My Sister Removed Me From Her Wedding Party Because I Am Pregnant: Am I Overreacting?

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"This may be long so bear with me…my sister asked me to be in her wedding a few months ago…we went and tried on dressed and got fitted for them…i was so excited she asked me since we havent always got along but things have been tons better lately…but i recently found out i was pregnant…her wedding is in 6 months and she literally me out because my dress wont fit me anymore and she doesnt want a pregnant person in her party…she wants a “certain look”…i am shattered and dont even know if i want to go now…am i over reacting because of pregnancy hormones?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I’d be pissed. I had two very pregnant girls in my wedding party. It didn’t effect the “look” or take away from my attention. (not that I’d have cared but still) one of my nephews was born 4 days after my wedding and the other 2 months later. I think if my sister removed me from her wedding for that reason I’d have a hard time attending her wedding at all as well."

"Even as a guy I agree that is not right. You are sisters there should be no one she should want to celebrate her big day with than you besides her new spouse of course. Wish you the best of luck in your future and I pray you two can get through this but it’s going to take some work and time."

"She expressed it a bit rude for sure but overall it is her wedding and she gets to make the choices I suppose. Also you never know if you were to go into labor early or end up having some medical issues that would keep you from standing up. If you don’t want to go that’s up to you of course but I don’t think you should take it personal."

"You are not overreacting your sister is a witch with a capital B. I would be offended and I would boycott her wedding."

"Maybe you need to let her know how you feel because if you don’t your going get angrier."

"wow , nope … you have every right to be upset and to be hurt … shame on your sister … I would disown her and tell her to kick rocks."

"Tell her you understand and maybe you can be in her next one…because with her attitude, pretty sure there will be another one…"

"You can’t blame her for wanting a “ perfect wedding with certain look “ but you don’t have to agree, if you feel way just do not attend the wedding."

"Wow just wow I seriously have NOT ever heard anything like that no to go because you are pregnant and especially not being your sister do go let her see how it feels."