My son has been throwing up a lot...advice?

My son has been throwing up during school hours. His teacher has said that he throws up after eating whether it’s breakfast or lunch. His teacher also said that he refuses to eat sometimes because he’s scared of throwing up. At home he is not like this. He is perfectly fine at home. Does anyone know maybe why he throws up during school hours and not at home? I’m thinking it’s because he’s nervous or anxious being at school. He’s a kindergartener.


Better start sending him to school with soup

I did this as a child going to school. It was definitely anxiety

Anxiety most likely…I remember like 6 years ago when I left the food industry and got into a really good job and with the union and for like 3 months straight I would throw up right before I left for work or on the way to work but was not sick in anyway at all. It was a huge change for me

Anxiety hun my son had it

I’m going to say probably nervous. Hopefully nobody is bullying him. I would sit down and talk to him and see. Maybe pack his lunch also and see how that goes.

Your his Mom. You are most likely to be right.

Does he have constipation issues? Could be linked

Make sure he is isong the restroom. If he is backed up he will throw up after eating

Anxiety! Common! Soft foods for lunch if you are providing.
If they are providing ask for a list of foods he is eating.

I did the same and was diagnosed with anxiety later on. if it wasn’t always like this I would figure out what is making so anxious, he might not even know.

Anxiety or attention seeking. That’s my guess. Poor little guy. I’d be afraid to eat too.
Is there ever a time he keeps all food down? How long has it been going on?

My son did the same, of course it could be something different, but, my son struggled with anxiety, it’s incredible how it shows physically. Best of luck.:purple_heart:

Depends on what he is eating. Could be what the school gives him he is intolerant. He could also be getting sick from blood sugar swings. Too high or too low can cause nausea/vomiting. I used to have to have more frequent snacks when it became an issue for me in middle school.


It definitely sounds like anxiety , I wonder if something is going on at school ? He might just have really bad anxiety . I have awful anxiety , so I know the feeling


If he’s not throwing up at home, then it seems like either anxiety or something he is eating, if it is school lunch. I would try sending a lunch. Kids can be very anxious at school, or anxious about the food if they are picky.

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My nephew was doing this because he had a blockage in his intestines. He had no other symptoms really besides he would have accidents at school and home too. It was a problem for months. Finally his doctor took an X-ray of his stomach and saw the blockage. He was given laxatives for a while until it cleared.


Poor fella. My son did this too. He was older about 8th grade. Turns out he was backed up a bit per the ct scan of his stomach.

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My sister did this as a child and they ended up realizing it was anxiety.

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Does he have any allergies food/seasonal? I’d look up about EOE and see if the symptoms match at all. He could be rushing to eat at school because it’s time limited. My son was doing the same we thought anxiety but ended up being EOE.

My daughter had separation anxiety, sounds very similar. It was especially worse if she spent time away from me on the weekend (usually her dads or grandparents for a night). Monday she would be sick. I would talk to your pediatrician.

Anxiety. My daughter did that and still does when she goes away from me .

Take him to the doc. You’re going to want to know exactly when this started and how long after he eats does he throw up. Just because its not happening at home, doesnt mean the problem is at school. He could be throwing up from something from the night before and not reacting until he tries to eat the next day. You really cant guess on this because with the gi tract things take time. There are so many things it could be. Please take him to the doc.


Definitely anxiety poor guy , it’s horrible when it’s that bad

Could be the food is different than at home. School food is mostly fast, cheep stuff. Pack luch?

It could be anxiety,.
My son use to do this and I took him to the doctor and they said he was full of poop and needed to do a clean out. He’s been much better since

I had a friend who’s son was like this. Turns out, he’s allergic to a lot of common things that they were eating. Maybe get him allergy tested?

Prayers for your son in Jesus mighty name Amene Be sure to thank you for his deleverance and miracle healing Amene now he can eat till his tired! Amene

I had a nephew like this. He grew out of it but he did it until he was about 8 maybe, found out he had adhd around that time. Not sure if it had anything to do with that, but I think the meds helped his nervousness or anxiety

Milk allergies? Do they serve milk?

Sounds like anxiety. Poor little guy :cry:

Anxiety. Ask him if he is being bullied. Make sure he feels safe in sharing his feelings with you and that there won’t be repercussions for whatever he shares. Ask him if it’s something that’s being taught or if he feels as if something is being pushed on him in his school setting because I have heard some crazy things they teach now about sexual things. I was a child with anxiety and had migraines beginning at the age of 7. I broke out in hives. I was bullied a lot.

I’m having to Homebound educate my boy because his anxiety makes him sick but only at school.

It could be anxiety or it could be something he’s eating…I would ask what the meals consist of, so you can eventually rule that out. Or you could pack something you’d usually give him at home and see if he still pukes.

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I threw up daily while in school from severe anxiety. THE WHOLE TIME I WAS IN SCHOOL.

Could be anxiety while he’s at school. That’s what it sounds like to me. I’d go to a doc. Poor thing.


