This is a true narcissists. Only think of themselves. When your sick it is a inconvenience to them. He will never change. He might act like for a little while to change your mind. But they always stay the same. I see where a few do but highly unlikely at his age. You need to get rid of him. Try to take care of you for a while. Hope you feel better.
He’s just very disrespectful
He’s not a partner, he’s a slob. What redeeming qualities does he have to make you stay with that crap??? NOBODY should be disrespected like that. If that’s what floats your boat, then stay. If you EVER learn some common sense, you’ll leave so you can love yourself
Why are you still there?
Run! Leave! He’s like a 2yr old without his blankie…. He is not the man for you hon
Why are you with him? He obviously doesn’t respect you.
Sounds like he s an asshole …
Omw why would you hate yourself so much that you would punish yourself by being with such a narcissist. You also have the right to be happy and cared for. The sun is shining for everyone, not only some. You need to have a good look at yourself and ask yourself why you deserve to be treated this way. We only get treated the way we want to be treated. You deserve more. Make the change
Nope. Just say see ya.
You may end up in therapy if you stay with this man. Narcissist doesnt care about you or anyone else. This man is in love with himself. Sounds like alcohololic too:triangular_flag_on_post:
Leave him. He’s a pig!
Why stay with someone so hateful?
Leave he won’t change my ex played loud music all day an night even when I had new born babies i never slept from goin home after giving birth that is only a start a horrible narcissistic bastard still hounds me from a distance
Honestly if he’s gonna act like a child instead of a man leave him.
He should be more caring and have more respect for u.
“My partner was slamming doors when I was sick” is not a question. You have bigger problems.
TELL HIM TO GET THE F OUT OR LEAVE YOURSELF. that’s ridiculous and shows he has absolutely zero respect for you. If he was sick he would be curled up in a fetal position crying for his Mama.
Has he always been like this? Even when he’s not drunk? I’m not an alcohol addict myself but sometimes when I drink too much, I do or say things that I might later regret. Try talking to him when he’s sober and explain to him how his actions made you feel. If it’s the drinking that brings out this behaviour, encourage him to get help. Everyone telling her to leave, this is the only thing we know about their life and marriage. One incident where the man was not even in a clear state of mind. Leaving is not always a solution unless you want to end up alone for the rest of your life, but if you decide to find another partner at some point, he will have his issues too. Everyone does, sometimes my husband annoys me and I feel like punching him in the face, some days I look up and thank God for blessing me with such a sweet, caring and thoughtful person. I pray that you find a way to work through those issues together and get back to a good place. Leaving should be the last thing after everything else has failed.
That behavior only gets worse believe me.
See I know my worth. Hed tell me that once. Two times hed be on his knees crying holding himself.
get rid now! 58? going on 8! behaving like a spoilt brat you are worth far more x
Leave. It will never get better as long as he keeps drinking, maybe worse. And getting someone to quit who doesn’t want to is like a full time job with no pay. Sorry.
You’re wrong for staying in a relationship with an abusive addict. Try working with your individual therapist to resolve your codependency and develop some self esteem. Then try dating emotionally stable people.
That is called verbal abuse. It is emotionally abusing you. I feel like there is something much bigger going on your relationship. You need to get out.
wtf sounds like a drunk that doesn’t respect you
He should care that you are sick & he shouldn’t even be drinking & partying while you lay there sick!
No the f’in ridiculous and I would’ve flipped out! How inconsiderate!
no tell him to leave ubelong in the hospital
Umm why are you still there?! That is abuse. It’s either counseling and more than likely AA meetings, by the sounds of it or you move on. I know I wouldn’t be putting up with a grown man acting like a child. Honestly my kids have better manners than that.
Nope! He’s acting like a child! If he loves you he would respect you and the fact that you haven’t been feeling well
If you’re unable to get any relief from a migraine after so many days and you aren’t eating/drinking it’s time to get to a doctor so they can help you.
He’s being abusive please lab your way free of him.
You are wrong if you remain in such a dilemma. Fo stay with your family or a.
No you are right. Your husband is an ass who don’t care about anyone but himself.
Nope get away from him and go be treated like a queen love is never over as long as a woman breathes. It will feel like u cant or wont find someone be patient and get thru that feeling dont get stuck in it or u will be alone. Find confidence in the fact that ur being patient bcuz ur searching for the man who will love u while ur cherish and respect ur word. My mom (52)left my step dad(56) and his temper tantrums she is a better version of herself alone.
If a headache lasts over several days and doesn’t get better, it needs to be checked out by a doctor. If the headache is so bad you can’t handle him making noise from another room, you need to see a doctor. It is entirely possible that because you are lying around the house and watching tv, he thinks the headache couldn’t possibly be as bad as you are saying it is. His first night advice that you should have gone to bed was actually good advice. However, the rest of it, making noise on purpose and slamming doors on purpose is very much the behavior of someone who is being a bully just because he can. If he refuses to see your side of this, get out of the house. Stress can make headaches worse.
Leave, GO NOW, this is done. No one deserves this and he sounds like he is no where close to adjusting behavior. Use your time and energy to make a leave plan, or this will be your fate for life. You choose
The fact that you said “am I wrong?” Makes me so sad
Your body is telling youth get away from the abuser
U need to go to the Dr’s if ur that sick
Tell him to get out.And go to the hospital for help.You need I.V. fluids,I’m sure.
He’s being a child and I’m concerned he might be an alcoholic. I hope your keeping hydrated. And if your head keeps hurting you’re going to need to see a doctor. But in the case of him, he was wrong. Is he going to change, at this point in his life he’s probably not. But if you could ever get him sober to try and talk to him and see if he has any feelings for you because he doesn’t seem to have any respect for you drunk. But no you’re not wrong. In all this you’re not wrong.
