My sister in law told me if I didn't get rid of my pets she wouldn't come over anymore: Advice?

I would be like guess we’ll see you on Zoom lol


Your SIL is a hag in my opinion for even suggesting that you get rid of your fur babies!

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Girl let them babies keep their cat. She can buy allergy meds for her child. If it’s that serious maybe she should see an allergist so they can get the right meds for her.


Tell her well it’s been nice knowing you…


Are u serious right now? The cat stays. Its ur house. she cant tell u what 2 do in ur house. Shes crazy if she thinks the whole family is going 2 get rid of yalls pets because of an allergy. Theres a thing called benadryl and in serious cases if need be epinephrine. If she doesnt like it she doesnt have 2 come around and u guys can always go visit them. There are less drastic measures and I’m sure shes just overreacting I doubt shesgoing 2 cut everyone out who doesnt decide 2 loose their pets. If she does she wasnt worth trying 2 keep around anyway.


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. My kids have allergies get rid of your pets! You can go to her house or meet in a park. You definitely need to put her in her place. Immediately.


Pets are family, that’s all I’m going to say!

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Pets love you unconditionally. Are drama free and don’t ask for much. Some family members are crazy, are inconsiderate and ask for money.
Keep the pets. Let the crazies control their own home. Not yours.

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She’s sounds like a little princess tbh. Cat stays, 100%


She’s wrong. So incredibly wrong and her self entitledness is showing. She sounds toxic and like she thinks the sun shines out of her ass. I’d cut her out on my own. Sucks the kids won’t see each other but you nor your kids need the BS.

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Goodbye to your sis in law.


She is very wrong to expect everyone to get rid of their pets when they’re is medicine the child can take stand your ground it’s not fair to your children to give up the cat


Menopause!!! × meth

Lmfao um someone needs to put that sis in law in her dang place. Nah. Sis in law is wrong, hunny.
My cousin is super allergic to cats. My other cousin is allergic to dog dander. Do I get rid of my pets so they’ll visit? Absolutely not.
I have furniture with no cloth on it, I have outdoor patio furniture, there are ways to get around my pets. And they visit us just fine.
She’s just making excuses.
You just have to actually put some effort in. The real problem, here, is your sis in law is lazy AF.

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Allergy pills and no reason to cut all ties meet at a park or restaurant go to the zoo but give up my pet no so bye bye now

We have lots of allergies in our family and whoever is allergic just takes medication before we go has been no problem

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Your SIL is an asshole. I feel sorry for your brother, if that’s the relation.

I would tell the sister in law goodbye. She doesn’t get to dictate anyone and she’s a pretty terrible person for expecting that.

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I’m an allergy sufferer to cats & dogs but I’ve never let it stop me from allowing my kids having pets. In fact we have two cats currently. I take Zyrtec daily. Plus I’m allergic to a lot of other things so I’m also on allergy shots. So have the niece take Zyrtec before visiting family or friends with cats. Her mom has no right asking or cutting family out of her live over an allergen!!

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Keep you cat . I am severely allergic to cat and i would never ask someone to give ther cat away its a family member its all that there is to know . I can’t go to some place for too long but for a few minute or hours is ok and they know it but i cant stay for a day otherwise im really sick asthma and severe allergic reaction . Cat for them is there life and i know it and its ok this way . Keep your cat if they are not happy with it then they dont enderstand your family and dont deserve your friendship .

Keep your pets. My niece and sister in law are allergic to cats. They still come over but o keep my house very clean and keep up on the hair. At times she needs to take a Benadryl if she pets them. They can choose not to come over. Simple. That’s what we do and then we have outdoor events etc to decrease exposure. Keep that kitty for your kids! I would never make my daughter get rid of her cat


How about you visit them and leave your pets at home Or go on outings together allergies are vary hard on children and a allergist will say stay away from triggers so she’s probably just following Dr. advice :sneezing_face::scream_cat:

I’d want proof of allergy, but the cat would stay no matter

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Coming from a mom who has a son who used to have severe reactions to Dogs…

Keep your freaking CAT MAMA!
I NEVER asked anyone to get rid of a pet bc my son could have a reaction.
My MIL had her dogs for YEARS before my son was thought of! When we realized he had allergies to pets we didn’t do a bunch of over night stays, but when we went we knew how to medicate him an he knew to try an stay away from the cute doggies!

As a mom of an allergy sufferer… i couldn’t dare ask someone something like that.

Hes since out grown his allergies to animals… as typically MOST do…

Keep your cat your kids deserve to have the love an responsibility of a pet. Regardless of who it bothers or not!!

Tell her ok, I guess I’ll see you at holidays or family functions that are not held at my house.

