My son is constantly throwing!

just looking for advice, my son is 13 months old and the past few weeks he’s started throwing tantrums, bad ones, all day long. the only time he’s content is if he’s eating. he’s been screaming not stop, throwing things, rolling around and if i try to pick him up he starts kicking me and screaming louder. i’m not sure what to do because like i said it’s ALL DAY. i know it’s part of development but i feel horrible, what can i do to comfort him and make him happy? he was the happiest baby until this.


My advice is to let him…away from you and others. Do not give bad behavior attention. Once he calms down , talk with him about what he’s feeling and help teach him how to show emotions better. Most of the time these happen because they don’t know how to show emotions correctly. Sometimes its to get attention…have there been any changes in the home…new people in the home ect.

Sounds like he wants something maybe it his way of communicating like talking, or trying to get adult attention so he can get something that he wants .

That is not normal. Have you taken him to a paediatrician, I would start there. If it’s literally all day, and only not when he’s eating, my first though is, he’s in pain, maybe abdomen pain, he just can’t tell you because he can’t speak so instead he’s lashing out and screaming. Please take him to see your Dr!

It seems he may be manipulating attention. When he throws a tantrum put him in his carseat, in his room until he gets control, and uses words. He’s safe, but not getting the attention tantrums bring him. Other wise he will learn this behavior gets him what ever he wants. Terrible life lesson.


That is not normal and if you say it only started lately something is not right.
Get him checked.
Hope you get sorted.

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What does the pediatrician say?

Take him to pediatrician, he could have ear infection or something.

This isn’t normal, take him to a doctor for a checkup.

My son did this and then we found out he’s autistic. He’s now 8 years old and still throws tantrums sometimes. Mainly when he’s hungry or exhausted


Put him in a safe place where he cannot get hurt and walk off. After a while, with no audience, he will find a hopefully better way to get your attention. He is really too little to be reasoned with using much language, so good luck.


Stop giving him shots and you’ll see a great difference. His 12 month shots like the MMR probably stuffed up your kids brain. Sorry


Check the eating look red in the food…look it up on line

I wouldn’t call that normal, my son never did that and he’s 2 now


I would take it to the doctor , to get an specialist to check on him. Tantrums are normal but not so many, there might be something bothering him. Please take him to the doctor .


He could have sensitivities/allergies to some foods or drinks. Eating more can comfort his stomach at the time but when he stops the gas/irritation starts. He could be constipated.


He could have a bowel blockage
I have ran into this twice in less than a year. Both were boys

Teething? If he’s only happy when he’s eating maybe it soothes his mouth because he’s chewing.


Reevaluate who has access to him… and see the doctor

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Does he go to day care ? Around other children
Maybe could have ear infection or worms

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Have him checked out by a doctor.


Not normal. Something has changed


Growing up we weren’t allowed tantrums.

Have you had his GI tract checked. If there was a problem in his stomach that he couldn’t vocalize he might act out. Good luck.


Does he have an ear infection?

Throwing tantrums all day long is not normal , one now and then is fine and they usually stop doing it if you ignore them.

You should get him seen by his pediatrician, make sure that he doesn’t have any hearing issues, my best friend son was like exactly like that at that age , always screaming , crying and hitting, that was his way of communicating because he was almost deaf and we didn’t know it .
He got into therapy and got ears surgery and after a few months he was like a new kid , more happy ,stable , less crying and definitely less tantrums, he started talking , singing etc .

Is he getting enough to eat? If he’s only happy when eating, I would start there. Offer him a little more to eat/drink and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn’t, I would check with a pediatrician, just to rule anything out. It could potentially even just be a phase, but it doesn’t hurt to check out any other potential factors.


That’s not part of development… something is bothering him


Have a dr check him but plz dont label…everyone jumps for autism…etc…

Few things I’d cover real fast:
Get him evaluated by the pediatrician. Could be nothing but if there is something it’s best to know.
Make sure he’s eating enough.
Get him on a sleep schedule if he isn’t on one.
Remove tv if he’s spending more than 1 hr a day on it.
Take out junk food from his diet and especially dyes, red40 is a horrible one.


Spank his butt that will get his attention. It’s not abuse

From my experience when a young child throws a tantrum they are usually either hungry or tired or both


Mamas Uncut This is not a very scientific answer but my child started having tantrums, throwing her body on the floor, kicking and screaming. One day I picked up a washcloth and wet it with cold water. Saying nothing, not acknowledging the tantrum I stepped over her, dropped the cold wet washcloth directly in her face as I passed and continued on into another room. Perhaps it was coincidence but she never had another episode.


Is his pee and poop normal? Are you feeding him enough?
I would first suggest taking him to the doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong. If nothing is wrong then let him have his tantrums and ignore him until he’s done. Some kids tantrums are worse than others. The key is how you handle them. If this is just tantrums then I suggest getting a grip on them now because the 3 year olds tantrums are the worse and you will have to know how to deal with them.

Please take your boy to the pediatrician and rule out food sensitivities, neuro issues, sensory issues, etc before anything else.

I can’t believe it needs saying but :

Please do not attempt to discipline a one year old.

And certainly don’t hit him.

Maybe seek out an early intervention group in your area; take him to one of their play groups, and get him on front of some staff, where there is a professional who can help evaluate him.


That’s absolutely not normal. Have you been to your doctor?


Has he been tested for autism

You don’t discipline a 13 month old baby.


Put him in his room and shut the door
Nip it in the bud now


Bs I wish my daughter would do that bs. You better put him in line and quickly. Don’t allow tantrums if anyone is going to have a tantrum it’s you wtf does he have to stress about. He better sit down and be quiet

Your child may be frustrated at not being able to communicate their feelings, wants or needs.
Start with your child’s pediatrician and explain these things. They could have and ear infection, could be teething, gas/stomach issues, lots of could be’s, but again not being able to communicate it to you is part of it too. There may be something more going on as others have mentioned that could lead to evaluations, but you’d still want to start with your child’s pediatrician.

Start the spankings early and fix it before it gets out of control


Lol wel come to motherhood…that’s what young kids do


Earache? Belly problems? I would have him checked.


Maybe he just has to poop

As someone who has an associates degree in early childhood education that not normal behavior! tantrums here and there yes but not all day long. Take him to his pediatrician and voice your concerns to them. They will be able to help or at the very least point you in the right direction

That’s not normal at that age, I would have him seen by a pediatrician.


My autistic kids flips shit a lot… occupational and speech therapy helped. Does you pediatrician screen his development at each visit with an ASQ?

He’s literally a baby. Wtf!!!


outside time ? park? and a sleep schedule for sure. lots of good ideas on here.

This is way too young . Have the dr make sure he is not sick

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By all the comments I just read no wonder the last generation in this next generation has screwed us take that as you will