My sister stole my baby name and our family has a "no double names" rule...HELP!

Your family has no control over what you name your baby. If you made it known that you had that name chosen first then it’s your sister who did you dirty. I would still use it.

Noone gets to decide what you name your child but you

Presley is pretty close to paisley?

Maybe it’s Gods way of telling you to pick another name?

That’s terrible I’d let her know how you feel , but being honest you might not have a girl so dont streess yourself out ?

Never mind rules at your age name your daughter Paisley, who cares about a rule that your family has. You’re an adult and shame on your sister.

Keep the name. I heard it wasn’t a law so do as you wish.

Name her Paislyn. Fck them ppl! 🩷:rofl::rofl:

Your child your rules. Name your baby Paisley.
If i was you I’d then be cutting off my toxic af family

If it helps, paisley doesn’t go with the middle name lee anyway :woman_shrugging:t3:

Family rule??? Are you seven? Name your child whatever you want to and be done with it! This is the stuff that keeps people awake at night?!?!

Who cares what your family says… if you like the name, name her that anyway. It may not even be a girl though… :woman_shrugging:t2:

Family rules :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
You can name your child whatever you want!!!

Keep your daughters name !!!

Im sorry your sister is a royal :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Seriously shame on her !!!

That’s a shitty rule, ignore it.

My nieces name is Emily Harper and I just love the Harper. Presley or Parker are nice as well. Pretty crappy of your sister to do this of she knew, and even crappier of your family to not tell her she was in the wrong for stealing something you’ve longed for…most of your life…and co dining her actions. This is the one time out of respect for YOU after what your sister did, to lifer their “no double name” rule and prove to your sister…she was in the wrong and where they stand with her antics…and allow you to go ahead and name your child what you’ve chosen years ago :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That’s an awful thing to do, use the name anyway. If people say something. Just show them an ultrasound picture with the name on it and say “we had it 1st”

Sounds like your sis broke the first rule. So… no rules apply now. Stick to it.

Nope. I’d piss everyone off. spell it different.

Nope no way is someone telling me what I can and can’t name my child

So, did anyone say anything to her for what she did?

You have a no double names rule but not a don’t steal my name rule?

I’d say name your baby what you had planned. That was wrong of your sister to know this and steal your name. I sense jealousy :woman_shrugging:t2: Rules are meant to be broken :wink: Break them

When you become an adult you don’t have to follow “family rules” you make your own rules.

Id have to be an ass and name her Praisley… Cause she’s the one that will be praised! Lol

What if it’s a boy? You may be buggin out over nothing anyways.

All bets are off
It was yours 1st
You don’t owe no loyalty to the family
Your life your rules
Happy delivery

Add Pretty in front of Paisley and let the games begin. Any time you have a family affair find a reason to call your daughters name, “Hey Pretty Paisley, come give Mommy a hug.” Yes I’m that petty B*tch! :joy:

I say screw the “family rules” and name your child whatever you please!!

Paisley doesn’t go with Lee because it has Lee in the name. I would name her Paisley if I wanted to and screw that stupid rule of double names. It’s your baby name her whatever you want.

F that. Put up a Social Media post show off all the blankets and things you have owned, even receipts of items to show that you brought these teams well in advance then, tell your family you are still sticking with the name because you had it chosen for ages. Then go NC with your so called sister.

If your set on your “family rules” are there any alternatives to paisley? Could something like
Paige-Lee- Last name?? Work or an alternative spin to paisley ? …. Polly? Oakley? Or something…. It totally sucks and I get how hard this is- and how hard it will be to call your new niece by the name you have loved and chosen-
But like all things Good and Bad- this will pass- and everyone will carry on- your baby will have a name you will love in the end.

First of all, fuck a family rule lol who cares. Do what makes you & you alone happy

Uh excuse me…are you grown? Name her Paisly anyway.Family rule my ass. You and your baby to be are your family. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be harsh but this ‘strict family rule’ would want me to dig my heels in and call her Paisly Paisly just for spite.

Family rule is stupid. Name her Paisley

Penelope, Penny for short. That’s so rude for your sister doing that.

Rule? Come on. Stop it. Your family doesn’t get to tell you what to name your kids hahaha. That’s ridiculous :unamused:
Your sister sucks.
I’d still go with paisley. Pure spite.

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The birth certificate registration office does not give a hoot about your family’s rule. You came up with it first…use it.

The family rule should’ve been to not steal the name your sister was naming her child. I’d still name my daughter as planned.

Should have been Nicer to your sister growing up then Looks to me Life isn’t fair suck it up Buttercup

You do what you darn well please piss on family rule.

