My son broke something at my husbands grandparents house: Advice?

Can it be replace or fix? Tell your husband he need to watch your son and make sure he don’t break anything
It wasn’t done on purpose

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Oh sweetheart, I think you and your husband are looking way too far into it. You cannot be right on top of your little one 24/7. Accidents happen. Your son did not get hurt in the process and the item can be replaced. I would be honest with your husband’s grandfather and offer to replace the item broken. As far as your hubby goes, give yourselves time to cool off and then try to reapproach it calmly so you can both feel validated. You’re doing great Momma! <3


It was a accident mama this happens all the time :heart:


While I agree that a baby needs to learn not to touch when told no. But on the other hand, you should put away special items during that learning time. I have 8 grandkids and EXPECT accidents. If the child is being actively trained, we should help. If no one is trying to train the child, then that’s a whole other subject.


Nah that’s completely on you. Not your house. You need to be mindful of what’s there and not let it happen. You still gonna have that mindset when said kid chokes on something because you weren’t watching them at all times like you should? Accidents happen yes, but the majority of the time it’s due to negligence.


His the parent as well why couldn’t he supervise his child as well?
Why do mum’s always have to supervise our children?


Grandparents shouldn’t have to move anything to accommodate anyone’s child or children. You’ve said it yourself your child gets into everything in a Matter of seconds but you know your child and should have himor her closer to you by holding his hands or in front of you to watch him a bit more. Or start teaching your child not to grab things


God that could happen to anyone it just takes a second let your partner tell him he’s close family offer to get it fixed kids are curiouse


Why you’re staying there is beyond me, but the house needs to be child-proof they have let you stay there they should have at least put the stuff on higher shelf… not everything can be replaced. I’d be making a sweep of this area that you’re in with this child and placing all items that can be broke or that are heavy and might fall up on a higher shelf so the kid can’t get into it no more. The last thing you need is having to tell them he’s broken another item within a few days. And just a reminder there is nothing in that home that man is going to take with him when he dies.


Tell hubs HE should have been on the little ones tail since he’s a parent too, so it’s his fault.


From what I gathered, they have had this conversation with grandpa before… assuming here, surely they would had moved it themselves, but grandpa liked where it was, which is also fine. His house, his items, his grandson… his way.

It is mentioned you have had issues with the fam in the past and mentioned if you tell him it could turn into a fight… sounds like it’s already a fight with the husband, so I’d just tell grandpa, respectfully, genuinely apologize and refrain from speaking back if he is ugly.

Stop defending yourself constantly about it being an accident. They happen. ANY mother on this page that acts like they don’t… is delousional.

Should of picked him up to take him to be changed…you knew he would go after the item, put it up when he’s awake back down when he’s asleep…MOVE OUT GET YOUR OWN PLACE…unless you are their caretakers.


Hey not everyone is a perfect parent yes u should of held his hand but everyone makes mistakes kids get into everything so if you can replace it or make or right some how


Both of you are responsible, not just you. I hope this isn’t an indication of your husband’s attitude toward you and your child’s future mistakes. I know it would be uncomfortable and difficult for you, but I’d take the high road and approach the grandfather myself, apologize and offer to pay for the loss. Accidents happen to everyone, not just babies, so please don’t load yourself down with undeserved guilt. Life’s too short.


It’s your fault bc you were watching himm but shit happens mistakes happen, and he should talk to them about it bc it’s his family and he should be the one to say what happened and have your back .he has you there the least he could do is make you feel comfortable with stuff that happens like this. G-parents shouldn’t have to rearrange their whole house unless they don’t mind but they can’t expect 0 accidents to happened. And your dude needs to have your back more he could tell them he was with him and turned his back. You should not have to be on edge the whole time you’re there bc everything is on you to keep baby from grabbing stuff ,if he’s there to then he needs to share responsibility and you need to let him know that, don’t take that shit. He can’t talk about your parenting if he can’t even provide for his family.

