I need help! My son does not listen to me ever! He whines and throws a fit from the time he wakes up til he goes to sleep. I don’t have the patience anymore.
How old is your son? This is the nature of children. Hang in there mama.
Lmfao dude welcome to parenthood xD motherhood what ever u wanna say xD what kid listens what kid doesnt throw fits for nothing is the real question … when my daughter is taking fits for nothin my trick is distract her with something else something else she likes or likes doing what ever lol
I have renamed my 6 year to (her first name/don’t listen as her middle name)
Say what you mean, mean what you say. Dont argue with your child.
My twins are 20 months old and they are always angry lately if it’s not one it’s the other it’s so overwhelming sometimes when u cant figure out what to do to just stop the whining and pitch fitting
Drink some wine or whiskey mama when they go to sleep and take a long hot bath or whatever relaxes you set your coffee pot to be done when you wake up and get a good nights rest you’ll make it threw it parenting isn’t a easy task
I totally get it, I have 3 children (7, 5, 3) be clear on what is expected out of him. You’re going to have to find some patience, because its going be hard at times. Motherhood is no walk in the park! You gotta find what works for you guys
Welcome to being a parent
Spank him and time out until he learns that crying and especially throwing a fit won’t get his way.
Well… this seems more like a vent post than a question… if so, we feel ya- all been there… but if you want help and age appropriate suggestions- we need a little more info…
Talk to his doctor maybe he needs counseling or medication. How old is he?
Stay calm, don’t pay attention to him during his fits, wait for him to calm down before you calmly explain things to him, always help him understand why he needs to do certain things like bath, dinner whatever, praise him for doing well… most importantly be consistent. Just a few things I learned from my childs therapist. I hope it helps. But consistancy is the only way to help change things.
Sit him in the corner and beat his ass every time he gets up. Worked on me, worked on my son
Ima need to know the age of child before i can offer any sort of advice. Either way tho this is parenthood… This is just what kids do so go ahead and find some patience cuz youre gonna need it forever now youre a mom lol
Parent of 30 yrs, RESPECT for your word is established EARLY. Mean what you SAY, say what you MEAN and stay consistent. Dont be AFRAID to take em over your knee and paddle that butt! The sooner you prove you WILL do it, the LESS you will have to do it.
Watch super nanny. She’s awesome
Nip it in the bud…
Put him in the corner, he will get tired of it and start listening
Teach respect goes both ways. From you to him and him to you. Discipline. Whatever discipline technique you choose. But he has to know there will be consequences for his actions. Stick to your guns. The younger years are the hardest but establishing discipline and respect early will help SO MUCH in the long run. (Beating his butt multiple times a day isn’t necessary) but time outs and stern talks are important to let him know you mean business. Good luck momma
Depending on the age a little bop or a smack of the hand goes a long way. For ones a little older, punishment (no snacks, no screen time, certian toys taken away)
You gotta stand your ground.
And, sadly, depending on how old your LO is, it’s only the beginning.
My one year old just recently started throwing herself around, screaming every time she was told no.
The whole not listening thing and screaming thing is just part of being a toddler.
Patience and consistency, no means no, & follow through with discipline every single time. Others have recommended spanking, however spanking does not get you long term results and can cause physical and emotional harm to your child. Discipline is teaching your child how you want them to behave, punishment is punitive. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Parenting doesn’t come with an instructional manual!
Time out when my oldest whines or doesn’t listen or back talks he’s 9 almost 10 I’ll tell him I’m going to ignore you now until you talk to me properly and I’ll send him to the room and let him throw his fit there after a few minutes he will come out and apologize my oldest has autism he’s a very smart sweet kid just has issues processing emotions and impulse control I was told to try this technique it’s been working great gives him time to cool down process what he’s feeling and communication we always talk after
Never understood the people who laugh at this shit. Are you people mentally unstable?
YouTube super nanny study her techniques shes a God with kids love her time outs and bed routine they work!
I would say try to stay calm, hitting doesn’t help try and compromise, tell him what you would like from him and then he’ll perhaps get what he wants. Try and try again stay cool and calm mom
I have to get almost nose to nose to get my 4 year olds attention to get him to do the most simple task like pick up a piece of trash he threw. Sometimes kids dont listen cause they arent paying attention, and sometimes the tantrums are due to underlying issues
Are you a stay at home mom maybe theirs something he’s needing/ lacking possibly my kids are hard kids but they don’t cry all day well not all the time theirs days but it’s normally because something is bothering them teething starting to get sick stuff like that in grown toe nail
It would be nice to have more information, like his age, does he go to daycare, or are you a stay at home mom? Do you ever get time away from him like does dad take care of him while you run to the store? Are you stressed out and is he reacting to your stress?
