My son and other kids are being bullied at soccer: How do I confront their parents?

My son is five and does soccer. The age group is 5-8. Well, there are a couple of boys in the group that pick on other kids, including mine. These couple boys will push/kick/bad mouth. They will also do it to the coaches. There is a lot of parents who sit on the side lines. No parent seems to care their child is getting bullied or bullying another. do you think I’m too harsh? Are they just kids? Example of why I’m asking, my child was listening to a coach talks to everyone. One boy started pushing him from behind. My boy said stop many times. This boy slapped him on the head. So my son kicked his ball away; the kid started crying. The parent went over to her son to calm him but didn’t even try talking to either boy about what happened. I don’t want to pull him out because he looks forward to soccer after school. What would you do?


No . I’ve already had problems with children bullying my kid and I went off. I’m not gonna deal with it. Teach your kids better.

I would first talk to the coaches to point out the behavior and then the other parent.
Maybe you can volunteer to coach as well.


I would.go to.the coach if they refuse to do anything if go to the head of the soccer board. Those bullies dont deserve to be on a team.if they’re gonna act that way


If they’re doing it to the coaches, why aren’t the coaches doing anything?

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Talk to coach, i if he won’t respond then remove your your child, i don’t think parents should get involved in the game.

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I’m the parent that isnt scared to parent other peoples kids. If I see it happening I’m not waiting to the parent to step in. I will put an end to it right then and there. If that doesnt work, then I’ll have a talk with the parent. Most of the time the parents will realize their kid is being a douche if another parent is having to correct them


i’d talk to the coaches - THEY need to have a handle on it. even at that age. my son has played soccer since he was 4, and if he needed some hugs or encouragement i was there. but the coach needs to address the kids behavior on the field and tell them what’s expected (keep your hands to yourself, etc) and if they don’t, they need to sit on the sidelines with the parent until they’re ready to play.


We talked to the coach in this scenario, and went to the president of the board when the coach failed to address the issue.


I can’t sit still while someone is mean to my kid. I would say something to the kid, the parent and the coach. If you don’t like me telling your kid that he’s being rude then you should tell your kid so i don’t have to.


5 to 8 is way too big of an age range. I would find another program. I am currently coaching two teams 4 and 6 year olds. They would not go well together. I would find a different option.


Just keep trying to stop the bully it is so destructive to Children’s will be just keep working on that teach your children or child not to bully others and go after the ones that bully your child if the parents don’t do it the parents should be stepping in and stopping their kids from being bullies a lot of times the father’s a boy in it so the boy is a boy he sees his father being one

Try a different league. This sounds like a Bush wacked team anyway

i never hesitate to talk to the parents. you can’t let kids physically touch your child. ever. and if the coach doesn’t do anything, you talk to the person ahead of them, but talking to the parents is the best bet, and the other parents can back you up. being picked on happens. it’s always been that way, but i be damned when a kid gets physical with my daughter. i’ve put a stop to it a FEW times with different boys, and my daughter has learned to stick up for herself like her mom does. she also knows if people put hands on her, then that is a whole nother level and she shouldn’t take it sitting down. ever.

Have a parent meeting.

U need to approach the coach and the parents that kind of crap shouldn’t be happening

Go to the coach and express your feelings about this

Tell your kid to punch him in his mouth the next time he slaps him in the head. The bully will stop. They only pick on people they think they can get away with it with.


Confront the coaches and the league

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Your kid handled it well & appropriate for his age. You said he said stop a few times then he stood up for himself and kicked the bully’s ball away. The bully then cried. There’s only so much you really can do for defending against bullying…but what you can do is empower your kid.

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A couple of parents should help out the coach to help monitor bad behaviour. I use to jump in and help out. The coach always needs assistance coaches talk to the coach and tell him that you can help out and any other parent who is willing.

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So an example of helping out is checking that the kids have put their gear in the same place together and help make sure that they are wearing their practice clothing and set up warm up cones with a couple of balls get the kids into lines and have them kick the ball to each other talk to them and encourage them

Someone needs to control this situation. I think the bully starting it needs to be threaten to be kicked off

Let the kids know that they are part of a team and they need to be nice to each other award good behaviour

If you can’t play nice with others then they need be out

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I’m sorry but if somebody kept pushing my kid I would tell him to whoop that little bullies ass.

Next tine he touches your son yell at him “HEY # YOU DONT HIT MY SON AGAIN” and their parent will speak up and you can talk to them then :woman_shrugging:t2:


Put him in karate. Be a threat. Let your kid be feared.


I’d open my damn mouth. To the coach. To the parents! Don’t stand by and punish your child from having a good time because there are little shits who are being assholes! I’d speak up, show up, whatever it takes to make it known you won’t back down and neither will your child.

Talk to coach and see if a meeting can be set up to talk about bullying


Ask the coach to sit the team down and let them know bullying will not be tolerated, but also explain what behaviors are not acceptable (name calling, pushing, kicking, hitting etc).


I would step in and tell the child to knock it off if the parents aren’t going to do shit. Then when the parents get mad you did their job tell them if they where active parents doing it instead of sitting on their phones you wouldn’t have to

I’d confront the parents and the coach all at once so everyone is on the same page. I’d make sure to be very clear that this behavior should not and will not be tolerated by you or your child.

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Tell the coach and the board. They would not put up with it. That’s ridiculous!!! Talk to their parents in front of coach and if that dont help switch teams.

