First, there are other online jobs I’d look into, especially if you have a degree. For example, I work at VIPKid as an ESL teacher and make decent money. You need to be independent of him. You should also on his next free day, leave him with your child. Make him live your life of a SAHM. If nothing changes, leave. It’ll be hard but he’s not worth your sanity
Sounds like he’s a giant bag of crap & you need to get out of there
Stop doing the house work. Dont spend any of your earned money on bills. It will prove to him just how much you actully do. And hopefully he will change his attitude.
Leave that jerk! It will Never get better.
Pm me if you’re in Perth
Save that money you’re making and book a one way flight for you and your son home.
Save up your $600 a week and bounce No, this is not normal. This is abuse
Okay first of all 30 hours isn’t SHIT. My husband works 50-60 a week and doesn’t EVER treat me this way. He sounds like an insecure shit that feels inadequate himself so he’s blaming it on you. First things first is you two should go to couples therapy immediately. This has nothing to do with you not having a job and it has everything to do with your partner treating you badly. You are literally being manipulated by him and you are almost borderline agreeing with him in the post. Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job and if he can’t accept that then He’s just a shit that doesn’t appreciate anything. This is abusive and not normal. Like I said I think the first thing you need to do is confront him about how you’re being treated and manipulated and immediately seek couples counseling. I’m telling you if you don’t figure this out soon You too will either not work out- or you will Stick yourself in a shitty one-sided relationship forever. I’m sorry if all that I’m saying sounds really intense but it’s just the harsh truth of the matter.
It’s not normal.
Physical support as in food a roof shoes things you need is vital. But people tend to think just because someone has that to offer then you should just settle for zero emotional support.
That’s not how it works an you’ll lose yourself messing around with anyone like that.
I wouldn’t even try to get back like, stop doing this or that whatever. No. Cut to the chase and be like dude if you cant quit being a dick all the time about how much more you do that I dont do then we should just go our separate ways. Dont play around with this oh it’s just a phase itll get better dont do some stuff see if he changes. Not gonna change cause he dont want it to change. Period.
Get up and move on with your life. It’s an abuse that is so undermined by the well you have this and that bullshit. No.
You’re gonna waste alot of time trying to change someone who don’t wanna change. Dont hurt yourself trying to fix something that is only gonna be fixed if its always in his call.
Its crap and I wish you the best. Hope he changes but I wouldn’t count on it.
He doesn’t work that damn much.
Throw the whole guy away. He sounds like a big asshole. Wow. Take your kid and move back to where YOUR family, friends and job were. He’s an arrogant, pig. I’d leave before it’s too late. He’s mentally and verbally abusing you and that is NOT ok.
That doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship and it sounds like you are miserable and he sounds like a jerk. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
I didn’t need more than the top question. This is abuse and will get worse.
Ew, save your money and go back to the states and get away from that pile of human excrement of a father.
I’m sorry but he’s taking advantage of you and doesn’t give a damn about you, Its his job to support his child and partner just as it is yours, You are one team together. Personally I would leave as even with your $600+ a week contribution he’s still treating you like crap, So it clearly has nothing to do with money, And more to do with him being an utter asshole, You deserve to be happy, And you deserve to find someone that will appreciate what you do not belittle you, You don’t want your son to grow to think this is how you treat your partner.
Leave. It will not get better
If he’s isolating you, you need to run.
Your partner is a narcissist and you need to leave him.
Save your money, suggest counseling so you can see if he is willing to work on the relationship, DONT HAVE ANYMORE CHILDREN WITH HIM, make a list of everything you do for the household daily/weekly and show him. If all fails look up all laws pertaining to leaving with your child and apply for a good job back where you’re from (if you havent renounced citizenship or whatever) and make all plans to go back once you have secured that like reaching out for support from there.
First, go on strike. Don’t do for him anymore. Don’t clean up after him, don’t cook for him, nothing. Second that extra money you’re making? Save it in an account he knows nothing about nor have access to. Then move back to where you’re from near family. Third, ignore him when he whine because you left the baby with him. He’s a dad. He needs to be with his kid too. So just hand baby over and say “I’ll be back” and go enjoy yourself.
Lastly, and I need you to heed this part the most: STOP FEELING BAD. JUST STOP. He’s the head of household. His job is to first and foremost provide. Especially when he uprooted you to new country. Just stop.
Leave now it will only get worse
So in other words, you’re not sure how to leave your abusive husband. He isolated you, took financial control, verbally abuses you, probably in front of your child if I had to guess. Call your family. Go home! Get away from him! You don’t deserve to be treated like that at all. You and your child deserve better. You do not want them growing up in this situation. If this was your child coming to you 25 years from now what would you say to them?
