My son is 11 and has autism and ODD, another diagnoses, and REFUSES to wear a mask, and I need to take him to the doctors.
Don’t worry about it. The doctor shouldn’t have any issues with him not wearing a mask.
We should teach the public a bit better about social distancing.
Now that covid is wearing out people are giving less of a shit.
Don’t realize that kids have a learning curve to go threw still.
Given most places children weren’t aloud .
I hate shopping as it is, but nobody respects the rules as it is. Like 6 ft for grown ups. But should be more if your passing a kid.
Kids are important.
The next of people to operate the earth. Like quit being ignorant assholes.
You just have to try if not social distance
Call his doctor’s office ahead and explain the situation and ask if they can arrange it so when you arrive they can bring you right back to the doctors room.
Its not the law !!!
Create his own mask? I realize it’s NO with ODD but perhaps he will be intrigued by the creativity!
Ours has “autism” too! sees us putting on ours n puts on his!(wish I had answer!
I have the same kind of child but he also has migraines and asthma and the mask is really creating havoc. We don’t wear one none of us in the family wears one.and believe it or not nobody can purposely make you wear it
Try a bandanna and play “cops and robbers” with him. May help?
Get one with a character he likes. Help with my little ones
You wear a mask on your face front of him couple of times may be he will follow you. May be that will help
With ODD and Autism, his doctor should already be aware of his difficulties. Like another commenter said call ahead of time and arrange for yall to be taken straight to a room. People on the spectrum have sensory issues. Please don’t try to trick him or force him to wear one. The meltdown that would incur would be your fault not his.
Super Hero costume perhaps
medical conditions exempt u from wearing masks
Maybe get one made that is his favorite show or game ?? And play with it during the day and maybe make
A game out of it if he lets you!
He technically does not have to wear one! Medical conditions such as those, they will not make him wear on w
If it’s something your worried about for your childs health, call the doctor ahead of time and ask for a private room you can wait in.
The drs should understand. Everyone else should ha e a mask on
Look on the internet for one he likes. I’ve seen some pretty cute ones. Make sure he’s involved in the selection so when it arrives he’ll want to wear it.
Have you tried a Superman, Spiderman etc mask?
It’s very difficult to facilitate that around autism. Do you know if it’s because he’s being defiant or is it because of the material of a mask? I’m just curious. I’m a therapist and work with kids with these diagnosis and if you can figure out the cause of why he is refusing it can be easier to develop a plan for using it. You could give him frequent rewards for leaving it on. The game idea mentioned above is great too. I’d start with small increments for wearing the mask, then maybe you can work up to him only wearing it in the waiting room. Though, the dr should understand
Call the dr and ask. It’s a medical reason and they should be understanding, otherwise they may give you other options you’re not aware of as well. Mine have autism and won’t wear them either so they haven’t been anywhere. We haven’t needed the dr this far
So don’t make him wear one
My son has SPD which as sensory, he doesn’t like wearing face masks. He recently had a dental appointment and called ahead of time and told them the issue. We was able to wait in a separate room till we was ready to be seen. Talk to your doctor, they typically understand and will weigh out all options. My son will rarely wear one, let alone for a long period of time.
how about a face shield
Everyone else should have 1 on so just keep him close and go. Request to be put in a room as soon as you get there so you dont have to sit in the lobby
So don’t make him wear anything in his face?
Mask is not to protect him but others and your doctor office will understand with his issues. He won’t come in contact with anyone except staff on entrance and exiting. He will be safe with out one to the dr
Make him a mask of his favorite character or superhero, or get him a Halloween mask
He should be allowed at the office without one especially considering the reasoning is legitamate. When you get there ask the doctor for recommendations
Let him help pick it out and maybe find a comfortable material at least for the part touching his face.
My son is autistic as well and because of that he isn’t required to wear one. I haven’t encountered one place that has been like oh too bad go away
I wouldn’t worry about. The doctors office already knows his needs right? They should totally understand. Maybe call them and ask how they want you to handle it.
Maybe a cool looking shield, let him decorate it with stickers or something he likes and will want to wear it and show it off!
Take some time every day to sit down with him and work on wearing the mask. It will help if you are wearing it with him. Positive behavior supports are wonderful so each time he keeps it on reward him with praise to help make him feel good about it. The biggest thing is to be persistent and make sure he knows he has to wear it (if you are really wanting him to) and each time he takes it off “Okay we can take a break from the mask but in (however long) were going to try again”. Since he does have autism I am willing to bet it is a sensory processing issue that is causing him not to want to have it on
A shield attached to a baseball cap?
Since it’s his doctor they should be accommodating, but definitely call first so they can be prepared and get a private room ready for you or let you know the way they will handle it
Ask for the video visit
My son has sensory needs. Masks are a fight. Yesterday a woman purposefully coughed on him saying she had the virus. She followed us around the store until I managed to get an employee. My advise is not to take him out right now. There’s a ton of self appointed mask police who will harass you. They don’t care your son has dianosed.