Well if no double names seems your sister needs to change the name since u made it clear what name you picked out and had items made. Sorry I would keep the name

Nope. I would still be using the name 100%. If she doesn’t like it, SHE can change her daughter’s name :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: and honestly, I’m sure she will and if she doesn’t, oh well lol do not change your baby’s name… I dont follow family “rules”.

Your family can just learn to deal with it. That was wrong and selfish. Name your child what your heart has said to name her. That was wrong and if your family didn’t stand up for you you shouldn’t worry about them. Live and be happy anyway.

Paze lee. Or spell it paiz lee or payz lee. Still using the name but not :woman_shrugging:

My great grandfather is John and my grandfather is John and my dad and uncle are both johns my brother is a John and I’m jonnha and my sister is an Alexis and so his my cousin :joy: name your baby what ever you want. Your sister sounds spiteful. She could have chose any name. I understand being in love with a name but sounds like she didn’t even try

Screw the family rule! You name your baby Paisley, it was your name first.

I have a Paisley I love the name but I also love Kinsley. If your set in stone name your daughter Paisley you’re your own person and you can do whatever you want. I’d tell your family she stole the name.

Screw that rule!!! Name your kid what you want!!

Are you under 18??? Because what?? Family RULES that dictate how you name your children??? You gotta be joking right? Name your child what you want ffs

Disown that hoe and name your daughter what you want

Thats a dumb rule its your kid

But honestly I’d tell your family to kick rocks and that if they side with your sister on her stealing your chosen name since forever then they can choke on those rocks that’s toxic as fuck off your sister

It’s your baby. You name it what you want. There is not a stupid rule you have to follow.
We have several babies with the same name. So what?

your family dont get to dictate what u name your kids, paisley sounds good to me, chose that

I would still name your baby Paisley. Your family has NO right to make such a stupid rule.

Screw your family rule. It’s your child. Do what you want

Your sister is a b…just saying. And just pick a different name there’s millions out there.

I would keep the name you picked and tell them she broke the rule not you everyone knew what you wanted, my brother tried to do this he named his daughter Eryn and when my son was born I named him Aaron my brother tried to say I took her name and I said no I didn’t the whole family knew if I had a boy I was giving him our dad’s middle name so that it was on him for naming his daughter the same name and I wasn’t going to change it just to make him happy.

She’s an ass hole. Name her what you want and tell her if she’s got a problem with it she can change HER kids name.

Can’t help. My last daughter of four, I named her Katie and my youngest sister asked if I would mind if she named her only child/ daughter Katie. No problem

Screw your family. Name your baby what you want.

First of all, fuck your sister. Second of all, name your baby Paisley, if it was me I’d be done with my sister so there wouldn’t be two paisley’s if they’re never around each other. Some people are messed up.

Not your family anymore are they :rofl:

This is why I don’t tell anyone’s else what are my babies name til they are born so no one can steal it or take over. It is sad when others get jealous and steal the names to put on their kids names.

No you had the name first fuck what your family says name your baby what you wanted to to begin with and stop letting petty ass siblings steal your shit

I’m a true believer that the meaning of a name is most important… Paisley means church :woman_shrugging:t2: so you really have lots of options there are a million names out there. But if you’re set on this one keep it! That rule is stupid. You are an ADULT :clap:t3:

Emerson Lee. And I’d be cutting your sister off to. How awful of her to so that m

Fuck their “Family rule.” Maybe their family rule should have been no name stealing. She’s your baby not theirs. You can name her anything you want to. It has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Everyone is just making suggestions but not one mention of what an a-hole your sister is. I’m mad for you :rage:

Fuck that- use that name!!

That is f’d up , you already had stuff printed with the baby’s name on it. She’s an asshole for doing that. F that I say keep the name. Two of my family members have used the name I wanted to use for if I have a boy, that’s not going to stop me from using it.

I’m sorry but family rules or not your sister broke your trust doing what she did… my aunt did the same thing to my mom my cousin Amber is less than a year older than me, everyone knew my mom was gonna name me Amber, they like to claim she stole the name but she did not and guess what there’s two ambers and everyone has to deal with it. :woman_shrugging:

Can we just talk about your sister being an asshole. Just saying. For that alone break the rules, keep Paisley :grin:

Double barrel rule id politely tell them to f@%k of. Your baby & family your rules, your an adult. Yes you could name child paisley as planned, but been honest this could be confusing for cousins when they are growing up. Could you slightly change name to Peyton, Pagen, penny, presley, paige, pheobe. Or you could piss her of and find name that rhymes with paisley ie maisie, daisy, lacey,