My mother in law keeps trying to get me to take birth!

What would you do if your mil kept trying to push birth control on you when you’ve made it clear you don’t want to be on birth control because birth control has never worked for u


Jesus. Move across the country.

Simply tell her “I am not discussing this with you. It’s private.”


I’d absolutely tell her it’s none of her business. As long as you and your husband are the ones supporting your kids she has absolutely no say in that.


“Its my body and I don’t want it.” Don’t respond to anything else about it.


Tell her it’s none of her business.

I would tell her to mind her own business and if she didn’t like it she could be out of my life, but maybe that’s just me.


My ex mother in law told my ex husband that I needed to have an A and she would pay for it. Her words “I will pay to have it taken care of.” My “it” will be 15 next month. Coming from experience don’t let anyone pressure you into anything you don’t want to do. 4 months before I delivered my daughter she pushed again to have me change to hospital closer to where I lived. My doctor was moving further north to the brand new hospital. I caved and took the L. I was done fighting I was too pregnant to keep up with it. I got divorced and had my son at the hospital I wanted to deliver at.


Tell her to mind her own uterus… Your body is none of her business. That decision is between you and your medical provider.


Just tell her you’re on it and the rest is none of her business :woman_shrugging: simple


your body your business let her know that just once and after that just walk away. What does your husband say about this and if he understands let him know he should speak up to his mother

Really it’s not a conversation I would even put energy into.
Tell her it’s a conversation between your son and I.

I wouldn’t open up to other health issues that she may want to put her 2 cents in for either.

She’s proven to be over opinionated and you have to learn what to share and to keep to yourself. That includes any issues your children have.


I wouldn’t even respond. That is no ones business but your own. If she persists just look her in the face sternly and say “i don’t want to. :neutral_face:” no one should be peer pressured to do anything they don’t want to do…


Unless she’s financially supporting your children why would she think she has any say in it at all? That’s crazy to me!


Tell her to mind her business and that what you put in your body is not up to her

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Tell her to mind her own uterus

Thanks for your input, but my reproductive choices are private between me and my doctor. Let’s not discuss this again.


I’d tell her to mind her own business and leave it at that.

Tell her to schedule you the appointment and do the talking and see her reaction. Lmao tell her no. Find something she hates to do and keep asking her to do it. Then be like this is how I feel.

Tell your man to have a talk with his mom in front of you. And actually how come he hasn’t already?

While I agree with the other comments, I can’t help but wonder if there are other circumstances driving her…
How many children do you already have?
Can you afford more?
Is she already helping to foot the bill or providing child care?
How old are you? Are you at an age that pregnancy could be risky?
Is your husband not wanting more kids and afraid to tell you?
How does he feel about it?
Overall, is she maybe concerned and trying to protect you? If not, just tell her enough. ENOUGH! It is not up for discussion and if she brings it up again, you will limit contact with her. PERIOD. Boundaries are just that. Set them and stick with them.


“No” is a complete sentence. You are not required to follow it up with any explanation. Just “No”.


Just refuse to discuss it with her. If she brings it up just firmly say I’m not having this conversation with you, it’s none of your business.

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tell her mind her own uterus.
birth control is dangerous & it’s none of her business tbh.

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lol I would tell her to mind her own f business


Tell her to mind her own damn business and body.

Just don’t respond … it’s none of her business and if she pushes tell her “ I’m trying to trap your son “

  1. I would tell her to eff off not her body not her choice.
  2. If #1 doesn’t work tell her you are on one. And its still not any of her businesses
  3. If 1 or 2 don’t work send her son to tell her to eff off.

Your body, not hers. Plain and simple.

Tell her to stfu. Also involve your hubby. That aint right.

I’d tell her to get fucked

Tell her to f off and mind her own business. Your body and anything to do with your family planning is ZERO percent her business. And you don’t have to be polite when someone is stepping on your toes.

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Tell her to talk to her son about getting a vasectomy… im sure she’ll stop bothering you after that


You need to put your foot down and say
“No birth control” it’s not for me
And mind her own business
It’s none of her beeswax
And leave it at that
If it was me I tell my husband he needs to have a talk with his mom

It’s your body you do what you want to do. No one can force you to take birth control.
Tell her to find her own business :blush:

Not her life not her decision but only yours tell her to kickback or kick rocks

Tell her it is none of her business!

Tell her son to control his mother!! Or he can go back and live with his mommy!

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Your body your choice! Tell her to kick rocks

Tell her to mind her business

Tell her to mind her own business

I feel like she wouldn’t keep forcing if your husband wasn’t coming to her about it. That’s me though.

