My son has low hemoglobin...advice?

Ww just came from the docs. My baby needed his 12 months blood work for hemoglobin and lead. He has low hemoglobin. They are sending us iron drops. However the bigger issue here is im sure he has low iron due to not eating. He throws up most of the foods i offee or just gaggs. The doctor claim this is all normal. I want to try different ways of introducing veggies especially for his iron and solids. He hates potatoes even diced up! Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed


We used Similac Go N Grow, basically toddler formula, after 12 months for my daughter. She was little bitty. Formula is iron fortified!

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Brocoli sprouts all good veg. I’ve always low iron. Alot cereal has iron in also.

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Beet juice is really good for your blood you should look
Into making juicers of freezing the. As ice pops

My daughter went through the low hemoglobin and needed iron drops. They helped almost instantly and we are now off the at 28 months. We do have a vitamin that has iron that she gets occasionally. But she hates most veggies. She loved edamame though and I would add spinach and stuff to her smoothie. She also loves cheerios…

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Fruit smoothie with spinach and other high iron veggies!

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I would try fruit smoothies and protein shakes. My 15 month old doesn’t like to eat most foods unless they’re finger foods :roll_eyes: so we do a lot of toddler formula, protein shakes and smoothies so we know he’s still getting the vitamins and stuff that he needs.

I bought baby food (veggies) and froze it into popsicles so my son would eat it.

Take him to another Dr please. This just sent chills over my body.

My daughter was the same and still gags at almost 4. I would buy the baby food pouches that included full iron ingredients