My Partner Doesn’t Like the Kids Watching Cartoons in the Morning

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"He however, has zero issues showing my 3 year old how to play video games. Is one worse than the other?"

RELATED: My Husband and I Are On the Fence About Letting Our Child Have a TV in Their Room: Thoughts?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"My 4 y/o son plays a few video games and watches cartoons. Don’t see a difference between the two as long as they’re age appropriate games/shows."

"Everything in moderation. Cartoons are okay, as long as they’re not sitting in front of the TV all day. Video games are okay, as long as they’re not playing them all day."

"Nothing wrong with cartoons. Just so long as they are not dirty language…"

"Games are interactive, teach problem solving and resilience, so I think they’re better than passively watching TV. But either can be family time, needed down time, or conversation time, so I don’t judge"

"Cartoons are my savior first thing in the morning. My child watching cartoons for a bit in the morning while I get my bearings is definitely a need for me. Video games are so so in my opinion it depends on what the game entails but when I first had kids there were ZERO video games allowed. I didn’t even introduce them to them until they were like 6… even now years later, I have systems but not a single one is hooked up. I’m just not a fan of them."

"I don’t believe in media before school, period unless the kid is already fed, dressed and ready to leave."

"Sounds like your partner has control issues."

"Wait so not his kids? And if he says they can’t watch cartoons, then you say they can’t play video games."

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