Definitely anxiety. I can’t eat out in public cause of how severe my anxiety gets. So maybe come up with a solution at school for him to eat. Maybe he doesn’t like eating in front of other students so maybe he can eat in a different area where he doesn’t feel nervous. Maybe the noise is too much in the lunchroom so maybe he can eat in a quieter place. It’s something to do with the breakfast/lunch time at school so you and the teacher need to come up with a solution for he’s not hungry during school time. Him not eating is going to affect him cause he’ll be hungry and when you’re hungry you can’t focus and you also don’t want him to come home and binge eating either cause that’s not healthy. Maybe it’s the food he doesn’t like so maybe pack his breakfast and lunches. Sit down with your son and talk to him and tell him it’s very important he tells you why whether it’s the food or noise or nervousness.

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Poor baby! Does he get headaches?

One of my kids had this problem. Always got sick in science class. Teacher had all kinds of fungi and nasty fish tanks and terrariums. We changed him to another classroom and he was fine.

Sounds like anxiety to me

Separation anxiety maybe.

Just maybe ask him why. Kids will talk if parents talk to them and listen

My daughter did this in elementary school. It was always school never at home, and she would never seem sick. She was later diagnosed with anxiety and school was a trigger. She does online school and this is her last year

I would absolutely say anxiety. Poor kid

I had severe anxiety as a kid and threw up anytime i went to school. Could be that


This is really complex and I would talk to the doctor and rule out GI issues. My child has significant food allergies and has anxiety. The food allergies can increase the anxiety so that eating makes them sick. School foods are often highly processed and can hold hidden allergens. Maybe try, in addition to the doctor, packing a fun boxed lunch if snacky foods that you know are not making your child sick at home.

Poor Lil guy ,scared,anxiety, nerves…my first daughter got bad headaches every day,came to find out teacher " yelled a lot

What does he drink at home? Could it be the school Milk? Allergies possibly as well stress. Try packing lunch for him yourself

Take him to the doctor, I think it could be anything


Sounds like anxiety for sure

Make him lunch - to take to school prob doesn’t like the food or breakfast there and have the teacher do a weekly check in with you. My little one doesn’t like something he will also just do that! Especially if you pressure to eat all his food. So I don’t make him. Talk with your child something else triggering - and have the teacher check in allot to figure out if things are getting better or worse for your son!

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I’m thinking anxiety I don’t think it’s a good problem

Doctor would be the best form for advice

They may not wash the dishes well

And he/she can be developmental different. Young for his age. Like putting a four year old in a 6 year old group Just not ready
Check with your doctor

Maybe go have lunch with him.? Reassure him it’s ok? Poor little guy.

It isounds like nerves…but you should definitely see a Dr…it could get worse as he gets older

My son did this last year all of kindergarten. He would throw up at school id pick him up and he’d throw up one more time then would be absolutely fine the rest of the day. It was so frustrating. I thought it was anxiety but I finally found a doctor who listened and come to find out he was so constipated that he was actually throwing up instead. He had a fear of going poop at school so he would hold it and bc of that his belly was so hard and he would actually get sick. He took miralax for a week and will now use the bathroom at school and I have not had an incident this school year at all. Now this may not be why your little one is throwing up but you never know bc I surely would not have thought it was the reason mine was.

Sounds like anxiety. Try to get him a child therapist.

My grandson did that too. My daughter in law took him out of school and home schooled him. Never went to public school. Now is a professor at collage. Go figure ha

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Mine was Gerd. Figured I was lactose intolerant, and it was causing this. I also went 2 years, throwing up every morning, and late afternoon. Rarely did I at night. Also messed up my teeth. Stomach acid made them start breaking. Please Take Him to the DOCTOR

Is he using as an excuse to come home from school some kids do do this some kids get sick so much at school that they get red flagged that when really sick nobody knows really sick because doing it all the time.

Have him checked by doctor I have great nephew they finally figured out he’s allergic to red meat

I would say anxiety and if it’s not that then possibly a bigger issue like bulemia/anorexia? He’s very young so my first thoughts go to anxiety/nervousness


Wonder why so many little kids have anxiety today

kindergarten… could it be they make them cram all the food in front of them into their face in less than 20 minutes? Are you sending him lunch or is is school lunch? Start there. Send him his favorites that you know he doesn’t throw up, and ask them to give accommodation so he has time to eat it.

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Stress at school? Ask him about it. My child actually developed a stress/anxiety tick (like tourette syndrome) all because of school. (Bullying, test anxiety, etc.)

After i pulled my child within days it was gone. They have been very happy since.

And also depending on what they are eating, school lunches are pretty gross and my son got sick almost everytime he ate school lunches, we stopped and started taking our own and he felt fine after that.and has been fine since.

Maybe he’s being picked on by bullies at school.

It could very well be anxiety - but it could also be the food too (some schools don’t offer the best). Try packing a breakfast and lunch for him, and see how that goes. If he still throws up, talk with his Pediatrician of what things can be done and see about an assessment for anxiety.

I threw up a lot as a child, due to GI issues. Come to find out by 9 the muscles in my esophagus was having spasms and closing. Had to do in first dilation at that age so I could eat again. (And again every couple of years until they did a reconstruction surgery at 15. And now half of my stomach is my esophagus) Not saying that’s what it is, but certain foods made it flare up. Definitely try talking to a GI specialist just to rule out things like that.