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Tell the kids to stop ,if not, tell your sin to beat that ass… Bullying is wrong and if asked to stop and they dont,my son or any kid for that matyer should have the right to whoop that ass. Then see if the parent’s wanna pay attention.:joy::joy:

I went straight to the school and talked with the teacher when I heard that my son was being bullied. I won’t stand by and if the teacher wouldn’t have handled it my next step was the parents. I use to be bullied and I will not let any of my children go through it or be one.

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Im having this same issue right now. But I have already had my children tell their coach that didn’t do any good because it’s the coach’s son and her best friend assistant coaching’s son.The mama bear in me wants to do something so badly but my kiddos are so kindhearted and sweet and yes very sensitive. I don’t want to turn them into those others that are bullying them. What I’ve been doing is trying to teach mine to stand up for themselves and not bully the bully but let them know to back off! If that doesn’t work momma will be handling it.

Walk up and say whats on your mind.

Tell that kid/kids to stop. Tell them to keep their hands to themselves n keep quite if they don’t have anything good to hope someone would tell my kids that if they hit someone and I wasn’t around to see. That’s nonsense

Talk to the coach. They are in charge of the kids and shd be setting the boundaries around behaviour - what is acceptable and what isn’t. It’s also their job to talk to the parents. I’d be sidelining their kids asses until they behave in an acceptable manner. If the coach doesn’t have the nuts to take charge then approach the parents calmly and tell them their children are hurting others and they need to manage their kids behaviour

Either I yell at the kid to stop or my kid does. Usually the bully or their parent gets embarrassed.

Hi, pulling your child at this point your absolutely right to you would be all ot cold hearted like ewe I want a piece of that. I might say your chance to be on the field might be over that parent walked away and you did nothing. You know maybe the next time you’ll have the fairest chance to tell both the children and parents what you think is real right, therefore, righteous. You know your doing the right thing drink some cold nice ice water. Call from the stands stand up for your tendencies and remember their yours.

I would have told the parent what really happened. At least they couldn’t claim to be naive in the future.

I taught my kids if someone is bullying you to tell a teacher near by. If that parent witnesses her kid being that way to another child and does nothing well… that’s where I taught my kids to defend themselves. Give a bully there own medicine and they will leave you alone.

When you see it next time shout to your kid so everyone can hear if he hits you agsin hit him bk people will take note and watch more then if it happens again and your kid doesnt do it tell the kid you hope his mom can fight coz then next time he touches your babbi your going to twat his mom i bet it soon stops :woman_shrugging::joy: football is a team sport and the couach should pull them up first if he isnt go above his head

Have a meeting with the coach. The coach has to control this and talk to the other parents.

Talk to the couch and the parents of the bad kids. That’s not right.

As a coach in the 5-6 age group I would expect the parent of the bully to say something, if that parent does then definitely the parent of the child being bullied should say something to either the other parent or coach. As a coach the number one concern is safety but with that being said the coach might not be aware of the situation, if the coach knows and doesn’t say anything I would take it up with the league

Speak to the parents let them know if they don’t fix it you will do something about it. Kids now days are committed suicide because they are getting bullied

Any bullying needs to be confronted and Stopped! Shame on the other parents and coach for doing nothing.

I’d be tapping it with my phone and show the parent

The coach would be the person to correct this behavior. The coach would also take the players aside and counsel them. The coach would take the parents aside and counsel them as well. Zero tolerance would apply to all. Sit them on the bench if it continues to happen. Parents would support the coach at all times, unless there are obvious reasons not to. The parents would counsel their children at home as well.

I would talk to the coach first and get his opinion. I feel he should confront the parents himself. If he doesn’t, then it’s your place. If that doesn’t work, Go a step ahead to the (forgive me if I say the wrong name) head of the league.


Well I wouldn’t give the coaches their participation trophy for one thing!
And if nobody’s going to say anything, take the initiative to handle the situation yourself. Treat the child bully the way you’d want another to speak to your kid. Then go put the dunce cap on the parent.

I would talk to the coach. If that don’t work talk to the parents of the other kids who are being bullied. Maybe go over the coaches head. If I still didn’t get any where, I would make a point to sit next to the bullies parent and point out what a brat that child is pretending I don’t know who’s kid it is because I can’t make out the face with out my glasses. If all else fails I would put my kid in karate.
Sadly bullies usealy run in families. I tried to Handel it the correct way with my kids with no luck. So I thought my kids to defend themselves and do what’s right. To stand up to the bullies and to stand up for others being bullied. This actualy worked out well. My girls have grown into good adults.


I say let junior have permission to defend himself. Dont start it but finish it. Couple get a ass whooping the bully crap will stop

Talk to coach first and if that doesn’t work, talk to the league.

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Shame on those coaches. They are not doing their job at all. Bullying is a no. It they bully they need apologize or get off team.

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We coached soccer w/ kids from 6-12 several years. The first thing we did was teach parents that all the kids will be treated equally & no teasing or negative comments to or about any kid, parent or official.

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With all the deaths lately due to BULLIES, I say do what ever you can to get someones attention!! Too many children are taking their own lives due to these unnecessary actions.

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Shame on the coaches for not instilling respect and the parents also


I’d bring it up at a practice and say it needs 2 stop or the law will be involved. If coaches know about it and don’t fix it, they don’t need 2 b coaches. And if the parents don’t care, well then they shouldn’t be parents.

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No child should have to go thru that i would speak to the coach and if u dont get any were go to whoever runs the whole soccer club…no child should be bullied…

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Yeah pull the coach aside it’s his team! I wouldn’t let slide either…zero tolerance is what the schools say & sports should be the same! Go team Mom!

The coaches should stop it. If they continue they are out.