Go to a hospital , get checked and be able to get away from him and get some peace
You should seek therapy. Do al anon classes and leave him
Your husband‘s an asshole… he’s inconsiderate and rude… 
I think, after hearing about everything else he does, his slamming doors is the least of your problems. Calling you names, wanting to cause you pain, and cursing at you are all abusive actions.
Nope, sounds like a man child. What would be wrong is continuing to allow someone to disrespect you like that. You deserve better.
Yeah no. He needs to just stop. This is not how you treat someone you love and know is unwell. You deserve better.
Wow I feel bad for you I know when you’re not feeling well you don’t wanted to hear or be bothered with anything or anyone hope you feel better praying for speedy recovery n do the same to him when he gets sick
paid back is a MF JUST SAYING
Why would you let him treat you like that? I’d leave if I were you. He doesn’t seem to care about you at all.
Maybe you should go to hospital for dehydration or lack of food that could be cause of your headache
He is not just unsupportive, he is downright abusive.
You need to get better and leave that’s unacceptable behavior age doesn’t matter no one should act like that towards their partner
time to take a stand my dear….change your attitude & change the way you except this nasty man’s behaviour ……walk away, walk out and this time “You” slam the door……right in his face.!!
You can’t reason with a drunk .
You’re losing interest in him FAST!
Let his tired *{^ go!
You should have went to bed.
If the house is indeed laid out like you say, then it’s time for some peace and serenity🧘🏽♀️
Forget the love aspect, he’s just one big j3rk now and I promise you you’ll be happier in the short and long run
If he can’t even help you while your sick!!? And for days???
Go to the ER for fluids bc at this point you probably have nothing left.
*this is as real and factual as it’s gonna get
Doesn’t sound like your partner cares about you at all!
Two things, 1- he’s an asshole and 2- go to the hospital. You may find you’ll feel much better after getting rid of his ass
Key word here is: Drunk
No point in giving advice because he won’t change unless he wants too. It’s your choice to put up with all that. GL sucks he is mentally abusive and not supportive.
Why are you asking us I someone is treating you like shit…you know he is treating you like shit, it won’t get better…get out!
Leave and don’t look back…
Get him gone ain’t that hard
You need to say good bye , he sounds very abusive with his words and actions
Go to your room and shut the door…problem.solved
Please go to the doctor!!
no you are NOT WRONG
You know what to do but you keep hanging on. Do what you know is right ?
He’s an inconsiderate drunk.
Just keep in mind love isn’t just a word, it’s actions.
I suppose you know their are temporary shelters out there for battered woman, you might want to look into that, unless someone out there in reading range wished to reply a suggestion.
Nope. He’s being an immature ahole who doesn’t give 2 fs about you. That’s not a relationship I’d want to be in but you take care of yourself hope your headache isn’t a migraine or unregulated blood pressure ( that childish stuff would make me ) and when she’s not acting w a child ask him what is going on and why he was so nasty to you.
Sounds like he has a drinking/anger problem.
You are definitely not wrong he is inconsiderate disrespectful and acting like a child. If I were you I would end this relationship
KICK THAT DISGUSTING ABUSER TO THE CURB!!! You deserve better! Best wishes.
Men like this our children. They are such Dicks at that age. Come on grow up buddy . No one deserves that.
So sorry. Feel better
Take yourself to the hospital and tell him to be gone when you return
You need to wake this guy up
No, you are not wrong. That was uncaring and disrespectful. You don’t need this.
Go to a family members house or a hotel… you need to feel better to yell back at him!
I learned a long time ago, you cannot argue, reason with, or make a difference with a drunk. I grew up with an alcoholic father. He would come home drunk and he and my mom would yell at eachother for what seemed like forever. To this day, I cannot be around drunk people. It is a huge trigger for me. The answer to your question is no, you are not wrong, but you are in a diar situation. He probably will not stop drinking, so therefore, the disrespect will continue.
That’s abuse. Leave him.
Sounds like a spoiled brat!!
You need to go to a hospital.
Hell no fuck him. I would’ve lost my shit
Sounds like you have covid. You need to go some place and get well.Then move out on your own.
Why Are you still there???
He obviously has no respect or empathy for you. Which is sad, and I’m so sorry.
Give him the Boot you don’t need him
Kick the man boy out. He is disrespectful and uncaring.
he should be caring for you while your sick, not acting like a child! he needs to grow up and stop his selfishness. Tell him that! think about it do you really want to be treated like this for the rest of your life???
That’s wrong he needs to go
Sounds like he has a problem with alcohol.
Why havent you left or kicked him out
Time to get rid of him or get some counselling for him…
Hope all who telling you to leave are also ready to give advice when you’re complaining about midlife dating…
You have a right to be angry and demand respect but anyone tellung you to leave over just reading this is a moron and shouldn’t give advice.
Explain your problem of how you feel and his disrespect, and leave it as that. Then go lick everything that goes in his mouth so that he gets sick like you and then return the favor to him of being loud and rude.
Some people don’t understand things until they experience it themselves.
Kick him out. Be done with him. He doesn’t care about you.
I guess he’s ur partner n not ur husband for a reason! I wouldn’t deal with that. He doesn’t care about u at all! He’s showing it at ur most vulnerable time while u’re sick! Sorry
You’re with him, why??
I got sick once in 2020. So was our daughter. My husband left is in our bed & slept in the recliner bc he knew when I asked for Mortrin & Pepsi, I was sick. It wasn’t even a question.