My new apartment manager told me my apartment wasn't liveable for a 3 year old: Advice?

Like judge Judy always says,MOVE!

I would of put him in check and let him know the health hazard is on his company as those are not tenants responsibilities to fix. You legally could send a certified letter (include proof of reporting those issues) and withhold rent until they are fixed.

Speak up !!! Take pictures of all the areas tht you know are bad so tht you hv proof.

He’s not wrong through if there is mold from these issues it’s not healthy for him at all. It’s not your fault that is the case, it’s a series of unfortunate events but he’s not attacking your parenting saying it he’s looking out for the well-being of your child. With the state coming in soon he did you a huge favor because they can remove a child for unsafe living environments and mold is an unsafe living environment.

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Mold can be deadly
It is unsafe for you and your child…
Speak up.
Pay for the repairs out of pocket then give the receipt to the manager and say they need to pay you back or comp.your rent.
Or leave and find a new place to live…

Your crying because someone made you feel like a bad parent but you choose to make your child live in a place with mold so the person may actually be right.

Idk why you haven’t reported any of this to your countys health department or contacted someone for assistance.

You need to first and foremost, take pictures of the state of your home, some property managers are likely to report what they say to you to CPS. THEN, you need to get on list for other apartments that you can afford. Put in writing your request to fix the things that are necessary to maintenance and make a copy, notarized if you can. Lastly, call the fair housing authorities or your local HUD office. You’ll be alright mama.


If you yourself know your place is clean and fine for your son then you shouldn’t be worried let him call someone let them come in they’ll be wasting there time .

Speak up! Finding a place to live is nearly impossible. Sounds like it’s not liveable for anyone and it’s not YOUR fault. It’s MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENENCE fault. Don’t let them tear you down. New ownership could mean they might want new tenants and will be pushing out the old anyway they can. If your lease is valid and good, keep complaining. Keep having your neighbor complain. Let the state know of what he said and elaborate on what he said. Stating you took it to believe he was disgusted with the old owners and saw the issues to be repaired. Even if you did take it personally, don’t let them know that. Landlords can be scum. Sounds like you care, good mom’s care. Stand up for yourself, your son and your neighbor. Don’t let them intimidate you into keeping your mouth shut. :heart:

Where’s the father? Man of the house?

He’s talking about the mold . Not you as a parent . :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

Put the problems with the appliances in writing and send certified mail and start researching how to hold management accountable and start looking for another place to live

The new manager is right, but it’s not your fault, it’s their fault. I would have looked at him/her and said yeah of course but when are you going to fix this or do I need to sue you to get something done!!!


Oh no, I’d have FLIPPED.

Say something to new management! Tell them how many times you’ve put in maintenance requests for these things. And how nothing ever gets done. And that if it’s unlivable for a child, it’s their fault bc you’re doing what you’re supposed to do.


So you ideally take this and run with it, you’ve had a agent state its not liveable. Not that your a bad parent they mean the living conditions are below standard. As in the house itself lovely please do not think they were commenting on your housekeeping!

Always keep written documentation along with pics on EVERYTHING. Once you get a new place take dated pics of everything from screens, floors, carpeting etc…it’s the only way one can get security deposits back…don’t forget to provide copies about repairs needed, concerns prior or a day or 2 before moving in also copies of pics…covers your butt and…you have evidence. I take pics of everything…bills, payments , everything…

I’d go above maintenance and go the the proper authorities if it’s mould then you could be at risk and actually able to sue the building owners. Look into legal advise and get out of ther

Do you know that you can withhold your rent, must be kept in an account showing you can pay it, if the things that you have reported aren’t fixed within a 30 day period. You must write a letter to your landlord/management company stating that you are doing such. But I bet e wry thing will get fixed asap. They can not evict you because of it. You and the tenant down stairs can do this. They’re making your home uninhabitable because of mold.

Ummm. I really dont wanna sound mean, but it shouldn’t take anyone to tell you that place is not liveable. You know it isn’t by the description you gave about things. You know exactly what he meant. If you can move then why continue to subject your child to those living conditions that can absolutely harm their health? If you can’t move then you definitely need to find a pro Bono attorney or look into some help from legal aide or something. But mama you can’t have your kid living with black mold.

You should report them to the health department

You can call the board of health and report them on the things that are going on

if there’s mold and constant leaking problems, then he’s right, it doesn’t matter how clean you are, mold is dangerous for your child.

Doesn’t sound like they were attacking your cleaning skills.
But why on earth would you keep your child in that type of environment? After you report it once or twice it’s time to reconsider your living situation for yourself and your child’s health and safety.


Call your local news stations!

