My neighbor stole a package off my front porch: How should I handle this?

I would confront her first since her kids are most likely to blame. What worries me the most if the kids took the diet pills or even contaminated them somehow. In order to get a refund on them I would ask her to pay for them. Hopefully the kid will be fine if they took them. Be sure and explain very clearly you will not tolerate this again and will contact the police for mail fraud. Have all your packages delivered to your work, a friend’s home, or to be held at the post office for pick up.

Taking someone’s mail is illegal. I would file a report children or not. She’s teaching them bad habits and she needs to learn her lesson for it. Chances are they will take her in and if it’s a first offence then it won’t be a huge thing but still. I doubt she would do it again


Even if it was the kids the mom should have fixed it

I would write her a letter with all the documentation proving that you have evidence against her and just ask her not to do it again.

I’d file a police report theft is theft & it is never ever okay to steal from someone, Also let the Landlord know

Everyone is afraid of confrontation. It’s why she didn’t say anything to you and why you are posting here. Just tell her, hey the box was delivered to my house not yours…I’m not going to push it this time, but if it happens again to me or any of the neighbors then it will be reported.

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go to the property manager and fike a complaint. Let Amazon know the package was stolen too. They will replace it. Def get a security. amera, and if happens again then call the cops and file again with property manager.

I would speak to the neighbour, you really can’t make an enemy of someone living that close to you. Maybe the children took it for a bit of trouble making. Hopefully she’ll be warned off if you speak to her.

Dont file a polive report because that will ruin her life over fake diet pills and a foot massager. Thats dumb as fuck. Just report it to the apartment manager and let them give her a warning.

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File a police report. The woman is clearly a thief and needs to be held accountable for her actions.

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At the very least, I’d talk to the landlord and tell them you want her gone. Cant live next to a thief! If they wont do anything, I’d file a police report.

I’m a single mom of four and I’ve never felt the need to rob my neighbor. I would file a police report, and also let the complex know. She clearly knew exactly what she was doing. What if it had been a nice electronic of some sort would she have returned it? Doubt it. No excuse for this what so ever!


Definitely file a police report. Don’t roll over and allow her to get away with this. Set a firm example from minute one. There’s no excuse in theft.


Police report and let the complex manger know


You need to order the glitter box! It explodes and spreads glitter or fart upon opening. Do it and teach her a mom lesson.


Before you file a police report and make all those assumptions I would definitely speak to her first! If then still unsatisfied do what you feel is necessary at that point.


Police report, theft is theft!

If this is a first time thing, I’d talk to her first and give her a warning.

"Hey I know you’re having a tough time but what you did is wrong and showing a bad example for your kiddos. If the package contained a gift they would be out a gift because of your actions. Next time this happens I’ll be forced to get authorities and the manager involved "

Something along those lines. The holidays can make desperate people do messed up things


File the police report and notify the office manager.


File a police report. I was a single mom until my daughter was 8 yrs old and never felt the need to steal anything. It’s wrong and she’s showing her kids that it’s okay to do this

Police report. She’s obviously setting a horrible example for the children…so you would be doing them a favour by holding her accountable.

I’m abit concerned that her kids handed you the tablets. That were open. Could the kids have taken them :scream:. Something/someone needs to check this. If this was me I would knock back on her door and say I have noticed the tablets were open. I want to make sure u are aware incase ur kids have taken them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a single mother of 4 or single person, people shouldn’t steal especially from their neighbour’s


I would confront her first and let her know that you have evidence , RECORD THE CONVERSATION. See what she says, if she admits she took it then call the police and let them know you have confirmation from Amazon and her.


Set up a camera and have a dummy gift placed on your porch to see if you can catch her or the kids.


Police report and apartment manager

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I would do all of the above! Especially if it was on your porch and she took it… can she read? Then she probably saw your name on it… just because she’s a single mom doesn’t excuse that she can steal.

Tell her if she takes your shit again you’re going to beat her ass in front of her kids.