My son is 5 and freaks out when I put one on him
My 5 year old is autistic too and masks are a struggle so I make a game out of it and let him pick his own and decorate it with stickers or whatever he wants
They sell these hats on amazing with clear face shields. Do you think he would like that better?
It’s a sensory thing don’t force him be worse he will be fine
Children with sensory issues are exempt from wearing them and you can download a card to show people why
Depends where you live I didn’t need a mask to go to the doctor’s.
Just call ahead of time and talk to them.
Tell him he gonna br a ninja
They do soft masks with anything you want printed on it x
Autism momma here.
I have found the mask on to be very sensory friendly - breathable and like silk. Order Large though - small could fit a 1 yr old and I’m unsure on medium.
My son is 10 and refused a mask as well but this did the trick. Good luck!
Masks aren’t designed to protect the wearer…they literally do NOTHING for whoever’s wearing them.
If anything they increase the wearers risks because of the temptation to touch thier face and adjust their mask.
My son has had a mask forced on him twice because of doctors. Both times they were “ped” masks. They knocked his glasses down. He and I kept having to mess with it. He ended up chewing on one of them.
The first doctor kept trying to tell him it was to keep him safe which was bullshit. The second doctor didnt really care.
I dont even bother when we go to the store or out and about. I wont (our area doesnt have county or state wide mask mandate). He wont be going to school if it becomes a requirement.
Try calling your doctors office? They know about his needs and then figure out a plan with them.
He shouldn’t have to be forced to wear something proven ineffective at protecting others and borderline toxic to the person wearing the mask.
So my ASD daughter is obsessed with cats, and I made her a cat mask. She still only keeps it on for a few minutes at a time and then pulls it down, and has to be reminded to put it up and stop touching it.
She definitely has compulsions to do the opposite of what she’s told, but she isn’t considered ODD, so I can only imagine what you’re dealing with.
Maybe you can get him a shirt made that explains his condition and sensitivity to masks (not that you should have to, but… )
Anyway, if you can think of making or buying a mask that will possibly encourage him to wear it, it’s worth a try. Feel free to message me if I can help.
You’re the owner make him wear it
Who runs the show??
Wow that’s a tough one , I would say the doctor needs to make a room available right as you walk in go straight to room and wait .
At the children’s hospital my daughter goes to, if the kids refuse to wear a mask the doctors and nurses have to wear a face mask AND shield.
My daughter doesn’t mind wearing it so it wasn’t an issue but they also never offered it up as an option. They kind of just let it slip after we were there because they knew my daughter was fine wearing one.
Maybe if you call and explain and ask what happens if you’re kid doesn’t wear a mask, they might have the same or similar solution.
My son is 16 & has Asperger’s. Wearing a mask will set him off, so he doesn’t wear it. Wearing a mask myself triggers a severe panic attack, so when I have to take my 78 year old mom to the doctor I call ahead, explain & they work with us. Just call your doctor’s office ahead of time, explain & I’m sure they’ll work with you.
The doctor needs to have understanding with this. They can’t drop him as a patient due to a disability that they treat, that prevents him from effectively wearing a mask.
I have a friend that bought her son a super hero mask and he pretends he’s a super hero. That might work but I think he would be exempt.
I’d be creative with it make it fun hes a ninja or draw a face on it have him help tell him you want to make as many people smile and laugh say bet you cant make more laugh than I. With the ODD that would be game on
Obviously your Dr. is aware of his diagnosis.
When you arrive in the parking lot, call them to let them know your there and explain his refusal to wear the mask. They then can decide if they can treat him from your car or bring him through a back door.
Maybe see if he’d like to be the one to pick one out. They have all kinds for kids his age. I let my grandson pick his out (marvel comics and Spider-Man). He always wears them. You can always call the doctors office and let them know you issue with you son. Good luck.
I agree with everyone’s suggestions. Also, me as a t
A special education teacher if he is on an IEP get his iep amended and the teacher put a goal for social skills working on wearing a mask. This way they can help you to get him to wear one.
Call the office and ask about their policy, and explain the circumstances. I work in a doctors office. If we have someone come in with special needs we make an exception.
My sons pediatrician office doesn’t have the kids with masks. They have us wait in the car until it’s our turn and call us on our cell. Check with your office and see what they can do.
He should be exempt . Ask what will he tolarate tolerate next to his skin t shirt ,satin, silk, flannel . What does he like movies, animals, sports ect. make a mask for him with what he likes then make one for his favorite toy. Let his toy wear it and let him wear it only if he his good make or make it a game. I’m a retired Spd teacher and have been working with families in my area with the same issues.
