My Mother-in-Law Left Our Wedding and Is Now Demanding an Apology: Thoughts?

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"Just needing to rant about what just happened at my own wedding…I married my husband a week ago and the entire wedding/reception his mother was literally pouting because we wouldnt allow her to make a toast at our wedding with literally HORRIBLE JOKES…she wrote it down and told us that she as going to stand up and say something at the reception and my husband and I literally got secondhand embasressment so we would not let her do it…the entire rest of the day she was being a grump…our daighter started gettin tired and grumpy durin the reception so my husband walked her outside to get some fresh air, there was a lot going on for her. His sister tried to take the baby and got offended when my hsuband said no its his daughter and he wanted to make sure she was okay…she went inside and got their mom and again, mom came out demanding my husband give her the baby because its his wedding and he sohouldnt be caring for the baby…but he again said no it is my child and i wanna care for my child…she got PISSED and left the reception and is now demandin an apology for “how we treated her” like what even? tell me it gets better with mother in laws."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Let it go and keep y’all distance. Let her know that her dramatics aren’t working"

"Meh, she will get over it or she won’t. Water off a ducks back, you move on with the happy memories you made"

"Nope. Hypothetically speaking, she IS an adult. She needs to pull up her big girl panties and buck up."

"Don’t apologize for anything. U guys need to ignore her"

"Trust me. It doesn’t get better once they show their true selfs."

"How is the baby/child now? And yalls marriage? If both are the same or better, let it go."

"It doesn’t get better, but if y’all stand your ground and stay firm on your rules/boundaries for your kids & life… it won’t be as bad. we’ve had to speak up and be stern with our parents when it comes to our kids"

"It depends on the person. I love my mother in law. But your MIL needs to put her big girl panties and grow up"

"It’s not even worth another thought. All that matters is that it was your wedding day. No need to stress or be consumed over what someone else thinks they deserve."

"Pick your battles, keep your distance, and never force your husband/wife to pick sides."

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