Maybe you can offer to pay for it. My children grandchildren n great grandchildren i always put things that meant something up high. NEVER in a childs reach. Especially if the child is attractive to it.


He don’t know why you let him over there?? Well wtf was he doing to help not let your child go over there? Tell him to piss off

He has the right to be upset! Anyone would be!!! Yes You should have watched him but things happen….he will get over it!!!

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Ugh, yeah just let him cool off. ALL parents, guardians, supervisors etc have had accidents with kids. Like you said, it could literally be SPLIT SECOND. It’s not being negligent at all and I’m sorry you have to deal with the attitude from your husband. If it had happened on his watch, I doubt you (or any of us as the primary caretakers) would blame him or act like he was being negligent.


There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Accidents happen! Just be honest with the grandfather, offer to pay for it or have it replaced. Children are crazy, and things can happen in the blink of an eye.
Don’t let all these dirt bag “perfect” parents on here make you feel like shit about it.
It’s exhausting watching a little one 24/7, and sometimes we look away for a minute, hell my sons 3 and I don’t hover him.

I’d pack up the kid and go stay somewhere else


Sorry but he has every right to be upset ! It’s his home , he raised his kids !
He shouldn’t have to
Put his stuff up!
Or have to help house you guys .


As a grandparent myself, anything special is put away if I know my grandchildren are coming over. Kids are kids and I want them and their parents to always feel comfortable in my home. Tell the grandparents what happened, apologise and offer to either get it fixed or try and replace it. If they are unreasonable in their response, don’t go back. Obviously this home is not welcoming.


Growing up in a time where nothing was put away because babies were just taught not to touch and our parents never left us in a situation to where we were able to touch you should have been behind the baby and guiding the baby to the mat not letting the baby follow you when you knew there was something out so I got to agree with your husband that it is your fault.


Kids break things. Adults break things. ALL of you knew he wanted that. Why none of you put it up out of his reach is on all of you.


Omg all these comments are crazy fr the baby is a year old and the grandfather knew they would be staying with him and it doesn’t matter why she and her family is there!!! Accidents happen and the grandfather should of put the stuff up in my opinion I understand stand why you didn’t not your stuff to mess with it’s the grandfathers stuff to mess with!! I’m sorry all these ppl and there rude comments accidents happen honey

To answer the question you asked, is it your fault, yes it is. To elaborate, nobody should have to take everything in their home that your child can reach and put it where he can’t because you haven’t taught him the difference between what he can play with and what he can’t. Grandpa probably doesn’t have his home baby-proofed because in his generation nobody did! I’m sure this isn’t a popular opinion, but you asked.


Maybe it’s his way of saying he doesn’t want people staying there. If it’s an electric socket who’s fault is it if the baby is electrocuted?? Whomever is watching him. Especially when your staying there and the place is not child proofed! Then you should be on extra guard! It could have been of great sentential value, and maybe he’s already had to change a lot due to the baby being there for two weeks. Get your own place.


Take your power back Explain to them what happend and apologise maybe fix it and give them another gift, flowers or a new candle holder.
If that doesn’t work pack the kid up haha


It IS your fault, and you should personally take responsibility for it and apologize to them for it getting broken. As a parent, you can’t rely on others to babyproof their house and watch your child. That’s your job. We’ve all been there. And if there’s anything you learn in this stage of babydom, it’s that you can’t turn your back for a second. What stopped YOU from putting it all up so it wouldn’t be an issue? By blaming them for leaving it there, you’re not taking any responsibility. This happened on YOUR watch. And the fact that you’ve made literally three excuses in your post tells me you’re not willing to take responsibility. I can tell you, no husband would be ok with that either. Especially if he’s the one that has to act as a mediator between you and them. Quit passing the blame and take responsibility. I think you’ll find his family would rather have a heart felt sincere apology, in which you take FULL responsibility, from YOU rather than your husband who wasn’t even in the room when it happened. I hate to say this, but woman up. Up your game. Your spouse deserves more from you than playing a blaming game. You also should think about how you’re going to start to teach your child boundaries. Just because he’s little doesn’t mean he’s incapable of being taught what no means.