My kid is almost 3 and he throws fits for whatever. Most of the time because he wants attention or he doesn’t get what he wants. When he is in a drama plan, I just check everything around trying to keep him away of furniture or toys that could be harmful. After that I ignore his behavior until he calms down again. It is a long process, but my patience has been working with him.
Hi! Sounds super stressful for sure. Maybe he needs mommy and me time? Or maybe involve him in short activities appropriate to his age. Also, and I hope this isn’t it, but he could be having difficulties processing his emotions.
Kasra Nadine Meintjies
Is he three, cause if so you just gotta keep faith, it gets better.
Get assessed for medical condition ( pain, autistic) is this a young child/toddler?
Have you ever heard of a spanking? That worked for my generation. A good ass whooping is what he needs
Send him to day care or school stop letting him control you … you are the parent …you dont have to beat him to get him mind …let him know he will have consequences for his actions . Take things away… time out … no tv .if need be have him checked out by a doctor
According to the law and from the mouth of a sheriff it’s totally legal and acceptable to punish with physical actions, spanking the ass and even slight smack to the face (I always did this one of the offense is from words, screaming tantrum or disrespectful talking) and as long as it is not excessive or leaving lasting marks (a red mark that fades doesn’t count) it’s all acceptable and legal and not considered abuse!
I have removed doors to show my kids when they wanted to get brave, that a door / privacy is a privilege, NOT a right . In fact I made my daughter remove her own door . And when she broke her brothers door by chasing him down through the hall one day again I made her remove her door again and replace her brothers door with hers and put the broken door on her room. That was the last door removal we’ve had !
My son is almost 14. Mouthy disrespectful lil I ground him… it’s a stage for him that he’ll outgrow… hope you find relief soon…
I’m sorry you’re going through this. My daughter has anxiety, ODD, and sensory issues and she may melt down over anything or nothing at all. Talk to the pediatrician ASAP. Ask for a referral to a behavioral therapist and/or occupational therapist for testing. They can help you deal with everything, including your own feelings. Good luck.
Idk how old he is but I’m not above a good, old fashioned, pop across the mouth.
How old is he? Use time out! Take things away to show you are the boss and he has to listen. Theres times my 2 are being so bad i do have to spank them becuase time out and taking things from them dont work
Give him a reason to whine . My kids hate pulling weeds !
Stop responding to his whines and fits! Everytime you respond, sends a message that this is what he wants. Ignore it for a full day. Just go about doing your normal activities. I bet he stops when he realizes he can’t get your attention. Then have a calm talk and tell him “I will talk to you only when you speak politely and respectfully to me.”
awww wish i could pick him up for a weekend give mom a brake.
Start by showing him his behavior is unacceptable, ground him our take away things that are very important to him. Talk to him and let him know what he is doing is wrong and explain to him why he is being punished and the consequences of his behavior.
I have…on very rare occasions…acted as they have in front of their friends…when they complain I just say “oh! You don’t like it? Well welcome to my world” it worked for my eldest and my youngest…my middle didn’t care.
I need to know how old your son is. Some actions might have you in jail if he too young!!!
Some of these comments are absolutely atrocious😥
How old is he? Consistency is key. You may need to do a punishment or remove him from the situation many many times but consistency is key. Don’t give up or he wins
How old? Check out Patterson’s perspective on Instagram. He’s an educator with lots of great tools to use. One Listen to him instead of talking at him.
Bust his ass and stop giving him what he wants.
First he needs to be evaluated by A Dr to see if there us any medical issue for his behavior , then go from there
Have u had him check for some form of autism??
More info needed, how old is this child?
Hiw old is your son ?
Use wat he likes as a way to get him to listen make him earn it take it away an give him a time limit to straighten up
Stop giving into him when he acts like that.
Your son needs MADEA!!!
Take him outside to ground barefoot. Ask the archangels and his guides to help call him down,call in yesuah to give yall peace. Light some frankincense,myrrh and lavender inscense,look up all these benefits. Selenite wands to get rid of any attachments or negative energy. Look up feng shui.Teach him deep breathing itll calm everyone down fast. Solfeggio9 healing frequencies in the background and overnight to balance the brain
Um… I’m just gonna say what everyone else is thinking but most are afraid to push buttons on social media because they’re too busy worrying about what other people think.
*Bust that ass.
Depending on how old he is, a quick pop on the diaper could get the attention of a toddler and a quick pop across a smart mouth can get the attention of a pissy teenager. If it doesn’t work, repeat as necessary.
