My sisters boyfriend flushed her meds, what can I do?

The boyfriend needs to be flushed down the toilet

Tell her to call the police, file a report. And show the dr. To have proof to show the dr. For a refill

It sounds like a mutually toxic and abusive relationship. Tell her to go see her doctor. honestly…kids come first. Offer her help and look into local resources. If she doesn’t take it, I’d call CPS. Those kids are being exposed to abuse and experiencing it.

It IS illegal. He might as well have stole her meds. But there’s nothing you can do about it, it has to be her. But she definitely shouldn’t be with anyone who doesn’t believe in what she needs to be healthy.

She should flush him down the toilet! :rage:

It’s domestic abuse!

Abruptly stopping certain medications can have dire consequences, for her and/or for her children. The fact that he’s arrogant enough to disregard the doctor’s order, paired with lack of concern for her or the kids once the medication is gone, (while he’s gone for months at a time), tells me that she needs to RUN out of this toxic situation. Otherwise, the physical, mental and emotional abuse will not just continue, but get worse. She’ll need a strong support system in order to start a new life without him. Her and the children deserve better, but she’s gotta break the cycle before it’s too late.

Get her help. Get everything in writing. While he is gone talk to her about leaving b4 he harms her or one of ur nephews. Prayers for yall.

She can call in a refill

Please work hard on intervening with her. She and her children need to get away from him! The reason I believe you need to try, even if she doesn’t see it, her and her children’s well-being is at risk. How will you feel if you don’t try and something tragic happens?

Could she possibly be dealing with some post partum depression maybe help her get into counseling i know most think they dont need it but its so nice getting things off your chest to people who wont judge you.

Tell her to consult her doctor for another script and tell her to tell him that if he touches them again she will press charges against him for messing/tampering with something that is hers and it is very illegal to touch someone else’s medications and force them to take what they think is appropriate for such things.

Call the Dr. He can refill it

She has to be willing to take the steps to get out of this. 1. By filling a police report, which she may need to get more.mediciation, and 2 by leaving him

This is abuse. Full stop. Its dangerous to leave but with a sister like you she has more than most.

call pharmacy and they can send a request to dr for a refill

It’s called practicing medecine without a license, theft, acting recklessly to endanger another. But only she can do anything about it. If it’s bipolar, he probably read lithium helps. Vitamin d. But you have to be tested. Prayers.

She needs to gtfo of their!! That’s very controlling n seriously not a supportive situation

I like how you just randomly throw the fact in that he hits a two-year-old… call the cops on this fool and get him the f*** out of the home, stop worrying about the antidepressants being thrown down the toilet!!! Keep the kids safe!


You don’t want to know my answer.

Get out of that relationship. For real. That’s only the beginning.

Adult protective service will help her leave and get her a pro bono attorney while he’s at sea

Report him to the cops. its not his right to touch pills if she needs them


All u can do is let her learn and mind ur business. This isn’t ur problem its hers and 0pl really need to understand thwy cab save other ppl its nit possible

Don’t flush pills , think of the fish

Uhhhh he is abusing the kids (that’s what I’m taking from “it’s more then a smack” if she sticking around for that take the kids off both! That’s putrid from someone in his profession letalone anyone else! Get the mofo discharged!

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Remind her your there for her… it has to be her choice to leave him… hugs

she needs to leave this prick…its obvious he’s the problem and when it involves treating the kids bad you have to do what’s best for the kids…this can turn dangerous real quick

Stealing & Destroying someone’s RX IS A FELONY!!!

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If you know all of this and have to ask, you know the answer

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Call the doctor and tell them and they will write a new prescription

Um he is abusing the kids u need to call dcf.

She should move while he’s out and report to get doctor what he did… Had she asked you to help her…I hope she doesn’t defend him when someone else gets involved… My daughter did that and her kids dad was beating her tho

She should be able to just get a refill unless it’s a controlled substance…def.not good to just stop taking them. and very ignorant of him to say that!!!

