I used to think my daughter would of felt the same way but she is now 9 years old and she doesn’t even think of them. She dont even care to speak to them. She is loved by my side of the family. You can’t force them no matter what their reason is. Your kid will be fine and you shouldn’t care about them once your child is loved by you and your side of the family that’s all that matters. Seems to me they probably just don’t like you for whatever stupid petty reason and you shouldn’t let that bother you, if I were you I would stay far away from them. If the kids have a good relationship that’s great I would let them see each other but I wouldn’t be around those in laws. Same with me I used let my kid go see her cousins on her dad’s side and I would stay in their back porch all day until it was time to go.
I have the same issue! At the end of the day it is sad but when your son grows up and doesn’t know them and then they want to be involved in his life it will be their own fault! Their loss anyway your son is loved by lots of people xxx
Sometimes you just have to face the facts. Your son seeing your husbands family treat him differently would cause more issues than if you cut them out of his life.
My sons family will have him for two hours every Friday but they won’t have my daughter who happens to be his full sister. They barely even acknowledge her when we see them at school etc. I gave up knowing that I love all my children equally as does their step dad. At least I know when she’s older and wants nothing to do with them it’s on their head not mine x
Best way not to react u not alone in this situation just just honest with your kid and carry on with your life is best way if they don’t bother is their lost not yours as much as it hurts
You can’t force them to include your son. If they don’t want to put in the effort then it’s their loss. Your son doesn’t need to be treated like he’s not wanted. When he’s older and doesn’t want anything to do with them, they only have themselves to blame
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My partners family doesn't include my son in anything: Advice?
If they all have the same dad it isn’t bc your son looks like his dad. I would just take your son around whomever loves and spends time with him
His family need to be checked!
Might be harsh, but meh, I use to get upset, but my ex mil just took my two for the first time (they’re 6 and 10) her reasoning is "I know you guys will take good care of them. However the other two grandchildren live with her. It went as far as the other two grandchildren going out of state to be in his brothers wedding and I and my other two children were not even invited. You gotta figure out how to just let it go. Love your baby and husband and they can eff off.
Have went through the same. Cut. Them. Off. As. Fast. As. Possible !
Honestly I don’t think it has any thing to do with your son looking like his father. Sounds like they don’t like your relationship with their son or children resulting from it.
I would in person in private calmly ask them. Just out of the blue eye to eye "hey, I just wanted to check in with you because over the last few years I’ve noticed something… I know that it isn’t me so I just wanted to clarify the issue in case you weren’t aware of it. If you are aware and it is intentional then just tell me now so that we can move forward with no hard feelings. This is what we have seen… Blah blah blah… I won’t be offended by your honesty and in fact would appreciate it if this is intentional then I can assure you we will no longer expect your participation or attempt to provide opportunities for your participation. It’s more hurtful to not know or understand and the truth weather it seems harsh is actually beneficial. "
Keep cool and calm, no need to be emotional about it. If they agree that it’s intentional then you know not to provide any more opportunities for them to be in your lives if they claim that it is not intentional then ask them what they need in order to be more involved.
Never force a toxic relationship. That is their loss to know such a wonderful boy. I would even consider not letting them see the new baby as well.
Your children will grow up loving and respecting the family that has given them time and love. Kids figure it out on their own!
I think if your partner is willing to disown his family because they’re disrespectful and rude and I would agree with your partner they don’t want to be bothered why should you exert yourself to try to put your children in that type of situation don’t it’s their loss and unless they learn to respect the fact that that child belongs to their son then the hell with them that would be my attitude and if your partner is okay with that then why are you fussing just do it maybe once they find that out that you just don’t care then maybe they’ll change their mind just explain to the kids when they get older I know if that’s what they want to do fine it’s de los not yours they are rude and disrespectful I wouldn’t want that type of people around my children my advice fuckum excuse my language but that’s the way I feel
If it was me I would let them go if they want to act and treat their own family like that they don’t deserve to be in their life. My son knows of his other side of the family but they don’t bother with him and my son doesn’t care to give them the time of day he is old enough now to realise who cares and who he has around him. Cut them off and be done with their childish behaviour no point and goin through the stress and anger for people who simply can’t see what they are doing wrong x
Sounds like your son is being punished for something you and your partner did, am I wrong?
Adults can be pathetic.
When they want to hurt some one they always attack the child.
I’m thinking the ex has a hand in this.
They will regret these actions.
Don’t try and force the issue,
You can’t force them to accept your son just