Had one of those. Our birthdays where 3 days apart. For his birthday she gave him a reds ticket. And his ex wife the other yeah gets worse. But truly as long as you allow it to get to you. It will only get worse. It was bad real chin up girl. And pay it no mind. Just be cautious of gifts that usually come in 2’s.


She’s not for you just accept that. If your husband is 100% down with you and have asked his mother to stop and respect wife wishes and she don’t, wife don’t treat him any different just understand everybody don’t honor relationships and move on. When my kids marry I plan treating their spouse with same respect and love as my own. It’s a boundary when it comes to ex’s.


Idk something seems off.
She posts photos from the past but won’t answer to him now and won’t even talk to her son? That’s pretty odd. I would seek deeper and see if this woman is suffering from any mental illness or dementia even.


I would remove her from my friend list. She is a woman and she knows it’s disrespectful.


She’s just trying to get to you, mines the same way but I just keep away from her as best I can. As long as he loves you and shows it, that’s all that matters. :heart:


kill her with kindness :joy: “thank you for posting this picture of john and his previous girlfriend! i like seeing him happy before me, and i LOVE seeing him happy every morning we wake up together. it’s been a blessed 8 years of marriage! and hey… he had to kiss a few toads before finding his princess… :kissing_heart:


Not too subtle that she doesn’t like you. I would tell her to lay off the bs. You are the one he married not the girlfriend who obviously was not the right one. Don’t hold back or it will ear away at you inside. Then again I am from Brooklyn where we say exactly what’s on our mind.

Honestly, I would talk to her about it and tell her if it makes you uncomfortable. That’s the adult thing to do. He had a past before you, maybe it’s just coming up on Facebook? Who knows.
My mother in law has a great relationship with my step sons mother and posts pictures and comments on her things often. It doesn’t bother me or upset me. What’s in the past is in the past.
I say, if you’ve been with your husband since 2012, you and your mother in law should have a great relationship. But, you also can’t control what others do on their social media.