My mother-in-law saw a comment from me that upset her: How do I handle this?

I had commented on a post about a mean MIL and how to deal with her. Now my SMIL saw it and blew up on me, telling me none of that happened when I have witnesses to how terrible she treated me. I messaged her after I heard I hurt her feelings, telling her that is exactly what happened, but we are in a better place and pointed out that in that post that I said we were friends. I offered to take it down and apologized for hurting her feelings. Now she is going PSYCHO on her husband and on me. She apparently screamed at him to “take care of it” and stormed out of the house. She has wanted to come over and to talk to me, but honestly, I think she would try to get physical with me. She denies anything that happened when everyone knows it true. She has done some truly awful things to me, and in my post, I never said names, and I never went into detail. She is putting everyone in the middle, and now I don’t know what to do. Advice?


Good lord. Let it blow over. Y’all be distant for awhile. She can sit and throw a tantrum alone


Let her be mad and stop communicating with her.


Just ignore it unless she is feeding, or financing you. My MIL pisses me off so I blocked her from my life and I’m happier for it.


I ignore my in-laws. So no advice. But she sounds crazy

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Let her be mad.
Anyone comes at you, “Mind your business and tell her if she has something to say, she knows where I am.” Cut off any comment regarding her and tell ppl to back off.
She’s mad bc she knows it’s true.


Leave it for a bit. Meet in a neutral setting. Don’t let her in your house.

You tell her what I tell my six year old when she’s having a tantrum… “ When you’re done you let me know.”


Dont put things on social media. You need to talk to her an explain how you feel.


Let her worry about her own BS. Don’t even feed into it. Don’t message her and ignore her. She’s a grown adult and you are as well. She can’t act it that’s on her 🤷

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I went off on my mil 3 years ago almost 4 when she took family business to fb without going to her son first. It upset him so bad and it takes a lot to upset him. I don’t play that game, needless to say after I went off she would not talk to me, this went on for almost a year. It took me getting pregnant for her to say two words to me. Even his sister agreed she should’ve talked to us instead of going on fb. Now we are close and I feel more like family than I ever did. She now knows that if she upsets her son/ my husband I will confront her.

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Let her throw her temper fit and ignore her completely for a while. Distance yourself and only talk to her when you absolutely have to. I personally try to cut toxic people out of my life when possible, and shortly here I will have to do the same to my own parents so I know it can be hard.


That’s what she gets for being nosey. She sounds like a nightmare. Don’t kiss her ass trying to make her feel Better just let it go and she can stew in her anger on her own.

And she is going to see this one too. :joy:


Nope, don’t fall for the bait.

Ahhh, don’t post your dirty laundry in social media.


Social media is never a place to vent about family or friends. (Unless done privately in closed groups for advice such as this).

I would suggest to speak to your husband and have a private family meeting between the both of you and your parents.

Not sure about your culture but in mine… we do not go against our elders regardless of the situation. If your husband’s side of the family hurts or offends you in any way, he as your protector is responsible to handle it privately with his family. No bashing or exposing it publicly. You do not need validation from anyone. These are private family matters that need to be discussed amongst the family.


What’s your husband doing or saying about it? He should be helping you deal with his mother.


She sounds like a narcissist. Ignore her. No good will come. She sounds immature and ignorant. Do not waste your valuable time. :massage_woman:t2:


That’s why I watch what I say in a public group. Anything you comment on in a public group everyone you’re friends with sees it. 🤷

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Fuck her feelings she didn’t care about your the way it seems… Keep telling the truth it shall set you free luv!

It doesn’t seem like an apology is going to make a difference at this point. You said you were sorry. You explained where you were coming from. Now let it go and move on. She will not move on til she is ready.


All you can do is what you have done… apologize and offer to take it down… she is just going to have to deal with it. Try to let her own it♡

Ignore her temper tantrum. Mine told me fuck off & fuck you in early August & now I treat her like my husband’s mom & my kid’s grandma. I have nothing nice to say but when the time comes you can bet your ass I will :heart: some people just aren’t worth your breath, time or bother​:heavy_heart_exclamation: good luck!

I agree, first mistake was yours… why are you plastering all your personal business on Facebook for god sakes. Nobody cares and all you did was create more problems for yourself. Sorry that’s just my opinion I’m assuming you are an adult


Ignore her. You’re allowed your own opinions.

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Cut her out of your life if she is that horrible.

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Shes handleing it like a child.

