Being pregnant so young is probably overwhelming not matter the circumstances. So generous of you to take her in but she probably wants something of her own. Why not let her watch your children 1 day a week
For a few dollars. You will be doing a kindness that hopefully she will
Play forward one day
Unfortunately she has to grow up fast now. You have helped by giving her a place to stay. The baby daddy needs to help out, or there are programs out there to help her. She can get a small job. Unfortunately being a single mom isn’t easy. So sorry she has to learn this so young.
Though I agree with 95% of the comments, you asked a question and I haven’t seen ONE answer! 20 to 30 a day is fair in the Midwest. Especially since it will be in the home she lives in (she doesn’t have to get ready and leave to go to work).
Nothing! Let the kids stay with grandma. She’s getting free rent ,food and utilities! That’s enough
I’d rather her clean and Cook while I work and have my mom keep my kids still. Best of both worlds
$100 a week so she could have some $ in her pocket & save it until the baby is born… we all need a helping hand…
I would say you already have a setup that works for you and your kids with your mom watching the kids without an added expense. Taking an additional teen into your home, much less one that is pregnant, will already be adding to your expenses with groceries, utilities, helping her with her gas, car insurance, and baby needs so adding an unnecessary expense of paying her for childcare seems a bit over the top to me. I would also have to really see how good a teenager is with my young child before I would leave them alone for any extended period of time, much less two young children. I have an 18 year old and a 3 year old- my oldest son helps out with my little one while we are home but has never been home alone with him for longer than a few hours and that has only happened a few times and has not happened again since finding him in his room playing video games while our little one was terrorizing the house on our return. Thankfully he was not hurt in any way, but easily could have been or worse. We live on the lake so there are way too many possibilities for what could go wrong. That being said just to maybe consider at least starting slow if you are considering this, try seeing how she does with them while you are home, then try letting her watch for short periods like while you run errands or something before leaving her with them long periods of time all week long while you’re working.
Tell your niece watching kids is her way of paying rent and food.
Tell her to wise up, she is lucky to have a roof over her head. If she is asking to be paid for baby sitting I would remind her she is living with you for free. Does she cook for you, wash her own clothes, clean house, I would still put you children to your moms to be sure that your kids are secure, and get fed regular.
If she does a good job watching them and you trust her then I would offer her $75 a week. It’s not much but it would help her be able to buy things for herself and for her baby. I would also try to help her find a real job because she’s gonna need one. In the meantime get her to sign up for foodstamps and any other government assistance she can. She’s pregnant and homeless, they can get her on a wait list for income based apartments and all kinds of things.
She gets room and board. She shouldn’t eve ask for money . Orpay her then say she owes you that said amount for rent. She needs to learn that if she expects to be paid so do you.
I personally would keep them with your mom though.
Pay her and then charge her twice as much in rent. Problem solved and it will teach her a valuable life lesson.
Keep your mama watching your babies, got to say your sister is bang out of order throwing her own daughter on the streets, what mother does that? Lovely thing you have done stepping in helping your niece at 17 she wants money, saying goes she’s old enough to breed old enough earn money to support herself and baby. Is baby’s dad on scene ?
Nothing. Don’t change a thing. Let her find her own job. You’re already doing a lot
You r doing enough. Let her get a job outside the house and you keep doing gma
She may be quite capable. But how much toddler experience does she have? And at some point, she will be big preggers…that’s tough to do when you’re the mom and have a toddler. And then she will be a brand new mom, she will be learning her own baby. And she’s living there without rent, and I’m assuming she’s eating your food too…not saying it’s a bad idea, but she’s getting free rent and food and a safe landing with her newborn. You would be upside down if you were to pay her, can she get a part time job after she’s done healing after having the baby?
I think it would be helpful to actually pay her so you could start teaching money management and responsibility. I know she could do this through any job but this way it would be less running around getting her from point A to B.
She’s better off getting a job while pregnant, that way if she does apply they legally can’t turn her down. She has to start somewhere, that’s by growing up. Sorry honey (to your niece), but this adult thing is not how it works. Go get a Job.