This is abuse. Leave please. It progresses and gets worse. I have been there.
Your partner is an asshole
My first thought was wow what a narcissistic, borderline abusive asshole and to tell you you should leave. And that thought is still definitely in my head. But, how were things before you moved? How long have you’ve been together? Has he ever shown this type of behavior before but maybe more subtle? Idk what cost of living is there, but where I’m at $600 a week is definitely not a bad income! I’d sit him down and flat out tell him the way he treats and speaks to you is not acceptable. That you’re trying to get a job but for now you have an income and are contributing! And that you need time to yourself also and as a father he can take care of his own child for awhile while you get out of the house. If after that he’s still acting the same, I would consider leaving because that kind of behavior is not ok and is for sure abusive.
Sounds like an insecure abusive pos. 30 hours a WEEK??? Girl, that ain’t shit. Go back home and be around people who love you.
He works 30hrs a week? Bahahahaha! Tell that POS you work that in 1 day just CARING for your son & you work easily 30 - 40hrs cleaning! What a scum bag, he doesn’t sound fun at all. I’d look into marriage counseling to find a middle if you want this to work. Otherwise, it’s gonna get worse for you, the baby and him. Sorry mama, good luck!
He Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself He Has Control You Will Try Harder To Please Him If He Tells You What You Do Wrong Prove Him Wrong Take The Power Back Be You And If that Don’t Make Him Happy Leave
This is abuse, save your money and get a one way ticket home for you & your little. 30 hours a week is nothing. My husband does double that and then comes home and relieves me of the kids when I’m having a busy/bad/off day.
Your partner is an abuser. You need to leave. Things will only get worse x
I couldnt even read the whole thing out of pure digust! No this is NOT normal! I’m a SAHM and my hubby will still do dishes and laundry. You teach people how you want to be treated.
Your partner is garbage. Leave and never look back. You’re his maid and he doesn’t value you at all. I’ve been in your shoes. He will never change!
I had a partner like that. I showed him the dorr and told him not to let it hit him as he walked out. Dont let someone controll you.
This is straight up abuse. He will only get worse. Mtly ex husband was the same dam way n u know what I got out because one day he’s gonna treat his own child this way.
This is not ok, you need to really understand that. It is not ok and you certainly should not consider saying yes to a future with this person until they are able to respect you as an equal partner. Anyone who says ‘your husband should be your life’ is a deluded person. You are your life and at the moment you have no life. I am not sure of your childcare situation, but I would try and get a job in the evening when he was at home with child and begin to get your own life back. You are not only a mother and partner, you are yourself and you need to find some self worth (which he has no doubt helped to irradiate) - life without him will not be as tough as a life with him ! Sorry but it really is abusive control ! You are strong lady , don’t ever forget it xxxxxxx
Just start taking your life into your own hands a learn how to say no…I’m sure you have good times in your relationship but you need to stop allowing him to treat you disrespectfully maybe a separation were he can re evaluate all the things that you do bring into his life, it sucks my partner can be very controlling but I’m learning to just say get f*** I’m doing it anyway
He’s a Narcissist. Leave as soon as u can.
30 hours is not alot of work I do atleast 40 by myself. He sounds like a frustrated man child.
Sounds like a douche
Emotional mental financial abusive behavior ;"( not good
He sounds like a controlling, demeaning, asshat, who is a horrible partner, friend, and father!!! Save some money up and get your ass HOME!! Life is too short to let yourself be treated that way!
My husband sometimes works 60+ hours a week and is a full time college student. I am a SAHM of 2 girls one being special needs and I am a full time college student. My husband has NEVER once told me to go get a job. I have a job and take care of my family. Just because you dont have a regular 9-5 job doesnt mean you arnt pulling your weight.
Dudes a dick! Dont put up with that crap as you and your child deserve better! Good luck hun
Say peace out and move back home with people who really love you!
My husband works a minimum of 50 hours a week, goes to school in the evening and does side work on his one day off. Your boyfriend is a pussy. I’ll gladly wait on my man hand and foot cause he works his ass off but he also recognizes that I do a lot for our 3 boys and him.
You’re bringing in 600 a week. Put that money elsewhere and tell him you just hadn’t been getting lucky. Save up AND GET OUT OF THERE!!! RUN!!!
First of all… There are some major red flags for abuse. Second… Look into how much childcare, cleaning service, laundry service, and cooking service would be in your area. He wants to say you don’t contribute? Start billing him for your services.
This has all kinds of red flags… I’d take the child and run before it gets worse. He’s mentally and emotionally abusing you and he’s trying to get you to believe you wouldn’t make it without him. This is not a healthy relationship for yohr or your son. People like this don’t change. Pleas take that extra income you are making save it and get out as soon as you can.