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She’s being manipulative and fuck that and fuck her. If you don’t want people to know the things you’ve done to someone then you should treat them better. I wouldn’t take it down, not even offer to. Nope! She’s freaking out because she doesn’t want anyone to know and that’s all the more reason to make sure people know about her behavior. I don’t think you have anything to be sorry for because you didn’t do anything wrong. SHE did and continues to.

All you can do is apologize and stick to your truth.

Fuck trying to placate her feelings

Ignore her. Stop trying so hard to make up for something you have no business of atoning for. She’ll be ok.

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Nothing like a psycho mother-in-law that is a bitch to stay your distance don’t even talk to her don’t relate to her obviously she is beneath you don’t start things that stay away don’t fall on the driveway she’s your mother-in-law she’s not your mother she’s not your sister that’s why they call them in-laws don’t tell her anything about your life tell your husband to do the same thing and shit won’t get started what they don’t know they can’t start

Just ignore her and tell her to suck it up!

I have a horrible MIL as well cut the bitch off :woman_shrugging:t4: I don’t let her negative actions/energy affect me or my family.

If the shoe fits…🤷
I love when someone posts without names or total details and that one just has to blurt out it’s about them, then play the victim lol


You said what you said now eat it. Be honest with her and tell her how you really feel.

Take down the post and then go to her home to discuss what your mil has done to hurt your feelings. Get it out on the table. Apologize for hurting her and then learn from this situation.

Truth somethings hurt

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:woman_shrugging: all you did was speak the truth.
She is only mad that people will know what she has said and done.
That is on her.


Sometimes the truth hurts and some have no idea how to handle it


Methinks she doth protest too much…prooving that you were right. And just how is her husband supposed to “take care” of it? Ignore, ignore, ignore. The more attention you give this woman the worse she will get.


I want to know what your original post said


Lol. Tell her if she doesn’t want to be known as a mean mother in law to stop acting like one. The point out the way she is acting. Exhibit A.


Let me say something overrated. America= Freedom of speech. If the shoe fits.


Sounds like she’s been waiting for an opportunity to blow up. Keep your head held high n don’t allow her to bully you.


If your big enough to put it on the internet in a public place be big enough to handle it in person face to face


Beat her ass bc honey I would mine and she knows it

Don’t air dirty laundry


That’s the worst . At least your mind is free from it

Ignore her,don’t trust her or be alone with her! The truth will set you free! Sounds like a dangerous person,video her,make her understand no more of her meanness!

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She gonna be even more pissed when she sees this post! :joy: She will get over it


Truth hurts. If it were my FIL (my MIL died before I ever met her) I would say it to his face… we rarely got along and I’ve never said anything about my husband or his father that I hadn’t already said to their faces. I don’t worry about huring feelings these days. In some cases if I had been afraid of feelings something’s never would have changed. I blocked my own SIL on Facebook because she was showing stuff to my stepdad who hates Facebook to start with and was twisting things and being 2 faces and she freaking knows it. I’ve even told HER to her face how she’s pissed me off telling people things that were supposed to be between me and her that caused a lot of problems with my family.

Just let it be. There isn’t much you can do and if that’s how she is going to act then it just shows her true self.

I caught my SO’s sister in law gossiping about us in a mommy group once. Spreading awful lies. I called her out and wound up getting booted from the group. On one hand you needed the support-on the other hand you really should have been smarter about talking shit in a group they’re a part of.

Tell her to fudge off. And dont ever speak to her again. Thats what i would do… but thankfully i won the lottery with my mil . Shes the best person ive ever met. So far but idk maybe its cus she knows you know. That i have no problem with cutting toxic people out of our lives eg my kids n i

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She seems to have some mental issues.

At first, my soon-to-be MIL, didn’t really like me, she’s white I’m Mexican. … put two and two together, she and her husband are old fashion and Christian. so, I can’t spend the night over there cause I’m not legally married to her son yet. and every time I did family things with them and our daughters, I felt some hate coming from her, my gut instincts. cause at first she’s only take my younger daughter (her granddaughter from me) and not my older daughter, from a previous relationship.

They say it’s changed but Idk. maybe it’s just how they are that reminds me of my grandparents, cause they think the same way, and my grandparents are pastors, so it’s even stricter. At least my soon-to-be MIL will take both my daughts on some weekends over night.

only thing I can say is good luck and believe you’ll do the right thing for yourself and your own happiness.

And you decide to post again :roll_eyes: probably causing more drama!