He’s not saying anything bad about your son or your parenting ability. He’s simply stating the fact that an apartment in that condition is NOT safe for anyone really let alone a young child.

It doesn’t sound like he’s saying it’s unlivable as in you don’t clean and the child is living in filth. It sounds more like he’s saying it’s unlivable as in not safe because of these issues. It’s likely when the state comes out they will give the building owners X amount of time to make all the repairs to make the building habitable and then come back out for a re-inspection.

If he is a new apartment manager, explain to him that you have been trying to get these issues resolved and nothing has happened.

My only thing is you mention NEW manager. So the way I take it his comment is towards the last manager and he hopefully plans to fix it stat. Saying how it’s not safe for a child so it needs to be taken care of asap. And it was more a dig at old management ignoring these issues.

Is there mold in your apartment? That could be what he’s talking about, not so much it being dirty. Being you claim it was clean, other than a spot on the walls. Makes me feel he’s not referring to something you didn’t do. Could be there’s mold. Which can lead to many health problems.

Stop using the dish washer untill it’s fixed. I went without mine for months, before getting it fixed. It dosent take much to get mold, when water leaks.

Do a walk through of your home, while recording, take pictures, that shows your home isn’t dirty.
You can buy cleaner to get rid of any mold. Read your rights for your state, being a tenant. There’s laws protecting us from crappy landlords.
Keep your receipt when you buy the cleaning products. Do it in a separate transaction.
Email whoever is in charge of fixing things, so you have a record. Get your neighbor to do the same.

It just isn’t safe mold isn’t safe for your mature lungs his aren’t mature can creep up super fast and hospitalize him

I imagine it’s a black mold issue which will harm not only your three year old but you as well time to find something better

Photos! If state comes in to inspect he will get his rear in trouble. Show it to them! New management will hopefully change everything for ya’ll for the better. Or with state coming in he may jump on it quickly so he doesn’t get in trouble. As far as hand prints. Magic eraser takes off a lot with my kids. The Mr clean ones. Don’t stree over what he said. What you described with leaks and mold isn’t fit. I don’t think he was attacking you personally. Just upset that the prior management let this go on with a baby in there.

I’m not saying this to scare you or anyone but my brother had an apartment he shared with his gf at the time. They didn’t know there was a mold problem until she got EXTREMELY sick. I don’t think it was meant that you made it unsafe, I think he was just stating that bc of the mold and stuff. But at first when I read this I felt the same as you and was like offended they’d tell you that but I think I see what they’re trying to say and its not your fault. But on the other hand why tf are they inspecting it but not fixing anything for 3 YEARS? doesn’t make sense to me. I hope they fix it for you and make it right especially being there for 3 yrs already

Unless you’re a plumber or a mold expert you would never know. Give yourself some grace here, mama.

Now luckily the law is on your side and while the unit gets remediated he has to find alternative housing for you. He might try to get you to move. Especially if he’s renovating the unit and is going to try to rent it for more, but if the state is coming in they’ll be on the side of your son!

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Did he maybe say it because of the problems u stated and mean he is gonna have it all fixed?

Everyone is overlooking the fact that it is a new apartment manager, not the previous management who did nothing. The building is basically unfit to live in, that is what the new manager is saying. It would be better to vacate the apartments and possibly fix them, because long term water damage causes mold between walls, which would mean drywall has to come down, new wood installed with insulation, and new drywall put up.

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On another note if the state is inspecting and it’s as bad as you say I would start looking now for alternate housing just in case they do something drastic and the owner doesn’t comply. Sounds like a mess from management to maintenance

Document with pictures and the all the times you have had work orders placed, if your child.has gotten sick because if this take him to the doctor and tell the doctor about the mold, make an official report or complaint and have the signed your copy of receipt, or send it certified mail with the green card attached so they have to sign and the card comes to you as proof. Do all this because if the statement he made that the apartment is.not liveable for a 3 yr old, there are plenty of cases where the mother gets in trouble for no fault of her own. Document, document document everything, you mighht even have a aim against them and they will have to pay youroving expenses. Talk to a lawyer

I don’t think it was about you this time. Maybe he was referring to the mold and leaking issues. Which, like you said, you’ve reported many times. You’ve done your best with what you have and it sounds like the complex itself is a dumpster fire. Are you in a position where you can move or end your lease?

Ok people she may not be able to afford to move. She may not know about black mold. Depends on how he said it. He probably should have said due to the water and mold issue. Sounds like she’s young. Frist did you make those requests in writing.2 maintenance guy a creep ask someone to be there with you. Go to city and see what resources are available to help


Report him to corporate
The people who own the property
Find out who his boss is
Start documenting everything
Take pics &
Videos of what is in need of repair or replacement

The mold is reason enough.

