My son has ADHD and his father does not want him medicated: Advice?

Tell the school you’ll get a lawyer for harrassment if they dont stop.
A school once hounded a friend of mine because they wanted her to medicate her kid.
She ended up home schooling.
Get him active. Do as much active things as possible after school. Making an add kit sit and be still all day is WHY they want you to medicate him.
I hope you find peace in this situation.


Simply tell them that you’re going to try other avenues of treatment besides just putting him on meds first and work your way to them if necessary. Don’t allow them to pressure you to do anything you’re not sure of. Most of those meds turn your kids into Skelton zombies. It takes time to find the right combination that works best for your child and it’s a horrible and scary process. I’m not saying they can’t help because they can but that your choice not anyone else’s. There’s all kinds of things you can try before meds. Have honest conversation with your ex and your sons dr.

What’s kiddos diet like? Start there.

Well this comment section is a huge train wreck.

If this is a public school, suggesting medication is illegal.

Adhd is a real thing. You don’t outgrow it but you may learn enough strategies to get you by eventually. As with every diagnosis, it affects each person differently. There are many types of medications out there that may or may not work for each individual. I suggest speaking to a doctor and not taking advice from internet randoms :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:


Try putting ur son in activity to run down his energy… we are considering putting our youngest in karate. To help him focus

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I was a child who suffered with ADHD. I was first diagnosed with it in 2nd grade which caused me a lot of issues. I could never sit still and could never soak in any knowledge my teachers were trying to teach me.

I struggled taking pills, but mixing the medicine in applesauce worked really well and I improved in my school work.

My father was against medicating me as well because he said I wasn’t myself as a super a bubbly kid who bounced off the walls. I was slowed down and didn’t really want to do anything after the medicine wore off.

But my parents came up with a solution to keep me active by signing me up with sports and growing up it helped.

Kids grow out of ADHD, but some form A.D.D.

Your ex husband should look at it as helping your child so it has a brighter future.

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My grandson was 6y.o and after a few conferences with his parents,the school contacted c.p.s! The schools now days dont want to deal with children with behavioral issues…my youngest son was excluded from every school trip even after he was medicated because I couldn’t chaperone. I pray that your child outgrows it and you dont have to deal with everything we have gone through,breaks my heart :disappointed_relieved:

You have to put the school in their place and be forceful about it. Dont be the nice guy as they will continue to treat you like this. The school has no place to be giving any sort of medical or legal advice at all.
Otherwise go to another school.
It is commendable to go the natural route for ADHD, i have 1 child with it too and suspected Autism but medication is a last resort for us.

They say stop letting your ex control you while they themselves are using the same controlling tactics. I refused to put my son on ritalin and battled to school for years. Finally decided to try it for him and all of a sudden he is getting perfect grades. Not on his own merit. They wanted to show me how much the medicine worked so I’d keep him on it. This didn’t do anyone any good. School is all about conformity and your child does not and will probably never conform, so dont put stock in what grades he gets, just make him a good person and trust that he will find a path and make a living and be successful in his own manner.

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Put your foot down and tell them YOU made the decision after research…maybe playing it off on the ex is making them think he’s making you…and if your natural ways are working why in the world would you want him drugged up?
My hubby had this as a child… he was put on drugs and hated it… taking to him now as adult he is so against any type of drug. It’s crazy listening to him.

My sons school told us we had to put my son on medication in the 6th grade, so we did and he had to try all the ones that had amphetamines in them before insurance would pay for one that did not. He lost weight on all of them except for the last one he took. I hated that the school would not let him attend unless he was on medication. We did not medicate him during the summers and stopped once he was in high school. These medications are horrible there are quite a few people that have been put on the amphetamines one that wind up becoming a meth addict in adulthood. Thank god this didnt happen to my son.

Also be careful as many adolescents diagnosed as having ADHD are not but are bipolar. Do some research on this as I found this out later on as my mom is bi polar. Drs miss diagnosis adolescents many times as having ADHD when they are bipolar. They are actually in a manic phase when they are hyperactive. My sone is now 27 and we believe they misdiagnosed him, that he is actually bipolar like my mom.