Wow no way would I ever live let alone put up with that bs! Then on top of it children are involved no fckn way ! he be at the curb! Your children are your number 1 concern ! Wake up
No man should ever demand you make him food. Tell him he is a grown man and you are not his mother. What a dick! He sounds horrid. Do not marry a controlling jerk like that!!! Tell him you are going shopping and that he needs to watch the child. If he refused tell him you are moving back to where you are from. He needs a swift kick in the nuts. I hope you save money and leave his ass.
He sounds like a soon to be ex husband…
Your house is on fire girl!!! Run as fast as you can!! It’s hard but will be worth it when you and your child are happy. I’ve been here. It’s a low place to be. I’ve been free of this same abuse for 6 years and I have the best life and it didn’t take long with the help of my family and friends who he said wouldn’t help and didn’t love me. Brainwashing bastard!!! You can do this❤️
I’m sorry, did you say 30 HOURS PER WEEK?!?!
Your “Partner” is a controlling abusive narcissist! And it will not end I was a sahm for 8 years. Got up got a job, he would bitch and moan about my job got mad if I stayed late or picked a fight with me if I got called in. But had ZERO complaints while spending my paychecks. I finally got sick of the abuse and kicked him out. I knew he had my online info for my banking so the night before i got paid i changed my password. Oh boy did that piss him off because he had every intention on moving the monies over to his account which he removed my name from and there was nothing i could have done. Get a job even if it is nothing you want to do. Get your own checking account and save up to leave.
Where abouts in Australia are you? I’m in Gippsland!
You keep letting him act a fool like this to you he will always do this! Staying home with a child is a full time job! Let him have a day that he takes care of your child and you go do something and see how hard it is! Don’t let him treat you like this! You deserve better!
Save your money and move home with your son. Men like that will never change, it will only get worse as he ages.
He only works 30 hrs and has the nerve to say you don’t do anything?! If anything it sounds like you do more work since being a mom and wife is a 24/7 job and he won’t help while leaving his mess laying around! My husband works 60+ hrs a week plus helps some at home and never throws it in my face that I don’t have a job. I do most things at home since he works alot but there’s day when I don’t get to do much because of the kids and he completely understands. It really sounds like this guy doesn’t value you at all and if you can maybe getting out of their is for the best.
This is 100% abuse, you need to communicate this to him. Not in a “let’s discuss this” way, but you just tell him how it is. And if he doesnt agree to change immediately or go to counseling together then you need to LEAVE! No one deserves this treatment.
He sounds a complete leech…all his appalling behaviour doesn’t remove the fact, he has responsibility, and unfortunately it’s going to come from his back pocket…every action we make has consequences, good or bad. If it was me, think I’d be contacting my family, to ask if they could bring you & baby home for a break, as you have some deep thinking to do, & decisions to make…& you can’t do that in the atmosphere your are all living in. Baby MUST come first…
This is abuse and is not healthy or normal. What kind of parent refuses to parent? Seriously? I hope you realize sooner rather than later that he will not change and your best bet is to leave him. Trust me.
Save your money and get the hell out of that. Your son and you deserve so much more than that.
Invest your money into a daycare…meet other local mommies and hang with them…put out flyers with your info and maybe use the garage or basement…something to disconnect from his complaints…build on or maybe even move on
Please leave when his at work… you have money 600 a week hell I wish I had that. That is a income does not matter if it’s from being at home on a computer or cell phone or sitting in a office all day it is money and a job. I would just up and leave as soon as you can get the money together. You did not have to go there when he took a job you did him a favor you left everyone and everything go home girl… if you wanna work it out then talk to him put HIM IN HIS PLACE you do not in to get into your place you are where you need to be I would not be a slave to him his a grown ass man that only works 30 hours he has 2 legs 2 arms and 2 hands he can do his own damn stuff you do stuff for you and your son and if he cant do it then leave. If this man loves you he would never tell you to get a job unless you want one and his telling you that’s okay get out meet new people get out of the house and so on a reason man would never complain about supporting his family. Do not marry this man. Good luck. Please keep us updated
I say you contribute more than your share. Just look at the length of your post! Please be brief. You’re robbing us of time that can be used to help others!
Oh may goodness girl. You need to leave. This guy is not good for you. He wants to totally control you.Do you have family anywhere.
Take your pay & go home!!!
First- read what you wrote as if that wasn’t you. What would you tell the woman writing this?? You would tell her to grab that baby and get outta there…fast. It’s 2020, no one has time for that kind of bullshit. You aren’t a slave. You are an adult and you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. Either start fighting for yourself and stand up to him or get out of there. Either is a fine choice. You live one life. ONE. Make it count and don’t take shit from anyone.
