My partner never compliments me: Advice?

Does he insult you though? Maybe in his head he doesn’t say anything out loud but he does find you beautiful, I mean a lot of couples have so much other stuff to focus on that they don’t take time to focus on each other’s little needs. Try a date night at least once a month if not once a week if you can afford it and start from there. Try complimenting him too. It goes both ways

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Teach him by complimenting how genuinely.

His committed goods actions should speak MUCH LOUDER than talk. 40 years together mine doesn’t use words either but his actions scream loud and clear I and the family are his total concern


You need to quit trying to make him love you in a way he obviously doesn’t know how. He works, is faithful, he barely complains, etc. as you said. That’s how he shows you he loves you. It does suck not hearing it, I know. Sit him down again and explain that you see his way of loving but being complimented and praised is the way YOU KNOW you’re loved. His love language seems to be acts of service and yours is affirmations. Maybe show him the love languages. It helped mine :purple_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck baby. Try to hang in there!

Try complimenting him maybe he will catch on

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Good luck. It isn’t a failure on your part.

Never discuss things in an argument. When doing that it takes away from the situation at hand and one would feel attacked more then being opened up too. Speak to him with a kind heart and you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.


Believe it or not comunication is not just words.
We’ve come to a point where we as a society have chosen to completely disregard non-verbal communication as it pertains to interacting with people around us…But if we’re being honest non-verbal communication can and is beautiful and sometimes much more meaningful than words.
And as we grow more comfortable inside of a relationship we start relying on those non-verbal cues more because we know the person and they know us.
Another thing is how was your previous responses to his compliments? Sometimes that effects compliments as well.
Take a huge step back. Put your feelings on pause for just a second.
Look for non-verbal communication in him.
It’s possible that he’s been telling you in his own way this entire time.

I do understand sometimes that doesn’t really feel like enough if your primary love language is through verbal communication…so if you want to hear you look nice…ASK HIM.
Go to the room he’s in and say “what do you think?” You’re providing a cue that lets him know you need/want a verbal response.
Just don’t turn it into a twisted girl trap.
Don’t pick at the compliment he gives you.

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Men don’t tend to say anything about what they like only the bad. I have 4 brothers and they’re all the same as my hubby of 32 years. You have a good guy he’s doing everything he should be doing for his family he clearly loves you. Have you ever tried complementing him when he gets a new hair cut or shaved?

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Take the love language test. His love language may be acts of service or quality time. My husband finds it very hard to compliment me but if he thinks I love pretty he will hug me really tight or grab my hand. My love language is words of affirmation so it’s hard but we’ll always be a work in progress.


Sounds like he loves you regardless. Make up or not. Guys just don’t notice. My hubby rarely does. But here and there he will. Do you compliment your hubby? I do but honestly not as much as I used to.

I feel the same way u do…but if hes controlling or insecure which it sounds like he is then u wont ever just get random regular compliments…


It’s not wrong to want to be complimented by your partner. Since you have communicated this with him, he should make a better effort to make you blush.
I say, tell him again… and if nothing changes, then do something else. Lol.

Such as, take a pic of yourself and post it (on your social media if you have it). && go about your day. He will see it and he will see the compliments, etc. Or just go out to run errands, you’ll get compliments. Lol.

Always hype yourself up as well. :wink:

I have 6 brothers that our the same way with there wives/ girlfriend’s. My boyfriend is the same way. They say it out of action not verbal.

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Mine don’t compliment me but he’s affectionate, sexual and takes care of me :woman_shrugging:t2:


I thought at the start of reading this…no big deal maybe he just not keeping aware of making u feel special. But the comment he made “where do u think u are going” changes it. You need to sit him down and have a serious chat as to why he would make you feel guilty for getting dressed up to make yourself feel good xx

The comment of where do you think you’re going when you’re dressed up would seriously piss me off!! Comments like that come from a very insecure man it’s nothing to do with you!

