My parents love and spoil my first born, but they just ignore and just generally seem to not like my second born. It breaks my heart because she is only 1 and so sweet. I’m not sure if it’s a race thing. My kids are half white, half Asian. My first kid looks a lot like me, but my second looks a lot like my Asian husband. Maybe I’m overreacting, but my husband’s mom obviously loves both my kids equally and I just see a difference.
I’m your situation… I would 1) talk to them and tell them what you have observed 2) begin to limit their time with your daughters until they treat them equally 3) go nc if they can’t
Have u asked her about it? It’s possible she doesn’t even realize it yet or she may give you a reason for why she may be doing it…it’s also possible she doesn’t realize she is doing and may need to be told so she can correct things. It’s really hard to say what the situation is without more information.
This is a conversation you need to have with your mom, is your oldest her first grandchild?
The first grandkid is usually the favorite one. Lol I know it sounds wrong but witnessed it myself as gparents unknowingly was doing it.
I am going to say that they may not even realize it. My oldest was the only one for awhile, and he was spoiled for the longest time. And sometimes still is. You need to have a conversation with your family.
My mother was the same. The first grandchild is always the one most loved.
Bring it to her attention. She may not realize that she is doing it. First born is older and responds better.
Why don’t you ask your parents why they are different to your second child
Disfavored child status is a very serious psychological timebomb for your youngest, dont expose her to it
She’s broke after the first one Just kidding , she may not realize it .
My mother has her favourites and they aren’t mine.
Bring it to her attention. She keeps it up she doesn’t see either of them. Eventually the other child will notice. It does nothing but cause a lifetime of problems.
It’s not uncommon if your firts is their first grandkid , maybe she is doing it unconsciously, you should have a talk with her to clear the situation, if she still doing it then you should stop it , kids should be treat equally regardless of any situation.
Saw this comment on here…
1st grandchild is the one most loved
what aload of bullshiit that’s actually a fucky comment to make, I spend time with all 3 of my grandchildren I would never ever love one more than the other and if any grandmother felt that way about her grandchildren then that’s fcuked
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You need to have a very open and blunt conversation with them about it and see what they say about it. Then let them know what you see happening and how it makes you feel. Then set very precise boundaries either both children receive the same attention, love and gifts or neither receive and you’ll limit time spent with them.
I just became a grandma. Right now I only have one from my first child. Great experience with first grandchild. Now the second one is on the way. I’m looking forward to see new one and love to see them together to grow. But I will love them equally. I have 4 kids. I love my kids the same and spoiled them the same. I know I will love all my grand babies all the same.
Ask then. Make them aware you see the difference. They may be doing it subconsciously simply because they worry the first born isn’t getting as much attention. They may not realize it.
I also don’t know them, so maybe it is a race thing, maybe not. But if you could see them doing something like that, then you need to confront them.
Either way, bring it to their attention nicely away from the kids. If it doesn’t change after it’s been brought to their attention then its time to cut contact until they get their sh*t together. It may upset the older one for the time being, but in the long run its better. Its completely natural for grandparents and even parents to feel a closer bond with one child over another but thats completely different then treating them differently. I mean there are months were I feel closer to my oldest than my other two, then months after that I feel closer to my middle and months after that I feel closer to my youngest. Its natural because of personalities, what’s going on in life at the time and things like that, but I still love them all the same and would never show favor to one over the others. Thats where the problems lie