That is just a petty man who brings up any and every thing you did “wrong” because he’s upset about something else. Which is - disgusting.


Shouldn’t have been out. Your husband is a jerk. Not your fault.


Okay fellow mumma…
This is what you need to do…
Go straight up tell the grand parents that you little one had grabbed it by pure accident…if they go off get your stuff and grab little one and tell them to all grow a brain see ya later…there are bugger issues in this world than a broken item…life is to precious to sweat the small stuff…
Good luck


Sounds like maybe he’s afraid of his parent??


Why would you expect a 1 year old to follow you smh. You are to be guiding and watching


I do not think that is all your fault because , yes , babies are really fast and they get into anything, I know he still very little but you have to teach him not to touch , not just because he can brake something because he can also get cut / hurt , and the not touch should start at your house, if you let your kids to touch and get into anything they will do the same in other places .
I will apologize to your husband grandfather and offer him to get a new one in case the broken one can’t be fixed.
And just stop talking your kids where they clearly unwelcome


I never put stuff out of reach of my children. Would just tell them pretty but dont touch. When we went to other people homes, my kids knew not too touch. You shouldn’t have to move stuff out of reach. Just tell them no dont touch might take several times.


Babies get into stuff and break stuff in the blink of an eye. It happens. It is not your fault. It’s life and it it what it is. Your child didn’t get hurt and really that is all that matters.

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Although it is your fault we all are human and make mistakes. Nobody’s a perfect parent! You husband has the right to be upset but he can’t tell you it’s fine one minute then dog on you the next. I personally wouldn’t want to be with someone who claimed to have my back then turns around and stabs me in it.

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Tell him to pay for you and baby another place to stay


Just apologize for the broken item and offer to pay for it, your baby is your responsibility!

Lol. Omgosh! That whole incident could’ve been prevented with a stern NO and a smack on the hand. What are you teaching your kid if you move everything out of their reach, really? Nothing. Look at the whole picture and fast forward to when they get older. No one is going to child proof their home for the child’s sake. Lol. Quit coddling the kids, this is why they are disrespectful to parents and elders. I speak the truth. My grandparents were most impressed with my siblings and I because we were taught not to touch if it isn’t ours. My grandma commended my mom on how well we were brought up. My cousin’s on the other hand went through my grandparents stuff.


This is just too long. It was a mistake, but it was also something you could have moved yourself, but didn’t. Do I understand why the grandfather is upset? Yep. Again if he didn’t move it, you should have. But again it was a accident. So please when you are older & if either one of your kids or grandkids or great grandkids break something…don’t get mad no matter what because it was a accident


Playpens are a great help in keeping babies and possessions safe.


Not once did I ever child proof my house… that’s just being lazy parents… you teach them right from wrong at the beginning… even when they are 1… as far as telling the grandparents… you do just that… tell em… and apologize… offer to pay for it and move on… if they want to have an attitude over it thats their problem… as far as your husband goes… sounds like he doesn’t respect you for him to talk to you that way


Some of these comments are rediculous lol…… it happens. A ONE year old is curious, there is no way to stop them from desiring to touch or reach for things that look interesting. It’s how they learn & they don’t have the maturity at that age to not impulsively do it. They don’t know why you’re hitting them(which you shouldn’t be doing at all) or telling them not to at that age. Apologize and offer to pay for it. The amount of stress it takes to even spend one day in an un-baby proofed house with a toddler is a lot, let alone that long. Your husband may just be stressed about having to tell his grandfather. He’ll get over it.


Does he always switch up like you on that? If so, that’s an issue.


Lmfao the Karen’s are really showing face on this post.


