Just found out that my mil is doing a big Halloween party and my sister in law is going to be there the problem is my sister in law lost her kids due to drugs and alcohol when I had our daughter she called CPS and told them she thought I was on drugs I’m not and I passed everything they threw at me now everyone from husband to his mom expect me to let what she do go I can’t yet husband said my happiness and feelings don’t matter just his and our child and that I need to be there for him at the party I don’t want to go I’m so pissed it’s not funny am I right for not wanting to be there around her or am I in the wrong?
Ummm I do not blame you for not going. I def wouldn’t. I wouldn’t go anywhere near that girl cause who know what else she is capable of.
No way in hell i would go.
I would not go. Screw that
Um no. Fuck that do what makes YOU happy and keeps your child safe
So your husband is ok with this? I would not be okay
No ur right let him take the child an dont go i wouldnt go infact i wouldn’t let him take the babu
Maybe be the bigger person and show her that what she did didnt bother you
Why is your husband even ok with what happened? It’s his child also, unacceptable
How do you know it was her who called CPS? They don’t tell you who called, so she admitted to it?
You don’t need to go. There are other places for kids to go to. Time to make your own memories of with the kids.
You are in the right and the rest of em need to get on board or boot them along with her sorry tail
I had the exact thing happen to me…i refuse to speak to her and prob will never speak to her again.
Hell No I wouldn’t go
Hell no. Stay away from dangerous people
Why are you questioning this?
How is he even okay with that?! I definitely wouldn’t go! It’ll just upset you and you might no enjoy yourself. Id tell him to suck it up because your happiness matters too. No just his.
She tried to take your baby away from you AND your husband. And he doesn’t get that? No. Distance your self from the whole family because they are TOXIC
My fiance lost his kids due to something similar. Cut her out and be done with it. Get a restraining order and a no contact order. Don’t put up with those lies and slander. It won’t stop until she gets what she wants
I would not go or let my child go!
It’s not wats right , it’s what’s safe. Period. You have a obligation to your child to protect them even if that includes ppl who would put your family through CPS inspections.
Go and be the better person she was the one in the wrong not u . plus mil is doing it for kids not the adults
Not only would I not be going but my child wouldn’t be either. Family or not, toxic is toxic.
I would be beyond livid and refuse to be around her. You’re not wrong. She tried to have your kids taken from you. No passes on this one. And your husband needs an iron skillet upside his damned head.
Youre wrong thr party isn’t for you it’s for the kids. If she was on drugs, uhh they make you do stupid shit. If she’s clean now, let your kid go have fun. Just be cautious
Nah. If someone tried that with me, that person, their friends, their family and anyone who stands by them are gone. My husband is the same way. Our sons safety comes first.
Hell no. My mom and sister called them on me over and over and it’s been more than 7 years since I’ve talked to them…I cut them off!!
I wouldn’t want to be around her either after making a false CPS call that’s not right.
I wouldn’t let him take ur child around her NO WAY! What if she calls CPS again after seeing the child because of jealousy (u have urs and she doesn’t and nothing done when she called last time why wouldn’t she call again?) I’d stay so far away from her!!!
Do you have proof that she called? If you have no proof then suck it up and go.
Don’t go. Part of being a grown up is deciding what is best for ourselves and our children. Your husband needs to grow up and support his wife and children
I would never…EVER be around them, period. If you don’t learn the first time, your inviting another episode. Hubby can take his ass back to them too. That’s not a partner sis. Open your eyes to this. Toxic.
Nope!!! Some things can NOT be forgiven!!!
Don’t go The truth be known they don’t want you there don’t go we’re you are really not wanted
Ur in the right. I’m kinda in the same situation. Just dont want my fiances sister around my child at all cause shes yoxic all around. And she dont have her child cause she gave her up but wants to beapart of my child’s life but she also tried to ruin my family and my relationship with her brother.
That’s a negative. Neither me or my children wouldn’t be going
I personally am very confrontational and first would have told the hubby to shove his words up his ass. Secondly i would go and if she came up to me I would honestly tell her I have nothing to say to her, that I know what she did and if she wants to keep her front teeth should get away from me and keep her distance.
You’ve done nothing wrong, they have. I’d go if it’s important to your kid to see grandma, etc, but if it’s just another party, go somewhere else with your kid instead to celebrate Halloween. Family is important and THEY need to mend fences, but I wouldn’t want to waste my time with them. Family should bring you up not try to tear you down or force sides.
Hell no! She sounds jealous and messed up.
I wouldn’t go and neither would my child. No way would I want her in my life or child’s. If my husband couldn’t support that and understand where I was coming from there would definitely need to be some conversations had.
