Do you have family you can go stay with? Pack up your things and leave. He will get a taste of how useless he actually is, how he has no life skills and cannot take care of himself. Some men (not all men) don’t actually have a clue how much we do in our homes until we stop doing it. My ex had the audacity to tell me that I should consider myself lucky because all I did was sit home with the kids all day. He got a real rude awakening when I stopped doing literally everything and the house completely fell apart.
FYI…It never gets better.
First of all, quit having kids with this loser. Second start getting an exit strategy going. A man that loves you doesn’t do these things. A man that loves you makes darn sure you are healthy and happy.
I have been there. Your best bet honestly is to just leave or you’ll be hurting yourself more. You will literally lose yourself trying to please someone who’s never pleased
You’re already doing it all alone why don’t you just leave
He is abusive and you need to leave. Also it’s disgusting behavior when a man gets mad and throws a fit when you don’t want to do something sexual with him or for him. HUGE you seriously need to brave up and leave now before you are completely drained of your self worth. He’s not gonna change and he’s definitely not gonna start loving you one day. Sounds like he keeps you around for the things you do for him and nothing else. Do not allow him to treat you this way.
You’re in an abusive relationship take your kids and get out or get him removed
You already know everything you need to know, and it’ll only continue getting worse.
Run far and fast, then STAY there.
I’m in the same boat feel free to message me if you ever wanna talk or vent I’m down for a friend.
Pack up your stuff and go home.
I’m assuming that he’s been this way for awhile and yet you are having another child with him. Another excuse for him tying you down. Get a lawyer set up child support and kick him to the curb. I mean you’re already doing everything by yourself anyway.
Sounds like my narcissistic ex. Leave him, he will never change.
Leave!!! The government and child support will help you get on your feet. Your American right? They help the whole world why not you? Leave Leave Leave
Then why are you having baby number 3 with him.
so WHY are you still with him
What are you doing with this jerk???Show him they door and go for child support…your going to keep having babies ,tied down, while he’s running around? How can you love trust and want to be with such a jerk???Low self esteem? Get help…
Wake up on his day off an just leave him home with the kids go enjoy yourself
I can prettyuch tell you this isn’t going to get better, get out now!don’t waste your time on a MSN who is teaching m g your kids how to treat you , thT you have no worth…even worse he is teaching you
Wow, he sounds like a complete asshole, first I’m sorry your going through this, because nobody should have to, but least of all a pregnant woman (congratulations by the way!!!) My boyfriend is a complete partner, we have a 2 month old and a 3 year old, he works as of right now at least 40 hours a week at one job, and come next week he goes back to his secondary one, and there he works there 30 hours a week. But he still comes home and helps me with the kids. He gets up in the middle of the night and still gets up at 5 to go to work. He’ll make it known that he wants a bj but he doesn’t pressure me or treat me like that. You need to leave him alone. Yourself and those kids are way more important
He sounds like a jerk explain to him what you need from him and if he doesn’t comply tell him you’re going to leave
Your pregnant get the hell out it want change
I think relationships should be 50/50. If one is not willing to do that, maybe it’s not a right fit. Most importantly you deserve to be happy, and your kids need to see you happy
Stop doing wife shit for dudes who deserve cold ravioli from a can. He won’t appreciate more of what he doesn’t appreciate in the first place
I’m hoping the majority of advice is saying to leave him.
Don’t tell what you are planning just plan and do it,
He’s a narcissist run for your life
I’d leave. Normally I am all for actually working on things, but youve mentioned all these things and as you said, he don’t care. He isn’t going to start caring regardless what you do or don’t do for him. He will not start to care because you point it out again, he won’t because you’re struggling either clearly.
This isn’t a partner, this is a dictator. Bye bye bye you can and will do a lot better. There are resources to help you get away, I suggest you start looking into those and start making a plan to get the hell out of there.
You know, deep down, how he treats you isn’t ok. Do not let him treat you like shit because you love him, if he LOVED you back he wouldn’t be content to watch you suffer endlessly, doing everything while he contributes nothing.
And still you got pregnant again…