What’s childproof? Lmbo we didn’t move anything or put stuff where they couldn’t reach just taught our children they couldn’t touch it. That being said of course nothing dangerous was left out and things were secured so they wouldn’t fall but stuff on the shelf stayed on the shelf and my kids just had to learn not to touch them


Aww genuine mistake I’d tell the grandfather as for your husband he needs to make his mind up sounds like he’s had a good think after saying it ere fine and switch prob cos he know its gonna kick off with him so my guess he’s taking it out on you before they take it out on him. Motherhood it’s such a magical time lol hope all goes qell.


A 1000 word essay to say you weren’t watching your kid and they broke something. Watching a toddler is not hard. That is literally your job as a parent. I would suggest get a job so you can get your own place. Oh and replace whatever your baby broke. You’re responsibility as the parent.


Babies are going to get into things. I see both sides though. This may have been extremely important to his grandfather. It makes no sense they left it out but it is their home. He probably hoped you’d keep a close eye on the baby. Mistakes do happen though. Your husband needs to take a chill pill!! Maybe you should scan the area before you allow the baby down and look for anything in the baby’s reach and put it up higher where he can’t reach!! That just seems like the logical solution to me so this doesn’t happen again.


Why are you staying there ? Just book a hotel , sounds so awkward and strained

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Grandpa will get over it … kids are fast , especially a 1 year old .


It IS you fault!! YOU are responsible for keeping your eyes on the baby at all times in someone elses home. And YOU can not tell someone else if they can be angry because YOU weren’t watching your baby, and their property was destroyed. Be a responsible adult, apologize for letting your baby break their property, offer to replace it, THEN GO HOME!!!


As hard as it may be to hear, you did make a mistake by assuming a 1-year-old was going to follow you past the object they’ve been trying to get to the entire time they’re there. He was under your supervision and you weren’t watching him.

Maybe have him go in front of you from now on?

Yes it was an accident, but you need to take accountability your part, too. Just tell the grandfather and offer to replace it and hope it wasn’t a homemade sentimental item.

Sorry this happened, it’s never fun when our kids break things that belong to someone else, accident or not. Good luck!


Be honest and tell the grandfather. It was am accident and babies get into literally EVERYTHING. As for ur other half, is he always switching up like that or is this something new?

What an obnoxious comment! They are at HIS grandparents house and you Diana decide to blame the mother. The husband could have been proactive and tell HIS grandparent to please move the breakable stuff to a safe place. He could have helped his wife to change the diapers and watch HIS son. No wonder there are so many unhappy new mothers if they feel attacked for not having their eyes on their babies and toddlers 24/7.


It would anger me when visitors with children would move my stuff around instead of teaching their children how to behave. I never had to put things out of my kids reach. Accidents happen, but it could have been avoided.


Time to go home, it makes no sense they left it out but it is their home, kid are fast, apologize for letting your baby break their property offer to replace, you can not tell someone else if they can be angry because you weren’t watching your baby, it is you fault.

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Accidents happen.
Babies are fast.
Your partner could have also been watching his child.
I’m sure the grandparents will be upset they’ll get over it. but you need to tell them and explain how sorry you are.
I’m sure they’ll understand that babies are fast and it was an accident. Remind them how fast and tiring babies are. Offer to pay for the damages. What has happened has happened you can’t fix it now but you can be honest with the grandparents be apologetic and try to make sure it never happens again. It’s embarrassing when your child breaks something and that’s OK your feelings matter too you shouldn’t be the only one to blame in this situation as you’re not the only adult in the house. It was a mistake.
I hope you can make better memories with the grandparents for the rest of the stay life happens so fast.


When did parenting become a ONE parent thing ESPECIALLY at HIS FAMILYS HOUSE. thats crap to leave all the responsibility on you. ITS GIS FAMILY HOUSE HE KNOWS YOULL HAVE HAD SOME LEVEL OF ISSUES YET ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. 1 its BOTH youlls responsibility but even much so seeing its his family house. What a jerk! It shouldn’t take a split family to CO PARENT. Please remind your husband this isnt 1920 and you aren’t the only one responsible for the children, cooking, and cleaning. So i say JERK.


