My Partner Is Cutting My Hair While I Sleep

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"I’ve been with my partner for 12 years it hasn’t been the happiest of relationships he can be very controlling and violent. I snore when I’m sleeping at night and he has started to bring scissors to bed and said he will cut my hair off if I do it again. There are no houses going in the area that I want and the only other thing to do is move back home and sleep in a single bed with my 2 kids"

RELATED: Father Files $1M Lawsuit Against School After A Librarian Cut His Seven-Year-Old Daughter’s Hair


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"That is abuse. You need to get out even if you have to. Move back home and sleep in a twin bed."

"Oh my god! Get out now! He’s willing to cut your hair off in your sleep? Did you even imagine what he could be capable of doing to you or your children?"

"Sleeping in a twin bed with two kids is better than them growing up in an abusive home."

"That’s abuse. You cannot help that and he knows that. He doesn’t respect you. I am sorry you’re dealing with someone doing that kind of thing over snoring. You don’t deserve it"

"He’d be getting cut. This is not good. I’d rather sleep in a car than in a bed with someone like that."

"Woah. You should leave asap. This is sick and will get sicker"

"Listen. Especially when kids are involved, GET OUT. You are literally teaching your children what love is supposed to look like. What a healthy relationship looks like. What to accept. Right now you are setting your children up for failure, toxic relationships, and a sense that abuse is okay. Stop it. Think about them. Go sleep in that twin and get your life together for them. Period"

"That’s abuse. Go back home"

"Move home as fast as you can and sleep on the floor if you have to."

"You need to get out regardless, that’s not healthy nor safe!! Sleeping with two kids is better than not waking up!"

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