Report them to the school board. They aren’t allowed to force anything on you like that. When I set up a 504 plan for my son at his school,they told me they are not allowed to suggest medications, that it was my choice as his parent to do what I thought was best for him

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They have way to high of expectations for children. I completely understand there are many children that actually have adhd but how much is misdiagnosed? Unhealthy diets with to much sugar, not enough activity. Sitting at a desk for 6 hours. I’d be bouncing off the walls too and not be able to concentrate. The expectations are crazy. I dont blame you and your ex for wanting to try natural ways before going to extreme and medicating.

tell them that ur not putting him on medicine to stop asking you to cause it aint gonna happen and ur head strong on it if they keep it up tell them u do not believe in medicine period and their wasting ur time they only have him a few hours with him 🤷tell them to deal with it or tell them to educate their teachers to learn how to deal with it

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I agree with your husband. amphetamine is amphetamine, if its illegal due to the dangers for an adult why would anyone think it would be ok to give it to achild?


A child by nature is the definition of attention deficit, because of their normal growth pattern.

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Do you know what medication you thought about putting him on ? Amd the secondary effects it has on your body…

Have an IEP plan put in place for ways to help with his ADHD. You don’t have to medicate. My son refused to take medication and since it wasn’t life or death I didn’t force it. I worked with his teachers and we put other plans in place.

Tell the ex husband the school officials are trying to force meds on you and after repeated attempts to persuade you that you’re done dealing with them and it’s his turn. Cut him loose on the school board and meanwhile start looking into other local schools.


Tell them YOU are the childs parent! At the end of the day YOU will do what you feel is best for your child & that them harassing & pressuring will only force you to speak to the school district. They cannot force you to put your child on medication. Continue doing what your doing mom! Give it time and encurage your child to do extra activities… soccer, basketball anything for them to let out energy. Try everything before considering medication.

I have an 11 year old with ADHD. She went 8 years without medication… until recently. She herself noticed she was having a hard time focusing and her straight A’s dropped. She started medication and her grades are back up… has no issues focusing… & the best part is her medication does not affect her social life… she still participates in class & shes a cheerleader.

Finding the right medication is a trial & error type of thing… you have to play around with the dosages & the medications to find the perfect combinations for your child.

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He’s an idiot. Ur responsibility is to help ur child . I have had both of my children diagnosed with ADHD. They both were put on medicine and did excellent. The youngest has a college degree. So don’t listen to him.

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I would do all other ways before medicating. But if all other ways don’t work I’d medicate. The school needs to hush and instead offer a good evaluator

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Maybe your ex should go to the doctor with you.


ADHD medication is speed. If natural stuff works for your child no reason to feed them speed. Tell the Principal that the doctor said no he can’t take it. They are educators not medical providers.


I would love to know what medical qualifications the school has to be able to make such demands ?
I have a daughter with ADHD ,asd and odd and we chose not to medicate , we have worked hard to help her self regulate and she has sensory aids at school to help her focus


I don’t medicate my son either

If what you are doing now is working and the school officials keep badgering you to medicate go to the school board and voice your concerns and opinions of the way they are dealing with this issue - that is what they are there for to correct the wrong in their schools and this is one of those times they are wrong - if what you are doing is working and it’s natural they have no rights to bully you into medicating your child. Speak with your ex on this matter and stand strong together as parents for your child - you may not only make a difference in your child’s life but in others as well. Stand up for your little one you are doing a great job it seems and your ex must see the change as well and could be why he is against medicating. Good luck.

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To medicate or not …ummm ill medicate a child with ADHD needs to absorb as much education as possible needs to be socially acceptable needs to slow down and learn control unless of course you want your child to be out casted and alone and wondering why they do what they do and why people can only stand 5 mins with them for the mothers who say their kids have ADHD and don’t use meds and they grew out of it I call bullshit on that don’t put your issue with meds on your kids if your child had an ear ache you would give medicine what’s the difference

As a parent I will not let a school make me do anything. My kid, not the schools.:woman_shrugging:t3:


I didn’t read this post, just the first headline. I had to comment!
I don’t care what anyone else tells you. Medicate your baby! My son has ADHD and I fought this battle. He struggled so much, not just with school but everything!! He started hating himself. Then we found the right medication for him and when I tell you my baby boy is so proud and able to do everything he works hard at. Even just social interactions are easier for him. The medication IS NOT TO KEEP HIM CALM FOR EVERYONE ELSES SAKE!!! IT IS TO HELP YOUR CHILD. TO HELP HIM SEE HIS WORTH! ADHD is real and if not treated than it could certainly change the way he feels about himself. I grew up with it which is why I can tell the difference. I promise you, once he gets on the right medication that works for him, he will soar!!!

Also don’t ever let anyone judge you. You take care of your baby and do what is best.