Take some flowers and a card and say you are very sorry. These things happen with little ones.

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Its the grandfather fault


My opinion: your responsible for your child. You said yourself how fast they are so you should have been on it. When I had kids (over 40 years ago) nothing in the house was moved. Nothing in anyone else’s house was moved. If something did get broke we took responsibility for it and owned up to our mistake. As a grandmother I knew and know that if something gets broke it happens. It’s only material stuff. The only thing that matters is the child is ok


Have the baby finger paint an “I’m sorry grandpa” picture or card. It may soften the blow a bit


Both of you knew baby gravitated to that object…Why wasn’t it put up out of his reach and/or out of his sight?


My goodness yall act like yalls kids never done this I’m sure she was sorry and everything…


These comments are ridiculous. It’s not necessarily your fault. accidents happen. Grandparents will get over it & so will husband.


Accidents happen and babies move faster than the speed of light. If it is/was so valuable it should have been put away (especially if your staying there). Apologize and move on. Oh, child has two parents, why didn’t he child proof the house.


He’s probs just stressed he’s gonna get in shit off his grandparents lmao
She’ll be right

1 year olds don’t know any better, that is why we need to redirect them. I’m sorry but grandpa should know kids get into things and if he didn’t want this to get touched, he should have moved it. You cannot possibly avoid every situation! Things happen in the blink of an eye!!!


yeah like ok grandpa didn’t put it away but what was stopping you from saying “ok grandpa little one is really trying to get this, why don’t we move it somewhere safe? “ it’s both of your fault honestly


I love how you’re genuinely trying to blame the great grand father here, youve taken no accountability and while YES accidents happen especially with young ones like that, its your job as mom to not only keep an eye on him but to be respectful of the home youre in thats NOT yours. You really said “most of the other stuff was moved so I’m not sure why this was left where our son could reach” like you and your dumb ass husband couldn’t have prevented this more then the elderly great grandpa. So obviously great grandpa did what he could manage and baby proofed what he could, you acknowledged that your son has been attracted to that item the entire time so its beyond me why you couldn’t have been respectful and responsible and move it YOURSELF since baby proofing is so important to YOU! What’s done is done, the adult way of handling this is going and talking to them. Admitting what was done and that it was an accident, offer a sincere apology and offer to replace it. People are weird about their homes, especially that older generation.

Thats his house and his belongings.if he gets upset he has every right.You should have been watching your son.Why does he have to put stuff up.You are wrong!


You said that he gravitates to it. You should’ve moved it along with the other items. Like you, we can’t speak to why your husband switched up on you, maybe he thought about it and changed his mind.


Your in grandfathers house, he shouldn’t have to childproof his house, it time to teach your child what NoNo means , and Keep a eye on him!


Just get over it. And start another day.

You should be allowed to move things out of babies reach. If not then they need to except the consequences.


Tell your husband to say that HE broke it. See how quickly his dad won’t get up set about it then.


I don’t understand why you are the only one responsible for what the baby does, the only one taking care of the baby, and this is such a big deal. Sounds like your husband is embarrassed and throwing you under the bus. I would refuse to go to his grandparents house again. If he wants to visit with baby, let him, you can stay home and relax.


Again do NOT ask for advise and laugh about it while doing so, as well as put blame on anyone and everyone, but yourself… This is what children do, especially the ones who grow up to watch and learn that everyone else is in the wrong.You blamed everyone but you as the mother herself… Just as easy to protect your child and pick up something harmful from his reach. You said yourself he was very into going after it. SO, as the mother, you turn your head and wait for the 1 year old to come to you, after leaving it in his reach… seriously, it would have taken you what, 2 seconds to make him safe… As well as they people who are allowing YOU to live in THEIR HOME. And they should accommodate you and your feelings??? Grow up and be a real parent. The child is just that, your baby… Love and protect.


