My son is getting his front two teeth removed

My son is having his two front teeth removed, how many hrs does he need to stay without eating or drinking?


I think the dentist will give you instructions and probably an information packet, they will probably also give you a phone number in case of emergencies.


What does the doctor office say

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They should tell you that…:face_with_monocle:


Ask the dentist not Facebook!


Generally the rule is nothing after midnight. They should’ve given you instructions.

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Call your son’s dentist or oral surgeon and ask these questions, if you need this information ahead of time. Otherwise I’m sure this is the kind of information that will be gone over with you at his appointment.
Best of luck.


Dentist is the 1st person you should ask.


Hours? Honey, he can still drink and eat, but, he isn’t going to want to eat cause it’s going to be painful. He can still drink so water, popsicles, yogurt, applesauce, etc anything basically he won’t have to chew much. It can take a few days sometimes longer for him to want to eat. Just make sure you stay on top of changing the bloody cotton things they give (if they still give those idk tho cause my last dentist didn’t and didn’t even care). Also make sure you alternate the pain medications. NO BRUSHING or SUCKING on straws with that area either until it’s healed or you can aggravate it and cause a dry socket which is extremely painful.

Why are you asking a group on Facebook this question? Be a responsible parent and ask the dentist. Smfh

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I promise you, no doctor nor dentist, receptionist or whoever will be angry or aggravated if you have to call and ask questions for reminding or verification even after the appointment especially when it comes to your child/ren. Never hesitate to call and ask them! :heart::heart::heart: prayers for the kiddo!!

The person that is doing it will give you instructions!

Maybe you should ask your dentist??

Your dentist/oral surgeon will provide you with aftercare instructions…

When my daughter was 4, she had a cracked tooth. They took that one along with 5 loose baby teeth (top two front, bottom two front and the broken one). She had to stop eating/drinking 4 hours prior to surgery (and then her surgery got pushed back - she was cranky) When she came out of surgery, they immediately brought her all of the crushed popsicles that she wanted and said anything she was comfortable eating. I stocked up on soft foods and the kid asked for a Happy Meal on the way home… she at the whole thing and then 3 pieces of pizza once we got home.

But your/his instructions will differ, depending on the surgeon. Ask them.

Before or after?
He can eat and drink straight away after but you should be told by the hospital/dentist how long before.

Nothing after midnight the night before was what we were told. Same procedure + a cleaning