She needs a job, and your kids are not a JOB!! You now have a new responsibility to teach her tough love, time to pull up them ol boot straps and get out there and get a job!!! She will need money to support her baby and medical insurance. So now is that time. Otherwise she will continue to think freeloading is the way!! Aunties play a big roll, and sometimes it’s hard to teach life lessons. I’m sorry your in this position but she will thank you for it in the future! Teach her your strength
Shouldn’t she be trying to work a actual job and pay for her baby on the way?
Tell your niece to kick rocks
Terrible 2 s and feisty 4 s. We w!!! Those ages are a handful. She’s not even 18 yet!!these people with their comments are totally whacked.
I would continue having ur mom watch them…plus u don’t have to worry about a messy house when u get home lol
I would just say you are an awesome aunt. Personally I would just start with 1 or 2 days a week. Maybe pay her a flat daily rate of $40. If she isn’t happy with that than offer to help her find something else. I’m always seeing moms posting in local groups looking for a teen/college age sitters.
I’d pay room, board, and some condoms (for after the baby us born)
I would continue to just let your mom watch them. I wouldn’t want to have her watch them and mistreat them bc she’s not being paid or whatnot. Once her baby is born she is going to need to get a job and figure her own child care out so I would just keep doing what your doing.
Pay her and then charge her more for rent than what she is making and let her figure it out
Letting her stay with you is enough.
Nothing it’s part of the lesson …. You are helping her and she can help you … or keep your mom watching them
I think your kids will thrive on the consistency with your mom, but you could also ask if she would do a few hours a week to help out and give your mom a break, but I’d be straight up that you can’t afford to pay her much and want to help her. Hopefully she will understand. You taking her in is a financial burden to you as well. Maybe she could get a part time job somewhere for a while - that’d be more money for her at least for a while.
I would explain that this is a unique situation. I understand her wanting to make money and maybe $10 and hour but she could also get a job outside the house as well especially since your mom watches them free
I wouldn’t mess up you current situation. When she has the baby she’s not gonna want to babysit
As a grandma I look forward to seeing my grandkids as much as possible so I may be a little biased but I would keep the arrangement you already have
She can go get her own job and you can keep using your free childcare.
Tell her to get a job and keep taking your kids to your mothers
Maybe your mother and your niece could take turns watching the kids
Keep your mom for during the week, but pay the niece for any date nights or weekend activities you need childcare for. She’s a teenager, and yes she DEFINITELY needs a job, and yes you are providing for her, but her time is worth $ just as much as anyone elses is (no ridiculous rates though, of course). She will need the extra money for her baby and it will teach her how to responsibly take care of children before she welcomes her own into the world. You are doing her a kind service by letting her stay with you for free.
As a teen mom myself, I would have NEVER been able to make it to where I am now without the support of my family and I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for all the support they gave. So are my daughters. Remember, it’s not just your niece who’s life you’re making a difference in, it’s that baby’s too.
I would only let her watch the 4 yr old … shes young n inexperienced… kids are fast !!
I think maybe your niece God bless her needs a little reality check compassion and free rent have pretty big price tags and with a little one on the way she needs to get some professional guidance concerning her next move stick with Mom both you and your kids are already comfortable
I think baby sitting would be the pay for you putting her up and helping her out no questions asked you can’t do anymore xx
She’s already getting payment for you letting her stay. Don’t bend your back too far and get yourself stressed out
Maybe have her watch the kids only a day or two per week to give your mom a break and her some experience. That would cost you less. She does need some money.
She’s in the perfect position to get a good starter job with more pay if she isn’t high risk. Perfect opportunity to learn to earn and be responsible with her money before baby comes too. I say continue your current childcare and maybe suggest other jobs she can access
If she’s living for free . She should watch them .
If she’s not paying rent she should be baby sitting for free.
If you pay her, charge her rent
No. I’m 33 and can barely take care of my own 2 and 3.5 year old. They are busy. When I was pregnant it was worse. I’m outside 6 hrs a day playing with them. Constantly cooking and cleaning. This girl is still a child herself with a pregnancy. She needs to focus on getting a job and raising her own.
It may be good for her to have the responsibility with the ability to buy an outfit or something. I would keep the pay very minimal 50$ a week?
