Anon Post, please. Hi, so I need advice. My MILs boyfriend doesn’t like my partner/kids. Dad but acts as he does to his face. My MIL has also told me she thinks he’s jealous of my little boy!! And makes comments to her like he shouldn’t be allowed to do this and that! In general, he always has something to say, and it’s driving me insane! She will often be upset when they argue. He brings up my partner and says very nasty things about him, but yet when he’s around, he acts nicely as pie! I’m sick of the two facades and comments. I haven’t told my partner the things he has said about him because I honestly feel like it might make things worse and cause hurt. Having said all this, my mil still loves and puts up with him and even asked me could they take my son to the park. I do not want this person around my son. Any advice?
So freaking stay away be happy and just block them when they are accepting of your partner then they may see your child …block block block stay away absence makes them 3000 miles away from my family
Well it sounds to me that you and your MIL need to sit down with her boyfriend and tell him that he needs to keep his mouth shut cause it’s not his place to say anything and if he doesn’t like that then your MIL should think about reconsidering who’s she’s with
Hell nahhhhh. Anybody with any type of animosity towards my children aren’t allowed around them. Family or not
So, your partner’s mother has a boyfriend who doesn’t like her child? And he’s jealous of your child? That sounds like 2 separate problems, but really it boils down to one thing. Your MIL does not love her children enough to put their emotional health ahead of the infant that she is dating. I’d be straight with her. You don’t like the disrespect he shows your partner, you aren’t comfortable with your child being around him, and she will never have overnight visits as long as this arsehole is in the picture. Draw your line in the sand, for your child’s sake. Toxic passive aggressiveness is damaging to children, and the things he says about you and your partner when you’re not there could scar your child for life and severely afffect their emotional health.
Wouldn’t ur partner be ur mother in laws son? I don’t get this post lol
I’m confused too…isn’t your mother in law ALSO your partner’s mother??? I’m lost
Who are we talking about?
Sounds like a secret pedo ! IJS
The mother shouldn’t allow him (herBF) to talk about her son or grandson period. She needs to put her for down.
Tell her no you don’t want him around your son you don’t trust him
She isn’t your mother in law if it isn’t her son you’re dating
Ok I’m confused about the wording of the family line in this, that being said… NO! No one with animosity towards your kid should be allowed around them, what if your child does something and he perceives it as miss behavior and decides to discipline him on his own? I would avoid that situation altogether. I don’t need anyone who doesn’t like or is jealous of my children around my children. Point Blank Period. Nooooo!
That guy wouldn’t be taking my kid anywhere
This page isn’t about nails anymore so unfollowing now
So what kind of polish do you use?
All I got for you. Family or friend or whoever I don’t need fake ass people in my life
I went thru this with my dad’s wife before she passed with ALS. Daddy even treated my kids like they were scum dirt. Yelling at them to take their shoes off and not track gd dirt in the house, on and on. Well, i said nothing after the last trip there. They weren’t but 20 min. from my place. I just stopped going. My step sis’s kids could bring the whole muddy field in and to grandma dearest, it was cute; “they’re just babies”. ok. your house, your rules. I don’t wanna play so i’m not visitin.
Daddy finally asked me and I told him to come to my house. I had my kids tell him. 6th grad oldest, 4th grade the twins. they said Papa, until you got with ms. your wife…you never said bad words in front of us. daddy started
crying. We had a LONG talk. I told him until he could treat my children, HIS BLOOD grandchildren with the love he always gave them, I would not set foot back down there and subject MY BABIES to that.
The heifer finally passed and he was back to normal.
In saying all of that…you may have to make a choice to not visit or have them visit if your kids can’t be treated right. My dad would come to town and come by the house to see the kids. it worked for us. Women, as well as men, can make or break any relationship with “steps”. As parents we have to do what is best for our kids even if it means making our parents mad.
Dont exactly follow the relationship paths but if I were you, I’d keep the child away from your moms BF because hes NOT family and doesnt sound like he respects your moms family…period! Dont make her mistakes effect your family by allowing his self proclaimed superiority tower your family…put him in his place now!
So your mother in law’s boyfriend doesn’t like her own son??