I have a Chihuahua I’ve had for 8.5yrs and there’s no way I would or could ever get rid of him, we have a cat, she’s an outside cat bc we have allergies to her and she keeps the little pesty animals away, and my 6.5yo daughter has an almost 4m old baby guinea pig, she would be devastated if I had to get rid of him, if ppl wanna use the excuse that the animals are the reason they don’t wanna come over, let em’, I couldn’t do it…

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That is way too much for her to be asking of you. It would be different if you lived together but for visits she’s being ridiculous. Myself and 2 of my kids have cat allergies and I wouldn’t tell any family member to get rid of their cats.

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Getting rid of the cat wouldn’t do any good anyway. The allergen stays in the house for months, even if deep cleaned.

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Their choice their lose


Girl bump them. Keep them cats. What your sister in law got going on has nothing to do with you or your household.

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There you have your answer. Keep the family cat and ditch the SIL :joy:

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You do not have to meet her ridiculous demands. Be happy you will miss out on the next crazy demands. That is way crossing boundaries


She doesn’t need to visit but to cut everyone off is crazy

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The cat is part of your family it’s up to you to have its back. Keep the cat.


Haha! Keep your pets!


No their your pets and your home. But I know how it is. My grandson is allergic to dog’s So I just go see them at the hotel when they come to town.

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Spend your time together elsewhere.

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Get rid of the sister in law!

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My great grandson has a cat allergy. We found out when he came to my house(we have 3 cars) my granddaughter brings him here to visit I keep 2 cats in other room all the time now. She gives him benadryl when he comes here. NO don’t get rid of your pet


You can get a new sister in law… I say dump her


There is medicine for that. She just doesn’t like cats


See how you go, post and ad, free to good home… High maintenance sister in law

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Keep your pets ! Toss out your in law no sacrifice for them my pets mean the world to me I just loss a 18 yr old cat he was my baby . Besides pets are more loyal than most family

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Say bye - bye sis!!!

Say meet us at the park


Keep the cat, her choosing not to visit is her loss


Keep your pets and tell her to kiss your ass.


What Amanda said!!!

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Throw the whole SIL away

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Is this not just a really simple common sense question? Bye sis! See ya out family gatherings outside the home.

They’re heavily in the wrong and there are ways to be around the family without being around your cat, I understand if it really is a cat allergy but she cant expect yall to change your lives for her benefit when she doesnt live with you

Shes just a " sister in law" they don’t count!
Put an ad on Facebook
" Free siste in law"


Throw the sister in law in the bin and get another cat :rofl:

She is sooooo wrong. Your house, your decision. Go visit them instead and if she can’t accept that oh well.

Playing devils advocate I don’t go round peoples houses if they own dogs, I’m terribly allergic and end up in ED most times on a nebuliser. Still don’t think she should get rid of the cats but maybe agree to meet at the sister in laws on house or out in public

I’m allergic to cats I just don’t visit ppl with them. I wouldn’t expect anyone to get rid of their pet! I wouldn’t take kindly to someone telling time to get rid of my dogs.

Sarah Louise Dillon sounds familiar

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I’m severely allergic to cats but I never demanded someone get rid of there cat??? Allergy meds work wonders or outside activities

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thats ridiculous and unreasonable. tell her no. my fur babies are just as important to me as the rest of my family. please dont hurt your little girl like that.

Keep your pet…she doesn’t come over anyway!

Keep the cats they are your family , if she doesn’t want anything to do with the family her loss not yours, simples .

The car is family and yours bye bue relative

Then she doesn’t come over… simple!
You can go there or meet somewhere mutual… tho not sure she sounds like someone you’d miss :woman_shrugging:t3:


Keep the cat, no question x


If you give into her commands she’ll make more.

Oh no keep your pets x

Guess u won’t be seeing ur sister!!! :woman_shrugging:

bye bye to sister-in-law

That sounds a little extreme… maybe suggest visiting at her house? I would be pretty insulted if someone asked me to get rid of my fur babies

tell her stay away then family is overrated

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Get rid of the sister before you get rid of the pet


Nope … pets are family members :triumph:
My sister is allergic to my dogs that doesn’t stop her having contact with us.
She will take antihistamines while here/us there and all is good :ok_hand:t2:
Your niece could also be allergy tested as it might be something totally unrelated :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Keep your fur babies and suggest therapy for your sil to deal with her self absorbed entitlement. Good luck with that one lol…


This is a no brainer for me. Immediate family first. Please dont devestate your kids who love their cat because your niece comes over sometimes. My sister in law is also allergic to cats. She pops a zyrtec before visting. Problem solved.


Ha keep the pets and disown the family! Sorry I’m a huge animal lover and cannot imagine being asked to get rid of pets so family can “visit”… Outside visits work great, keep your cat!!


No your not in the wrong. I’m allergic to cats but I wouldn’t demand or ask my family to get rid of their pets I just don’t go to any house who do have cats. but still will do dinners out or take the kids to the park so they can spend time with family so there is other ways to still spend time.


