My Lo is almost two years old. He has been fighting a fever for several days. He tested negative for strep. We noticed a swollen lymph node on his neck yesterday. We took him back in today, and they want to do bloodwork. My mind is racing, of course, of the worst possible scenarios. Have any mommas been through this with swollen lymph nodes in your kiddos and had to have bloodwork done?
My kiddo currently has a swollen lymph node, we go Monday for a ultrasound since antibiotics didn’t make it go away he’s had no fever tho.
My daughter has had swollen lymph nodes and they told me not to worry about it unless they doubled or even tripled in size over night or in a short period of time.
They didn’t test for Covid-19?
My son has one behind his ear. Our pediatrician wasn’t very worried. She said it’s a common spot, and didn’t feel any more elsewhere.
I’m 38 and healthy. Have had swollen lymph nodes behind my ears, throat and inner thighs my whole life. As a mom I totally get the panic. But it could also just mean your baby is super blessed with big nodes. I personally think they are the reason I do not get sick.
He probably just has a cold/flu, lymph nodes swell more when sick. Ibuprofen/Tylenol rotation usually fixes my kiddos when they’re ill
Not trying to scare you. When my daughter just turned 3 she had a high fever that wouldn’t go away, swollen lymph node in her neck, then a rash. More symptoms came after while in hospital but it took 9 days to finally diagnose her with Kawasaki disease. She’s a healthy 17 year old now but it was so scary. It was the nurses who saved her. All of the doctors wouldn’t listen to them. They had a doctor that wasn’t even working who just happened to be there come and ask me if he could look at her.
My daughter got mono when she was in kindergarten took them 3 months to find it she had swollen nodes and high fever
My oldest had a severely swollen lymph node at two months old. I panicked because his entire neck and face was very swollen. They didn’t draw blood but he wound up being hospitalized for lymphadenitis.
Aren’t those signs of the plague which was just announced to have a case here in Cali just the other day.
I’m not a doc and don’t want to worry you but you did ask and that was the first thing I thought of because I just read the news article this morning. Hope your little one feels better.
I had swollen lymph nodes for a year when I had mono…
Was the baby making out with anyone recently?
Swollen lymph nodes just happen some time. A sinus infection or just some allergy drainage could cause them. My kids get them on occasion our doctor hasn’t been concerned unless they last for months.
We had the blood work and ultrasound done a couple weeks ago on my 3 year old. Fever and swollen lymph nodes for a week. All tests came back fine. They put him on a broad spectrum antibiotic and it seemed to do the trick. Still really have no idea what he had going on!
Any bug bites! I know with my 3rd he got mosquito bites around 18 months and his lymph nodes in his skull just blew up! I was so dang scared, sometimes it just happens!
A swollen lymph could mean a bad viral infection. Best to check it’s nothing more though. Could be mumps if you didn’t do both MMR yet.
I always get swollen lymph nodes with a sinus infection
Yes my son had abnormal lymphatic system and he’s had one in the neck under the chin surgically drained and removed… not sure if he will have more or not per the doctor
Have them check for cat scratch fever.
Swollen lymph nodes could be a number of things. Most likely just a reaction to a recent illness. No need to worry yourself ahead of time!
My son had a swollen lymph node had to have surgery to have it removed he had cat scratch fever hope he’s ok
Tell them to run tests for cat scratch disease or whatever. My daughter went in with a swollen lymph node and after they tried different meds and nothing worked, they said all that was left to do was surgery. Turns out it was exactly what they thought it was initially, which was the cat scratch. Surgery was useless. Now she has an inch long scar on her neck that will never go away. The meds cured the lymph node in a couple of days.
Um why not go to e.r. immiedietly and ask Facebook um she could need immidiate surgery or w.e. to get tonsils out.
Could be mono this happened with my son
My eldest has had swollen lymph nodes since she was born she had blood work done …sometimes it’s just a precaution so try not to worry they swell up when ever there is an infection have they not stated that little one might have a viral infection or bacterial infection which also would link in with the fever
A swollen Lymph Node is just a sign of an illness or disease process. Anytime one is sick they will usually have a swollen lymph node somewhere in the body. Behind the ears and in the throat area are common places.
My daughter had mono at 3 yrs old…no one else had it.Her lympnodes were swollen bad on her neck.It scared us! One doctor thought she had gotten scratched by one of our cats! We got a second opinion and tested for mono.We think it came from daycare…not sure but it was very scary.
Viral infections can cause this as well. Definitely get bloodwork but often it’s just viral, especially in kids! Hope he feels better!
Prob nothing major but my oldest had swollen lymph nodes and fever for over a week. After blood work was done his white count was over 80000 and was diagnosed with leukemia. I wouldnt play with it
I went through the EXACT same thing that you just described a few years back with my son. Looked like he had a baseball lodged in the side of his neck! Scared me to death! He had mono
Ear infections, sinus infections and the common cold can cause swollen lymph nodes.
My daughter has allergies and will get like this with lymph nodes swollen. My son also had mono once and had fever with swollen nodes.
My daughters nodes swell any time she has a fever. Even now and she’s 18.
Granddaughter’s does this when gets around cats.
Could be tonsillitis
Yes it’s very scary if u have no info on the subject! Right away u think cancer! Could b a infection fever is the first clue it’s a infection! But have have a doctor diagnosis it! A friend had o negative blood she would constantly get lymph nodes infections or transfusions bad blood
I had a swollen lymph node on my neck similar to cat scratch fever, ran a temp a couple days, was put in for surgery at the children’s hospital in Norfolk to have the lymph node drained.
Swollen lymph nodes can be many things. Glandular fever, just a sore throat, tonsillitis could just be a virus. Don’t stress to much until you know the reason behind it
My son had the same thing. Have them do a virus panel. It ended being adino virus which mimicks kawasokies…
I hope all goes well for you in this situation. As for my daughter it did not, she was getting ready for school in January and noticed a lump on her neck. Took her to the doctor and then was sent to the hospital, where my worst fears were true. At this time she is in remission for stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The lymph node glands can swell due to illness. Also, when my son was born he had swollen lymph nodes and the doctor said it was an excess of my hormones still in his system, so it sounds pretty normal to react due to a sever illness as well.
The normal viruses are still going around…
Mine used to swell. Dr’s have always watched my thyroid levels. They have gone hyperactive a few times through my life, but dietary changes helped me stay off of meds.
My friend child developed a very swollen lymph, no other symptoms of anything, gp sent her to A&E, she wes admitted, had a bacterial infection, had to get strong antibiotics through iv. Was a week in hosp but perfect afterwards… Dont over thing until you have to. Best of luck:four_leaf_clover: