My period is late and I am in pain...advice?

Hey mamas I need help! I’m in pain and idk what to do! My period is 9 days late. I’ve tested the past 2 weeks and have been negative. So yesterday my stomach starts cramping BAD. Like I’m in bed laying on the heating pad. It also feels like something is leaking out so I go pee but there’s no blood! I’ve never felt like this before without my period starting. What’s going on? Is this normal? For background I have 2 kids already.


I had this and it ended up being a cyst on my ovary

See your doctor asap…

Check for uti, but can be anything if you don’t feel right, rather be safe. If your in pain, trust your body…

What does the doctor say?

Also stg I turned 33 and have issues with gas that be killer through my whole intestines and upper chest…it usually folds me up. My 1st time it happened to me I felt dizzy and thought I needed water, Until I moved a certain way and felt engorged. Anyways hope you get correct care♡.

I’d go in to the doc for sure. Pain is abnormal. There may be hormonal issues and you definitely want to rule out cervical and uterine cancer

I had 3 miscarriages that started just like this go to the ER now

Could be anything from a uti, cyst or even ectopic pregnancy. I would get to dr or er asap


Of you had your tubes tied sometime that changes your periods and you have pain

See a doctor. It could be a bunch of things. The sooner you can get it figured out, the better.


Is the pain on one side, both or in the middle? Could be ovarian cyst, some kind of infection(are you having discharge, odor, ith/irritation, etc?), or could just be the start of your period. Are you on any type of b/c or other hormones? There are a lot of factors. Call your gyn triage and see what they say

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I’d go get blood work and a vaginal exam to make sure.

As said above go to a dr. Sounds like a possible uti


When I had my miscarriage I didn’t even know I was pregnant all test said negative and no period had bad pains for two days went to ER was told I was pregnant but lost the baby…


Could be an ectopic pregnancy my pain was awful when I had mine in May 2016 in December I found out I was pregnant again with our now almost 6 year old daughter

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I would go and see your primary or OB/GYN.

I had a history of cysts and the cramping/pain would be miserable.

Also would get checked for BV. That can be miserable as well.


Heard of a yeast infection, turning some one sepic and that was or sounded treatable…

could be a uti, a miscarriage, or tubal pregnancy, or something else. if the pain is so severe go to the er
if you can wait go to your urgent care clinic Tomorrow or call your doctor tomorrow

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Could be uterine fibroids

when i would cramp like that they would do xrays and say they were ovarian cyst one time it would be on the left the next time it woudl be on the right that was the jumpest cyst i have ever seen finally found a obgyn doctor that would see me ( i was overweight so it was hard to find a doctor to help me) but this obgyn doctor did and the day of surgery he found out i had endometreosis, adeometresosis, and fibroid lesions. I did not have a cyst on my ovaries like they were saying i did.

Have you tried a doctor and not Facebook?


When that happened to me it was cysts …see a doctor

Need to go to a obgyn doctor you very well can have endometreosis or adeometerosis or both.


Drink tea. It cures all… per me says my daughter


Poop cramp constipated? Uti kidney infection. Miscarriagd or tubal. Go get blood work and stuff

Could be anything from stress, to infection, tubal pregnancy, fibroids. Go to the doctor asap if it’s an ectopic pregnancy you’ll need to be seen like yesterday.

Ooooffp for someone myself who’s been threw the ringer this last year with girl problems don’t blow it off I’ve had two ovarian torsions in 5 month !!! Two lost my right ovary in September then they saved my left three weeks ago ended up being shipped by ambulance to a hospital in town where they could do the surgery to be told I was bleeding out and that I could not go myself because their was a dry high chance I wouldn’t make it :dizzy_face::woman_facepalming:t3: don’t ignore warning signs both times were close calls I’m a mom of three myself very scary it was extremely painfull couldn’t go number two has Nausea extreme cramping but if I held still and payed just right it was able to wait it out two days that way bad idea :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: mind you our hospital is very low grade sent me home ended back in hospital in town was in surgery 30 mins later the first time the second time my doctor didn’t mess around thank goodness but still dealing with stuff today praying the paid and swelling go down and I can keep my last ovary that being said you need fluids and ultrasound fluid are crazy important no matter what it is !! I wouldn’t chance I had no blood staining on the inside of my stomach “ looks like giants bruising or just bruising in general on the outside of your sick” I had none of these systems and no spotting just extremely painful like stabbing cramping pains my ovary felt like contractions almost so don’t just rely on seeing blood I didn’t see anything and was dead wrong

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Could be your uterus expanding. When I was pregnant with my son I went to the hospital doubled over in pain and it turned out I was pregnant. Could just be really bad cramps. Your Dr will have better insight. Good luck

Had similar experience mine turned out to be diverticulitis

I’d go get checked out ASAP. I can’t say it’s a miscarriage cause my miscarriage I had positive tests then got the cramps and bleeding then got the confirmation from the ER so yeah I’d definitely go be seen because you never know what’s going on

Uti go to Walmart and get AZO for it take a couple of days

Definitely would schedule a visit…two years ago, I knew I was pregnant but it just seemed weird I can’t explain it, I was 7weeks and felt so sick I couldn’t move. Nothing helped, had no appetite and couldn’t even force myself to eat or drink, I literally laid on the floor curled in a ball in the only comfortable position I could find with my then two year old bringing me pretend snacks to feel better.
It lasted just the one day and I felt completely fine the next day but I miscarried 3weeks later. At what should have been ten weeks they measured the embryo at 7 and argued when I told them how far along I was/should be.
The pain and sickness was me loosing the pregnancy.
Definitely schedule a visit, if it’s nothing then it’s nothing but it very well may not be. :heart:

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ER. They will do blood panel to see if you’re pregnant or what’s going on. Myself and my mother didn’t test positive on a stick until 8+ weeks

GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! People here can not tell you what is wrong!!!

Go to Dr or hospital. My sister did this and it was a tubal pregnancy