Been watching Days of Our Lives too long. He compliments you by his actions----providing a home, cars, a job, and been a good father and husband. You been with a guy who says he loves you everyday but sits on his arse all day watching movies, can’t find a job, and borrows money off family and friends.

Def making it a bigger deal, I understand wanting to hear it. But, my hubby says some men just don’t say it, because they know they have diamonds. He says its the “where you think you going” that makes him believe your hubby loves you and knows he’s Got a gorgeous looking woman. Lol I asked my husband from his point of view y’all

Sounds like your love language is words of affirmation. There’s no harm in wanting to be compimented and to feel wanted by our partners. Maybe explain to him that you appreciate all he does for you and your family but you have needs of wanting to feel loved and attractive to him.

I’d suggest reading up on love languages if yours is words of affirmation it could help him understand your needs and help you figure out which is his love language too they are definitely important


I have always said , You need to keep your marriage fresh & interesting. It takes work on both sides. Change some things up catch the attention of your mate.

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What is his “love language “ it appears to be really different from yours.


Also remember, the way a person was raised, the love environment they grew up in - is what they perceive as “correct”.

I say look at his actions more than words. I had to learn with my partner that we show love differently. I would think he was uninterested because he wasnt doing what I viewed as what you do when you love someone. As i found out the ways he shows love, I realized how many times he was showing his affection and I had no idea.

My ex told me I was not beautiful just average all the time .don’t need that .

Maybe you have different love languages. I am one for words and my husband is one for actions. Maybe step back and look at it from a different perspective.

It’s a “love language” issue. Possibly educate him on the various love languages. How people feel loved.

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What does he say when you are dressed up and you ask him what he thinks?

Do you compliment him? Maybe the way you look isn’t important to him anymore (not saying he doesn’t like the way you look) a lot of guys just assume you know they like the way you look once you’re together that long and they compliment you in other ways. Talk to him about it when you’re not arguing and be clear about what you mean, also do the same for him because men need to feel wanted too.

Why don’t u try complimenting him… Unknown guys need to be praised also !! Its just not about us !!

It seems you’re seeking validation and reassurance but unfortunately,that needs to come from within and not from others.


Stop being vain as you said the man’s never cheated, he works hard takes care of you and his family you can rely on him. His actions compliment you every day. Instead of focusing on what he doesn’t do focus on all the things he does do and count your blessings that you aren’t bringing up your children alone or worse still in a violent environment.

I don’t think it’s specifically a gender thing as my girlfriend does the same. I tell her she’s beautiful, pretty, attractive, sexy or smoking hot every day. I tell her I appreciate her and how good she makes me feel. I ensure she knows I value her and I do not take her for granted. we have been together nearly 3 years. I may get the odd half arsed “gorgeous” but damn tell me I’m handsome, that I satisfy you, that I make you happy. It has come up in several arguments but it never changes

I don’t know anything about your relationship other than what you say, but your description of a good man being he works full time and doesn’t cheat doesn’t seem like what I would describe as a good man. Just a normal expectation. People saying you have a great thing going because he doesn’t cheat just shows how low our expectations are of a partner.

I think that’s normal because people show their attraction for their other half in different ways. It doesn’t need to be verbally xxx

I don’t get the compliment thing, it’s not something I want/need. Does he ‘compliment’ you in other ways, like, grab your bum, sneak up behind you for a cuddle, randomly kiss you etc? For me, those are compliment enough without the words. As others have said, do you compliment him too? If you’ve spoken to him about it and it’s not changed, maybe prompt him ‘does my make up look ok today?’

Do you compliment him? It’s not always about the bloke not doing these things.

Nah, dont settle. Stop with all the “validation” comments like she should be ashamed to want to be complimented by her partner. I may be 100% confident but when my partner compliments me, it feels great. Even compliments me when I’m wearing sweats and no makeup. It’s not that hard to say a “you look beautiful” when it’s obvious your partner dressed up and put on makeup.

Not to be funny but it’s not like you woman are like that with men tbf?

How petty. Ur u should b glad u have a good one