My son can be violent and hyper

Instead of yelling at home, talk with him about why he shouldn’t do it. Don’t raise your voice. It could be what’s triggering his behavior more. Him screaming bloody murder is to get your attention and get whatever he wants. Don’t steep down to that. Keep that tablet, let it die and when he bloody murder cries give him it dead. Once he notices that his behavior just results to getting it back to dead he should calm down. Him throwing stuff out him in time out or make him hug it out in a shirt with whoever he’s being mean to. Sometimes it takes gentle parenting to get the kid to stop behaving bad.

Try Vitamins. I discovered The Complete Book of Vitamins and was blown away by the fact that Niacin is a complete brain chemical balancer. I read about case studies where they gave a placebo to a group and niacin to another all had been diagnosed with bipolar or schizophrenia. They learned that a Niacin deficiency can cause a brain imbalance and they become bipolar or schizophrenic. When given the Niacin their behavior changed to a better personality. Talk to your Dr about this before doing drugs. Drugs have side effects and can hinder him more. God bless

Also my brother was like this. My parents got him a drum set to hit on and he did so much better as it was an outlet for his frustration.


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Take him to therapy. Children can act out like this when something has happened to them.


I had this exact issue, we had him tested for multiple behavior issues, I now have him in counseling once a month or two for future years incase and to have an eye on him but he’s responding to negativity to things he doesn’t like because you do, I was guilty of this too, if he can’t see you compose himself how you should when your stressed he’s not going too, I’ve come to a gentle approach and see a huge difference. I take my sons tablet if he’s upset and sir down and try to explain why, if that doesn’t work or he continues to hit I put him in his room and tell him that it hurts to be hit, I don’t like it and he can call for me when he’s ready to speak, after we sit down I tell him how long he loses the tablet and why, he then will communicate what upset him and we go through better steps to handle it like, asking me for help or walking away from situations that upset him like I do, I also explain its okay to have emotions and cry when we are frustrated but being mean and vicious is not tolerated…


Hdhd and bipolar my son was the same way

He didn’t calm down til a year ago and he is 11

I’d start by having him tested for ADHD and go from there. My son was and still is the same way. Started when he was 3, now 15. He’s been diagnosed with ADHD, DMDD, ODD and an impulse control disorder. We’ve done therapy and he won’t speak. Medication seems to what helps him. Definitely not easy. I wish you the best :heart:

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 12728 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Get him in to therapy also get him tested for ADHD and such disorders then see a physiciatrist

Most states won’t test for bipolar this young but my son is severe ADHD with Autistic tendencies. Hes not quite on the spectrum but he’s close. He is super smart, but he was like that at 4. Could get violent and was so hyper i was sure he never slept. ODD is also a possibility.

Possibly ask your primary care provider for a referral to a neuropsychologist to do an evaluation and also counseling.

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17432 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Look into behavioral therapy

Maybe don’t yell because that doesn’t work for anyone. My daughter was the same way, so we took away all her toys, don’t let her pick what’s on tv, no electronics until her attitude is more mellow and she’s easier to reason with and then we slowly let her have those privileges back. Yelling never worked, only made it worse, that’s probably why he has screaming fits or it could be a possibility that he sees another kid in school acting that way and is mimicking. If it was me I would limit screen time to an hour or 2 a day and her freaks out and can’t handle it then I wouldn’t let him use the tablet the next day. But this seems like normal 4 year old behavior especially with younger siblings, he may just be attention seeking.


Get him seen by a pedestrian he is like this at 4 it will only get worse do it now before he seriously harms the girls you need to protect them from him

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 14603 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Go. To. The. Doctor. Facebook is not a good place to go for any medical diagnosis.


Obviously your methods of punishment aren’t working either so you need to switch it up.

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My older son has adhd and odd and he is so mean to my 4 year old and mean to me , I have to talk to him multiple times to get him to stop and it’s nonstop from the time he gets home until he goes to bed , it’s quiet when he’s not here and me and my hubby have sat him down and talked to him so many times I can’t even count but he won’t listen . I take the tablet , the phone , the tv , make him read or color only etc but it winds up being worse for the rest of the house too … i try to get him outside and burn off energy but that doesn’t do anything either … he’s on meds for adhd it helps some but not much … he didn’t get in trouble at school until this year he was always said to be a good boy , they say he has too much energy and doesn’t know when to stop which is soo true . I hope you figure it out I’ve tried to change his diet and everything

It’s been proven that too much iPad time can cause children to become more violent. A temporary distraction not a permanent one. Go outside and do things with your kids. Or allow them small amounts of time on it.

I am not sure how it can be adhd or anything if he behaves at school.
Try not yelling. I know it’s hard but try to breathe for the both of you and your other children
Good luck

First if he’s only four he doesn’t need an iPad and second stop yelling at him. Take him outdoors for an hour to play and then indoors to play quietly so mom can get her chores done. If that doesn’t work out place him in Pre-K.


My son was that way. Changing diet helps. No meds helped at all.I would make him have time out. That killed him more than anything. When he would lash out I would add more time out. It worked. During pupirity they either keep their terrible ways or will lose it.
Good luck.

If he behaves at school but not at home I think you should try therapy. Sounds like he is very manipulative.

My son was the same way. Turned out to be autism. Autism can’t be diagnosed until at least 5 years old from what I’ve been told…

Autism or food allergies.
I have a friend who had her out of control daughter tested and it was simply food allergies.
Get your son off of sugar and on to fruit.

Reward good behavior with tablet… instead of taking away for bad.

Explain he hurt your feelings and then don’t talk to him. My son acts out in a lot of ways but once you sit him down and don’t yell scream or even say a word to him they learn to listen one thing little boys hate is quiet. It works for my 4 year old he’s learned to listen and he had learned to talk things out with mommy otherwise I don’t want to talk to him while in that angry state of mind.