Life happens, I would let grandad know. Apologize and offer a replacement. Be genuine that’s all you can do. Your husband is a douche.


His dad should of been watching him too if h was there

He shouldn’t have switched up on you like that, BUT, I can understand why he’s upset. He needs to talk to you like an adult but you need to accept responsibility as well. It’s not a he said, she said - it was an accident that probably could have been avoided if you had of put it up when you noticed it. You remember these things because as a mama, it’s embedded, as a grandparent, it is not.

It’s his house. He shouldn’t have to move his stuff because you guys moved in there :woman_shrugging:t3:
I understand babies get into things but when in someone else’s home, instead of expecting them to change their living space - you just need to be more on the ball :woman_shrugging:t3:

But your partner should have been a little more understanding, as it could have happened while he was watching him too


Man the women in these comments sure are super moms​:woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:


If you don’t want things broken, move everything breakable out of reach of a toddler. Anyone who has children knows this, hell, people who don’t have children know this. He did what babies do.

Put the baby in grandpa’s lap and say “tell grandpa how sorry you are that you broke his treasure” If Grandpa loves that baby he will forgive him. Babies can solve a lot of problems.

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Try to move out of there as quickly as possible. Having guests live with you, especially those with babies, can be a lot. Maybe even more so for older people. He may just need his space back.
Let your husband deal with his family, it’s his baby and they are his family.
Accidents happen.

Yall need your own place. Sh!t happens. All you can do is apologize and maybe offer to replace if possible.

If everything else was put up then the grandpa must’ve be ok with that. So yes that should’ve bn put up also, however should’ve would’ve could’ve doesn’t help her now…I can see your hubby is wishy washy lol and of course you didnt mean for your baby to break something. All you can do is apologize. It’s not the end of the world either. Xx I know how frustrating it can be chasing a lil guy all day. Good luck to you sweets.

it is your kid no ones responsibility to watch him but yours if he broke something you are responsible as the parent thats the blunt truth all tho he could have been more understanding it is a 1 year old

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Sounds like the more he thought about sharing the news the more upset he got. Communicate with him about how you feel and let it go. It wasn’t intentional and you honestly thought he was following you. Accidents happen esp with kids.

If it was me I would’ve moved it up and out of reach myself when baby first showed interest🤷🏻‍♀️

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:heart: I read some of these comments and laughed and laughed!!! So many perfect parents. I laugh at these unrealistic people because you can say whatever on Facebook it doesn’t mean that these people are really perfect. What a nice thought, she should have been watching him lol but totally unrealistic. You cannot watch a child 24/7 with no accidents/incidents ever happening. That’s absurd to put that much pressure on a parent of a baby. The mother is clearly upset and sorry for what happened. This is 100% why we babyproof the spaces where babies live. If they live with the grandfather the space should be baby proof period. A child is the number #1 priority in a family especially if they share a home.

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It’s called an ACCIDENT!!! Sounds like your husband is mad at someone/something else and you caught him in a bad mood.
When you have visitors, especially a 1 year old, A. you move things that he can get hurt on or B. That can break.
You’ll acting like your children are superior angels , HES ONE YEARS OLD.

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You should offer to replace it; if it’s possible as it was your kid that broke it. Accidents happen, and while you may not be able to find the exact one, you might get lucky and find something similar. Your husband is annoyed because while he knows it’s not your fault, he’s stressing out about the complications and the drama his family is going to stir up so you are dealing with misplaced anger. Now the question here in lies; yes you are sorry, yes it’s unrealistic to watch a baby 24/7, yes they are going to get into things, yes it’s the grandfather’s house-- but you knew he gravitates towards this item- you already knew that before it got broke. Why didn’t you put it up on a higher table or on a bookshelf, or a desk? I think it would have been easier to explain to the grandfather why you moved it out of reach than why you have to replace it?

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