My son is 13 and autistic specdum he will and keep taking it off. We had some that has string on it to go around neck then ear hoops that adjust so at least in critical areas cash reg etc he is made to have it on but once we out he does put on
Have you let him pick his own? Maybe a super hero/ cartoon dress up mask will work better? Let him be the hero! Explain how people get sick when we dont wear one, and he needs to be a super hero (or whatever he is into) to protect all kids and babies. Go on amazon and let him pick. Doesnt have to be a “normal looking mask” let it be a fun one! One that he loves! Let him wear the whole costume! My 5 yr old went to the dentist dressed as a monster last week, the week before, she was a dog . you can make a mask with old clothes too. They can be any color u want. You got this mama!
What about decorating the mask with him in a theme hes into like superhero? Explain wearing a mask is like being a superhero and helping people not get sick.
A kids helmet with a face mask? Like an astronaut ! And don’t stress. His MD knows his condition. We wear masks to protect people like your little guy
They should make an exception…my daughter has 22q deletion syndrome with similarities to autism…she freaked out at just the sight of a mask. I tried introducing it slowly…it’s been a process and she’s doing better with it. Not sure if you have that kind of time though
Pretty sure he won’t have to wear one given his diagnoses. I would call the office and ask.
Maybe get him his favorite characters. I got my son bandanna type one and told him he could be the robber and I’ll be the police so yea I play cops and robbers in public but he wears his mask
He has a medical condition so he doesn’t have to wear one if thats what u need advice on . Now if you are wanting him to wear one for safety that might just be something as a parent you have to give alittle on .
Here in PA kids under 11 and people with mental disabilities are exempt .I have 2 children with autism and my daughter’s is severe .I’ve never had an issue out n public with her not wearing one even at her pcp cause they know her conditions
I would think he’s exempt, people with medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask are said to be exempt.
Sometimes if you let them pick a pattern they would like, they may wear it. I’ve found the masks I make when moms & dad request they let the children, teens pick a pattern or patterns from me and they send me pic and happy reviews. If you need if I can help please let me know. God bless
Call the office and explain to them and see if maybe they can bring you in the back door when you arrive and right to a room. Then right out the back door when you are finished. That way it is less contact with others.
Call the office explain the situation and see if they can have him go right in the room to wait and not the waiting room my doctors ha e done this for my son
Face shield. If he’s ok with hats, you can cut the brim down a little and put the shield over the hat, so it’s not constructing around his head. Huge game changer for my little guy. Hope it helps. much love to you mama.
I say since he is 11 find a ninja ski mask on Amazon and do that make it fun. While explaining they are doing good keeping the mask on and protecting the world like a hero.
They have face shields my son is 5 and is currently being seen by a doctor to diagnose him. His doctor said to try a face shield since it’s clear and fits around the head like a hat
He should definitely be exempt and I’m sure a Dr or psychologist would sign off on this
He doesnt have to wear a mask if there is a medical reason. Not everyone can wear masks.
What about one of those plastic clear shields? Also make social stories about it. Prep him ahead of time. Talk about often.
Mine daughter to thank god she’s ok with it we be locked in the house so much when she puts it on she knows we goin out
My son is AU. We normally have this issue. I made him crocheted mask with a filter and had the ears a lil loose in order to keep it from bothering his ears. I also bought one with an animal face on it that has adjustable loops for the ears. There is also the connector you can purchase to hook the loops to so it doesnt touch behind his ears at all. Keep trying mom dont give up
We don’t force it on ours. But we also understand everyone has to make the choice they feel is best until we no longer have a choice in things <3
Why don’t you show him a site with masks & ask him which one he would wear. It worked for my nephew & he’s autistic.
What about a colorful one for kids, my son wears one that has dinosaurs. A plain one would be too boring for them. Or a bandana? … hope you can find whatever works for him
Do not give up! You are the most powerful advocate your child has. Find a physician who is understanding of your needs.
Get him a mask with his favorite super hero on it and tell him they need his help.
Does he have reinforcers that work? Put him on reinforcement schedule with timer to yield up tolerance. Write social story. Let him pick his own mask. Make him earn electronics or favorite items by wearing mask at doctor’s.
Call ahead to the doctor explain the situation. Masks are mandatory for ppl who can stand them. He has autism they should allow it.
Face shield may be an option. They have cute ones that also attach to a hat. Let the office know in advance. Elsewhere, pretend everyone has something contagious.
My son is 6 I’m having the same issue but like alot of ladies said I got him ones with aliens and sharks on it lol he still hates it but will keep it on but not over his nose lol kinda pointless he also only leaves it on til I’m not looking then shoves it in his pocket or on his chase teddy lol
Have you tried a gaiter? It might help if he thinks he looks like a ninja and can hang around his neck when he doesn’t need it.
I live in Oregon. Children under 12 and those with disabilities or medical issues are exempt.
Just tell them exactly what you told us. When we took my son they asked us if he would wear a mask, and we didn’t know because he had never had to wear one before and surprise, he will actually wear them lol…but they wouldn’t have made him wear it if he wouldn’t have tolerated it.
I have an 11 year old thats autistic. And he either refuses to wear one or he plays with it