No. You ARE NOT wrong. That irks me to hell and back. Vindictive is what im getting from her and petty. Its your life as well in it, not just his and the kids. I wouldn’t want to be around her either. Seems he needs a heart to heart because that is wrong.
Don’t go. If your husband doesn’t back you up then you have to question where loyalty lies. CPS is a big deal.
They’re toxic asf, especially your husband for not caring about your feelings. He should be on your side.
Heck no girl. CPS is no joke. Thats not okay!
No! EFFE that! Effe her and effe him. No. Your feelings absolutely matter and you nor your child need to be around them. He’s being abusive and they’re toxic.
Im more worried your husband said your feelings dont count, only his. That is a big red flag in a relationship.
Hell no. That’s bogus! I wouldn’t go and I wouldn’t let my kids be around her either!!!
Id fuck my sisyer up for my s.o… Lol like hell nah
In my personal opinion I’d say you should go
Not for her but for your mil, husband, and children who will be missing out if you don’t
No one can make you like her or even talk to her so just focus on your family and pretend she’s not even there
The posts today are insane.
Wow your feelings matter screw all of them
Nope , absolutely don’t go .
I’m sorry but once you attempt to jeopardize my relationship with my children, especially under false circumstances, ur dead to me… I don’t care who you are. If he wants to go fine at the end of the day she is his family but myself and my child would not be near her
I’d go and beat her ass. But that’s just me
Not unless she apologized
I wouldn’t want to be around her. Hubby could go to the party but without you and the munchkin. Once trust is broken like that it freakin gone!!! Not cool of your sil and hubby needs to stop allowing her behaviors to be ok.
Nope stay home. Not right , she is wrong for what she did.
She is toxic… get away!
I wouldn’t go and my child ( children) whom she called on and could have caused harm too wouldn’t be there either … point blank! If he wants to gl thats on him… but, i sure wouldn’t nor my child!
I would go and just not talk to her and make sure she knows you are having a great time with your kids that you still have. Losing out of time with family isnt worth it… when the parents are gone and there are no more parties you would regret not goin
Go, but keep your distance from her! It won’t help you to carry a grudge. It just makes your life miserable and won’t make any difference to her!
I am sorry - we have other plans… Walk away…
You are allowed to refuse to associate with people who cause problems…
Go to the party… Secretly glitter bomb your SIL repeatedly…
I would go and just shine as a mother in front of her! Kill her with kindness!
Don’t go!! Your Happiness matters too. Yeah its his sister but you’re his wife. And how you feel should matter to him and should always support you and your decisions
You’re letting her have the power darling. If everyone knows the truth and your civil you win. She looks like an idiot! You are the better person, mother, and human. You don’t have to forget, pretend or forgive. Just realize what your dealing with and be there for your family. It’s just who matters. You got this! And you are entitled to feel what you do! What you do with it is something else
I personally have been through this exact situation, only mine was my fiancé’s mother calling cps saying we’re both drug addicts we had to wear a drug patch for almost 2 weeks to show we don’t do anything at all and passed of course because no drugs were involved maybe a drink of alcohol here and there like once every few months. All because I stopped allowing her to take my child overnight after feeling something wasn’t right due to my child sleeping from 8pm till 3-4 pm the following day at her home…she’s a nurse and has access to all sorts of drugs god only knows what she could’ve been giving my child…he was 10 months old when this occurred…only napping once or twice a day for maybe 45 mins tops. She also was very very controlling and I just do not tolerate anyone trying to control me and what I do in my life. I had to go as far as putting a no contact order on her to make things stop…so I believe you’re 100% right for not wanting her around nor be around her. Nobody who tries to have a child removed from someone’s care for no good reason shouldn’t be around period. My finances Littles sister and brother and his stepfather all were still allowed to see and associate with our son just not his mother due to tons of other stuff she did on top of this. They all made the choice to disown my fiancé and our son because of us putting a stop to her crap and then all being so afraid of her that they didn’t dare risk seeing or child themselves without her. It’s an awful world anymore, people would rather have no contact with their family members than to just obey each family members wishes when it comes to what they want with their own life/children/anything really.
I would go you did nothing wrong go and own that party ! Let her look bad ! Don’t let anyone stop you or hold you back .
I’d go just to prove I’m not afraid of her and have nothing to hide. I would also find someone to watch my child n not take them just to prove a point; if you do take child, don’t let them leave your sight🤷
yes toxic is toxic, but sometimes you gotta stand you’re ground and show them you don’t give a damn and they don’t control you. If she does keep harrassing you, report her.
