I have ALWAYS wanted to name my daughter Paisley…My sister knew this…I am 10 weeks pregnant and have clothes with the name on it even…so it was set in stone…she just gave birth and changed her daughters name to Paisley after meeting her for the first time and I am heartbroken…my family has a strict “No double names” rule and I feel so sad about this…what is another name that goes with the middle name Lee…because I can no longer use Paisley due to my families rule.
You are an adult with your own family. Set boundaries and live by your own rules.
The family you create is the only family we owe anything to in adulthood:dart: That rule only applies if you agree to it, and due to her chosen actions, you no longer agree to it:woman_shrugging:
If anyone in the family you came from has something to say to you and not to her, then you act accordingly as it happens. But you don’t owe them a thing and they only have control over you if you allow it
Just spell it ‘ie’ instead of ‘y’ then it’s not that same name #winning
Everleigh Anna is a nice combo. Or Everleigh Page which is very close to your first choice. Let us all know what you decide!!
how fun, I would name my child what I wanted to name my child, regardless.
You have created your own family now so if that’s the name you want stick to it no one has control on the rules and lifestyle you want to give your Beyb, the name will have a different meaning and love towards it so stand your ground and use the name you chose.
how about Vienna… i never hear that name and it’s so beautiful … i also love Braelynn never see that… Brae is such a cute nickname … Harper is also cute! or my daughter best friend is Parker!
I’d be calling her Paisley and spelling it how I wanted
Your family needs new rules… I’d just keep the name you wanted.
I named my daughter Randilee
Just name her Paisley and add a second name on it, no need to change how you want it to be.
The courses that families all take over a lifetime is so vast! You probably live in different areas by the time your children are older, so don’t worry about same names. Keep the name you like.
I’d name her whatever you want it’s your choice no one else’s.
Sounds like you need a new family! Rules are made to be broken so you do you and if they have a problem with it then they don’t need to be around.
Love the name Parker Lee!
Phoebe leigh
Georgia leigh
Poppy leigh
Parker leigh
I have a Paige Elizabeth and my sister has a Presley Laniece if you wanted to keep the P
Haisley, Kinsley, Maisey, Daisy
It’s sad when things seem unfair especially when others knew you had this name picked out. Your child will have the name it’s ment to have, however please don’t allow what has happened to create bitterness for you and your child, this is a time for endless happiness and joy. It maybe time to take your self away from the thoughts of what has happened to a much happier thought pattern & sleep well to allow a beautiful name to be presented to you after you have rested. If you choose to call your bub the original name picked or something far more special, it is not up to your family to dictate to you what you can choose. Best Wishes.
Amber Lee
Ever lee
Heaven Lee
Haven Lee
Ella Lee
I wouldn’t change the name. You now have started your own family. New traditions start somewhere.
You made your own new family. If Everyone knew you wanted that name & you already have outfits for it use the same name or give your sister all the clothes w the name on it & move on. Those are your two options
Nope ! your baby is your baby for the rest of your life. Name her what you wish. You’ve chosen with this name with
What’s the consequence of a broken rule? That they never speak to you and your daughter, ever!
You Do You
A rule ? Break it … make it a two part name … like paisley-may then the middle name or something like that …
Rules are made to be broken. Call your child as you wish. If your sister really knew that was your name she already broke the rules. How rude of her. I’d still name her what you want. Unless you have a favorite second choice. Not sure it goes with Lee. But I love my granddaughters names. Celeste and Carly.
I would name my baby Paisley. Never let anyone control you or force you to change your mind.
I have 3 nieces named Ayanna, different spellings but yeah
And that would be when I went NC with sis. Idgaf. Respect & love is earned and she doesn’t have it. I have a caylie
Lynda Lee Brenda Lee Sarah Lee Maria Lee Anna Lee Hazel Lee Gretchen Lee Brianna Lee Maranda Lee Michelle Lee Kyla Lee kari Lee Natasha Lee Leah Lee Piper Lee the list really is endless hope you come with a good one
Dang she did you wrong! Are you all not that close? Sounds like something a vengeful “friend” would do. Wow! I would still name my baby whatever I wanted to name my baby. It’s time to break the rule.
Rules can be broken. You have your own family now & can make your own rules. Do what make you happy.
It’s not up to your family. It’s your baby do what you want xx
Rules? It’s YOUR baby - name her whatever YOU want!!
That’s the one thing you can give your child that doesn’t change (well at least not common) name her Paisley is you want. If they treat you differently for a name that’s a them problem they need to figure out. That sounds silly and I bet they will love both Paisleys! Best of luck mama!
Your baby is your baby you want to name her the same then you go right ahead and do so! X
Name her Pais and middle name Lee lol
Harper Lee
Kayla Lee
Sawyer Lee
Serenity Lee
Your baby, your choice. Name her what you choose.
Daisy Lee, maisley Lee, Sara Lee, carry Lee
My daughter is Elizabeth Theresa-Lee
If you already have the name engraved in her clothes that means you chose it 1st. Your sister is the one who broke the rule so keep the name of you truly want to
Well just my opinion but if you want to name her paisley then do it!! Just because they have a rule doesn’t necessarily mean you HAVE to follow it … that is your baby name her what you want ! What are they gonna do get mad ? If so then they can get glad in the same pants they got mad in … just my opinion …
There are no rules. It’s your baby. Name her whatever you want. Wasn’t cool of your sister to do, but if you only like that name, then who tf cares. Or if you don’t like the idea of having two Paisleys in the family, start thinking of an even cooler and more unique name for your kid.
