My sister in law told me if I didn't get rid of my pets she wouldn't come over anymore: Advice?

Do not get rid of YOUR PETS because of your SIL :roll_eyes:

Tell her she can fuck off right into the sun.

Well I guess she won’t be visiting :person_shrugging:

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Tell her when she pays ur bills she can tell u what u can n cannot have in ur HOME

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Give them a bottle of Benadryl and call it a day🤷🏼‍♀️

Pets are better then humans

I guess they arnt coming over any more

Your house, your pets.

Keep the cat!! Get rid of the controlling prick of a SIL.

Cats are gross AF anyway.

It’s your cat, not theirs. Keep it

Tell her to kick rocks! Benadryl, Allegra, Claritin. :woman_facepalming: “You have to get rid of everything that doesn’t fit my life” :woman_shrugging::unamused::thinking::woozy_face:

I would bye bye. You been here twice so byebye

Lol bye less family you have to deal with!

Okay bye Felicia :v:t2: don’t need your BS or your 2 cents! My house my rules is how I feel. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Well, if they only come over occasionally i guess that means you can meet them at a park or somewhere. :woman_shrugging:t3:

My reply to her, “girl bye” :wave:t3:

No, it’s your home not hers.

Your kids. Your pets. Who cares what they say


Keep your pet. As far as your overly entitled sister in law the trash took itself out. If she doesn’t live in your house and pay the bills in your house then she has no right to dictate to what is kept in your house.

Advice? Tell her to fuck off

Pets are family, I also have allergies but I take meds for it, I would never get rid of my pet for someone’s comfort.

Girl that’s your damn house .

They don’t visit often and when they do get her to have an antihistamine and be quiet- I’d get the cat to fart in her face…if anyone told me to get rid of my animals I’d go mad

Your house,your family,your pets…sis in law can screw off if thats what she wants

It’s not her home or her children LIVING in the home. In my opinion she has NO say at all about. Youre children and household.

Naw, my pets live in my house not other people. Don’t be changing your family because someone else that you hardly see has an issue.

tell her to kiss your ass , see u around

Duh ~ who runs your house.

That heifer can BE disowned. Just because she thinks a pet may or may not cause an allergy doesn’t mean she can make everyone in the family “get rid” of said animals. StooopId HeIfer…:roll_eyes::rofl:

They are in the wrong! Don’t lose sleep and don’t lose your pets! #thatheifercanGO

Your house your rules

Your house, your pets


Girl tell her BYE!!! Hell no will you get rid of your pets for her. Is she fucking nuts?!?! HELL TO THE NAH!!! Shes just trying to pull her weight.

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TF kind of person expects this lol
Tell her not to let the door hitvher on the way out ol

Do not get rid of ur pets are u serious u can met somewhere

You need a new sister in law


Count your blessings and tell her to piss off.

Tell her to give your niece some benadryl and stfu

I am sorry but your sister is a jerk. And she should get her child an allergy test to find out what she is allergic to. But she can’t expect other people to get rid of their pets. They are not her pets. Pets are apart of the family to and it would devastate your children. If you need someone to tell her how wrong she is I will volunteer as tribute!

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I would demand them to have their daughter allergy tested to find out if she’s ACTUALLY allergic to cats considering the fact that she’s DEMANDING you get rid of one of your family members, and even then, I would just visit at their house from then on out. That’s extremely immature, I have a severe cat allergy that causes my asthma to flare up but I would never blame someone else for that allergy.


Rude. She’s making excuses to not come over. Her kid should be allergy tested. Regardless of the outcome, your pet stays as she is family.

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I had a couple of dogs in my life that I loved like my own kid. The first one was a Pitt who would literally not hurt a fly. I used to stick my head in her mouth and nothing. Anyway, my parent had some friends come over and the mom and daughter were afraid of the dog and ask that I put her out into the back yard. I said no effing way! SHE LIVES HERE, you DON’T. You have a problem with my dog, turn your butts around and don’t let the door hit you on the way out! So if I had a sister and she said she won’t come over unless I get rid of my animals, I’d tell her I’ll just get a better sister :kissing_closed_eyes:

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My house my rules. Anybody doesn’t love my cats, they know I have 7 and I foster rescues so they know what they’re coming over into. They don’t like it, they can go find new friends or family lol I’d never stop rescuing because somebody doesn’t like MY cats in MY home. I have a friend who’s allergic and I respect that and will clean up and I have air purifiers and will put my cats in a bedroom if she wants to visit. She’s never once ASKED or DEMANDED I do that though. She still was willing to visit or meet me somewhere. I do it out of respect because she respects my cats too. I’ll go the extra mile if someone respects that I don’t have to lol

They are being ridiculous! I would never change how I live with my pets as they are family. Let them cut you off.

You really have space in ur mind to study ppl that not paying ur bills. Plus we supposed to social distance so “let de stay d tail by way de dey”

Not even gonna read… don’t get rid of your pets
Who is she to demand that lol tell her too hoop it

They are 100% wrong not you!!! She’s a horrible selfish person! Don’t give those babies kitty away!

I wouldn’t get rid of my animals.

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Pets are family… the end… :heart:

FUCK THEM!! Shes toxic and it will be better for you if she Doesnt come over.

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Tell them to check Trevor sayers for a cure.

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Are you seriously asking yourself this question?? Your SIL can take a flying fuck on a splintering broom handle.