Prime example of domestic violence. Wtf - if someone had diabetes would you just throw away their insulin and tell them to make better dietary choices. Tf. These are all the red flags that are building up to eventually culminate in physical/sexual abuse if it’s not already occurring. Be a listening ear, a supportive shoulder to lean on. She will need you when she finally decides to leave him.

The only thing you can really do is be there for her and keep encouraging her to leave him. Be prepared for the backsplash though. Some women just never leave them. You can document texts, emails, take videos and pictures of the rages and the bruises and call Family Services when he hurts the kids & say it’s an emergency and the kids are in imminent danger! They won’t do anything if you say they are okay right now. Call when he’s in a rage.
So sorry your nephews are going through this.

That’s medical abuse. Call her doctors office & let them know what her husband is doing regarding her medications. Call his commanding officers (or the army & find out where you report spousal abuse) & let them know what he is doing to his wife, children & his wife’s lifesaving medication. The military (from what I’ve heard) is not ok with soldiers behaving that way. Does she have a mental health caseworker? If she does contact them and fill them in, they will advocate for her. If she doesn’t call her health plan and request one for her & also advise them of what the husband did to her medications. That’s all you can do. That and be there for her. Move her and the kids in if necessary. At the end of the day though, she has to be the to leave. That man can NOT be good for her mental health and could be the cause of it.

Get her the f out of there and honestly if she’s that depressed and off her meds she doesn’t havr the ability to think or do things for herself righr now, not clearly atleast… if yiu can get her back on her meds helpbher do that and please please get her tbe hell out if you can

Sounds like she needs to flush him.


She needs to do something because they will charge her with child endangerment if they think he’s abusing the child and they consider it her responsibility to protect that child from harm

I had a friend that happened to one time and she was terrified to tell her doctor to get a new prescription because he was also physically abusive- so I called APS. After about 60 days of back-and-forth investigating and evidence submitted he walked away with a felony endangerment charge and she was awarded a permanent ppo.
Granted her experience was extreme and highly abusive but it all started with tossing a bottle of prescription pills out the window as they were driving.
(She is BPD and also a mother- so she was religiously taking a prescription to make sure that her moods stayed leveled out so the kids had a pleasant childhood and apparently there was an argument and he threw them out the window because “he was going to show the courts just what a crazy bitch she was, take her kids, and leave her in the gutter”)

Pushing and shoving IS PHYSICAL ABUSE.

But she needs to let her doctor know. They might fill it they might not. Depends on the pharmacy.

Also report him to his naval officer.

So, she is being abused. Pushing and shoving is still physical abuse. And he’s physically abusing the children.
There’s probably more to it than you know. We don’t allow this treatment for fun. We often stay in this kind of situation because of danger to our lives. When I tried to leave my ex, he said “if you end us, I’ll end you” and he started choking me. I didn’t have much support to get out of the situation. Not at first. I had to get crafty to get away.

You need to sit down with her and talk to her about how wrong this is. Give her the support she needs. If she listens and is willing to leave, can she stay with you temporarily?
One of the reasons women stay is because there’s nowhere else to go. It feels hopeless and lost. The most you can do is support her and encourage her to leave. Remind her that he’s not only abusing her, he’s abusing their 2 year old son.

And he’s being a crafty son of a bitch. If her antidepressants treat her, she can get into a mental place where she’s able to leave him. Without her meds, he can crush her and manipulate her easier. Be her back up.

