My new neighbors are loud and wake my baby: Advice?

Air purifier makes a great white noise!


The fact the walls are thin and it’s quiet you’re going to hear the noise. They don’t have to stop moving around their home because your child is sleeping. The baby will adjust and babies are actually use to noise. The womb and hospital are noisy places.


Maybe write letters and keep a second copy for yourself . If nothing is done and your peace is being disrupted you can break your lease . I’d ask to be transferred to a different unit . Possibly something up top so nobody is under you

Noise machine, crib on opposite wall


We used a fan with both of our kids and they never got to cold. My almost 6 year old can’t sleep without one now.


Never be letting baby go to sleep in silence lmao anything will wake them up… Turn on rain sounds on YouTube or something


White noise machine or play it on youtube

You need to get that baby used to loud noises loud neighbors or not. I used to vacuum when my kids were asleep, or any other loud chores I could do.


l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18209 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Buy a sound machine for the baby

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l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18209 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Fans actually are good for newborns. It can help with Sid’s/ reminding baby to breathe. Learned that from drs when my son was in the nicu

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Oh lord.
My neighbors learned the hard way not to be loud when my baby was sleeping.

Moms have a right to make a fuss when it comes to their baby sleeping.


There are sound machines on the market that make ocean sounds, mother’s heartbeat, or rain sounds. My grandsons by my daughter did well with the heartbeat sound. Or you could swap rooms with your daughter.

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If baby new born they usually sleep thru anything… is it the baby or you that’s annoyed…
Just talk to neighbors or switch rooms …


If you rent ask nicely and if you can afford give them a little gift for dealing with fussy baby cries. If that doesn’t work let your landlord know and record so you have it time stamped and it will show just how loud they are and what times. A lot of landlords are awesome and will see about moving you to a quieter apartment or having them move. We had an issue with a downstairs neighbor so ours let us move above his apartment. He said we weren’t loud at all so he didn’t know why they were fussing and saying that we were loud so they would be loud.
Just try to be nice because you never know what they would do to retaliate. We had someone loosen lug nuts and when my fiancé was on his way home from work his tire came off

My husband and daughter both work till midnight and need time to wind down so we are up until almost 3 or 4 in the morning and sleep until noon but we do try to keep it to a low volume besides the TV or music but if my neighbors were loud and screaming and hollering day and night I’d go to the landlord or law enforcement

I did nothing. My babies all got used to sleeping with loud noises. I literally could vacuum and they’d still nap. It helped when I had three back to back kids.

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They quite literally have noise machines.

Sound machine and buy these o stick on the wall.

You should use a fan the reduce SIDS but also a white noise machine but in the end u should let baby get use to them being loud it will make your baby a better sleeper both my boys can sleep through anything because we are loud and do chores while they sleep


Get box fan, turn it towards the wall or like behind a chair so noise is still there but sure isn’t. Put crib on opposite wall from fan, get around machine put under crib

They make white noise machines that help a lot. I’m a super light sleeper. Like a bedroom door opening will wake me up light sleeper. I would use a white noise machine for baby and I’ve lived in an apartment with thin walls with a baby. I simply asked my neighbors if they could be a little quieter after a certain time and they were cool with it. Depends on the neighbors though.

I use Alexa with sleep sounds, because of my landlord walking around upstairs, having their TV on loud and their grandfather clock dingle dangling every 15 min… …
i prefer the box fan, but there are so many choices…

Fans actual lower the risk of SIDS, i definitely recommend fans. It helps with noise and longer sleep as well.


The baby will get used to it and then be able to sleep through anything

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Use a fan my kids have used one since they were infants. It’s the same as a white noise machine except the advantage of a fan is it circulates the air.


I always made noise with my 2 children. I would vacuum and play music from the start so they weren’t bothered by the noise. It helps. If u keep it quiet everything will wake her. And if they r that loud ask them nicely to keep it down. Most places have a noise ordinance usually around 10pm. If they’re not a—holes they will respect you and your new baby.


If you have Google or Alexa have it play soft music! Back in the day , we We recorded classical music and played it every night for our babies to go to sleep

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White noise machine or maybe sound proof foam…

US Cargo Control Large Sound Blanket - 96 Inches Long by 80 Inches Wide - Black Sound Dampening Blanket - Durable Woven Cotton/Polyester Blend Material - Machine Washable - 12 Pounds Per Blanket

This might help

l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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White noise machine.

White noise machine, point the fan in the other direction

Ask them to keep it down and if they don’t and wake up the baby then be a petty mom


I like the sound machine option and possibly some noise canceling foam to put up on that side of the room (where the rooms connect)

Play soft music in the baby’s room to distract; babies usually can sleep through anything!


White noise you can download apps on your phone I use them to sleep if the power goes out

Put the fan in the room and use a blanket sleep sack on baby. Blanket Sleep sacks are way more safe than a regular blanket cause the zip up onto the baby and don’t get tangled on them

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I agree with the white noise machine that a lot of folks are recommending.

This post just reminded me… when I was a baby, my mother said I slept through her vacuuming under my crib! :flushed:

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Get a sound machine.

Actually running a fan in baby’s room is a okay. Just don’t put it directly on them. It actually helps prevent SIDS due to extra air circulation.


You want the baby to get use to loud noise, if you don’t then any small thing will wake that baby up.


Start playing a radio on low throughout the house. The baby will get used to that and the other noise shouldn’t bother him or her. I never tiptoed around my babies, I made sure to always play some sort of music around them. Now they both can sleep thru anything and they have a huge love for music. Try it.


l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18751 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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Switch rooms, white noise machine. It’s good to get them used to sleeping through noise. I used to vacuum, clean, play music while they slept. That way they got used to it and wouldn’t be woken up over everything. Can use a fan, just don’t point it at the crib if your worried she would get cold.


Get a sound machine with white noise. It will even help the baby to sleep better.
You can also kindly explain to your neighbors about your new born baby and to please keep it down a bit…

I swear on this thing!

I would highly recommend a fan. It helps prevent sids. Use a sleep sack or a swaddle.


Even can put a fan and point it out twords the baby’s bedroom door.

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The egg flats from the big boxes of eggs should help sound proof it a little.

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Put quilts on the wall and move her crib to the other side of the room.


Silence is not necessary for a newborn or children in fact. The quiter you keep it the more things bother them as they age. Life needs to be normal/ busy music , washer, dryer ect especially talking & laughing. If you can’t do those things then your child will run the house and your teaching them that at a young age. Just go about a normal day. If of course the neighbors are being ridiculous then talk with management and let them handle it. But ,don’t forget they pay to live there just like you do. :wink: no one should rearranging their life because you had a baby. That baby will adjust him/herself to life it’s been brought into if that makes any sense. All sounds will eventually become normal. Your probably hypersensitive to them at the moment wanting to be sure everything is silent so baby can sleep! Not to worry momma.
Happy parenting!!


Get a white noise machine. $20 on Amazon and they have multiple sounds you can choose from. My kids use the ocean waves one. Works like a charm


:grimacing: Deal with it. Stop tiptoeing around the kid and maybe just maybe they would learn to sleep through the noise. Use a vacuum, play music. It’s never that deep.

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Fans and noise machines!

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Fans are good! Face it away a loud box fan

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Switch rooms with the baby.

move, Judge judy would say, lol

Try a large area rug or tapestry. Many many many tacks.