*If the child thinks they’re grown, put their behind out. Toddler to about 8 or nine years, put them out of their bed. Literally take their bed. Put it in your room or a hall. They get ONE pillow, ONE blanket. Wanna act like an animal, get treated like one. 9 to about 13/14ish, put them out of their room. Take the bed. Take the door off the hinges. Take any electronics away. Not allowed to eat with the family. Again, wanna act like an animal, get treated like one. 15 or older? Put that disrespectful child OUT. No, they can NOT take that cell phone you pay for. They’re “grown” now, time to act like it. You can sleep on the porch or in the garage if none of your friends’ parents want you to stay with them. Oh, I WILL be calling them to let them know how disrespectful you are before you try to mooch off someone else. You’re allowed to keep the outfit you’re wearing, everything else will either be donated to goodwill or you can earn it back, piece by piece.
Stop letting your little brats run the house. You’re NOT their friends, you’re the parents. Start acting like it. You don’t HAVE to “respect” a little smart mouth. You respected them by providing for them, that’s where your obligation of “respect” ends.
He needs appropriate consequences. Do not feed into his behavior by yelling or being angry. Some kids do it just for attention. Take a deep breathe and talk calmly with him. Start taking things he enjoys away. Spend more one on one time with him. Have a behavior chart like they do at school and reward him with good behavior and do a mom and son date to the movies or arcade or something that interest him. Once he realizes he can benefit from good behavior maybe he will turn this defiant stage.
Tough love Mom.its your house your the Boss.No!to any thing he asks for.he has to earn his way in your house.Mom:rose:u got this
tell him the doctor says “his bad behavior is because he’s not getting enough sleep” and every night he must go to bed earlier until the bad behavior improves.
Be specific and write down the behaviors that must improve.
Who’s bigger?
To the “whoop his ass” comments… All I have to say is:
AMEN !!!
Communication is key. I always make sure to tell my kids it hurts my feelings when they treat me like that.
He has to learn right and wrong. Kids are very smart
Connection. He needs more connection with you. Try to find a way to strengthen your bond or spend more quality moments together. I know it seems counterintuitive but his behavior tells you he is needing attention… punishment or isolation from you (time outs) will increase negative behavior and harm your relationship. Just my thoughts as I navigate motherhood also.
My daughter is 4 years old. And recently I’ve been having the same issues. As I’m a working single mum, my mum takes care of her at home. Shes an only child and shes beyond spoilt. She always kept to herself but in the last couple of month we moved to a new place and I’ve got my cousins kids also staying here. The problem is they are very naughty and allowed to do whatever they want. My child wants to feel “included” so she sorts of allows them to do whatever they want with her toys for example or even start mimicking how they speak to their parents. My mom has been complaining and I’ve been at home for a couple of days and really noticed it. She would listen for a couple minutes… then start again. Screaming NO or standing at that spot and crying. Such a different personality at certain times in just a couple months.
The only way it helps alil is if I say if you behave you will get this… or If you naughty you wont get this… after couple days of tantrums she was okay. But the outburst still starts now and then. I just calmly speak to her instead of screaming, which never works lol.
More info needed … age of child… what is happening that the reaction is so extreme …is a consistent bedtime and wake up routine established ect
Is he on a tablet a lot? There are different studies out there that have shown too much time on the tablet can cause outbursts in behavior due to over stimulation and not enough processing time. I have read that the first couple of days limiting use can be hard to deal with but that most people had awesome results.
Don’t do a damn thing for him. Don’t cook, don’t wash his clothes, don’t take him to school. DO NOT GET ANGRY WITH HIM. if he sees any emotion in you then you lose, just be matter of fact about not cooking etc
Be consistent. Watch some super nanny episodes and use her techniques. Set clear rules and follow through with them
Is said son 4 or 14 makes a difference on how hard you whoop his a**
Put him in check now or you’ll have / we will have another one of those “ entitled “ brats in the world
Well maybe there is a reason he is having outburst that cannot be fixed with physical punishment. My daughter used to act up and I’d spank her sometimes when it got really bad. All that ever did was make it 10 times worse. Come to find out there was a reason she was having those outburst. Now I feel like a horrible mom for spanking her for something she could not control. I mean I am not saying to people “don’t spank your child”. Its your child and you should raise them how you see fit but just take it from someone who has been there it’s not always something a good " ass whoopin" is gonna fix
I’d give him something to whine & throw a fit about!
The Incredible Years parenting course, changed my life forever!
Whooop his ass be a parent the end
welcome to being a parent
How old is he that would help
Grandson was like that found out it had to do with how much sugar he was eating How old is he
Ignore it!!! Reward good behaviour otherwise it will never stop.
Show him the front door and how to use it
how old is the child. like there are ages amd stages kids ears might as well be up there arse and then preteens and teens that need to learn respect before they turn into little c**ts.