You never just stop taking those types of meds without a drs approval…my sister did and nothing good came from it

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when I just quit antidepressants before I went CRAZY AF for a month atleast or over…she might not be too bad off bc of whatever he’s got her taking…please just don’t give up on her and keep reaching out trying to help.:heartpulse::pleading_face:

I suffer from major depression and have been in and out of the hospital, ECT the whole nine yards. I was on a lot of meds like Xanax. Worst drug ever. I lost 15 years of my life from depression. My anxiety was so bad I didn’t even want to be awake. I never got out of bed, eat, etc. I am now medication free and I don’t know if I will get kicked out of the group for saying this. But the only thing that kept me grounded and helped me was smoking weed, which all my drs are well aware of. People can say what they want about weed but it is more beneficial than what doctors give out. Pharmaceutical companies are getting richer and making are loved ones have addictions. Find a hobby, walk whatever you like to do. But your medication for depression is not the answer. As far as him flushing them. I took it as he was trying to help you. I was even court ordered in 2019 for 10 days because of my depression. You can do this! Good luck sweetheart💖

Contact his command. She needs to leave him. Also file a police report/press charges and then bring that report to her PCM so they can refill her medication. If she’s not willing to leave him or press charges then really all you can do is…nothing.

In a perfect world, you could easily report him to his command and he’d get his ass handed to him but unfortunately the navy and military in general doesn’t care in 9/10 cases. They will go to bat for the service member and leave the spouse in more distress than they were already in, unfortunately Speaking from experience. I would focus time on getting an attorney, a protective order and start a divorce while he’s gone.

IMO he flushed her meds because they’re actually working and she’s probably starting to see him for the abusive asshole he is. Thankfully she has you!

He probably did her a favor I was stuff 're me so sick I lost so much weight and it made my mood worse

There are actually supplements that do help though. We opted for them over the prescriptions for my daughter. And no there is nothing you can do… If she isnt reporting him you cant help her.

She can press charges but it sounds like she is scared.

She needs to go to court explain the situation and file for full custody and a divorce and it wouldn’t hurt to get a temporary no contact order in place during the process seeing as he’s got anger and control issues

Please please please reach out to domestic abuse shelters and programs in her area. Help her find resources. Make sure she knows you’re there no matter what. The most dangerous time for a victim is when they are leaving. This is not a healthy relationship. If you need some more help please PM me.

While he is gone, she needs to act normal with him, but leave. Report him once he has no clue where she and the kids are at. And walk away from his abusive nasty ass.

Report him & just be there for her. No matter what she chooses to do with her life, be there. I wish I had someone who was constantly there for me even when I made some dumb choices.

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What else is going on that she isn’t telling you?

you also might be her only outlet and person to vent to…just be that for her

It’s simple, she needs to leave that controlling idiot​:thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If she needs to be on meds, she needs her meds! She needs to go to her dr and get more asap. As far as the dude, he’s an asshole, but she’s allowing it. If she’s stuck financially, help her out of there. If she’s staying because that’s just what she’s gonna do, all you can do is be there for her when she needs a vent. You can’t take on her problems if she won’t. They’re hers. I understand your feelings, but she’s grown and you’re not the boss of her, basically.

But if he is legit abusing the kids, you have a moral obligation to do everything in your power to advocate for the kid(s) if their mother won’t. It will undoubtedly mess up your relationship, BUT KIDS.
Good luck. :v:

Very illegal and could have killed her.

unfortunately calling the dr is the only thing sbe can do

Get her into therapy

thank dr.Steven for bringing back my wife after she left me for 8 months because of a mistake I made and regretted… I was devastated left with a kid to take care of all alone until someone told me how dr.steven helped her restore her marriage, I contacted him And today I’m sharing my own testimony, y’all help me thank can contact him on his Email: ‪drstevenspell@outlook. Com or WhatsApp ‪ +447448048550

  1. tell doctors
  2. tell police
  3. tell navy
  4. tell lawyer

Yes it is illegal and she needs to leave him A.S.A.P

Pack her shit up and leave him.

Report his ass to his commanding officer and get her to the doctor to get more. That’s abuse

Nothing you can do. :frowning:

Go to the dr and get more.

She can call her doctor

Find her a new boyfriend

You can let this go, it’s not yours to solve

Everyone saying report to child services. The system is no place for a child… Mom has a track record of getting the help she needs in an attempt to stay mentally healthy for her children … she has a paper trail that helps her

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That’s abuse report him now

Exactly… what can you do??