Maybe another kid is harassing him even

Why ask four advice take him to the doctor

Gluten intolerance
Something else in his diet that doesn’t agree with him

Maybe he has acid reflex problems 
 I would take him into his doctors

I did the exact same thing in school. The doc called them abdominal migraines.

REALLY investigate this and get to the bottom of it. My daughter was doing the same thing and she was fine on Fridays and Saturdays (when she was home). Once I got to the bottom of the situation, it resulted in me sending the police into her school. Definitely dig deeper into what’s triggering his anxiety/fear.


Anxiety take him to a pediatric gastroenterolgist to make sure but it seems like he is anxious about something

Maybe he’s being bullied?

Can you, a family member, or friend hang out with him for a day or 2 at school and observe?

My girlfriend’s son was doing this years ago. She hung out in his class a few times during the week and her son never threw up. When she wasn’t there he started throwing up again.

He finally told her another boy was being mean to him. Spitting on him, smacking him in the head, etc…

Her and her husband, the Principal, and the bullies parents all had a meeting. The bully never bullied her son after that.

Is there any bullying going on talk with your son. My child was messing pants to get sent hone. Spoke to child yep class bully was getting at my child. Punched kicked head rammed into a metal pole. Soi went to school sorted now but took a while


GI issues. Maybe some acid reflux.

Is he eating the school food?

Some kids get throw up - headaches because they can’t see the blackboard, or something. Maybe get his eyesight checked?

Anxiety from being bullied? Get to the bottom of it quickly.

If your child’s throwing up like this so often you should probably consider taking him to his pediatrician and a child’s psychologist…


Schools are not clean places. The food is touched by many hands & surfaces. Some are not disinfected, clean, kids do not wash their hands before they eat, tables aren’t disinfected between groups. School will never admit it. But the environment literally causes kids to get sick. Send your own lunch made in your own clean kitchen. Include hand sanitizer & disinfectant wipes. Instruct your son to wash his hands before eating & not to let his food sit on the table or be touched by anyone kids or adults.

I guarantee your son isn’t the only child getting sick. My kids old school had a full nurses office with kids waiting in the hall after lunch every day. They won’t admit it. But they know they are harming the kids.

Teacher abuse? Teacher bullying? Just not accepting his new forced indoctrination life? Public school is a pretty horrific place, not really surprising he’s upset and vomiting due to stress and or abuse.

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My son was like this during 1st grade come to find out it’s because he would eat his food then go play and run around instead of letting his stomach settle first.

My son was the same. I decided breakfast. No lunch in school ate when he came home. Problem stopped due to anxiety

I had to start packing my son’s lunch the school food made him sick , do you pack him a lunch ? I would start there…had to pick mine up several times from throwing up after breakfast or lunch after we cut out school food he hasn’t thrown up since.

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He needs a doctor, if for nothing else than he risks dehydration… But it could be anything as vomiting is a sign of lots of different issues with the body.

Def could be anxiety. It could be that there’s a lot of loudness and people/activity happening in the lunchroom? Anxiety can definitely cause nausea. Talk to his doctor about it. Talk to the school counselor. Is there a chance that your child isn’t neurotypical? Or is it entirely possible the food is seriously making him ill? Like is it very different from what he eats at home? If he’s say eating meat at school but not at home it could cause stomach upset. Or if it’s greasy. Is he having to eat faster than he does at home and it’s too much? Start documenting as much as possible!

I’m thinking anxiety. My daughter went through a phase where she would throw up. Especially if there was any significant changes in her life, examples being in a new grade, her dad moving out and adjusting to his new house etc. she talked to a councillor and it helped a lot. The teachers also were good about giving her “walk breaks” where she was able to take a walk around the school for a few minutes whenever she was feeling overwhelmed. She still throws up on the rare occasion she gets home sick or stressed, but it’s not ever day anymore.

It’s sad to see how much anxiety there is out there. Why do so many people suffer with anxiety.

When I was in kindergarten I would frequently throw up at school. I don’t remember what triggered it, but I was told when I was older it was because I was anxious and being bullied by older kids.

My son was this way.
He is autistic, with anxiety driven demand avoidance, scorching ADHD, and sensory integration disorder.

I never cared to eat in the cafeteria - it smelled so gross.

He felt the same, though I never told him that.

The smell made him gag, and he advocated for himself to have lunch in the lobby, which worked for a while.

He still has pretty bad emetophobia, and he’s 19.

It was a mighty struggle for him , and for me.

In hindsight, I wish I had just agreed to homeschool him.

Maybe it’s too early for him to. Be in Kindergarten anxiety.

I would have them rule out anything physiological (blockage, food sensitivity etc) before rushing right to anxiety. It more than likely that- but I would not want to treat for anxiety (with therapy, meds, behavior modification) until you rule out anything that needs to be addressed. Advocate with your doc and don’t let them blow this off.

First thing to do is take him to the doctor

Um may want to ask his doctor and not FB. By the time you finish reading all of the comments you’ll be more confused then when you started.

So go to a doctor. Why ask facebook? Lmao