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It’s up to you what you take or use. It’s not her business. However, birth control works if you take/use it correctly, and if you’re concerned double up’, to be certain.

It’s okay to cuss… that’s all ima say. :sweat_smile::rofl: jk but Fr


No help tell her mind her business she’s not in your relationship at all

Tell her it’s your body your decision

Tell her ok . To get her off your back and carry on. Hahah

I have a different conversation but with my mom on wanting me or my man to get fixed. I’m like no and I just getting to the point of not saying anything about it and changing the subject…

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Start handing her Prozac and tell her she should take it because she’s mental.

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This is a very easy husband issue. Why is he not shutting her down? Take some time from her since she can’t show you respect about medical decisions regarding your body. How and why she evens knows that your not on BC is beyond me bc it’s nobodies business.


Tell her it’s your body, your choice. I also won’t do birth control because it messes with my hormones badly so I’m against it. When my gynecologist pushes it I just tell her sternly I will not do birth control.

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it’s a conversation i wouldn’t even give any energy towards. it’s none of her business !

My first instinct is that your mother-in-law does not like you and she wants you to take birth control because she doesn’t want you bringing more kids or any kids into the world between you and her son. She either knows that he wants to break up with you or she thinks that you guys should break up. Tell her you’re taking an alternative, lie to her if you have to. It’s none of her business.

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Tell her to mind her own business and never speak of it again.

Definitely none of her business, your body your decision! I can’t stand people like that. She is totally out of line.

Ask her to have a talk with her son. It’s not just on you to prevent pregnancy.


Where is that any of her business?

Tell her your body your business back off.

Tell her it’s none of her business

Outta line. Not her place to speak on that at all unless you asked for an opinion.

Tell your MIL that when she becomes a doctor you will consider her advice about reproduction until then hush

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Number 1 : it’s NONE of her business ! Why come and ask complete strangers ? You don’t wanna take so that’s the end of it …


Why does she even know you’re not is my thing? Way to private of a conversation for someone else to butt into.

Tell her to mind her business. Or cut her off completely.

Tell her to mind her own uterus :heart:


do you live with her and keep having babies? If not I’d tell her to mind her business.

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Keep her out of your business. Don’t discuss it with her. You should have nevet brought it up. No reason to engage any longer. You don’t owe her any explanation. None of her business.

Sounds like you & your husband need to have a discussion & then he needs to man up & tell his mother to butt the hell out of YOUR private business.

I mean this depends… is she supporting OPs children, watch all the kids, have the whole family live with her or see the grandkids go without bc the parents are rabbits?? I’m not saying it’s the case here but usually if someone tells you that you need birth control its for a reason…

Tell her she has no say over what you put in your body & it’s not open for discussion. Repeat every single time she tries to bring it up.

I’d turn around and tell her “your mother should’ve taken your advice.” That’ll shut her up. Offend her but she’ll leave you alone.


Why would she know you’re not using bc in the first place?
Also it not working is a weird reason to not use any, some chance of it working is better than leaving the gates wide open

Not her business but I wonder what she knows🤔

I’d completely stop discussing this topic with her at all. Just stop responding. This is none of her business.

I’ve dealt with a mother in law from hell before and since refuse to every go through it again. I’ll leave the relationship so fast. My former mil suggested I get my tubes tied. Absolutely none of their business or place to open their mouth :triumph:

I would tell her where to go and how to get there. Not her business

Tell her its none of her business!

Tell her to mind her damn business.

What do you mean “never worked for you”? Which type? Did you make sure you used condoms, too? You’re supposed to use condoms with birth control. Lol

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Tell her to mind her own business or stop responding to her when she brings it up and don’t share your personal stuff with her.

Tell her to get her mind out of your uterus?

Be firm and tell her to stop bringing it up tell you husband to talk to her .

This is very simple. Tell her you will not be discussing that with her and give her advance notice any further inquiries will be blatantly ignored.

Tell her to F off and move on seriously she has no say in your body

I mean …its not her business unless shes already raising a child or supporting a child that you and her son brought into this world

I’m trying to figure out how you being on/off birth control is any of her business in the first place. Where is your husband on this issue? Shouldn’t he be telling his mother to mind her own damn business?

Tell her to take some Mind your own business pills.

It’s none of your MIL business unless she’s financially supporting yall.

Why does she even know if you are or aren’t on birth control…cheezuz

Tell her to make her son get snipped. :woman_facepalming:

tell her to back off and mind her own fucking business…then tell off her son for not putting her in her place before u had to…wth is wrong with her