Yes, it’s illegal. And she shouldn’t be anywhere near that dude. Fanatics are dangerous and he likely doesn’t have any type of degree to back up what he did or overrule her legitimate doctor.

Yall work both pages? Orr what?

People want them… dude ate them pills :pill:

It’s illegal he stole them for himself he didn’t flush anything…. she has to file a police report in order for the doctor to write another script… Don’t do that often… But yes! She can get more…. She doesn’t want to come off it because we build levels up… You can’t mess with it going off… Makes things worse more difficult for her.

If I was her, I’d move out and leave and let him come home to an empty house :woman_shrugging: if he wants to act funny yall need to act HILARIOUS :clap::revolving_hearts:

Report him to the military. They will handle him and toss him out of the service. Any man to flush meds u need is controlling you. Hopefully your sister kicks his ass to the curb

Kick his a$$. Isn’t that illegal? I’d be livid if someone did that to me. I’d be in prison for sure.

call the cops. abusive!

It is illegal, but it is up to your sister to press charges.

Without a doubt this is illegal.


Can she flush him!!!@


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sisters boyfriend flushed her meds, what can I do?

Also, staying in these types of relationships has been proven to shrink the part of you’re brain for memory so while you may want to it’s also still harming you while it may not be physically but them kids can’t defend themselves & they don’t deserve that…


What she probably doesn’t realize is that by hitting the children he can lose custody and if she sees it and doesn’t protect them from it, she could lose custody too. In the 1970s it was usually the man who spanked and the woman watched. People accepted this as quite normal.

However the courts and DCF definitely do not see it that way anymore.

She should start with a restraining order to protect her and the kids, a lawyer to tell her what to do, and a call to her husband’s command supervisor. There are military resources for abused partners. They may be able to offer therapy, funds, and counseling along with supervision of his behavior.

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As far as the meds if they’re antidepressants talk to the pharmacist there’s a huge chance they will give her enough until her next refill.

She needs to get a restraining order ASAP

It’s natural to want to fix problems for our loved ones but not that feasible… the best thing you can do is just be there for her… listen to her and support her the ways she wants you to support her

If she doesn’t leave for herself, she needs to leave for the babies. It’s a toxic environment not just for her, but especially for them, especially with him being abusive to the children (which is exactly what he’s doing). She can get in contact with a shelter and they will help, especially when she tells them what is going on. Now is the best time to do it while he is gone. When she is completely away from the home, she needs to contact the SO and let them know the situation, starting from the beginning and let them know everything. If he doesn’t do anything, she needs to keep going up the ladder, bring it to the news, whatever she can. Get the spotlight on him so that he can’t get away with doing this, to her or anyone else.

I work as a pharmacy technician so as that aspect she can request a refill from the pharmacy and have them call the insurance company and do an override for lost or stolen medication and they may override it and let her fill it early or she would have to pay the cash price and she can look up a good RX to see if she can save some money on it if they won’t do the override

She needs to press chargers against him because of this.
Her meds are very important for her well being.
Again now that he is gone, she needs to talk to the police over what charges can be pressi & she needs to talk to her Dr. about getting a refill quicker.
And she can’t allow him in anymore
If she does, she can continue to expect this to continue & if she allows it, then it’s all on her. She needs to think about her well being, so she can care for her children properly.

Yes you call the cops report it and then send the report to her Dr and pharmacy for a refill

it’s her life she knows what she’s doing…all u can do is ask her if she wants out nd you’ll help her with that if she wants to stay then o well it’s her life and their kids dad I’m for spanking kids nd I know people get upset to hear about it when it’s not their own. she’s grown nd if she feels like she’s in a abusive relationship nd needs to leave it shouldnt be hard since he’s not home allot. also we don’t know why he flushed the meds maybe he has her best interest maybe he dont…can’t tell.

Having two kids it is especially not safe to just stop meds.

She has to want the help period.