So my 5 week old her nose has been stopped up really bad for about a week now. I already took her to the pediatrician and she just said to keep sucking her nose out and I have been but I feel like something is wrong idk /: maybe I’m overreacting she hasn’t had a fever or anything but idk I feel like a week is awhile to not be getting better.
Nose frida and a vaporizer in baby’s room
Warm bath to help open them up. Humidifier
Go into the bathroom shut the door turn on your shower with the hottest water level and put a towel underneath the door for no steam escapes.
Sit in there with her and do this numerous times a day for the next couple days.
Put a humidifier in her room or wherever she smells.
Sounds like she might have allergies tho tbh especially if there’s no fever.
But here’s a list of things to watch and ask yourself:
What about her poos?
What color are they? Different colors mean different things.
Are they more runny than usually?
Are they a normal color?
How is she eating?
Is she eating normally or eating less? How many wet diapers (pee not poo) does she normally have each day?
Has the number increased or decreased since she got sick?
Are they as wet as they normally are?
Is she lethargic or is she acting like her normal self?
Also mom to mom advice: listen to your mommy intuition you know your baby more than anybody else and just cause her pediatrician went to college/university to become one doesn’t mean she knows your daughter like you do. Find a different doctor to take her to if she isn’t better by Thursday. Remember you know your baby more than anybody else ever will so don’t doubt yourself.
Steam vaporizer in bedroom. Do you have the A/C on ? The air could be too dry.
Perhaps, if she’s not showing any other signs, it could be allergies to the changing seasons?