What do you do when your other tells you this is y’all’s last baby
Well I’d have a serious talk and find out if it’s for sure for him. And if so accept it.
You have to communicate your feelings and honestly would wait to see how your feeling after pregnancy. Hormones can be crazy sometimes but honestly just talk to him, my man said he was done when I was pregnant with our last but here he is already talking about another, but we both want to wait a year or two be we want our next to be our last and enjoy every moment of it.
My 2yo was our last, he was adamant! … We have a 6 week old
This is a conversation for your partner.
Respect him. Especially if you already have more than 1.
My partner said our second was out last baby now he’s talking about having another one
You respect it. Have a conversation about it if need be. Express feelings. And in the end you might just have to deal with that. Good luck
Agree and then a year later just be like “I think it’s time for another”
We have 4 between us he said if you want one together.we need to get on it.i was happy it was the last one.now our baby is 17 And iam 47
Respect their decision or leave.
It’s hard but when it comes to children it should definitely be done when either partner wants done. The only way out imo is to find a new partner if it’s a make or break feeling which is your decision to make. Definitely understand that it’s hard either way though xx
Tell them how you feel … if you want more, express this. If they still don’t, so be it. If neither are you are willing to compromise, respect the decisions and move on to find what you truly want.
It might just be how he’s feeling now. Talk about why he’s feeling that way. I was going to get my tubes tied after my second, but he was stillborn. It just wasn’t a decision I could make while pregnant with my rainbow. My boyfriend wanted to be done after him. I asked for a year to decide on anything permanent. I thought we were done but was afraid to make the decision then. We both charged our minds in that year.
I mean it’s up to both of you. You’re a team.
Accept it? It’s their body their choice. Your body your choice.
Well I think that’s a conversation for them, do they just not want more? Is it a money issue? Time issue? Space issue? Being on the same page is really important.
I feel like this is a conversation that should have been had before you decided to be together. My husband and I decided we would have 4 kids tops, we both would be more than happy with 3 and will discuss another when that time comes. If you absolutely want more children and you would regret it if you didn’t then unfortunately he isn’t the man for you. You need to sit down and have a very honest conversation with him about why he feels this way and if that is still his decision then you need to respect that or move on.
I medically am not allowed to have another kid due to my last… And my heart still breaks speaking it out loud… And my youngest is 7
You need to respect his dession
Agree bc kids are not fun & they’re expensive why’s it a big deal
Even though I want more, I know deep in my heart my husband not wanting more is more for my safety and health. Because he wants and needs me here for a long time.
Is this the first? Did they not want kids but had one because you did? Ask why? You need to communicate with your partner.
Also don’t worry to much about it by husband told me he only wanted two and here who are with three. . After the two he was like yeah I actually want another.
Like everyone has said,need to sit down and have a big powwow,and don’t negate his feelings,listen don’t argue
If he is done , he is done
May be he is thinking long term such as university costs , day to day financially wise
If he says this is your last baby,tell him that he will be the one getting fixed,
I think Men should have a choice also
Sounds like the partner is done having babies. That’s good communication. So what you do is not have another baby with the partner. Just like if your partner says no to sex, then you don’t have sex. Consent is important for these things.
it’s not a single person decision.
communicate his feeling and wishes are valid but so are yours! If you want more kids be transparent and open with him about that. Sometimes that’s a deal breaker for some people. He may insist he doesn’t want anymore and you equally might insist on wanting more. Sometimes we come to a cross road and we have to make a hard choice. You can respect his wishes, compromise, or you can end the relationship and seek a partner with values more aligned with yours. Either way it should be done with respect and love. Not everything has to be a huge disaster. I would start with speaking with him about your true feelings.
If he doesnt want anymore and you do, i guess the awnser is pretty obvious.
Have a conversation about it
You take their feelings and choices to consideration like a good spouse…if the roles were reversed you wouldn’t want to be pressured or forced.
Respect him or discuss it better before you had kids in the first place.
Depends on how many you have and if you have the means to support more
Maybe it’s time to sit down and discuss it with him ask him why he feels this way. If your not done let him know that. See what points he is making.