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He wasn’t saying anything about your son. Clean dishes mean diddily squat with mold and water leaking in the apartment. The inspector is correct, with those issues, the apartment isn’t livable/safe for a 3 year old. The water leaking into the downstairs neighbor’s apartment means that it isn’t safe for a 2 year old either.


Mold is not healthy for anyone especially a 3 year old child. Save your money and move out OR make sure you speak up when the state comes! You’re landlord should have to do some maintenance and put you up if he has to while he works. It’s the law.

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I don’t think his statement was directed at you. It sounds like the apartment actually is a health risk to your baby. Mold is toxic and neither of you should be breathing it in. Contact your local health department, building department, landlord tenant court, and if your able, a lawyer. You have notified building management on several occasions and nothing has been done. The building owners may be responsible to provide alternate housing while the situation is rectified. And you may end up receiving compensation.
The housing market is out of control right now so I understand how hard it is to find an affordable living situation. Some landlords are purposely pushing tenants out so they can raise the rents. If you have a temporary place to stay while you make your calls and get your ducks in a row definitely go there for the baby’s sake.

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I don’t think he’s talking like you’re not doing a good job. He’s being realistic in that your apartment hasn’t been kept up maintenance wise and it is now unsafe for your children to breathe that air.


No one should be living in a house with mold

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Tell him you agree and get a lawyer. I’m sure you e already reported to the housing authority?

I wouldn’t take it personal

Its not your fault. Thats poor management for not taking care of the situation when you’ve addressed it multiple times. Explain that to whomever inspects the appartment. Dont be nice about it and demand to be moved to another apartment.

He’s only worried about it now because of the inspection or he would be fine to continue to let it go on. Call fair housing or a lawyer to see what your rights are in your area. You might be able to get a hotel while it’s repaired or you might have to move. This is on them, not your cleaning ability. If the maintenance guy is a creep try to have someone else come over during the times he’ll be there.

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If anything that’s a good thing he said it meaning new management is acknowledged what’s been going on. I’d be thankful he actually cares enough

He didn’t say it was dirty. He said it’s unlovable. Meaning water leaks consistently leave mold which can cause serious healthy issues for young kids

Mold is very dangerous to live with so if management is basing their statement on that, they are right. Even though it’s not your fault, it’s a health hazard and could make your child and yourself extremely ill. If the inspector said it, then they are trying to let you know. They aren’t blaming you, just stating a fact, which you need to listen to before you both get really sick. When they come to inspect, make sure you let them know. Prayers up :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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You should have asked him who is it livable for… And why he stated that it’s not livable for a three year old?  this makes me think there’s a hidden agenda to scare you and possibly get you to move out.  I would sit tight and see what the state says when the inspection hits. It’s possible that they want you to move out so they don’t get dinged and they can then just say that the apartment is under inspection. I would make sure you are there for the state inspections you can point out the problems which will funnel back to them and they will have to DO something about it finally.

I just had a mold issue because I kept running my ac that was dripping due to a clogged drain hose. I have heart failure so being in an apt when it was 117 outside without AC wasn’t happening. It took them 45 days to get someone out since I 1st reported it. Then I ripped off the baseboards and sprayed the mold with straight bleach. Almost instantly my my headache, sneezing, runny nose, and coughing went away. If they hadn’t done something that day we were going to sleep in the car that night. You can smell the mustiness of mold. If you have no other options lysol the hell out of your place then keep doors and windows open as much as you can for fresh air. Stop using anything that leaks for now.

Doesn’t sound like he was attacking your home, he was letting you know the apartment isn’t suitable for ANY child. AKA the unit is unhealthy and he is aware

there is probably a lot of mould in the building itself with all the leaks. Are you able to find somewhere that is better maintained?

Hopefully u kept record of all the timea you’ve complained abt it. Them not fixing their own property isnt on you!

What state do you live in? It’s the buildings responsibility to keep it a safe and live able environment for everyone. If there’s mold involved it means it isn’t safe for anyone ~ not just kids. The whole building needs to be brought up to standards ~ get a hold of your local tenants union & hold the management accountable for repairs.

Is this apartment manager aware of these issues you’ve had with old management?
Because I would explain

Use glove and white vinegar to remove mold… a/c drain line is clogged. Open it. If the drain pan leaks. Let it dry spray with flex seal in pan and under pan. Dishwasher is a sanitizer. Not a dish scrubber. In the bottom of dishwasher there’s a catch all basket clean it out. Wipe down gasket with vinegar to clean for proper seal. Make sure the dishwasher drains after use…

That’s not safe for any of y’all and it’s their problem, they need to fix it ! Anytime you report an problem write down when you reported it who you reported it to . That way you have back up that you did what you were suppose to do and they are the ones not following thru.

