F your sister in law. Pets are better than family everyday of the week.
I’d say bye bye to her !
Ok nice knowing ya SIL…
They are in the wrong. My daughter and I have allergies (also allergic to cats) but I will never make family get rid of their pets to accommodate her or myself. I give my daughter and myself allergy medicine when I know I’m going somewhere that has cats. Don’t get rid of your pets!
Go visit them. Your pets are family.
I wouldn’t let her in the house and she certainly wouldn’t be allowed on my couch. Where do people get off giving someone an ultimatum about a family member? NO CONTEST.
They are 100% wrong … Good riddance to them …
I’m sure she is just worried and a little traumatized from the allergy but no you should not get rid of your pets for her.
So tell her not to come over anymore she doesn’t control what goes on in your home! Pets are like kids, no way would get rid of them for someone just so they could come over
Good riddance - Sister-In-Law
I’d keep kitty and not invite her over anymore. You can visit with them in public.
Okay… bye! I bet I’m getting rid of my animals for someone that comes around once a year. My pets are family and my kids would be devastated! We will see y’all at family events and holidays! I mean, my husband is allergic to cats and we have two of them. One was here before him, and one of the kids wanted a kitten and we took her out and got her one.
If she’s only came over 2 times in 2 years than your not going to be missing much. Go to her house, meet at a park etc.
Your sister in law doesn’t run the world. Is she going to ban cats from the entire planet? She has no right to make such a demand of you.
Well then unfortunately, the only logical thing to do is start looking to rehome her…Your sister in law, that is. Not your pets!
That’s silly
They don’t have to come over… you can meet elsewhere and still be a family. Pets are family too n that’s a very unfair request
No and why do you want ppl in your house ?
Wouldn’t be no loar to me if my in laws or even my family didn’t come see me
Keep they pets they are more worth it then family
No keep ur baby tell them bye
keep the pets there not complaining about your inlaws your pets are family
Do not rehome they can miss out. Allergy test would fix it I bet they haven’t done it
Definitely don’t get rid of your pets I would say fine don’t visit us she just can’t blame your pets
My daughter has an epi pen for a cat allergy and I have never demanded people get rid of their cats. We give notice before we visit. Lock the cat in one room during the visit and vacuum couches floors clean drapes ect… and she should not let her daughter play on the floor of homes with cats (ambulance trip once for that mistake)
Again I don’t know her allergy level. You can keep your cat.
They’re overstepping boundaries into other peoples homes. Fuck them and let them leave and keep your cat.
Tell her Not to come over…it’s your house Not hers…if u wanna c your. Niece go to their house
Im allergic to dog hair its awful i couldnt breathe was coghing sneezing watery eyes i had to give my own childrens dog away or i feel i might not be here sorry im with the SILher childs health comes first
Too bad. She can stay home.
That is so ridiculous. You don’t have to get rid of your pet for them. If they wanna cut you off for that then good riddance. You can always go to their house instead of them coming to your house. So ridiculous.
That is the most entitled thing I’ve ever heard. I have a family member who is allergic to cats, my mom has 4 cats.
When he comes to a family event my mom puts the cats in one room and vacuums really good, covers couches and wipes down everything. He does just fine. Takes a little extra effort but that’s not an issue with family.
He never would expect anyone to get rid of their animals to accommodate.
I’ll keep the cat n dismiss the relatives
I would never get rid of my pets…If people don’t like pets over allergies…Then they don’t need to stop in …Meet somewhere else…
Tell her you can do virtual visits if it’s that big of a deal…otherwise cut her loose
Tell her don;t come to visit, that the pets are part of your family and if she can’t accept them then it’s her loss!
Keep ur cat they shouldn’t have that much control over ur life. If they want to be that way u don’t need them in ur life
Let the children keep their pets.
This doesn’t even deserve an answer.
They don’t want to visit it’s on them should have to do what she say you can just clean wipe Clorox and vacuum coach curtains and stuff when she visits if she does
Let her go let her go lol
Your house your rules your family / Kids your pets… she doesn’t like it tell her to F right Off!
She threatens to cut u off… u do the honors 1st! save her the time…
Can’t be arsed with ultimatums family or not!
OR she could always meet up with yous away from your house for quality time? Could you go to hers instead? An start yer own demands in her house see how she likes it? (bein Petty there) or even going somewhere with the kids?
Tell your SIL to send postcards cause pets are family and she can stay home in her bubble with her hurt feelings.
Honestly that’s ridiculous. If you and your kids feel like that cat is family then she shouldn’t expect you to just get rid of it. Shit that kid prolly has so many allergies cus her mom don’t let her do shit. Best wya to build immunities is to be exposed young.
I would not get rid of an animal for anyone… even my niece. Bc at the end of the day she don’t live there and if she is allergic there’s way to avoid it. When she comes don’t let the car be directly in her face and they have kid benedryl specifically for allergies. Good luck… I hope the adults can figure something out for the kids sake bc kids need their cousins.