You are the parent. At times people don’t want to deal with overactive kids so they want to medicate them to make their job easier. I wouldn’t do it for anyone…that’s your child and you do what you think is best. If the school continues to pressure you then you need to get firm…not their place to tell you how to raise your child.

I don’t know where you live but where I’m from, the school can not tell you to put your child on medication!!! They can “suggest” you have your child see a physician, but they aren’t to mention meds… If I were you, i’d look into the laws of your state.
2ndly, I believe medication is the last resort for any child! Parents and ((evidently)) teachers are so quick to just take a pill to zone the kid out so it’s easier on them…
I’m not saying that no kid needs to be on medication but I am saying that not every child needs to be on medication. If you are satisfied with and feel that your child is benefiting from the natural alternatives, I’d stick with those.

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I know this sounds really weird, but does he sleep with his mouth open by any chance? There has been studies done where people who sleep with their mouth open dont get enough oxygen to their brain while they sleep and it makes them not be as rested so they test positive for adhd. It might be worth looking into if he does!

My daughter and I both have ADHD. The medications they offer are awful. It will calm him down but it will change him as well. I took my daughter off of it when she was going into first grade. She was a zombie (on the lowest dose possible!!) It took more from her then it gave her. There are so many other ways to help your child that don’t have such awful side effects and aren’t harmful to his body. CBD oil is one. Do some reach and see what’s available now before you go to such extremes.


just so you know they are pushing your child to get on medication because they get more money from the state due to a child having a disability and medicated. tell them that it is none of their business if he is medicated or not.

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with ritalin and dex you can use it only at school or home and school so if dad is adamant then either see doctor /lawyer or dont give him meds when he is at his dads x

CbD oil… the wonderful ancient remedy of the Indian ppl… our autism life saver :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4: don’t listen to anyone at all YOUR THE MOTHER DO WHATS BEST FOR HIM!

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For one get him tested at school. That is your right and their responsibility as a school district.
2. Asking about his medication or anything is a violation of your rights under HIPAA. Let them harass you to build up your case. They better be glad you dont have a lawyer suing their asses. You need to speak with the state board of education. They will make them act right.
3. My son has adhd, asperger’s, and ocd. Yes! O0o lort jesus, it’s interesting. I get it. I resulted to the vyvanse because I felt like he just couldn’t focus on doing anything and that was the only diagnosis with which we could tame down. (it’s the best on the market but too damn expensive 300 a month). Also adhd meds are trial and error for the first 4 years of using them and like his vyvanse, is not a “fix all”, in fact there are some days in which it does not help. I would like to know some of your homeopathic remedies though. Please feel free to pm me as I have been there, done that.

Tell them you are doing what is best and let you be mommy! Also, theropy is a good option. It helps kids with ADHD let some of there feelings out, since they know there is something different about their bodies then others, however they don’t quite understand it all.

Ask them. " Where is your nose" "oh on your face? Well f*ckin keep it there. Tell them its inappropriate to insert themselves into homes where they were not invited. WTF.

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Your his mother. If you want to use natural meds then do and don’t give a fuck what the school has to say. If he is making good grades then what ever your giving him is working so go with it

Find a holistic doctor for your son.

Hopefully, the school has your son on an IEP plan.

Explain to your ex husband that ADHD is like trying to drive a car, watch tv and listen to heavy metal rock music at the same time.

Well done to your son for passing his spellings. The natural stuff seems to be working if you are happy about that then keep.doing that. Its nothing to do with the school. I won’t medicate my children. Not saying there is anything wrong with it but its not something I want to do just yet. Can I ask what natural things you have used?

Can you share what is helping him naturally? Also if they are on your case that bad then have your ex go in and put them in their place. I would contact superintendent of the schools and report them. If your son is doing ok, he is not disrupting the classroom and he keeps up with his work then nothing they can do about it.

If he likes gum try that it helps my daughter

First off let’s talk about this ADHD and how denying your child the medication he needs is damaging to him. If your son needed glasses would you deny them? If he needed a cast for a broken arm would you deny it? If he needed an inhaler for asthma would you deny it? The point is, your childs brain isn’t the way it should be, it needs the meds to make it run the way it’s supposed to. By denying him the the meds you and your husband are denying him the opportunity to succeed. “I know he needs to be on meds but I hate drama and dont want to start anything with my ex” oh…ok…so care more about not having drama than you do your childs well being…cook story bro. Be a better parent for your child. As for the school, tell them to eat one and move on. YOU are the parent, act like one.