30 hours a week ain’t shit… he sounds like a entitled, spoiled little twat…
This might be a bit common but it sure as hell isnt normal. He’s showing you your value to him. Take the message and find someone who will value you properly.
Take that 600 a week, board a plane and leave his ass! Go back to your family and get up on your feet. You are worth more than that abuse. Get away when hes at work. Fuxk him. He doesnt appreciate you nor obviously love you, any man that loves a woman will not speak or treat you like that. Hes an abuser and its only going to get worse. Sounds to me like he doesnt even help out with your son, your son dont deserve a father like him. Dont let him see how many daddy treats mommy, cuz he will grow up thinking thats right. You shouldnt have to be his slave. Just go now.
This is abuse, all the signs are there. Idk legalities in Australia since there’s a baby involved, bit do what you need to do and get out now. It will get worse
Sounds like he wanted to be back on his stomping grounds for his own security & never gave a damn about yours. I agree with the one way ticket- it’s time to come home. Make HIM wake up & realize what he’s taken for granted.
Save your money and leave.
Dont put yourself down your bringing in 600 a week .Taking care of your bubs fulltime and your partner who doesn’t respect you. Hes only got 30hrs a week you do more then him for your relationship. Demand alittle respect for what you do . Dont marry till you guys have respect.
I would not marry that pig for anything. Be glad. Leave him. As long as you tolerate his bad behavior, it will continue. You don’t need him, he needs you.
I didnt even read the whole thing. Fucking leave the stupid man. That’s all I got to say
I’d make arrangements to get myself home. Save up enough for a ticket. Then… I’d have a conversation about how you feel. I’d he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with his actions then I’d just go. I wouldn’t tell him otherwise he might stop you or something. Then when I’d get home and start claiming maintenance.
Wait til hes at work save up that 600 a week he clearly doesnt take it into consideration anyway, then one day when hes left just board that plane with your baby back to your family!
He is a selfish inconsiderate ass. You sre earning $600/week while also being a sahm and maid/slave. You are being exceptionally tolerant of an unacceptable situation. Go out with your friends. And if he does pop the question i would urge you to say no!
I know how you feel my dear. I was you afew years back. If you have stated your case time and again, I say love yourself. Get out of the house. Involve your child in what you are doing. Supernanny helps btw. Watch it. When he leaves his clothes everywhere, leave them there too and deal with what is in the laundry basket. I refuse to pick up after a grow man. He will pick up after himself when he notices he has no clothes. Worked for me. When he asks for food disrespectfully, sweetie, go take a long soak in the tub. He can get it himself. Don’t allow him to walk all over you just because you don’t get out of the house to go to ‘work’. Men pick up on how you feel and use it to their advantage. If you respect yourself and have clear boundaries, they pick up on that and act accordingly. If you put yourself down constantly, same goes. Keep most of your negative thoughts and feelings to yourself. He doesn’t need to know it all. Marriage/relationship is like work, you have to work on it. Some seasons are bad, others are down right ugly. You have a child now. Your life is not your own anymore. Whatever you do, affects your child. I don’t advocate for anyone to stay in a abusive marriage/relationship. But your situation is fixable. Treat yourself how you want to be treated. If that doesn’t make a difference in the next rough 6 months, dance your way out of that situation. Infact do a moonwalk out the door. But don’t leave until you feel settled in your spirit that you have done everything you could. Even doctors let go of patients whom they have done everything for. Somethings just die.
My husband works 80 hours a week in georgia 12 hour shifts and 26-30$ a hour and he doesnt want friends and says as long as he has his family that’s all he wants and needs that he doesnt want friends or need friends and he knows that my only 2 bestfriends is my cousins which is family,I’m glad he doesnt want friends and I stay at my grandmother’s with my mom and grandmother and his mom when hes working and he cant come home till between every weekend or every other weekend. I think your depressed because your thinking you feel like a slave and your tired of not having friends and family and your tired of being yelled about the income and that your tired of not having time for yourself. My husband knew I wouldn’t move but 15 minutes away if we had to so our house is 10 minutes from my mom and grandmother and his mom lives with us but he knows I wasnt moving far regardless of a job and he got a different job so we could live around our family. Yall need to have a conversation and tell him how you feel and if he doesnt make changes,than leave.
He thinks he has you trapped. He controls everything at this point. It will get much worse if you have another child. You need tho call family for help, and leave. Or take enough from the family accounts for tickets. Don’t wait or plan. He will prevent you from going, and nothing good happens after that. Walt till here leaves fier work, pack a small bag and get to the airport. Take the first flight out to anywhere. Then arrange tho get home to your family. You don’t want tho be sitting at the airport waiting for a flight once he realizes you’re gone. Don’t worry about your stuff. That can always be replaced.