Keep the cat request a new sister in law. Does her child have that reaction if you guys go to their house? Cuz she would still have a reaction just by being around anyone who’s been around a cat. So she’s obviously an idiot.

Goodbye in laws!!!
Right my pet lovers?.. Amanda Leemar, Mangie Almodovar Millán,
Soy Zepol, Carolyn Unique, Victor Enrique Cintron Castillo?? I can imagine your answers!

Well tell her to stay her ass home then

They’re entitled assholes. Let them cut you off . They’re wrong and stupid.

Okay? Pretty easy answer.

Goodbye sister inlaw :wave:t2:

well get rid of her lol

Girl bye. Fuck people like that. :fu:


Well… bye bye sister in law :woman_shrugging:t2: YOUR HOUSE, YOUR PETS! She can stay right where she’s at.

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Uh bye :wave:t2: …don’t give away your cat :wink:

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They’re narcissistic.

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Lmao Nah! She can fuck off.

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I like my pets more than I like most people so tbh I’d say bye Felicia :wave:


Fuck them people :speaking_head::speaking_head::woman_shrugging:t5:

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Get rid of you’re family!!

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Nice knowing you, your house your rules.

I would say “I’ll miss you sis”


Get rid of the sister in law and keep your cat. Its not her home and by the sounds of it she hardly visits you guys anyway even if she visited often she has no right to dictate your home.


Bye Bye sister in law

I would get another cat just to really piss her off


:scissors::scissors: get cutting them ties. No way in hell someone is coming into my home and telling/expecting me to accommodate them and get rid of my pets etc just so they can visit. Pets are family as well. Maybe make other arrangements elsewhere to visit. The nerve of her to even suggest that to you.


She thinks it was because of the cat? Or she has a known allergy? And how severe is the allergy? Regardless of the answer, I say keep you cat but what your do/say will depend on the answers.

If it’s a known allergy you let her know that you will be sure to clean well before they visit and keep cat confined to one room away from them when they do visit. But please keep in mind, according to my daughter’s allergists, even an outdoor cat that comes in rarely leaves dander everywhere (said it’s not the same as dog dander and harder to get rid of) and could likely be on all over you and the kids who have just handled him.

A true severe allergy may well indeed mean they can’t visit and them telling you up front is reasonable and not personally against you…it’s responsible parenting. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to make your niece sick.

You can get tablets for cat and dog allergies…

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Your sister in law sounds like a delight :woozy_face:


by bye felicia your not ever going to dictate what we have and love in our Own home!!!

Please don’t get rid of your kids cat. Tell your sister in law if she comes to visit you are happy to let her sit outside on her own that way she won’t be near your cat. She had no right to tell you to get rid of your family pet.

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No way would I get rid of my pets for anyone. Even more so if it was my children’s pet

I wouldn’t get rid of your cat! My husband and I both have cat allergies (his are terrible!) and we both still go to family houses and friends houses who have cats. We take a Xyzal pill and we’re both completely fine… You can still see them, just not at your house since she sounds crazy!
And they’ve only come over twice in the past? Keep your kitten, they’re wrong for expecting everyone to get rid of their animals. Being allergic to cats is not the end of the world.

Tell her you’ll spare her and everyone will visit at her house.

Your pets are part of your family

I’m allergic to cats. I take meds and request my host vacuum extra well. Then I don’t touch the cat. Pretty easy. If the reaction is so severe that that isn’t good enough then sure everyone will just need to visit them in their controlled environment of their house. They don’t get to demand it’s us or the cats. You can’t do that.:woman_facepalming:

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I would never part with my pets. You can visit at her house or outside.

Shes sounds crazy cut her off and adopt another cat

By by SIL. do not give your pets up

See you later sis in law…

Keep yr pet…screw them


Me personally I would get rid of the cat!Family is more important then some animal. Animals are replaceable FAMILY is not!!! The kids will get over getting rid of the cat…

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Does your sister-in-law pay the bills at your house then why are you concerned about her having a problem with your cat it’s sad that her child is allergic but it’s not like you’re taking a cat to her house tell the power crazed wench to pound salt


They only been there twice. I would keep my pet who is there all the time and tell goodbye. And they could come when weather is nice and stay outside if they really wanted to.

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Yes they are wrong for cutting you completely off! I also am allergic to cats and very allergic to feathers, but that doesn’t stop me from going to a house because they have them. I just stay outside. They should get her tested as to what she is allergic to before accusing your cat!

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I always say there are relatives and there are family. Family isn’t always blood.

Hun that ain’t your family. Your cat is. Fuck your sis

Don’t get rid of you children’s cat. She has no right to demand that you do. She can put her daughter on allergy meds if a doctor recommends it.

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Wow, let her dictate what things can be in her house, not in your house. That is your pet, your HOME, and your decision.If she chooses not to visit that is her decision. If you want to keep family peace visit with her and her family at their house.

Keep the pets. Get rid of the sister in law .


It’s you’re house you’re job is to make your kids happy

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Bye bye sister in law! No one should be asked to get rid of their animal family members! And if you can’t accept my animals, then don’t come to my house! Simple as that.

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This shouldn’t even be a question. First of all unless she went to a doctor and they did an allergy panel she has no clue what her child is allergic to. Second there is absolutely no way you should get rid of your pet to accommodate someone else. If she wants to act like that then let them not be a part of your family. If the child is truly allergic you can go to their house, meet at parks, go out places and spend time. The kid doesn’t have to come to your house to see you guys.