She’s probably separated from the kids father & she’s dating which isn’t uncommon & not illegal, also “adultery” is no longer grounds for divorce in most states cuz sadly so many people are doing it. And if the MIL’s BF doesn’t like her partner tough crap, not his business, not his life, not his say…stay away
It’s none of his business.
Don’t let them take your child!!
Your gut is trying to tell you something! Listen don’t try to ignore it! Keep making excuses or you both go w/ them & run a check on that guy on the Internet!
Ok so your mil is the mother of your partner wth is going on explain
This is not written clearly enough to understand?!
Do not send your son with him. I would not trust someone with that much hate around my family. If your MIL loves him, that’s on her. You should tell your significant other because if I were in his shoes, I’d want my husband to be upfront and honest with me. You may need to cut ties with that man. Your MIL will need to accept your decision and keep her around if she’s willing to come alone or he completely changes his views.
He’s your child if you don’t want him around your son then don’t let him be around your son! Your his mother what you say goes. I would just simply say look I don’t like how he acts or what he says about my son and I’m not comfortable with him being around my son. As far as his problem with your partner I would just simply confront him and ask what the issue is. But that’s just me lol
I’m confused. Your mother in law’s boyfriend doesn’t like your partner (her son?) or your kids and you’re conflicted between telling your partner or not?
Wouldn’t your mother in law be your partners mother ?
A big NO ! Never let ur son in his presence even if it is with grandma nope nope nope
Only way to get to thw root of the problem is to face it head on. Have an open conversation with them to identify the toxic behaviors and actions. Harbouring the issue is not going to help it go away. If they love and care about your well being they will be open and understanding. If the continuation of the problem happens than you will be faced with making the decision to sever ties. Nobody deserves to be treated with disrespect, it is not okay.
Dont leave your kids alone with this person. Tell your husband, be gentle and let him know about the general stuff for him to be aware and let it be. Honestly not everyone is ment to be a friend and that’s ok, if things go south let it happen because the other person started it, not the other way around.
I absolutely would not allow her to take him to the park if he’s going to be there. Period.
There’s nothing you can do about his fakeness. But there is something you can do as a mother. Don’t let your little boy around him. Make it clear that is against your rules and you’re not allowing it. Be respectful about it but firm
I’m not being a smart arse, but this doesn’t really make sense…
If you let your son be with this poison person, we will unfortunately be reading about a tragedy soon after.
Not your problem but don’t let your child go around them. Y’all don’t owe nobody an explanation and it’s not your concern about who don’t like who
Tell your MIL that because of the way her boyfriend speaks of HER son when he isn’t around and the comments he makes about your child that you do not want him around your son. He is toxic and you don’t feel comfortable allowing him access to your child.
The only thing that’s important is how you and your partner feel about each other. As far as MIL BF, well mil sounds like she has a problem on her hand because he’s a jealous man. Long story short, not liking your partner is only their problem. You can discuss it with your partner but mil bf doesn’t sound worth getting into a uproar about. Can’t please everybody. Lol
Idk as a mother I would NEVER let my man talk ill about my kids I don’t care unless my kid was nasty or disrespect my bf you either accpect mine or LEAVE bottom line and my grandkids lord help you cause mama don’t play w my grandbabies nope … tell your man stir that pot get everything out
Sounds like a narcissist to me…run
Time to cut grandma (MIL) and her BF out of the picture. I had to do it to my own mother because of her boyfriend and have no regrets. If you dont have peace and sanity then you have nothing. In other words dont put yourself and family around toxic people. The MIL will eventually get the message once you distance yourself from her too.
Your husband needs to know. Especially for the sake of your son. No way in hel* I’d let my kid go with this guy. So long as gma allows this she doesnt need to be alone with her grandson. If she allows him to act like this and still loves him who knows what else she would allow. Hurt feelings or whatever your husband needs to know so you can address the issue of your son together
I am confused.
Why are they using the word ‘partner’. Isn’t her mother-in-laws son her HUSBAND? I can not comment because the way they write this was very confusing. I can not make out the players in this story. That ability is key in order to respond.