My feelings about this
Is — our pets are also members of our families . It would seem a much better solution to this could be worked out. Maybe your sister is making an excuse to not visit family members. If the child has allergy problems she might need tests to see if she is allergic to other things . Allergies are fairly easy to treat and if it severe allergy (like life threatning )she should seek treatment. And sometimes these allergies do go away.


Keep your pets. Visit with them somewhere else. Why get rid of pets that live there every day for someone who visits occasionally? Never let anyone tell you how to run your life. Ever


Keep your pets. A great way to keep the sis away! :joy::joy::joy:. For her to even ask or demand you do so is pure selfishness. You’re not losing much. Fur babies will bring you much more happiness than her visits ever would. Maybe add two more :cat: for good measure. :woman_shrugging::blush:


Keep your pet he is partnof your family and it would traumatize your children if you got rid of it. I believe your sister in law is looking for a reason to cut people out otherwise she could give her child allergy medication that works wonders.


Sounds to me that the cat is doing you all a favor… anyone that expects you to do that is not someone you need in your life. For her to suggest family members to get rid of their pets, she is losing her mind.


I would keep the cat and if she wanted to visit I would get cat in room or removed for the time she gonna visit … and if she have only been there 2 times In two years than Iam sorry that not worth upsetting the kids and the cat is apart of ur family as well …


How dare she even suggest that. Sounds very self centered. Have her visit on nice days that can be outside. If she doesn’t want to do that, I think she is looking for an excuse to break away from the family anyway. If someone told
me that, I’d say sorry you won’t be visiting us anymore. We’ll miss you!


Keep your pets. If she comes over the mom needs to give her benadryl before she comes. That’s your home and that’s your children you never put anyone before them.


This sounds more like they are trying to control you. I’m allergic to cats and my mama has two of them. It is very hard for me to go to her house. I either suck it up or have her come to my house or we just meet up for outings. I would never ever tell her she has to get rid of her cats, who are her companions. That’s not fair of your sister n Law to ask you to get rid of your pets. However Is your sister-in-law coming to visit on occasion more important than your pets? Are you OK if your sister-in-law doesn’t come over? Can you have outside gathering versus her having to come inside? Just seems a little extreme for her to ask you to get rid of your pets.


If she cared about you and the family like you care about her she wouldn’t give you an ultimatum. Never let anyone try to force you make a decision like that. I say let her go sounds like your better without her

They are being selfish and completely irrational. It’s your home. Wish them the best and do whats right for your family!!

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Keep the pets. There are meds for allergies. Besides the naive may out go the allergy. I habe dogs and cats. My granddaughter has allergies she takes zyrtec before visiting. No problems. Sister n law has her nerve!


My home comes first. Pets become family too. There is plenty of other places to visit each other. In 2 years only 2 visits… that alone should be your answer. Good luck.


They are most definitely in the wrong, they have to adapt her life, not everybody else’s. If they plan on seeing anyone with cats then they should give her meds before they come over.

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Bit extreme, she can take a bloody antihistamine :roll_eyes: if she’d cut the kids off for that let her go anyway

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Guess she wouldn’t be coming over. She sounds like a snot nosed brat if she’s making demands like that. I’d let her know she’s always welcome over and can sit outside the gate if she don’t like the pets, or she can have you come to her house.

You have every right to keep your pet’s and that was rude of her to behave like that, there are other ways she could have expressed herself. She could have said next time we can meet at my place.

Keep your pets! They are family. Your sister-in-law needs to be a parent who seeks a doctor’ professional opinion for what is exactly what is causing her daughter’s rashes. Make an appointment. Follow up on tests. But YOU should keep your household intact and happy :revolving_hearts:

Keep your pets!!! Have the ones who are allergic take benadryl or allergy medicine. I be damned a family member makes me get rid of a family pet when they don’t even live in your house!!


We have 2 cats and we lock them in the laundry when our best friends come over as they are allergic. When they come, they take a precaution zertek or whatever it is called.

This is a good compromise as we don’t want them to have a reaction but love our fur babies.

Perhaps suggest this or if they insist still have a relationship but outside your home.

It seems a bit much to threaten full cut off from family

Keep the fur babies. It’s not like they came to visit often. And the love…therapy and security those fur babies give back is priceless and it’s not as if they can’t take allergy medicine before coming over.


Let your children keep their pets and tell your sister in law you will miss them


I quit going to my best friend’s house because she has 3 cats and I have allergies. I understand not coming to your house but there are other options for gathering.

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Ya my cat was here first. My husband doesn’t like cats they sometimes get along now but she’s not going anywhere. I will put my cat in another room if someone is allergic to her Cuz she is very friendly and I don’t want to cause someone problems. She can handle being in a room alone for a bit. I ask if someone is ok with her when they come over Cuz she can be to much sometimes with getting in ur face being nosey. She actually jumped on my nurses back when she bent down to get something. She had been nosey and trying to get her to pick her up and she didn’t so she took it upon herself to get as close as possible.

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