My son has ODD and Autism and refuses to wear a mask: Advice?

u can try diferent prints ect but if hes anything like my daughte (also autistic) then its just going to be a no, shes 8 and refuses to wear one, most people wont say anything because hes only a kid. and the doctor will especially understand and probably wont expect it of him, hope all goes ok xx

Could you request the doctor to examine him by the car?


I would call the office and ask to speak directly to his provider. You may end up having to do an video visit instead of in person or the office may have other accommodations.

If he doesn’t need labs drawn at this visit, maybe an online visit or phone visit would keep him safe.

I try to manipulate or occupy the mind of my kids who have autism so they dont fuss about it but doesnt last long

Buy the plastic covers for strollers at walmart they have one. That’s what i have because my son has heart defects and i use that one for him.

I tell my son ((he just turned 12 today)) that if he doesn’t want to weer a mask he needs to cover his mouth with his sleeve…its basically the same thing but after me telling him 1000 times to cover his mouth he ends up wearing the mask lol

I got my daughter a face shield and she is happy to wear it as she can breath normally .

Exceptions are made for those on the spectrum and with sensory processing disorders

I had to buy my son a super hero one and now he wears it great. Try that for sure.

Try putting something fun like the masks that make you look like a cat…puppy…cow etc. Good luck

My son is autistic I won’t make him use one or maybe make one with him.:blush:

we have the same problem with our 3 year old shes blind and will not keep a mask on

I took a child to children’s hospital they didn’t make the child I was with wear one

Everyone that goes to doctor should have to wear a mask. I have a compromised immune system and don’t want Covid 19. I probably wouldn’t live through it.

Since he has a medical condition he is exempt. But did I ask him to pick out a mask that he likes?

Can he tolerate a bandana? And maybe tell him that he’s the sherrif? Maybe that will help?


I don’t understand these questions’ sometimes…just use some common sense like asking your DOCTOR or Psychiatric and not social media

My son is also autistic. Its really hard to force this as he had sensory issues.

I’ve seen other parents of kids with autism buy masks that look more like scarfs that you wear around your neck and then up over your face. Maybe he’d like that.

How about a face shield? It’s a better option than creating anxiety and wearing nothing g.

Our doctor will come right to the care due to the situation of the world right now. Maybe ask?

I had one made for my son who has autism he may wear it or not

Can u get a cool one with his favorite character. Maybe the one that’s like a one piece over the head like big collarjust pull up over mouth and nose when needed.

What I have been doing because same diagnosis as ur son and it has been working is small bribes to him and its been working.

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Get him a super hero halloween mask or one of his favorite characters.

Maybe try one of those clear face shields

Honey, he has medical issues. If the doctor and facility has a problem with this knowing his conditions, you need to find somewhere else to go. And last I checked, not wearing a mask isn’t breaking the law and if you’re staying 6 feet apart from others you should be okay.

Try a character or bandana. If that doesn’t work maybe he will tolerate a face shield.

Use a scarf or something he like on skin style him up with some fun sunnies stick on material to them and let hang or a Banda like they ride motor bikes across nose mouth just make him comfortable don’t put on until you go in shops or doctors.

I have the same problem I have an 11 yr old non verbal with ADHD

I took the plastic from a face shield and sewed it onto a beanie for my youngest.

My son is 13 and has ODD. I do not have him wear a mask.

Tell him you’re playing hide and seek? But fun fabric and make one. Otherwise call Dr ahead of time from car and wait in your car until thwyre ready have them call you to come up

Where I’m at they are doing car check ups so I’m sure it can be figured out…

Maybe let him pick a fabric he loves and see if he’ll wear that?

Morph suit might work too if the doctor can do what they need to do with one on…

Would be wear a dress up mask?
Example : Iron man or transformer

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My son has autism and he only wants to wear his mask when he see other people wearing one… He’s almost 6…

Just call ahead and warn them they should be able to put you guys in a room separate from everyone else

Maybe a neck gaitor? You can say it’s like being a ninja.


They don’t work anyway so why force it…read the article from OSHA OSHA Issues FAQs Regarding Face Coverings, Surgical Masks, and Respirators in the Workplace | Littler - JDSupra

get creative with it, make him a super hero or cartoon character mask that he likes, it will provide him self esteem.

Maybe putting stickers on it or color a plain cotton mask. Then tell him to wear it to show off his art.

My son picked his fabric and did a lot better during his therapy sessions maybe that will help

I have the same problem with my 11 year old autistic son and the doctors refused to see him with out a mask

His doctors will understand I wouldn’t worry at all

They also have the zip up sweaters with the masks built in

Have you tried one of those plastic shields? They sell than at staples or sams club. It’s like a visor that has a plastic cover over the face.

How about a telehealth visit?

Mayb get a shield to wear instead of a mask

Full clear face shield. Or try a mask with a character on it

Don’t make your child wear one… his doctors should understand.

Our grandson is 17 and autistic and he refuses to go outside the house.

Your child gets to tell you what he will and will not do at 11? Interesting :thinking: seems like you have more issues than a mask on your hands.

What about a face shield


Did you try the clear shield mask, instead of fabric or paper/fabric medical ones?

Wait in the car until they can see him, then take him straight back, avoiding the waiting room

Have you tried a face shield instead?

Halloween custome …let him dress up

Not easy…practice doing things he likes associate it with good stuff first. Verbal praise is good too. Best of luck.

Face shield? It should work.

First- I’m so sorry! My daughter who has sensory issues has been fighting the mask and I cant imagine how hard its been for you trying to figure out what to do. Every kid is different and my daughter doesn’t have autism, but we did realize that she could handle wearing a mask over her mouth but not nose- ppl seem to be more accepting of this as it still stops most of her droplets.
(Including her therapist office said it was fine). Praying it works for your son too. Hang in there!

Many clinics are offering over the phone appointments FaceTime with your provider

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Maybe he could pretend to be the doctor.

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Find him one that he thinks he looks cool in.

That’s a medical reason. They can’t force him

Dont make him wear a mask!

So then he doesn’t wear one

Try to make him watch this?

He’s 11. If he doesn’t do what you say you punish him.

He’s 11. He’s a child. He don’t get a choice

Get a face shield or use a bandana

Dont put one on him🤷‍♀️

U can choose a neck gaiter

12 and under dont have to

This is my 11 year old son that is autistic and he thought it was something to play with


I would assume they fall under the medical exemptions.

My child is autistic and would wear his mask 24/7 if I’d let him. Every child is different and if a Dr. Cant acknowledge that then you may need a new one I’d make sure they are aware prior to your arrival.

What about a face shield? They are acceptable alternatives!

How about a face shield instead?

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…they may be able to see him virtually

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Ask your doctors office