My Sister Refuses to Put Sunscreen on Her Kids

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"My sister REFUSES to use sunscreen on her kids due to “harsh chemicals” which okay I get…her reasoning is because our grandpa still got skin cancer from the sun even though he used sunscreen…i get that but at the same time when your kids are outside all day in the sun…they need protection…she makes them sit in the shade for 15 mins after 15 mins spent in the sun and i still feel like this is not good enough…what are some chemical free sunscreens i can tell her about? i am worried for my nieces and nephews at this point"

RELATED: Find the Best Sunscreen for Acne-Prone Skin That Will Keep You Protected Without Breaking Out


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Wear long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat"

"Beauty Counter sunscreen is mineral based.."

"If you’re near water, sitting in the shade doesn’t really help much. Depending on how close you are to the water, the sun will reflect off the water onto you. Aveeno Baby makes a chemical free sunscreen. So does Neutragena for babies. Both are sold at Target. There are others if you want to Google them. They’re a little pricey, but it’s worth it if you want to avoid the chemicals."

"Her children… her choice."

"Buy the kids hats for presents and thats about all you should do"

"Dr recommended aveeno or cervae sunscreen for my kids bc of sensitive skin. And my nana dermatologists also recommended it for her bc she has lupus and has 2 cancer spots removed from sun exposure and her lupus meds."

"Badger brand has a more friendly sunscreen with less of the toxic chemicals"

"Get her a sunscreen that doesn’t have the ingredients she disagrees with"

"We like babo botanicals mineral sunscreen and they could use uv resistant clothing"

"Clothes. Seriously long sleeve tops and pants, wear a hat, and use pure zinc."

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