Obviously don’t really beat her ass, but it’s not bad to scare her a little. She’s a grown ass adult and knows better. Fuck that.


just remember you have to live next to her for however long…some people can be real assholes and make that difficult… Let it slide, you got your stuff back. and from now on whenever u order anything change the date to when u will be home and able to watch, or some sites have were u can put a note section and include for them to knock etc. If not i know ups/ fedex etc do

Definitely file a report… who knows how many times she’s done this and gotten away with it.


i would not be ordering anything else from amazon unless you can go to an location to pickup. I would also make a complaints to the apartment office. I would also do a police report

She took it because she thought you wouldn’t turn her in if you found out. She will do it again. You decide.

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Confront the bitch. File a report.


If ot was clearly deleivered to your porch id report it. Idc weather her kids or her took it. It was left on your porch and they took it. Period. And its illegal to open anothers mail. 💁


Do both. File a police report and file a complaint with the landlord. Youre a bigger person than I am because with all that evidence, I’da gone off on her. Do not let it slide, it will happen again and if she doesnt like being made out as a thief and wants to get salty and petty, perhaps she shouldnt take a package that was never hers to begin with. Two can play at that game. I mostly order items for my children, if a package of mine got taken like that… ouuuu. As if people on here are actually telling you to let it slide because " people can get hasty and be assholes"… NO, dont be a stealing POS. Shes an “adult” with children, she should know better. Actions come with consequences. and its SAD AF that her kids even knew right away and gave you your stuff back. Mom of the year. :roll_eyes:


Single mom here of two girls, work for what you or your kids need. That’s just embarrassing that her kids are better than her and they handed you the items.

Have ur packages delivered to work or office then no need to start a dued

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Look into if you’re able to install a ring doorbell system? Where it records of someone comes to your door?

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If Amazon advises you to file a report then file a report. It’s not the same as pressing charges. You will have a paper trail if it happens again.


Report it! That’s illegal!

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If she does not steal YOUR packages, she very well could steal other people’s. I would let the apartment manager know at least.


I would make a police report for sure. If she does it to you… I am a single mom of 3 kids and I would NEVER take other people’s stuff. Ever…


Disgusting creature. :rage:

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So we have a locked box on my porch that is for packages. The mailman has the key. Fuck theives. That bitch straight up stole your shit.
Glitter bomb her ass.


File police report an report to apt manager save pics for proof…the police may question kids about incident…she should be evicted…im sure she has done this before


Teach her, and her children a lesson!

I had this happen contact the property management u get further than u do with police in solving the issue, when I called to file a police report it took 5 days for an officer to come out and my neighbour wasn’t even talked to afterwards. But as soon as I notified the property management packages stopped going missing they resolved the issue right away. Also if children are handing u pills that were clearly accessible to them I’m wondering how old they were. NO child should be able to reach a medication

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I would confront her about it and then tell her the next time she take my package I will be calling the police on u and hopefully she wont steal none of your package

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File the reports! The way she acted like you stated means this is not the first time she has done this!! I understand she’s having a hard time,
Hell, most of us do! But she need to learn her lesson and stop corrupting those kids minds!

I will report it, I’m very sure that your name and address was on that package so even if that was delivered by mistake I’m sure she knows her name, so I will report her to the police and the apparment complex manager.


Once a crook always a crook call the cops

My opinion. Since the kids opened the door and immediately gave you what was yours back. And the mother didn’t speak to you at all. I think the mother had no idea what was going on. Which in fact is scary as well. I mean did she see you at the door? I would hope that she would have paid attention to someone being at the door. But maybe she isn’t so attentive. Idk I would most definitely confront her. By now though she can deny any part in it and blame her kids. Which would again be sad AF. And I agree two pills missing. That to me indicates someone not knowing what they where and that possibly being the children. Cause I would think a thief and adult thief would have just taken the entire bottle. Who knows for real. People are so strange these days. Anything is possible. Hope it gets resolved and this doesn’t happen again.


As someone in property management, talking with your property manager is a good step, but it shouldn’t be your last one. It’s also after the fact and unlikely it will happen again since they were caught, so not a whole lot can be done on that end.