Presley or Presley
Parker Lee
Maybe it’s time to change the rule .
I would change it to a name that is exactly the same except the first letter. That would stick it to your family and your sister.
Ashley, Ashlynne, Aimee, Zoey,
Take something strong and prophetic, like Willow (go read up on a willowtree).
Let it go and give new “birth” to your child’s name…
It’s your baby name her Paisley your family will get over it
How sad. I can not stand shady people. And that does suck. I also shared a name to someone close and they used it. I so understand.
Paisley lee… I’d pick a different first or middle name… the back to back “Lee lee” is odd to me
Your family has a rule about what you can name your child? Wow. If you want the best of both worlds, make it a two name word. Paisley Lee, Paisly Ann, Paisly Jo, etc.
Your behind main family is second place now to your family YOU created. Name her paisley. Who cares what tradition says. Your family might not even be together a few years down the road. I never thought my family would have broken up but here we are. Name her what you want. Life is too short.
My grandma’s name was Daisy. I always wanted a daughter named that and tried to get my nieces to use it but there was never another one. I like Daisy Lee.
F it was your name first use the name
We were gonna use Haisley and call her Hazy as a nickname but only had boys.
Natalie Lee
Serenity Lee
Maisie Lee
Forget the family rule…thats on her!
Presley, Penelope, Phoebe, Briar, Kassidy, Courtney, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kolani, Brittany, Lacey, Camilla, Savannah, Vanessa
You clearly already named your baby. Who cares if it wasn’t on paper yet? I say keep it.
I’d go with the name you want to use. They can kick rocks
I wouldn’t let anyone set a rule for my family… And that’s one reason I never tell anyone the name until I have the baby
Rules are meant to be broken … just saying
Your family has a rule about what you can name your child???
I would name my baby whatever I wanted
Make your own rules… Pipers cute if you wanna keep the initial
Well there’s about 5 variations of Elizabeth in my family either first, or middle name. I opted to name my daughter Isabella, there’s also Elijah and a Beth
Leeann Paisley?
Presley? Like Elvis Presley
In the nicest way possible, what a ridiculous rule. Call your baby what YOU want to call her, shouldn’t matter at all if there’s another Paisley in the family. It sounds like the name means a lot to you and if you call her anything else you may regret it. Don’t change the name just to please your family.
Who made the family rule lol name your baby what you want stuff yoir family
She’s your baby. I’d name her Paisley anyway. I’d they didn’t like it they shouldn’t have taken it.
Forget the rule!!! Name your baby what you want… funny thing i always said if I have a daughter I will name her— Paysilee!!! Your sister is a hater and a follower!
Your family can’t tell.you what to name your baby or make up.rules that. You as an.adult…have to adhere to! Name her whatever you want to!!
She did you a favour. There are some really nice names mentioned here in the comments.
Fk that and fk that rule. Name your baby Paisley!
Just spell it different, combine the middle and problem solved. Paislee. Not a double name anymore, it’s a whole new name. But screw the family
rule anyways, you have a new family now and her name is Paisley/Paislee. Whatever YOU want.
Just called her queen paisley , then just go by paisley
Um, eff that rule.
The family you build is more important than the family you came from.
When I had my daughter my husband and I decided we wanted to name her something that was not in the family already (our choice) and not to name her any names of people we knew unless she was actually named after them. We later found out I had a 3rd/4th cousin with the same name (spelled differently) but we still chose to name her what we wanted to in the end I say you name her what you want…she is your child
Your family’s rule? Honey, you are an adult. You know who makes the rules for your family? You and your partner (if you have one). No one would be stopping me from naming my kid what I want.
Your family cant make a “rule” thats crazy, call her what you want!
Grandparents. Love. Having. Grandchildren. Named. After. Them. Provided. You. Had. S. Special. Relationship. W. Them. And the. Named. Brings. Fond. Memories and. Joy. To. Your. Heart as. Your Child will.
What about Paisalee so we ts similar but different. Or you could do Preslee
I’d choose Kinsley which is prettier and has a nice meaning. And (kin) will eternally remind your family that you chose family
You are an adult name your baby what you want to
Payton? I would just call her Paisley though if it were me.
Aseley, Bailey, Kiley, Kinley, Zayley, Lilley, Brinkley, Carley, Marley, Amberley, Holley, Waverley, Blakeley, Lindsey … spell it like you want. Or go for something totally opposite and surprise them. You will love your baby anyway
First my sister and I would have serious beef I hate when friends or family steal a name. It not like she is a friend where it won’t make a huge difference it’s literally your sister and having 2 named the same is not going to work long term so it’s funny ppl say use it anyway. I would go with Presley Lee. Close to the original name but still different and pretty
I came acrossed a name in my moms ancestors book a long time ago that I thought was pretty. Paralee
That’s just wrong, but you could change is to Kaileigh or Kailee.
I’d still name my child paisley who cares what anyone else thinks.
How do u even know it’s a girl at only 10 weeks
Presley sounds close. Unique nice name
There would be 2 Paisley’s in the family because I wouldn’t change the name that i had picked out. Forget the family’s rule. You are an adult and they will get over it. It’s posts like this that makes me glad that I don’t have any sisters
Mayzlee ,DayzLee, HeavenLee,PrinzLee,Shaylee,Keylee,Millee,Alaysalee…
Audrey. Lorraine, Elianne.
She can have my name, Ninovia!!
Her first name would be Pais and middle would be Lee.
I would call her Paislee.
And I would not call my sister.
How about something different like PaisLee?
Nah that’s your baby you should be able to name her what you want. You’ve had that name picked forever