So my roommates girlfriend has a daughter the same age as mine. She asked one day is she could give her kid breakfast ( waffles from our freezer ) I said yes cause I’m not a monster. Well now every day she feeds her kids MY kids breakfast that I buy for them. It wouldn’t be an issue if she pitched in but when she grocery shops she buys stuff for her and my roommate but not her daughter. It’s not my responsibility to supply food for her kid daily. She takes cereal, poptarts, waffles…w.e her kid wants now . How do I address this without seeming like a b**ch ? I don’t want to start anything but food isn’t cheap.
I would say. Hey, I see that your kiddo likes a lot of the things my kiddo likes. I can send you a list so you can pick them up for her/him.
Hey, I don’t mind sharing some of my kiddos breakfast items here and there but I am working on a budget and I find that I’m running out of things faster. If you want you can give me some cash and I can pick up extra items when I am at the store for your kiddo.
I just be Frank. I get needing to borrow things here and there in a pinch, however it’s begun to feel more of the norm. I am a mom and don’t want to not feed your kiddo but I need you to be more mindful about making sure you have items to supply your own kiddo with breakfast food. If you’d like we can buy together and they can share.
I’d talk to roommate or move all my food into my room tbh
Strait out tell her too leave your food alone.
Start writing your name on the food and maybe shell get a hint
Next time she goes shopping, give her a list of things to pick up for the kids. If she doesn’t get the point, you’ll have to be a little assertive about it. Tell her you have a budget that doesn’t include extra mouths to feed and if she wants to continue the community feeding, she can chip in. It’s not unreasonable or being a bitch
Just tell them if your kid wants to eat what my kid eats Give me money to buy it but I can’t afford to feed your child
Be a bi**h…just flat out tell her she will have to supply food for her own kid.