Why are you letting others dictate to how to raise your child? Stop caring about if they think you’re a b***ch because someone always will. Your child has one mommy who needs to be his advocate. Are they going to pay for the attorney? How about a behavioral therapist? If the natural stuff is working, why give him medication with potential side effects?

If your son is having results from the natural stuff than first of all GOOD JOB. Bad grades to 100s!!!..he needs to be celebrated. I would tell the school your gonna go to the school board if they have any more “problems” with your son when he is making good results. The school pretty much forced my mom at the same age to put me on meds for ADD and please I can not explain to you that was the beginning of my depression and anxiety and I now suffer in ways that shut my life down completely. That medication is terrible for you and your ex is right to put his foot down. The only person who should be talking medication with you about your child is their DOCTOR!!! The natural way is so much better for your son…especially being 8. Unless he is shut down the class room on a daily basis with his behavior than he’s absolutely not a problem. Hes a little boy adjusting to school and all that comes with it. Your doing a great job…dont let them bully you. And I would refer to it as just that. If they target your son than you go above them. No one has the power to be an asshole to a child in this country there is always someone higher up who will see the problem for what it is and correct it. You and your son are not the problem in this situation.

The school is overstepping bounds. None of them have degrees in clinical or pediatric psychology. Not every child NEEDS medicated. There are ways to cope and teach special needs kids without pumping them full of drugs. Who is recommending meds? The school? If so, take their recommendations with a grain if salt. If a psychiatrist who has evaluated your child in depth and is aware of all of your childs struggles and behaviors is recommending medication? Than it’s worth considering. But the Principal is overstepping bounds and needs to be reminded of such. My kids are both autistic and neither are medicated and both in mainstream classrooms. When the principal tried pushing me to Medicate my youngest at 5 for having outbursts due to overstimulation i threatened a lawsuit. And once I did that low and behold bis IEP was being followed and the outbursts stopped.

I put my son on focalin for his ADHD I wouldn’t do anything else. He only takes it on school days. It works for us. The bottom line is he is ur child and it is ur choice to medicate or not. I suggest talking to his dr and a counselor as well and have his father attend those appointments so he can be involved

I have adhd my family never put me on medication for it. I thank my parents for that. Everyone I have met that has taken adhd medicine has a hard time as adults now because they never learned how to deal with themselves. Plus the base of the medication is based off meth.

One let them know they are crossing a line. That in no way is your personal life any of their business. Secondly give them your ex husbands number and tell them to call him and discuss medication because you are on board and since they like putting their noses where it doesn’t belong they should call him

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So here is my thing. The medicine isn’t used for negative reasons. It’s to help the child. That being said it will look bad against him if the child is diagnosed and he refused to get the kid the medicine he needs. I had ADHD when I was a kid and I wish I would have found out and been medicated so school would have been barrable for me. Just an idea

same happened with my grandson.He was on everything nothing helped. The teacher recommened he be put on medicine. We kept him on it until 7th grade and took him off. I wouldn’t do it if it were me. U r doing a good job. Hang in there. All kids r different

If he is doing so well why are they calling you in to talk about your son? And how would they know he isn’t taking medication? I am confused where they are getting information from.

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The school would put all kids on medicine so that they dont have to worry about busy kids. Then they on the wrong proffession. You and the father has a right to decide medicine or natural medicine and no one can force you to do what makes live easier for them.

Change his diet to no artificial color and preservatives. It does work better than meds

It may cost a bit more but worth it

Whether to medicate is a personal decision. I work in public education and we should never tell parents their child needs medication. I do, sometimes, suggest that the parents discuss their concerns with the pediatrician. With that being said, my husband and I chose to medicate our son with ADHD. We had to try several different ones, especially as his hormones changed. I couldn’t stand the thought of sending him to school every day to fail and be in trouble. He graduated with honors and is on the Dean’s list in college. I will never regret the decision we made. Someone once said, if your child was diabetic, would you give them the medication they need? I will never forget that.

It is your choice as his mother to do what is best for your family unit and that is what you tell the school because unsolicited advice is not appropriate. However, since you’re asking for advice…they aren’t wrong. You are your child’s advocate. You should be doing everything you can to make his ability to succeed easier. That means taking your child to the Dr. and having him evaluated to see if medication is right for him. I know that ADHD can be over diagnosed and over medicated, but in this case, it seems like he would actually benefit from some medicinal help. You wouldn’t NOT give your child medication they NEED if he had seizures or diabetes. Why would you chose not to medicate his obviously disruptive ADHD? If he’s not getting everything he can out of school because he can’t focus, then it time to tell Dad to educate himself and do what’s best for his kid even if he doesn’t like the IDEA of him being on medication.

