Help! My oldest has autism so he never asked us to play (we obviously did, he just always preferred playing alone) , my 3 year old now ask 24/7 to play. We could play for an hour, I leave for 2 mins and she’s back saying can you play can you play it’s all the time… to both my husband and I. I can’t take it anymore. What do I do to help this and what are things I say?
Find things that encourage independent play… explain to her you can play for ten minutes but then you have to go do xxx so she will have to play alone. . Be consistent and firm in both giving her time and attention but also to your other chores/priorities
YOU PLAY. MY SON IS 11 AND HFA AND WE PLAY NON STOP BECAUSE IT’S WHAT HE WANTS AND NEEDS. just enjoy it. I don’t like playing 25 rounds of slap Jack or spoons or 10 rounds of Yahtzee, or dinosaurs and get attacked, or playing with hot wheels by just lining them up by colors, style ect. But you will never get this time back
You play with your fuckin kid ! You’re a parent ! Wtf is this ?!
In my household we play all day. But after lunch we do an hour and a half of what we call in the house quiet time. You don’t have to nap, but you have to go in your own room and find something quiet to do, color, read a book, watch a movie!!! Etc. It gives them time to learn independently to keep busy, and gives me that time to clean or take care of myself. I know it gets tiring but one day you’re going to miss being asked to play.
Before my 2 year old wakes up I set up “stations” I pull our 2-3 toys or games she’s able to independently play and I keep the rest put away in my closet. A lot of time kids don’t know what to play at this young age when they have too many options. In doing this I have 2-3 hours in the mornings I can get my things done and wake up then after lunch we play together and do learning time.
Find people her age to engage in play. Shes making a bid for your attention and love. These are moments that shape them and youll never get this back.
Anyone angry reacting can go away. As an adult with adult responsibilities, you play as much as you can but then it’s back to other things like, making food or cleaning clothes or making sure your home is a liveable space for said children to play.
It is okay to be overwhelmed with constantly being asked to play every minute of everyday. We don’t exactly keep the same desire to play as we grow. We play a bit and move on.
Encouraging independant play is a productive and useful necessity. People act like not wanting to constantly play with your kids is some form of neglect. Get over yourselves.
Prayers in Jesus mighty name
WOW!!! You sound real motherly!!! Make things that you do everyday that you need to do into a game. She can help with laundry; sweeping; etc. Set a timer and tell her she has to do independent play for so many minutes before you will play with her again. She’s probably bored so letting her help to some daily chores will help. Enjoy her while you can because some day she’s not going to want to do anything with you.
You’re a real peach. Did you think you could just put her in a corner and forget about her? Play house with her: cooking. Laundry. Making the bed. Then get on the floor and build something with Legos. Play school. She’s 3. I hope you’re not having anymore. Wouldn’t want you to be inconvenienced
Get her some interactive toys take her outside to the park or play areas. Does she play with her brother? Get her a little kitchen or stuffed animals dolls. A cat rabbit or friendly animal. Find something to play you both enjoy. Well wishes
My son is like this as well. He has a hard time with independent play and he is 8. He was like that age as well. We did and still do play with him but I have explained that alwe can’t play with you 24/7. That we do have to get work done around the house. He does.have play dates and does sports. He just does not like to be alone.
Tell ur kid NO. Jesus. How is this a question?
Incorporate her into what you’re doing. She can dust table legs, fold washcloths, help match socks (maybe!), pour, stir and add ingredients when you’re cooking, throw wet clothes in the dryer (or do more if you have front loaders), scribble with crayons while you do paperwork.
If you have unbreakable tableware (silverware, plastic cups, maybe plastic plates) she can set the table with it and napkins, rinse them, load the dishwasher or dry them after you hand wash them and put them away when clean, maybe with a stepstool. Have her hand you bed linens as you make the bed, and on and on.
Put on music and let her dance and sing along to kid songs. A little screen time is OK, especially if the show encourages activity. See if your library has books on tape, or record yourself reading books do she can listen and follow along in the actual book.
Have different play stations for dress-up, doll house, race track/blocks/village set up, DUPLOs, and so on. She can play independently at each station but has to put everything away in a container before heading to the next station.
You could just say ‘sorry mummy’s busy atm why don’t you play while I finish up here then I’ll play with you’ or ask if she wants to help with what you’re doing ie you wash up she dries, you’re hoovering she can dust off tables or low shelves if you have something her height, if you just want to sit and rest ask if she’d prefer to have a cuddle because you’re tired or ask her if she wants a story instead but please don’t stop her from asking if you can play its their why of communicating, bonding etc. I have 6 kids and I know how exhausting it can be but the bonding/communicating/learning through play is the most important parts of childhood
Unpopular opinion:
It’s not your job to constantly entertain your child. Learning independent play is extremely important.
They can be included in your daily tasks as well to help with keeping them busy.
They are only little kids for a short time, enjoy it, it sets you up for a better understanding and relationship with your child, if you turn them away now how do you expect them to come to you later, and someday your going to miss the playtime, it also teaches them how to parent when they are older, as we all have learned what to do or not to do from our parents
I get it. You need to take care of other things. So when my toddlers, preschoolers wanted to play & I had things to do id let them do it with me. If you’re cooking for example give them a pot, big spoon & some frozen veggies. This was my oldest favorite game. “Stir it up” , “taste it”, “need seasoning? Shake it” (id put dry beans, rice, marbles etc in empty spice containers. The thing you use in the container needs to be bigger than the holes. Or seal the wholes with cardboard so it doesn’t come out.)
If you’re washing clothes let her help you sort, load the machines, fold etc. It’s not going to be done “right” or quickly. But she’s playing & you’re getting things done.
If you need time alone hide n seek is perfect. She hides. You go grab a cup of coffee, watch a video etc. You can always play Bluey’s “just 20 minutes” game. Tell her you need just 20 minutes. Set a timer. If she doesn’t bother you for 20 minutes you play whatever she wants.
She has to learn to entertain herself for brief periods.
You should try and find toys she would like to encourage independent play. I play with my daughter a couple times a day, not a lot because I have scoliosis so me getting up and down off the floor is a no go for me as my back and hips hurt when I bend, squat or sit for to long. My daughter has severe ADHD possible Autism, she’s in therapy to figure it out. Just have to explain to her how you’re busy atm and as soon as you aren’t you’ll play or say I’ll play for this amount of time.