I would confront the neighbor, or at the least leave her a note. Also I would make one of those online police reports to get it on record. If she is dumb enough to do it again, having that record, will help you…


Call amazon I’ve had this happen and they will either refund you or send it to you again

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I would show her the pics that proves it was ur porch n tell her if it happens again u will press charges. That’s low of her but I’d let it go. U got ur foot massager n if only 2 ketos r missing I’d let it go but I would Definitly have a talk with her that this won’t b tolerated again.


Don’t know what state you live in but a few states recently passed laws stating that it was illegal to steal packages off porches. I mean it already was illegal because of theft but now it’s a law all in its own. I’d file the police report she won’t talk to you, she completely ignored you the other day plus your product has been tampered with. I’d 100% call the cops on her and file a police report.


Make a report and try to either get a refund or get a new package. Theres no telling what they did to the pills. And if the foot massager was opened they could have used it and theres no telling if they have foot fungus or athlete’s feet.


Order one of those boxes that explode glitter everywhere. But make it penis glitter. And then confront her. If she’s covered in dicks I mean :woman_shrugging: lol
But seriously people are assholes. Don’t roll over and take it. I would confront her first. Give her an ultimatum- if she does it again, you’re taking it to the next level. Remember, this is your neighbor you have to live next to. She can make your life hell.
But tell your complex manager. If you can, get one of those camera doorbells. Someone else mentioned that you can have the packages delivered directly to you vs being left at the door- if you don’t answer they try again the next day.
Otherwise, they offer delivery to locked Amazon boxes in various locations and I think it’s free.


I would report to both the police and the management office


Tell amazon your package was stolen

I’d go to police and Amazon.

If your complex has a courtesy officer I would go to them.

I would report it and get a camera on your front porch for future problems

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I would also invest in a bin with a lock, leave it unlocked and tell the Amazon worker to lock it after the package has been dropped off :ok_hand: cheap and effective, also makes a nice passive aggressive point to the neighbor


I agree with what everyone is saying! I’d inform some people. I would also have my packages held at the post office. I had this issue when I lived in an apartment about a year ago. I confronted her and she gave back some stuff but not all of it. They weren’t able to do much to keep her from taking them since I had no cameras. So I had the post office hold them for me!

There are people that steal packages and you have one right near your house! Be ware of your neighbors actions,

Totally off topic, but Amazon can take a picture of your package on your porch? How?

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I wouldn’t go to the police, I would report it to management and make sure all my packages are delivered to their office from now on. You have that choice when your ordering.

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I would just forget about it She must need it more than you but I would tell the manger :blush:

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Could maybe the kids have gotten a hold of it and opened it? I would confront her, get a ring doorbell, and have packages delivered somewhere else. And let her know if it happens again you’ll file a report to the police.

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I’d have the police go w/ you to confront her, even if you don’t want to press charges she will know that you & others are on to her & she’s been called out on it. Otherwise it will continue to go on w/ others…good luck!

Opening someone else’s mail is a federal offense. File a complaint. That’ll teach her and her kids not to do that sort of thing again.


Report it to your property manager and have Amazon deliver to a locker. It’s inconvenient but at least you will get your items and it won’t be opened. Ring doorbells aren’t crazy expensive and it could deter her from doing it again too. But definitely let your manager know. They might be uncomfortable confronting the resident, but it’s their job to handle situations like this. We don’t encourage other residents to confront anyone so there isn’t any altercation or retaliation. But, if you’re the only one she’s stealing mail from then she’ll know so it may end up like that anyway. I also wouldn’t take the pills since it’s been opened. But you may need to file a police report for them to replace them since they’re open.

I’d be going to the police.

Um that’s a FEDERAL crime. Put a camera on your front porch and catch them in the act!

Don’t do it. If your neighbor stole your mail, they’ll do other things to get back at you if you report it. The fact is, anyone can steal your packages if they’re left unattended for long. Live and learn

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This was no accident and the woman already tried confronting her. File a report for sure, she probably steals from others too.