Get rid of your sister in law that’s your home and they have medicine for allergy problems she sounds like a control freak
I would cut out my family before getting rid of my pets. Those pets are my responsibility… I made the commitment to them…
Get ride of your sister in law, go get a new kitten.
Ask them if they are willing to give up their affected child? Visit them at their house.
Tell her NOT to come over anymore or get a babysitter for the kidD DO NOT GET RID OF YOUR PETS/
Your house. Your family. You make the rules !!!
Eleanor is right…keep the cat
Keep the pet. If shes only been there twice in the time u lived there then why would she expect u to give up your childrens beloved pet? And how does she know for a fact that the reaction was from the cat and not something else?
There’s no really question here my kids and my pets always come first especially when she’s only seen you twice and two years tell her to stay home
Who is the sister in-law to say what you can and can’t have at your home. Pets are your children too. Tell her when she starts paying Your bills and for your things then maybe there would be an some agreement how ever since it’s your home and your pet she can just not come over. Simple as that. Don’t give up anything for her.
Keep the cat. Get rid of the Karen.
Let her host the family gatherings at her house. That’s a drastic demand of family.
Bye! Bye! She will be missed! Lol
Keep the cat. I am terrified of my sisters dogs and don’t visit her and she knows the reason why. She comes here instead. Maybe you could go see her if you and her want to keep the family together. I would never ever ask anyone to get rid of a pet for me
Tell her you are.very sorry for her daughter’s allergy. But it would break your children’s heart to give their family pet especially since she has not undergone allergy testing. Meanwhile if she wants to get together.suggest a.park.
my grandson and son in law both have cat allergies my daughter never asked anyone in the family to get rid of there cats.family is important but if you can’t come to some other satisfactory arrangement than that’s her problem.at the same time what does your sibling have to say to all this
Bye sister. See you at family functions
Tell her “good”. U need ur pets more than her
Do not get rid of the cat get rid of the in laws!
They have a shot for this
Keep the cat. Dump the toxic family members
Pets stay…maybe she will ask you to get rid of your kids next.
Tell her to kiss off
Keep the pets, get rid of her
Then she doesn’t have to come over
I’m allergic to cats…my sister has cats. When i go there it is when we can be outside n enjoy each other. I would never ask her to get rid of her pets.
They are selfish pricks. Fuck em let em stay away. Visited twice in two years than let them stay gone longer. They sound toxic
NOBODY will ever tell me what I can or cant have in my home. Just don’t come over
I’m allergic to cats but I don’t ask anyone to get rid of them or put them away. It’s their house, I deal or don’t go.
Your house, your pets, your life
Sounds like the cat did u a favor. People like that deserve to be alone. Not around others
Keep the cat you can get pills for allergy’s her loss if she’s,not going to accept the cat as part of the family sorry you can’t accept her why should kids be upset for a once a year visit
Outdoor get togethers or it’s their loss!
See ya later! Don’t get rid of your children’s pet get rid of your horrid sister in law
Let the children. Keep there cat
Sounds like your family just got a little smaller. But at least you’ll have a happy kitty
They’re not loving family or they wouldn’t ask you to break your children’s heart , tell her to take a darn benadryl or stay away…you’re not out nothing
Tell her to take a pill.
Bless you, don’t be dictated to by a bully. You have your pets and enjoy them*
Really, take allergy medicine
By all means keep the cat.
Keep your pets and plan outside activities for when they want to come over.
Wow, so sorry. I think she’s wrong. She doesn’t have to go by your house, if she doesn’t want to. Maybe she should confirm that allergy before making assumptions.
What BS. Keep the cat!
They are the ass hole in this one…
Let your children keep their pets, it’s their loss your children’s happiness comes first!!
Keep your pet’s for the kids
They are definitely in the wrong. My pets ARE my family and they aren’t going anywhere for ANYONE. Especially someone that only comes around occasionally. It’s their loss, you shouldn’t be out an immediate family member for an extended family member.
I think planning Outside activities is an excellent idea. Ask that she be tested for All Allergies. Then the parents can be prepared.
Allergies are neither fun or funny. Some of them are inconvenient But others are deadly.
Keeping a member of your family, the cat, is important too.
I prefer animals to humans most days!
My grandmother hates my dog but he lives there she doesn’t. I tell her that every time she says something. If she wouldn’t come over anymore if he was there I would tell her that’s her choice.
Fuck your sister in law.
Who’s house is it? Yours or hers?
Sounds like it’s YOUR house and it’s THEIR problem! I’m sorry for sounding harsh, but f*ck them! You don’t let anyone tell you that you HAVE to choose between your fur babies that live at your house and the assholes that have their noses stuck in the air AND do not live at your house (who also believe they’re more important)!
Bubbye! Get rid of the sister-in-law. And if she’s your brother’s wife, or your husband’s brother’s wife - get rid of them, too! That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard of.
Keep the cat! Thats your home, not theirs. Next they’ll be telling you their vegan and everyone else must go vegan or they will cut you all off for that
Tell them that if they change their minds, that they know where you live.