I would agree she needs to pull her share but she will need to have some independent ability to buy the items. for her baby.
I’m f you can’t afford it, explain that you two should work as a team. Meaning…her about to be a mommy she will be appreciative of your ability to help with her child.
I’m not trying to jump too far ahead but it sounds like your trying to help her have a stable home for when the baby is born.
Your a wonderful aunt. Few of us left out there
You should file for child support from your sister for her pregnant minor daughter. She’s still responsible for her support and depending on how long her daughter has been living with you, then you will most likely get back support as well. Just a suggestion. And maybe just let her babysit on a date night with hubby and times like that, but ages 2 and 4, for a pregnant 17 year old girl to watch that much, may cause some raging hormones😆
I wouldn’t pay her anything. If I was the niece I would watch them for free for letting her move in for free.
Her payment is getting to live in your house. It may be best to just keep letting your mom keep watching them and not the niece.
How can you pay your niece but not your Mom for watching your kids?? After all its a big commitment your Mom has taken on for you. I"m sure she loves spending time with her grandchildren but its her time too. If I were your Mom I would feel insulted if you paid your niece and not me for the same job. In today’s world we can all use a little money for our food, bills etc. Your niece should be very greatful that she has a place to live for free where everything is outrageously overpriced these days. Don’t let her take advantage of you and your kind heart. After all, she was the one who got herself in this situation. Seems like she needs to grow up now as she will be responsible for her own child. I wish her luck with her baby. She will be OK
50’a week since she’s eating for two but if she contributes her own food 75 a week
TBH, I would leave the babysitting situation as it is. As far as your niece needing money, maybe you could help her sign up for some type of public assistance, WIC, etc…
Or if she’s not that far along, she could get a job outside of the home.
We’ll I th8nk you have your answer with the fact that you let her stay with you for free. So it would be only fair that she does not charge you to watch your kids.
Kicking girls out for getting pregnant, makes me ill. More of this will be seen by what the republicans have done. Anyways, the girl needs a little money to help her find a job. Just because someone is staying with you free of charge, does not make them your slave as some of these people seem to believe. I would pay her for doing little things like folding clothes or washing them, picking up toys and cleaning and try and help her find a job. The situation with your mom is great and teens aren’t that dependable. Pay her what you can afford to pay her for doing whatever she does around the house.
Just let her know that what you are doing is working and then kindly suggest she go get a job or another way of making income as you ain’t it. I think 17 is too young to be watching two young kids on her own. Plus being pregnant is exhausting. You’d be risking your niece falling asleep while watching your kids.
What’s stopping her from getting her own job even at a fast food place? Free rent wow!!! she could save enough to have a good start.
Nothing. You already are doing so
Much for her. She doesn’t seem to appreciate it though
I would write out what cost of rent and food and bills would be and tell her it’s time you both get paid tell her no problem paying her but you can’t pay her if she’s free loading…. I don’t think it’s fair she’s asking to be paid while she’s living off of you … I could see if you were going out on date nights or something if it’s for fun ya pay but if it’s for work nope
I’d say a place to stay is her pay I wouldn’t pay her I would let your mom watch them because I’m sure they love going there and she is 17 so he can get a job
Do what you are doing and tell her to get a job
Um nothing!! She living there 4 free!!
Honestly food and rent is payment enough. She is about to have a kid she needs to start growing up quick. Diapers, formula, clothes and dr cost money. She needs to go out and make as much money as possible.
You have essentially taken on another child and soon an infant, and all that comes with that.
Since you have taken her in and are supporting her fully, through her pregnancy and birth & will likely be supporting the baby as well for an indeterminate amount of time, no.
Keep your child care as is with your mom if that’s working for you and your children.
The 17 year old neice can get a job outside your home for some money if she wishes, perhaps babysitting neighbors children or p/t in a local business if transportation isn’t a big problem. She’s going to need to learn responsibility and to support her baby working outside the home going forward so she may as well start now. She’s 17, in an uncertain predicament already & summer is short. It is time to grow up, face the real world for her and she’ll need to do that quickly.