There is nothing saying that you have to medicate your child just because they have ADHD. The school repeatedly asked me too if I was going to medicate my daughter. The answer so far has been no. No I’m not going to, not unless we have to. The school needs to step up and provide her the support she needs, and AFTER they have done a sufficient job of that if she’s struggling then I Will consider meds.

CBD oil is a better alternative than medication

If your not medicating him but are using natural methods that’s great! I have adhd and as a kid I hated taking medication for it. The meds made me feel like a zombie. If the school has an issue you need to let your ex know and ask him to write a note and sign it stating he refuses to use medication for it. And if you have a custody agreement I would assume it also states you both have 50 percent in the decisions about medical and legal decisions so if you go against what he wishes it would break your agreement. You need to tell them its not that you are letting him walk all over you you are simpily complying with the agreement the court has agreed to and that is in place.

Take it from me I’ve had this fight too. My ex ate his words once my son started to grow up & finally in and out of trouble with police and self medicating with marijuana and finally
Other drugs. These people are trained to see adhd symptoms. Take him to a doctor. No natural stuff is going to help you once he’s in jail. Do it while he’s young, give him a fighting chance to stay in school and go on the right path.


My 8yr old has adhd and i did try medication and one made it worse and the other turned him into a zombie and he lost 20lbs in 2 months. I took him off of it and we go to meditation classes and he is doing so so much better now. Something to consider.

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Do not, by any means, medicate that child! Adhd meds are pharmaceutical grade Meth. With consistant discipline (positive reinforcement) & counseling (coping tools), he will outgrow the effects of ADHD. Both my older children have made great strides in their development w/o drugs.


I may be wrong and it is most likely by state but where I teach I believe it is illegal for us to even suggest a child be medicated. We can suggest he be tested but not medicated. It is also our job to respect the parents decision and work with them either way!


Nothing wrong with natural stuff when it works. If A kid does not need meds don’t give it. Tell the school to back off not their business. Actually there are special schools who accept kids who have adhd and do not recommend medicating

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My sister has ADHD. We medicated her due to the school pushing it so hard, and my mother has so much guilt for it. She became numb, sad, and not herself. Talk to the school about an IEP.
The school can learn how to teach him, not medicating him to his “normal”. I’ve not heard of a lot of parents that have had a good experience medicating.

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Set up a meeting with the school, take Dad along and let him help reinforce that you guys are the parents and make that decision! Dont let them bully you into something that concerns your child and definitely dont come out of character for them! Just take Dad along and let him see how they are and have him help you explain to him that you are not medicating.

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Medicine is like giving the brain keys to the car

Do you want an old beat up Chevy brain or a Ferrari

ADHD here and it affects all aspects of your life

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I tried the drugs when my daughter was about your son’s age on advice from others. It made her mind crazy. After about 3 months on the drug one lsye night I had a terrible headache and a big day at work in the morning. I accidentally took 2 of her pills instead of my medicine. OMG it was the worse 2 days of my life. Took her off and never looked back. Your son may not be a Rhodes Schlor, but the best human being in the world. You try the drugs first. See what happens and your son is prob 40lbs. Hell no.

They made my son worse, he started talking about wishing he had never been born,punching holes in wall and none of this was or is like him
I took him off meds and drs said you can’t just stop them, I did, my son graduated, skipped 11th grade and is great, they want to fill children with all kind of drugs.

Be an avid advocate for your child. I agree with the above advice of an IEP. Sounds like you are making progress. I would also recommend looking into glasses for him with a blue tint. Talk to an optometrist about it.

My daughter is 12yrs old and has autism and non verbal. She is aggressive,self harms, and destructive. With teachers IEP and coming together to have plans to try to work together to see ways to make progress for my daughter. I tried cbd oil and worked great for a while,but as she got older and stronger I Had to get medications for her. Now she is more calm able to concentrate . it was needed for her! Her dad fought with me for years about it but now sees the big difference. Also the school never advised me on my decision. Sounds like the school is impatient with your child

Me and my husband use to deal with the same thing with our son. From kindergarten, they have said we need to put him on meds. We refuse, Stood our grounds. The school receives money for each kid on meds that go there. We changed his diet and took out red40, it helped sum. When we moved to another state last year, with only 3 months left of the school year. He was taken out of IEP classes last year when he was in 5th grade, and he did awesome in the middle school he attended. We moved back to the state we had moved from and he had iss 3 times in his first month, and have already been requested for a meeting to make an IEP plan set up for him. I don’t understand how my son could go from being taken out of IEP and being told he’s an awesome student to iss within his first month.

