My new husband has been lying to me

Don’t trust this guy


Why are you both smoking when you can’t pay your bills? Why is he buying an Xbox when he is an adult with a child to feed and take of? He is no longer a child and he needs to grow up and try harder in this big bad world to be a man for a change. He has no business taking your mom for her money and lying to her and you let him get away with it. As long as he is getting away with lying he will never stop.


You and him, just grow up and act like adults.

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Are you sure your not married to my ex husband :laughing: he lied and lied and even believed his own lies


You knew who you were marrying

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Do you not work? Who works? Who is bringing in the money? You both sound like a bunch of children raising a poor baby. Two grown adults who are supposed to raise a child can’t even help themselves. Basically children are raising children. The whole situation is sad between his lying, y’all being broke and rather instead of using that money for something else maybe pay a bill that’s cheap, buy groceries or stuff for the baby y’all go spend it on smokes. The only person I feel bad for in this situation is that poor baby. Seems like both of you need to grow up and be better parents for your child cause that baby is helpless and needs its parents. If you don’t work maybe you should consider getting a job since y’all are struggling financially. If you do, request more hours to work to get more money or maybe one of you will have to work two jobs. Good luck. I know how it feels to be extremely poor.


How old is he? Like this sounds like some teens that got married to early… i would honestly get divorced and move on… this is not a good or healthy marriage…

Take the money and you hold it and go pay the Xbox yourself and from now on tell your parents any money for your household is to be given to you instead of him since he can’t be trusted and let him know that now he’ll have to earn that trust back. Period. You have a baby to take care of.

If you guys are hiding ciggies from each other
It might be worth thinking about cutting down , using a vap or just quitting altogether
That will save you some money each month so you don’t have to pawn stuff
I think your mom did a bad thing by giving him the money to start with
As for him being on his game console
Hide the HDMI cord
That way He can only play for a short time
Until he can prove to you He can be responsible
Hand him the bill’s and demand he pays half
Or simply just take bubs and walk away
Also tell your mom She was wrong for handing money over to him and become part of the diceat

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You both need to grow up,
Get off the smokes and stop relying on others to pay for things.
You are both adults and have responsibilities your child is one of them.


Walk away now, you’ve invested enough. It will NOT get better…


First of all, why is you’re mother giving him the money? Why isn’t it going to you? Why you smoking when you can not afford to live? You both sound so immature. Sell the x box and pay you’re bills!!! Then leave his arse as he is never going to grow up! Men like that will be boys forever. Go get a dam job and do you’re child a favour by raising him/her right!

You sound very very very young and so does him


He’s a adult your a adult neither of you are acting like adults… he’s not a child anymore and he can’t use that excuse“ he never got taught right from wrong” He’s a adult and his brain has developed, he knows the difference of right and wrong, that’s the whole idea of learning, he is manipulative and narcissistic, you need to keep standing your ground otherwise he will always be lying to you and your child will grow up around that.

Neither of you are acting like your married your both acting like teenagers, this isn’t a marriage at all because if it was he wouldn’t be hiding money or lying he would be communicating with you and putting you and your/his child first.

I’m confused lol so this is all about basically a Xbox and smokes?? Sell the Xbox and stop smoking!!


enabling him to lie is your own doing! You can’t stop just letting it go. It’s hard, it’s bad, but even if it costs your marriage, I’m sorry but you must confront or stop it. If you don’t the only other option is to live with the ongoing lies and humiliation

I mean it could be the environment he’s in. You said he lies not to “get in trouble” ? He’s not a child. Maybe talk openly & figure stuff out but honestly a grown adult shouldn’t be in trouble you guys should communicate about bills & expenses.


It’s the 5month old and the both parents smoking that got to me. Do you both smoke around the baby? Kmt sounds like one immature reckless hot mess


Stuff like this will only get worse. It’ll get really ugly complicated when it comes to your 5mo.
Could try counseling but I don’t really know about this 1. Lies are pretty dangerous

Why are two broke parents worried about a Xbox.


First off you both need to go to marriage counseling and also financial counseling because without intervention your marriage is not going to make it. You all may want to think about individual counseling as well.