It’s too much to ask of you as she’s already extremely fortunate to have your care, support and generosity. …and it would complicate boundary and expectation lines.
It would also be a disruption to your children’s already established routine and schedules that need to remain stable in the capable hands of adults.
She should though be helping with certain household chores, as any child of that age in the home would be.
She needs to be taught that she is already freeloading and bot to expect any monetary payment… it’s called room and board… she can get a part time job away from the home if she wants spending money… what better time to become an adult!!
I would not change what you have going on. Help her find a job thats not babysitting your children. It may be a little harder to find a job but there are ones out there. Write down your budget and stuff maybe teach her what that’s all about. Shes going to need all the help she can get but you giving her a place to stay rent free, you are already helping.
Wow! I’d say, umm no way. Her fee for living there for free is baby sitting the kids. Man. That’s awful. I definitely am all for paying ANYONE that watches my kids. But NOT someone that is living in my house for free! No way. I am sad for you that she even came up with that. I would charge her rent and part utilities and keep kids at Memaws. And maybe throw down a bit more than food for Memaw. If she won’t accept money which I know a lot of G-Parents won’t, book her nails, toes and spa each month! But little miss niecey needs a talk about reality!!! If you are being helped! You HELP out any where you can! If she is sitting at home all day I hope that house is sparking as well!
If she don’t pay rent ,food , electric why should she be paid babysitting.sounds like a even exchange to me .I would keep bringing kids grandmother’s house and tell her to get a job otherwise you will be supporting her and soon the baby too .that is going to put a strain on you & hubby relationship
It’s a start but she should be helping babysitting anyways she’s living there free n eatting
Nothing her she’s getting room and board.
She would be better off getting a part time job. Watching little ones is not easy.
You are already paying her- bed, utilities, food.
In the real world people get pd for work even moms and mother in laws. If not your taking advantage. By your niece living with you and paying nothing if you let her babysit occassionally maybe pay her $100 a wk. She needs money to get ready for her baby. Clothes, bottles, diapers, etc.
Why would you is the question I think you already answered your own question She has a free ride now
I would be straight up with her & let her know that u can’t afford to pay a babysitter & u alrdy have ur mom watch them for free. Having her move in & take care of her is enough payment tbh. Just b forward with her & tell her that u can’t pay her & u r alrdy letting her live with u for free. She should be doing shores around the house for u to show appreciation for u letting her move in for FREE!
I wouldn’t pay for a sitter if you have someone doing it for free. Also free room and board, guess I’m just stingy.
Regardless she needs to be compensated for her energy and care given to the kids. She’s helping you out by not making you take the time to get them dressed and packed and traveling to MawMaws. You just get your youngest baby up and go.
You didn’t let her move in to help with being a babysitter - you stated she was kicked out. She probably does want extra money to make while she’s preparing for her own baby to arrive.
PAY HER WHAT SHE DESERVES OR TAKE THE KIDS BACK TO YOUR MOTHERS AND TELL HER YOU CAN’t afford to house her and pay her- DON’T sit up here and make it seem like she’s being ungrateful. She is 17 for God’s sake!
While you’re at work for 11hours on Friday and Saturday; maybe you could bring back some compassion and not blast your niece for what she probably thinks is the most logical way to make .
I pay my oldest kid a pile of money to watch his toddler sister while I go to work and I’m able to take her most days- it’s the principal behind it.
It gives him incentive to give good care while I’m gone and gives me the peace of mind she’s at home, safe and with family. It’s convenient to just walk out the door and go to work, when I bring her with me: it’s hard and stressful- but it’s do able-
I would pay my own kids to watch my other kids and they don’t pay rent. It teaches them about responsibility and how to be money wise.
- She is pregnant so no one would hire her
- She would need money to support herself and the baby.
You sound like you are taking advantage of her and her situation.
I would start with two days out of week with 50$ per day since you are already housing and feeding her. I would also advise she should start planning what will she do when the baby comes and getting a small job. Reach out in the community sometime there’s a young mother program that might give assistance for her and her little one and for her to finish school. I would also put up a camera so I could visibly see how well it’s going, since she already lacks a bit of good judgment. Hard call but best of luck.