And ask your husband, if he doesn’t care how you feel, why does it matter that you’re there for him? Tell him to back you up and treat you like you matter or he knows where the door is. Family comes first, YOUR family, not the extended family. Either he figures that out or be gone.
This isn’t even questionable. It just shows how manipulative they are with you even questioning any of this. Do what’s best for you & your baby. You dont owe anything to those who dont think about your feelings as a human. & also maybe walk away if it continues… or RUN. They seem like awful people to be around.
I would have written her off then and there. I wouldn’t go
Big a bigger person, show her she will not stop you, no one said let go, just be yourself smile with alot of kindness, if you let her win is not showing, Winner and be true blue and you let her control she wins girl, Hold your head up for your family that matters the most. Not saying be snobby, be yourself, and prove to yourself, you can’t let one bad to stop you. Please you will be so proud and your family too, No one stops me to prove, she is thinking you want show, maybe she won’t, if not, Be you
Go and act like it didnt phase you one bit. Act like nothing ever happened
You’re not wrong for not wanting to be around her.
You might be wrong though for staying with a man who doesn’t have your back.
I would only go to make sure none of them were alone with my kid.
Someone called and made a false report on me years ago. I’ve never found out who it was but I’m sure if I did it would be a bad day for them. She made herself look stupid so go, enjoy yourself, and let herself be her stupid self.
As much as I would want to punch her in the face and not go… I would go and flaunt flaunt and flaunt some more that you have your baby and husband smile and laugh and let her miserable ass hate , now if it happens again or she tries anything else stupid nope done, I won’t subject myself or my kids to such a hateful person
I have a feeling that your SIL is a sick woman. I would go & ignore her. I am assuming there will be other family members there that you want to see. If she speaks to you, be civil, yes & no answers. Don’t secluded yourself from family you like just to stay away from her.
Support his grown ass at a Halloween party? how fukn old is he? I WOULDNT GO
Dont go. Sounds like more trouble.
I never understood why spouses say they need support around their own families… and in this case if he’s not supporting you he needs to find the independence to go to his family’s party on his own. The family needs to respect your wishes and if you don’t want to be around her you’re entitled to feel that way. Plus, he and his family knew that was some shady shit and if they aren’t willing to stand up for you then that itself tells you a lot. Best wishes
Man go to the party and give her a piece if you know what I mean.
Umm. Your husband needs to choose a side. And hes married to you. She tried to ruin your life and have your kids taken from you.
Thats a big no go. Yea you can go to the party with your head held high like "bitch you tried " but do you feel like doing that is up to you. I would make her feel very uncomfortable where she wont want to come to family events if she knows im coming. So take it how you want but do what you feel is right.
I’d go and have a blast but I wouldn’t speak to her and if she tried anything I tel her karmas a bitch and two can play that game she better watch her ducking back
Just for forgive. And move on
I would cut her out of yours and your child’s life completely! Who does that to someone
I’m stuck on you’re husband saying that Your happiness and feelings don’t matter😳 I’d say kick rocks jerk😣
You don’t have to go ever if you don’t want to and your husband needs to stand by your decision!
I would go just to make sure none of them were alone with my child. You don’t have to interact with her. If she goes to take the baby, make an excuse the baby needs a diaper change, needs a nap, needs to be fed etc. showing her she can’t interact with your child sends a bigger message than you staying home.
Oh hell no. I wouldn’t have myself or my kids around any of those people anymore. They sound shady af.
Go girl hold your head up high you won the battle
I would go but if I had the opportunity to do so out of earshot of anyone else I sure would make a remark like “I’m so glad my child is here to enjoy this party with me, his mother. Too bad yours isn’t.” Or you could very sweetly thank her for her concern for your child and ask her if she’s trying to be a better aunt than she is a mother?
I can’t even read this, all jumbled up. Ever heard of a period?
Stay away from that hot mess. Far away.
Just go to every family event and carry an un used pipe with you and every time shes looking and noone else is hold it up to your mouth and pretend to smoke it and just slowly make her look insane. Lmao
Go to the party and stay away from sister in law. If she comes to you put a polite fake smile on her face and tell her to go away from you that you are not there for her that you are only there for your husband and child
Then walk away. But tell your hubby your ans if you go and see if he still wants to go. I think you, your hubby and baby need to do your own Halloween celebrating.
I would go just to to irritate her so he can see u still have your child
that would be the last f ing time I’d see her. Ever. You try to mess with MY KIDS? You done. And you’re an idiot if you don’t cut her out of your life right now.
You can press charges for false calls …
I COULDN’T go, because I would bust that bitch’s face in