You’re parents. Xbox and smokes sound like the priority here. I think you need to both grow up, you have a kid


Ummm, forget the dumb Xbox :rofl::joy:


Sell the x box and buy some smokes and gas. Once your financially stable then you can buy another one. A game system is a luxury that you to can’t afford right now. You 2 have a kid ,your priority should your kid,job and a place to live. Once you achieve that then comes the the “wants” right now yall need to focus on “needs”.


Sounds like your more worried about him losing a dang xbox thats in pawn… If hes not worried about HIS silly boy game then why are you?. Did he use any of that money for gas? Food?

If he has a spending problem I’d suggest you take over the accounts to make sure all bills are paid and baby has all it needs and your all fed with a roof over your heads. Suggest counseling as a couple and for his spending habits. Allocate in your budget your smoke cost. You get your pack and he has his and that has to last. If he doesn’t have the access to the money maybe the temptation won’t be there either.
I’d say let cash converters have the xbox then your debt free with them I’m assume it’s worth the amount borrowed. It’s a fixable issue if you have the time and patience no judgement if you don’t. Old habits can be hard to break. But if he and your marriage is worth it to you and baby definitely seek some outside help and don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. I’d also be honest with your mum she maybe able to offer advice or even have helpful suggestions.

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Picked a winner there :woman_facepalming:t2:

One more lie and “there’s the door…” and mean it!


You’ve got to be Hella kidding right now. I hope this was a joke. Obviously you can’t afford to smoke or the Xbox. You end your marriage over this because of an Xbox and smokes then you were doomed to begin. Hell if that’s the priorities, smoking and gaming then yall doomed anyways :rofl:. Didn’t elude to any of the other lies just specifically stayed on topic about the smokes and game system so obvi that’s all you worried about. Get rid of both and focus on getting a better financial footing for the baby and yourselves before going and getting expensive habits you can’t afford to keep up with in the first place.


Once the honeymoon feelings are over, it’s a short road from Liar to Cheater. Good luck, but keep both eyes wide open.

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Okay, I stopped reading when I saw “does not like playing by the rules.” That’s just immaturity. Lack of self control. If you can’t control your urge to rebel and level yourself you shouldn’t get married let alone be in a serious committed relationship. You’re just going to hurt someone because of your selfishness.

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Okay, IMHO, the fact that you’re both so selfish you hide cigarettes from each other is a huge red flag. The rest of this…odd(?) story, is just turning the field red as opposed to just the flag.


Tbh I think you already knew he was liar but still got married. And your noticing the lies are coming in like running tap water.

The emotive story of his upbringing will (has) kept you feeling sorry for him and in turn enabled him to continue lying and strengthen the emotional shackles on you.

You want to leave but won’t because you feel like you can change him - your not a psychologist.

The xbox is the least of your problems, if it’s gone it’s gone.

Hiding cigarettes from each other is a red flag, surely couples usually share.

Slowly get yourself off cigarettes you would save money.

I swear it’s like £10 a pack.

In marriages you take the rough with the smooth but as I stated before I really believe you already knew. So now your just another enabler.

Do whats best for you but be strong with your choices…


Y’all need to sell that xbox if it causing so many problems and if y’all are that broke… y’all have a kid to worry about and y’all are getting into arguments over a gaming system. Priorities.

Many many people grow out of thier upbringing and don’t use it as a son story to get away with things. He needs to stop using that as an excuse to not grow the f up. Y’all have a child that depends on y’all and you’re worried about a xbox. Sell the Xbox get food, gas and smokes.

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Seriously! I would say both of you need really grow the fuck up.

How old are you guys? :joy:
You all sound too immature for marriage to begin with.

He only lied to you once? Hahahaha, that you know of…

Clearly you knew how he was before you married him and you knew his past. And you still married him anyway.

An Xbox? Is he 12?
Y’all need to grow up and talk.

I’m sure there were flags before you got married. It seems a lot of the women on this page must be just really desperate and lacking self-respect.

If you’re that broke give up the damn cigarettes