Why can’t people make things more simple?
Is this the mother of your ex because your current partner would be her son. I can’t make sense of it.
Don’t ever let him your son go anywhere with anybody you are uncomfortable with specialty family, bad things happen with family & friends all the time. Trust your gut…
I would just stop going around the old fart. Instead, invite your MIL to do things with your family.
Don’t let him around your son. Your under no obligation for your child to be around that toxic behavior.
Never let your child spend the night or be alone with this person and you’re mother-in-law ever.
Get an evidence before telling it to your partner
DO NOT LET YOUR SON GO WITH THEM WITHOUT YOU OR YOUR HUSBAND!! The fact that the man would even WANt to take the kid anywhere when he supposedly hates the kid so much is beyond scary. That sounds like a bad “accident” waiting to happen. This is your baby boy you simple can NOT risk something like that. Let your mom deal with this toxic person that is her choice but do not let them take your kid anywhere without you/husband
Your MIL doesn’t like your bf/partner??? How is she your MIL? Sorry this makes no sense. If it’s am ex MIL then politely tell her and him to knock it off.
MIL has a bf - live in? definitely looked down on in culture during years GONE by. You have a husband/wife - times have changed & they should accept that just as their lifestyle has been accepted. Otherwise, they’re hypocrites. The 4 of you need a face to face meet & clear the air. Protect the child at all costs.
I’d go to park with if that man of your moms -goes n who you choose isn’t his business he’s not your parent n shouldn’t judge others anyways!!
My issue would be with the MIL. Why is she telling you what her boyfriend is saying? If he is saying it at all? Its a bit remeniscent of high school gossip if you ask me.
If he really is speaking negatively about you then she has to deal with it, not you. And if he is being civil to you when you are around him, accept that level of respect!
If its all made up by the MIL (which is what I suspect actually) then it means your MIL is actively trying to cause a wedge between you all. Maybe SHE is the jealous one?? Id be taking a closer look at this with a more open mind if I were you.
So let me get this straight: you’re “mother in law’s boyfriend does not like your partner?” Wouldn’t that be “her” son? And, are they his kids? If not, well, she doesn’t have any right to them, so they don’t EVER have to be near them!! Simple! And if he doesn’t like her “child”, who I am guessing is an adult, then who gives a rat’s ass?? That’s her problem…not yours or your family!!! He sounds like a user & a taker & probably someone who shouldn’t be around real people! Your m-i-l sounds needy!
Fuck him, just stay away. If your MIL wants to see her grandchild make her come to you, set boundaries and keep them.
Keep away from them. And under no circumstances let the child be with them.
Make excuses not to visit. Let you partner go alone…
Tell MIL you have had enough and won’t be ever letting your child /ren go near this man.
If she plays it up to you partner? Tell whats been happening…
Your family , your choice.
They are gay. Don’t let your child/children around the MIL’s boyfriend. Also, please tell your partner because I was in a similar situation. Have a united front at all times.
Don’t leave your children with either one of them, MIL is too weak to protect your children and let you partner know your concerns. Your children come first, be concerned!!!
If you do not want this person around your son then say no.
“No” is a full and complete sentence
You are completely right to not want this man around your child. She won’t protect her own kid and won’t protect yours either. Tell her no and, even though she should know, explain why.
She chooses to have him around knowing how he feels about her child and grandchild. If she misses out that’s on her.
Nope! Tell your partner what’s going on! He deserves to know. And if it “makes things worse” it might be best to distance yourself from your mil and him. Its all about the safety of your children and protecting your relationship and soul from these feelings of worry, stress and negativity. I have a big family- I only talk to my mother because they are either all toxic or with someone that is. Good luck
What’s the reasons for them being against him?
You have every right to stay away from that man, and your mil will have to deal with the consequences if she’s not willing to do anything about it. She needs to throw that whole man away
Just don’t be around him. Hes nothing to you anyways. Tell MIL that you just want a relationship with her. But be prepared if she doesn’t want her BF excluded. That’s her choice.
So your mother in law would that not be your parents mom??
The only answer you need to give.
Id keep my distance from them in general.
Sound like classic Narc red flags.