My mom did natural meds for my brothers and research on things to do at home and coordinate with teachers to avoid having my brother on meds that have horrible side affects for most.

What kind of natural remedies can one use for a kid with ADHD. My kid drives me INSANE!!!. He’s not violent but he can’t focus or remember anything i tell him & highly disorganized. I’m ready to give up.
I’m beginning to think that maybe I’m the one with an issue

Tell your ex you guys need to change his diet completely, red dye #40 needs to be cut out entirely! Try getting him on an all natural. Tell him you want to try this first, it will buy you some time.

Start researching medications. Their are a ton out there and not all of them will work for your child. Show your ex the side effects. Some are scary.

My Foster son is 7 and highly medicated ( not our choice ) but the doctor had him on 45 mg of rittilan a day he was 6 and barely weighed 40 lbs. And kicked a hole through his ceiling. Was aggressive towards my husband.

It took me months but we finally got the doctor to switch meds and he is doing a lot better.


My son will be a senior this fall. He has aspergers and he was in medication from 5 to 10 years old because the school made me believe he needed to be or they wouldn’t deal with him. I learned that they can not force you to medicate your child. My son is better off not medicated. He’s passing all his classes and is one of the most interesting people I know. Do what is best for you and your son. Dont let the school force you into anything.


Have you tried filling out these like placement packets? One goes school and the teacher fills it out and you do you own copy and the dr compares. We did with mine because we did natural stuff for a bit and it worked but eventually it stopped and we talked with our doctor and decided to try non narcotic medication

get an IEP at school. No red dye, no bleach flour, no sugar use honey. I would give my children coffee every morning. Caffeine seems to do the opposite to people who have ADHD. Your pediatrician can give you the full diet for a child with ADHD. Also structure. Same bedtime every night. Same routine. Good luck.

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I’d make sure it’s just adhd. Did they run extensive psychological tests? Mood disorders in many forms cause learning difficulties and adhd-like behaviors. Mood disorders frequently start in childhood but are misdiagnosed as adhd or aspergers. I was simply diagnosed as having learning problems in the 1970s. One important test is the Beck Depression Inventory. Regardless of diagnosis, I would try cbd oil… Hang tough. You got this.

I’m sorry, but the school has no right to dictate to you that you need to put him on meds… especially if what you are doing is working… You do not have to justify or explain yourself to them!!

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They aren’t doctors…they cannot force you to medicate your 8 year old son…his behavior is most likely typical…hes a boy and a kid!..put your foot down…if what ur doing is helping then perfect…tell them to come and talk to you when they get their medical license

My son is also ADHD. He’s a senior now. We tried medication when he was about 8. I didn’t want him on it, too many side effects. The school wants him on the meds because it’s easier on them. Fuck them! If u and his father don’t want him in it, don’t do it, stand your ground. Get him an IEP and make them follow it. I spent so much time at my sons school I was on a first name basis with the teachers and principals. It has not been easy by any means, I hv had to change strategies regularly and advocate for him in school, with teachers, staff, in meetings etc but here we are in the final year God!!

IEPs! And mt dew helps me when I have a tough time sittimg still. I honestly hated being medicated as a kid. Made me feel like a zombie.

I think you need to report them. Schools giving out medical advise is not ok.

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Go to an 100% organic diet. Cut out sugar

My son suffered from Add/ADHD I had him in occupational therapy then medicine. The teachers don’t want to deal with anything but they can piss off. Research on eating for your blood type that may also help. I put my son on medicine and regret it because the older he gets the more he has to take. If you decide to put him on medicine be very careful because they tried putting my doin on a high dose of adderall then wanted to add blood pressure meds. No no no so I went thru a few dr.s. Your child don’t let the school’s tell you what to do!

He’s a smart man and needs full custody

Dont do it. Tell them to do their dam job. Teachers are not teachers any more. Kids will be kids. That includes hyperness and not wanting to listen and rebelliousness. They dont make teachers how they use to anymore

Pharmaceutical drugs are terrible there are plenty of natural herbal supplements ,teas cbd drops do your research of natural cures and the best products