It might be talking about the black mold it can be very dangerous thing and he might be trying to tell you that so you know ahead of time I would say something to him and don’t wait

You need to document everything that you’ve been going through and take them to court and tell the building inspector how y’all have reported it and nothing has happened. But as for living there it’s not healthy for either of you mold is a horrible thing and can make y’all very sick

Honey, the black mold is why it isn’t safe for a 3 year-old. Or you. That causes serious damage and you should feel good that the new management is telling you this and hopefully fixing this. I wouldn’t have taken it as my house “looks” dirty

Well sounds like you probably have some mold and issues that are not situation for your son or yourself should be living in. Wouldn’t be taking it as a direct hit to you, just a hazards.

Report them…they should keep up with the things that are not working in the apt! :angry:

I don’t think he meant it negatively to you. I think he was saying it about the conditions. But that is obviously on old management. You can clarify it with him though for sure.

Ask him what is he going to do to make it liveable for your 3 year old? Because you on a budget and the place suppose to be liveable for anybody?

Speekup no one should live like that I was a landlord for 42 years and fixed things in a day and my rent was cheap as I wanted to give younger people a chance to get their own home

Sounds like he should be repairing your apartment then? If it isn’t healthy for a 3 year old, it isn’t healthy for anyone and it’s his job to make it so it is

Tell the inspector everything that’s wrong in your apartment. By law they have to fix it or the landlord will get fined when they come back around for a re-inspection!

Everything uve states…Yes it UNLIVABLE FOR A KID…


Call the housing authorities and turn them in…

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That’s not livable for a 3 year old. Shame on you. Mold is not safe at all. Stop thinking about yourself and being a little child about it trowning a hissy fit and leave for your child before they suffer health problems :woman_facepalming:

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Maybe he didnt mean anything other than its not right for a child to live in mold… maybe came out wrong?

Mold is unsafe for anyone so he’s right maybe you should move

I this case I’d have to believe him and say good point and take him them whom ever owns the place and sue the shit out of him for not repairing the place. The mold alone will be enough to win huge money. Then go buy a decent place to raise your son. No need to cry he just gave you ammunition to win your case.

Call the health and code department

Breathing in mold can case all kinds of respiratory ailments and rashes. Make sure that you are present when the state comes in and give them a list of dates when you reported the issues to maintenance. Also, if you have a housing authority near you, please report your grievances to them. Even if you don’t live in economic housing or on section 8 they can either point you in the direction of someone who can help you get your issues fixed, find you temp housing, or find you a suitable place to live. They can also, legally, make your apt fix the mess that’s wrong or you can sue them or the state can have them shut down.

Please try to find another apartment… red flags everywhere

He is correct! Molds is very dangerous. When the city comes, the apartments will he ordered to vacate

Yeah no I’d speak up and say well it’s either fix things around here or I’ll file complaints with fire marshal’s or whatever you need to do… because your place isn’t safe

Call Health dept and report a mold wet celling problem

So if you’ve made numerous reports & nothing is getting done then maybe you should call your county code enforcement & let them know what’s going on so something can be done. Speak up, closed mouths don’t get fed


I’m sorry… Why is he saying it like it’s YOUR fault??? He needs to get off of his ass and fix this shit and you 100% need to get off yours and say something until something gets done… OR get it fixed yourself and take that off of the rent you pay. They are required to keep your apartment livable. If it’s not, it’s financially on them. If they do nothing and you have to get it done then it comes out of the rent. Step up. Stop complaining about it and DO SOMETHING. I know it’s not so simple to just move… So like I said, get it fixed and take it out of the rent. Send a copy of the bill in with the remainder of the rent money and a note explaining the situation. That’s it.

Make sure to print out all those communications you did if by email or record it on paper when you called and why and who you spoke to. Give that to State when they come to save your butt.

I would call them out on the repairs they have yet to complete! Like a sneak diss to the inspection people!

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Sounds like he just trying to get u to move

Definitely tell what’s up

YOU HAVE TO CALL THE CITY. Leave the other non issues. You’re a good Mom. He’s the ass. The only draw back is that you have to tell them who is reporting them. Be strong. Be brave. What you are saying is BS on their part. Not YOU.

He’s literally just trying to plant a seed in your head to move. They aren’t fixing your problems and it looks bad on them with you having a baby living in the apartment they are neglecting to update.

Sounds like an apartment I used to live in years ago

I would say you agree and can I move units and or show them whatever the problems are

Take dated photos. Make maintenance reports in writing via email. Follow it up.

Stop sending this bullshit take it elsewhere for proper advice

Mold is toxic. You need to move as the guy is right.