I would not change your kids schedules temporarily to pay your niece, who you are already helping. She should be working though, as a baby will require a lot of things once it arrives. She has to get over the mindset of others helping her out and her being responsible for herself.
I understand her wanting to have something somewhat easy for her, however that isn’t good income for her to prep for her child, and you are doing a lot for her as it is. I wouldn’t want to mess up my children’s schedule just to help someone like that. You took her in and you pay the bills and stuff, she needs to find a job to provide stability for her child and to look into childcare for her baby. She cannot fully rely on you just because you are currently helping her out, that’s not fair to you at all. Her watching your children for some money or no money wouldn’t benefit you or her at all. She can’t expect you to pay for everything especially her child, and you literally already provide a lot for her.
no way. don’t disrupt what you have going on with your children. Refer her to social services-so she has a plan in place for her & her child. She is not mentally or physically
Nothing…she’s living in your home rent free. She can watch them free or get a job outside of the house for money.
Room and board sounds like payment enough.
She’s old enough to get a job which she needs to do anyways since she’s pregnant. Keep doing what you are doing.
Tell her if she is grown enough to get pregnant then she is grown enough to get a job.
The amount of people in here saying do it for free are so sad… and yes having your mom watch them for free is a big help but if she’s pregnant and trying to make something after her mom kicked her out she’s already in a bad place. I pay my sitters 60 a day and I only work 5 hr shifts. And I’m a single mom. But my child was kicked from daycare and it’s all I can do right now especially have 0 family(my parents are dead, my sister lives 2,000 miles alway and I have noone else.)
Sit down with her and come up with a fair amount maybe 5 and hour? Which is 180 a week? Or tell her 100 a week and maybe put 50 in an envelope every week and hand it to.her for when the baby is born…
She’s old enough to find a job
Your niece needs to get a job or just watch the kids. To be honest, tell her that watching the kids pay her rent. If she doesn’t like that tell her that rent is 400 a month and I bet her attitude would change. Plus, I would more details from your sister about purring her daughter out. I just think there is more to the story.
I would just say your rent food and utilities are paid for so you would be doing it for nothing
Well if she wants to be paid to watch your kids then you want rent for letting her live there…
Fair is fair
Nothing she lives for free
I wouldn’t change anything!
She is 17 years old and pregnant. She has enough going on and you’ve already taken her in and given her a place to live, free of charge. If you change up your child care arrangements now, just to help her out even more, you’re going to end up changing them back when she has her baby. She isn’t going to want to watch 3 other children while adjusting to her own newborn. That would be overwhelming.
Instead, depending on how far a long she is, help her find a part-time job to earn some money. You could also “hire” her for odd jobs around the house. You could pay her to babysit when you and your husband want a date night, or you could pay her for some weekly household chores.
I think she should most definitely be helping out around the house, without expectation of payment, considering you put a roof over her head and food on the table for her, but if you want to help her out, and can afford to, pay her for working around the house.
See if she watches them u can help her get stuff she will need for baby like diapers and such BC if she not working and living with u for free which is great that ur letting her maybe she could watch them to help u helping her
Ass, Cash, or Gas… that’s how it is up here. She was mature enough to have sex she is mature enough to watch children in return for a roof over her head. Tell her to get a part time job
Stick to the same routine, your mum watching the children, seriously she has a nerve your niece,. Tell her to get a part-time job. And what’s gonna happen when she has the child is she still going to live rent free!!!
I wouldn’t let a pregnant 17 yr old watch my toddlers for money , regardless of the fact that your mom watches them for free. Give her other options to make money on the side… jmo
Figure out what you would normally pay someone then deduct room and board then that’s what she would receive as pay. I personally charged $125 ($200 for 2)a week they provided food and necessities. I can understand her wanting some sending money it isn’t fair for her to expect free room and board and a full pay. With that being said I’d maybe give her $100 a month with an explanation that she’s already receiving free place to stay, all utilities and food. That’s if I were to change the arrangements at all. The littles are settled with memaw and that time is precious to all of them
Have her got get a job now. She will need a job to support her child after birth.
Your giving her a home for free. Enough already.