My mother is in a bad place, how do I help my son understand that?

I’m shocked they let her leave the hospital without committing her someplace for a minimum of 72 hours. Are you sure she’s home? If she isn’t, that’s probably why she’s upset. You did what you had to do.

Such a horrible sad situation. U have no choice but to give her all the space she demands. She will come around. She is probably mad at the whole world and probably has been for some time. She will have to work through it alone if she insists. But I’m guessing she will come around and eventually seek the support of the ones who truly love her. After all u saved her life. How can she stay angry for that??? I’m praying.

Keep saying same excuse . Your mom has to come around , that’s it . If she doesn’t that’s her loss. :heartpulse:

Given he’s so young I would keep it simple. Adults sometimes forget that the more you involve a kid, the faster they grow up or try to grow up (speaking from experience)

Tell your son the truth… your mom doesn’t want to be with him or anyone else anymore… the world is a messed up place better he learns that now

Just explain that she isn’t well right now and needs time to heal <3

They let her go home after overdose?!

Just tell him she hasn’t been feeling herself lately and say her brain has a sickness so she needs time to get help and feel better. Make it sound more like a “break” from grandma for awhile, rather than it being a sad forever scenario

She’s toxic to you and your son. :pray:t2::heart:

I hope this helps

The truth is always best.

take a break have THE kitkat

He is too young to be shattering his bubble of innocence. Do NOT talk about addiction, suicide etc. Simply tell him that she is sick and people are helping her to feel better. When she feels better, he can see her. That’s all he needs to know right now.Asfor you, I’m so sorry this is happening. She is in a deep hole right now and will lash out. Just ignore any bs she throws out your way. You did the right thing.And do NOT let him over there unsupervised until her depression is appropriately handled.


Tell him the truth. Nonna isn’t safe. IMO and from my own experiences, I suggest it’s better to speak to the facts and not the feelings. It’s ok to be sad and ok to miss her… but safety (and boundaries set from you) are the MUST.

Granny is really sick and needs supervised with kids and is refusing help

Addiction is not a spectator sport, eventually the whole family gets to play.

Explain to your son what addiction is and how hard it is to beat that disease and maybe take a step back from your mom for a while because it’s not good for your son to be in that environment anyways. I pray she gets help

Get her help! Trust me, when she becomes herself again, she will thank you!

Explain to him that she needs some time to get better, she needs her space.

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First, I don’t understand why there was no 72 hour hold in place since she deliberately tried to overdose.
Second, in this issue of taking Xanax, your son shouldn’t be left with your mom. Xanax is an extremely powerful medication that causes a whole host of side effects.
None that a child should be witness to.
Please just explain to your son that your mom is not feeling well, and when the doctor says she’s better, then he can go see her.
If you do allow contact, I hope that you are present to monitor the situation.

It’s not an excuse. You just told him the truth.

But she is sick and does need help so your not wrong in that
Unfortunately I have a family member that my children love dearly but every time him and I argue he doesn’t allow my children to see him at first and I didn’t have to say anything they are very receptive to their surroundings and try not to lie to him if you don’t have to
I wouldn’t be to hard on yourself

I’m surprised she wasn’t admitted to get help for the attempt.

If he’s 7, he should be able to understand a little bit of it. But not a lot. Maybe explain it as a sickness that doesn’t go away (unless she gets help but telling him that part might make him just get mad eventually that she isnt getting help)

She is going be poorly for a long time and needs to get lots of help to get well and we will see her eventually but not until she is totally better. Maybe he could write her letters and you keep them in a box together or post them to her? She clearly needs a lot of help and tell her staying away is fine, but she is breaking everyone’s heart by reacting this way, she needs to see why her behaviour is wrong and that she needs help When that’s done and she’s on the road to health again, to call you, apologise and then you can plan to meet

Explain exactly that. Shes sick and is getting help right now

It’s like a bandaid, just explain it thr best you can and let him ask questions and be honest, but he can not spend time with someone like that anymore. Kids understand way more than we give them credit for usually.

She may be embarrassed that her daughter had to step in. The behaviour send reflective. Give her some space but let her know your there for her. Someone above suggested sending notes and pictures. This will help them both during this phase xx

Who is a snitch? You because you saved her life? After taking xanax, people get irate sometimes so maybe time will heal this or maybe it’s better this way.