That you should respect your partner enough to not have more kids. If you want more kids you need to find a new partner for that.
When my husband and I had our 3rd kid he wanted me to get my tubes tied (I asked my dr how many women regret it, I was 27 at the time, at my age he said over 99% of them) now, 6 years later my husband is thinking about another. The time just might not be right for him. Take it for what it’s worth right now and see what life brings you guys.
If he is done then he has to have a vasectomy. It’s his responsibility to prevent having kids who knows what the future will bring and maybe one day you both will have different partners so if he is finished then that’s for him to take care off .
Talk about it. If your spouse feels that way it should be exppressed and vice versa
if his done then his done. you can’t force that on someone
What if this was him having this conversation with complete strangers? Think if the roles were reversed and it was you who didn’t want anymore kids? How would you react if he came to the internet and asked a bunch of guys what to do……
Respect his feelings. They are valid.
Then that is your last baby together. You can’t make someone have a baby with you either you accept this is your last baby, or if you can’t, then he is not the partner for you.
This is probably a conversation you need to have with him! That’s why it’s important to have conversations about kids when you get married/date or whatever! Now it can cause some unnecessary drama in the relationship
It’s overwhelming and sometimes ppl change their minds later. If you’re not done, then don’t have anything permanent done to prevent it in the future. But I would voice that you aren’t willing to give up that possibility and leave it at that for now… he may come around later once things get settled.
He has a right to his opinion
First question is how many children do you have?
Either deal with it or find someone else who wants more kids.
This is a conversation you need to have with him, not us.
You listen to them
It shouldn’t be that difficult
Since your partner is half the parenting team their feelings, wishes and wants are valid too. I would ask though how many do you already have, how old are they specifically the baby and what’s the living situation (financial, housing, work and such). If there are multiple and mostly littles give it time. As they get older and more self sufficient partner may come around to another. A discussion needs to happen between the two of you about each other’s feelings on the matter. If your partner is set that this is the last and you are completely unwavering that you want more then you need to decide if your desire for more outweighs your love for your partner. If so move on.
Well !!! He is done , not much you can do .
Unless you want to have babies with someone else
If he’s done he’s done. If that’s a relationship breaker to you then leave. But don’t force him to change his mind. I know things are set to change as time goes on but this is one of the really important things you’re supposed to discuss before marriage.
Maybe he’s overwhelmed with the kids you already have. That can change with time as well. When me and my partner first got together we discussed maybe 2-3. 4 at most. We wanted to stop at 3 though for many reasons. But our final will be 4.
Again though. Don’t force him. Having kids is his choice too.
go have a baby with someone else
Respect their decision, tf?
Depends on how many you have? But definitely sit down and have a conversation with your partner x
Just bc he’s a he doesn’t mean his feelings about not having more kids isn’t valid. Just like when a woman says she’s done, she means she’s done. Same thing.
Have a conversation, if he’s serious about it, he needs to take preventive action. Vasectomy is a good option as well as condoms incase the Vasectomy fails.
Well my husband is determined to have another. Not happening lol.
If he’s done having children then he can take care of the issue in case you want more later down the road
Communicate with your husband???
Hunny let go and let God. Unless he is snipping something and or if he has left forever or if he just simply won’t ever have sex with you then i would worry. However if he’s expressing to you he wants no more children for any other personal reason other than anger I wouldn’t have any in spite of. The last thing we need as a world are unwanted children/pregnancies.
Are you living on 1 or 2 wages? Is it doable or a bit too much for your partner?
I think it’s a conversation that should be had before having kids and if someone changes their mind at any point, it should be brought up again. If you two don’t agree on having more, and a compromise can’t be made, you’ll have to decide if that’s a deal breaker for you or not.
You can’t change a person’s wishes, if they do not won’t anymore kids. That’s that
What if roles were reversed?
Respect his wishes. If he doesn’t Want more children don’t pressure him to have more children. Tomorrow we’ll be seeing posts again about how he’s not helping and being distant because you got pregnant again.
