Be there for her and make sure she always knows it. I have been there. With no one there, it may take her time even a long time before she really see’s and realizes its. It took me 6 years. I had no one left after 3 years. My family, friends, abandoned me. I get it though, it’s not easy dealing with us. But when you are in it and feel so small, hopeless and helpless with no one to turn to, no where to go, it’s the most lost feeling. Just make sure she knows that you love her, check in on her often, let her vent when she needs to, tell her you are there no matter what, and don’t judge her. People in abusive relationships can feel embarrassed, ashamed and just so little because of their abuser. Take a break when you need (you will need it) to but still just do a check in. Trust me. In the mean time, if needed maybe help with an escape plan.
Please be careful. You obviously love your sister but you can’t stop a train wreck sometimes no matter how hard you try. I don’t know why people make these kind of choices. Make sure you you let your sister know that you love her because when this goes bad she will need you. But make sure that you don’t let this hurt your family.
Unfortunately you can’t save someone who doesn’t want saving, was in a abusive relationship mentally and physically and toke me 3 years to get out of that! Also had a son with him, now he is gone and no where to be seen for the past 4 years of my sons life since I made the decision to leave him! All you can do is be there for her when it all comes crashing down x
Her decision her mistake all you can do is be there for her if she needs you
If you don’t live in that house and you don’t know what’s going on 100%, then you’re probably shouldn’t get involved all it’s going to do is make your sister not like you it’s her relationship emphasis on her relationship I think the world would be better off and people just minded their own business if your sister is happy in that relationship leave her the hell be if she wants out she will leave
Hi like most harmful habits you have to wait till she’s ready to change. Try tips from al anon ect for tips. Went through this so many times with my sister. Get help for yourself (it’s so painful to watch) and you may find ways to help her or at least feel a little better while going through it. I wish you and your family the best.
Unfortunately, in an abusive relationship, you can’t help someone until they are ready to be helped. They have to make (and stick with the decision) to leave. There a lot of psychological issued associated with an abuse relationship that cause a person to stay or go back after they get away. The best thing you can do for her is be there when she falls or asks for help understand that it’s not always the same in the outside as it is on the inside. The cycle of abuse is extremely hard to break and get away from. Love your sister and be there as you’re able. Don’t fault her for not seeing things the way you do.
Unfortunately nothing you say or do makes a difference. It’s her call. We are the outsiders looking in.Be positive and be supportive.Things will come to pass in her time.Sometimes it take longer than we would like.But,that’s the way it is.
Set up an account, hide the card in a teddy bear you give the baby!You just put 20 in it! But when she calls in one of those I can’t take it no more mins, you tell her about it! It will show her you have cared and was all ways ready to help when she asked! You may need to add so if can set up to use app to transfer easily! Pray she gets out soon!
You can’t make choices for her you can only love her and be there for her.
She has to make her own decisions. Eventually she will learn and hopefully things get better
Just be there for her
Nothing - she has choose to leave. You cant choose it for her.
Let her learn her lessons, just be there for her in the meantime. You and her both know deep down it won’t work in the long run. Right now, focus on your bond as sisters.