My pregnant niece wants me to pay her to watch my kids...what is fair?

20.00 a day and have her apply for food assistance to contribute.

Not a good idea , as she gets further pregnancy she won’t want to an your mum mite feel funny about you taking them from her care an then asking for her back when the new situation didn’t work out x

Figure out what her rent should be,food,cleaning supplies,etc.Then subtract $20 a day for her what she would owe you after all is said and done.

She is being paid by living on your home and being feed no extr money

Ok well first of all her mother can’t legally kick her underage child out of her home, pregnant or not. Her mother still has a responsibility to shelter and feed her 17 year old. She should be paying you for watching HER daughter. It’s great that she wants to earn some money though. I would help her find something a lot easier than babysitting to earn a few dollars. You’re doing enough for her and you can’t break your bank to support your sisters kid because she wasn’t happy that she got pregnant and kicked her out.

I wouldn’t do that, your letting her live rent free, she needs to get a real job.

Nothing… tell her to get a job. Or trade of baby sitting. She watches yours during the day, and you watch hers so she can pick up a part time evening job to afford her child’s needs formula/diapers/clothing, ect.

Let her go to work outside your home. She needs to grow up quickly. She will certainly have to grow up quickly when the baby comes. The work will really begin then. She will nee have 2 to take care of then. I know it sounds harsh, but she needs to learn how to work and be responsible for her family. She is no longer a kid. Yes there are plenty of places that will hire her. Nine months will pass quickly, and she will see what work really is. Practicing tough love is hard. Raised my boys and grand children they all worked from the time they were 16.

Her watching the kids should be a trade off for a living in your house and eating your food

She lost me when she asked

I would explain to her why it doesn’t makes sense for you to do that. If you’re financially capable I’d look for something else that you could hire her to do such as some house cleaning. If not just tell her to advertise that she is looking for kids to babysit

You charge her rent. That’s the trade off lol

She’s living free off of you and expecting you to pay her to babysit ? Send her useless ass back to her mother. If you don’t you’re going to end up with another mouth to feed and take care of because I cab assure you She’s not going to.

You’ve already opened your home and taken on the costof her living in it. You would be cutting your finances by paying her and realistically that’s just not plausible. If you hand her free living and pay her she won’t learn anything about life or responsibility. I would leave my kids with my mom and tell her that if babysitting is what she wants to do for extra $ then place an add on your local fb page. There are plenty of parents out there that need summer sitters.

I wouldnt pay her. I would keep sending them to grammas or say thats a great idea but i dont currently pay for childcare. If you to pay me say $800/month for rent food and utilities then i would knock that down to say $300/month for the babysitting

You are already helping her out already by letting her move in with you and not asking for her to contribute towards any bill’s and food.
She needs to concentrate on getting herself sorted out and into a flat/ house before her baby comes.
If she needs extra money she should be looking for a job, she needs to be able to support herself and the baby on her own.
If she’s too far into her pregnancy to go out to work, she could work from home.
She’ll need to find a way to buy the baby’s things.
If you and your mum are happy with the childcare arrangements as they already are, don’t change them.
You also need to think how your mum would feel if you tell her you don’t need her to look after the kids anymore because your planning on paying your niece to do it.
Think long term, once your niece has had the baby will she still want to look after your kids too?

My mom babysat who asks u to pay for food not my family

Having a baby isn’t the worst thing.

Get her to clean up 40$ sweep mop dishes n bathroom

You’re fortunate you can take your youngest to work with you. Now to your niece, she lives with you rent free, does she pitch in and help around the house? Dishes ,laundry, cleaning ect? If she does, good, she should after all she lives there rent free. The kids should stay with your Mom, and I’m sure you show your appreciation to you Mom in other ways besides providing food. Small gifts here and there is nice. Your niece should get a job, there will be expenses after the baby is born, she needs to learn how to provide for her and her child, after all there will be two extra people living in your house once the baby is born. Everyone needs to give, otherwise resentment will set in. This girl needs to grow up. First of all nothing is said about the father of this child but if he’s a decent person and probably a child himself he needs to step up and take some responsibility. Do not let him become a dead beat Dad.

I would help her look for a job near your house instead.

Patty Ann you’re weird af. So it’s worse if the teen gets food stamps and wic? And doesn’t have to pay rent while being a teen? Weird af to think it’s ok to make a teenager pay rent. That’s her aunt. She doesn’t want her to pay rent. Y’all so fixated on paying rent and utilities it’s insane. She’s a teen! A teen! Who is barely able to even work because of her age and pregnancy. Thank God y’all aren’t her aunt. :sweat_smile: have the day you deserve. Bye