Works the same way like if a girl said it’s her last… what if he wants more? Everyone would say “her body her choice” well he gets a choice too. If he doesn’t want anymore, he doesn’t have anymore. If you HAVE to have more, you have to find a new relationship.
Yall assume the partner is male…lets think outside the box and say its a female and she’s done…doesn’t want more.???
So talk w your partner and discuss why and why not.
Is it health? Of mom or baby or both
Is it age
Is it bc noone helps w everything…but wants to have more kids
If he’s done, he’s done. either you gotta learn to live with that or you gotta break up/divorce and find someone who wants more.
Do you absolutely want more? If so, talk about it. Maybe a therapist could help.
Respect the fact that they don’t want more kids.
There’s so many factors that are missing in this post to even make a suggestion!!! How many children, are both parents working to support the household or only him (bc that in itself can impair someone’s choice on children, costs are crazy crazy right now) Mental state, security, etc etc!!! Maybe he loves what he has and doesn’t want to jeopardize that. With more children comes more responsible, bigger vehicles, costs, etc. Find out why !!!
I wanted 6 always, got 4 and wanted to have more but he said no we got enough, but he was the one who was out making babies behind my back I left his ass years ago.
Tell him to get a vasectomy
Then it’s your last baby and you enjoy every second
Respect their wishes. I don’t think anyone should push another baby on someone who doesn’t want one- male or female.
You do nothing… when someone is done having kids, they are done. If you aren’t then you either divorce, or seek therapy.
Hope they’re getting a vasectomy bc no one’s telling me I’m getting a tubal oe on birth control. Snip snip Mofo!!
That’s the conversation u should have with him not with Facebook
Respect his decision he could be one child away from a mental breakdown or anything. There could be any reason in the world but they are entitled to their own feelings. Talk to him and see why or what’s going on and if you still feel like more kids are for you then maybe he isn’t right for you. Love means respecting how your partner feels
Respect their wishes.
If they don’t want more kids, why on earth would you even consider trying to manipulate how they think and feel.
We were done at 3 but guess what we have 6. Lol had another girl an the twins so we have 3 an 3 we are happy. He got fixed or I would of kept having babies.
If you’re in disagreement with this, have a conversation and find out why he is saying this. For us, it was me that said I’m done. I got 2 kids with 2 different fathers, I hated being pregnant to begin with. My partner listened and understood. I was so dead set on no more kids that I got tied at 25. If he wants more, he’s gonna have to leave me and find someone else or be open to adoption.
Meantime you knew he didn’t want more kids.
This post needs more context
Then you cherish every moment with your last baby because not forcing an entire human being on someone is a big boundary that needs to be respected
This is a hell of a lot bigger than something like “my husband wants to stop getting food from my favorite restaurant, what do I do?”
This a child that will NEVER stop needing you… that’s a hell of a lot to put on a person
The other end of this too… imagine being the child that their father didn’t want
Should of realized that before you got pregnant. Sounds like you already have 1 or more. Do you not work because daycare is expensive as well? His opinion matters if he is your “lifelong partner”
Cry. And then we got pregnant again and it was like, welp. We both fucked up.
But now it doesn’t matter bc I got my tubes removed so it’ll never happen again.
The people probably ruin the water. Indians drink beer.
Uh, you don’t do him dirty and sabotage birth control? He doesn’t want more.
Talk to him I mean how many kids do you have to begin with he might be overwhelmed by it all and may not want anymore which is fine he has the right to choose that as well
He might be feeling overwhelmed right now! Talk it
Out! You might be carrying his baby, but he too feels the responsibility! That’s a GOOD THING in today’s market!
I don’t think either partner should TELL the other. I think you should discuss nicely.
Listen to him…talk to him about why. Its best for him to be honest then commit to one without wanting it. Can lead them to leave if not ready
You listen…if you want a healthy relationship
Communication. He has a choice weather you agree or not
Just because it’s his last baby doesn’t mean it has to be yours.
If he doesn’t want anymore kids thats his choice. You can’t force someone to have more kids with you if they don’t want to.