My mother irritates me more than anyone

Growing up, my mom worked in a salon and always talked about how “bad” of a kid I was. But never her lack of parenting. It was always the hot topic… my life. But it didn’t just stop there. She always made things more dramatic and ONLY talked about the bad, even purposely embarrassing me by making me stand by a busy street holding a sign all day saying “I lie, steal, cheat” because I tried a cigarette at school. It was to the point where her clients would bring her gifts to help brighten her day because she had to “come home and deal with me”.
Fast forward, I moved out and across the country. I got married and told her 3 months after. I then had my first child, and she did the reveal for us. Unfortunately, the surprise didn’t work in our favor since the doctor told us the gender. But I still wanted to do a reveal. Unfortunately again, she told several people the gender, leaving out my husband’s family.
Fast forward again, I’m pregnant with my second. This time it took us several months to conceive. During my struggle, my mom would tell me “just get drunk and have sex, it worked for me every time”. I was sober since I had struggled with alcohol before, and she for some reason couldn’t accept that. When I finally conceived and told her, she didn’t care but raved about it to her friends. Now for some reason I trusted her to keep the gender a secret. She has not, shocker. Instead, she again has told several people back home leaving out my husband’s family. But this time she lied to me about it, and even tried to turn my best friend against me for what ever reason. I feel dumb for being so upset over something like this.
My mom is toxic and I feel like I need to cut ties with her. I just feel guilty because she always pulls the “I’m your mother” card. What would you do? Or am I just overreacting?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother irritates me more than anyone

Mom sounds like she sucks. Good thing you moved away. Just because she is your mother doesn’t mean you need to deal with her. Set your boundaries and if she doesn’t respect that than cut her off. You’re a grown woman you don’t have to deal with anyone’s shit.


Speaking as someone who has cut their toxic mother out of their lives- it was hard. I kept making excuses ‘because she was my mother’. But after the birth of my second I realised that I would never do to my children what my mother did to us. Toxic is toxic- it doesn’t matter who it is. They say you can’t choose your family- but you absolutely can. If you want the drama free life then you absolutely have the right to choose that for you and your family. For me, it’s hard sometimes but it’s the best thing I ever did! Hope you figure out what is best for you and your family :slightly_smiling_face: x


This whole mindset of your mother is your mother and you can’t cut ties with blood is ridiculous. You shouldn’t have anybody in your life who has a negative impact on your mental health and who doesn’t bring out the best in you, mother or not. Sometimes I think especially a mother as their one duty is to love and care for their child, not hurt them. She sounds awful if I’m honest, cut her out of your life. You’ll probably feel liberated by it and happier in the long run xx


Mom or no mom there’s certain ways to treat people. If she wasn’t your mom would you still let her upset you like this or would you cut ties? Looks like she’s had more than enough chances to do the right things and each time doesn’t care about how it effects you. I would cut ties. Think about your family and what’s best for them and go from there c

My mom has pulled the I’m your mother card and I told her flat out that i don’t care because it’s my life not hers

Cut her out. You don’t need that negativity around your children.

Tell her. I need space. Then just never respond.

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Toxic is toxic family or not :woman_shrugging:t4:

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She might be your mother but sounds like an awful person, family or not, she’s toxic and what she’s done is cruel. Cut ties and move on, if she doesn’t bring you any support and happiness get rid of her! You won’t be missing out x

Cut ties! She’ll never change!