My son is getting tubes in his ears: What can I expect?

My two year old and one year old are getting tubes in their ears next week; what can I expect? What should I bring with us? I’m so nervous.


It’s a quick process. What took the longest for us is the waking up but really that wasn’t to long. The tubes themselves took about 15 mins.


My daughter got tubes when we did her tonsils and adenoids. She did say her ears hurt a little but ibuprofen and Tylenol helped. Noises are more sensitive at first so try to talk calmly. I had my daughter in her pjs and brought her favorite snuggly. It’s a really quick procedure. :slightly_smiling_face:

My son got tubes at 18 mo back in Jan. It was super quick and easy. They give them pain meds after and they’ll tell you what to give them. Bring a snack and a bottle/cup for after since they won’t be able to eat or drink before hand. The hospital will usually give them both but make sure you have something too just in case. And toys/activities to distract them after waking up. Sometimes it can take a while for the Dr to release you so having them distracted is a must.

Mine got his at 9 months. Absolutely nothing. He was normal soon as anesthesia wore off and resumed normal routine.

he will scream, and cry, and kick and fling about( my daughter did this…its totally normal!!) you will want to be there with him in recovery to comfort him. but it is a quick 15 min surgery…he will want to sleep most of the day…LET HIM!!! don’t force him to eat afterwards…he will eat when he is ready…other then that, tylenol works wonders…and they will prescribe ear drops.

Kelly Ann Kennedy-Hawley

I had two children with tubes in their ears and it’s a simple procedure,They didn’t feel it in their ears so don’t be nervous.

My son had tubes in his ears starting at 10 months old and it is pretty quick, the hardest part is when they wake up in recovery… it will take him a min to realize it is you… but once it clicks as they say… they will calm down…

Mine has had 3 sets of tubes so far. It is a quick in and out. Never had any issues. They don’t put them totally under so you don’t have to worry about that. She is almost 13 now and still battling the ear issue. Now she has a hole in her eardrum that has to be fixed. They are not sure if it is from a rupture or never healing when tube came out.

Look for things that can cause this - for mine plug in air fresheners, spray air freshener, scentex anything,

Sorry for the ignorance here but what are tubes for? I’ve never heard of this procedure. Hope you’re little one will be okay.

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Just keep the noise level down around them as much as possible. My middle daughter had to have tubes twice. The noise is what bothered her the most

They may fall out… happens often

Nothing much with you. Maybe a toy? It took literally 10 mins maybe an hour total we was at the hospital. My child was 3 when he had it done and after we got home he slept for a while and woke up completely fine. Acted like nothing ever happened

Everything will be fine my daughter had tubes in her ears and it was all just fine. Maybe bring things to distract them while waiting but that’s really all u need

The waiting is more scary as a parent than the procedure.

Mine were angry when they were coming out from under anesthesia. It passed fairly quickly

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Honestly when my son go them the roughest part was coming out of anesthesia, after that he acted like nothing happened.

I had tubes as a young kid and it didnt hurt and didnt take long. I was scared going in because, well as a kid that’s scary! The worst part was when it came out later down the road. It’s funny now, I freaked out because this little blue thing fell out of my ear and I started screaming for my mom saying “My tonsil fell out!” :rofl: I was only like 5, makes for a great story for her to tell people though :rofl:

My son has had 7 sets of tubes. He always went in his jammies. Made sure he had his blanket and stuffed animal which he was allowed to take back with him.

Crying. Prop up their beds at an incline. Dont get it wet. And lots of cuddles.

Bring their snuggles - blanket, stuffed animal etc. Expect them to be a little cranky the rest of the day/weekend.

OK. I have had ear problems all of my life. I had my first set of tubes at five. Teach him how to breath in and out. Make it a game. probably how they will put him to sleep. It’s a quick process there’s nothing to worry about your child will feel much better when the process is done. And then you’ll become as well. It’s scary with a small child to have surgery but it’s gonna be just fine. He will feel so much better much better

My oldest daughter had her first set at 11 months. Second set at 3 third set at 5. Tonsils and adenoids out at 7.

We’ve had 2 sets. No issues. I took his special elephant and that was it. He slept the rest of the day when we got home

My daughter had this done at 5 months old. In and out. She turned into a new baby after. No more screaming 24 hrs a day

I have had bad ears all my life, perforated ear drums and a growth that eroded the bone in my head that was operated on at 18. I am classed as death. I have to have my ears done yearly by my consultant that I’ve had since I was 18. Lots of hugs, and love and a blanket and their favourite teddy to keep them company xx

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Really the worst part for my daughter was coming out of the anesthesia. She was crying and thrashing around half asleep. But once she came out of that you would have never know she just had surgery. She was trick or treating 2 days later! Best thing we ever did!

Try a chiropractic adjustment first. It spared my son from having the procedure done.

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My son has had them twice and both times it was super easy. Bring something for him to watch a show on while you wait because they usually take a while to get the OR ready and stuff, a tablet or ipad or whatever will work. maybe a comfort object or stuffie if he has one he likes. They usually won’t put in an IV for during the procedure (if they do at all) until after he’s been put under anesthesia, so no big needle sticks or anything to deal with. He’ll be grumpy after he wakes up probably, but there shouldn’t be much, if any, pain at all. He’ll probably want to sleep more afterwards. It’s no big deal mama! You got this!

My son had tubes in his ears it didn’t hurt him or anything but make to bring to sure to bring a stuffed animal and blanket and some other things that will.make the child comfortable

I had them twice as a child. The worst part was the fear of the “surgery” but I don’t remember any pain or issues after the fact. I was back to normal both times after anesthesia wore off.

The third day after surgery is the worse not sure why. They will give u a bottle of ear drops covet them with your life . You will need them. They may wake up with some stinky liquid coming out of their ear no worries clean it and use the ear drops. Use cotton balls when u wash their hair .

My son had them as well quick process. Waking up was the hard part they can kick and cry roll around. Just talk to him softly as he wakes up and comfort him. We took him out n comfy cloths and his blanket and had his sippy cup with apple juice ready for when he woke up. After they have them not supposed to get water in their ear so we would use silly putty since it forms to the ears when we would do bath time or swimming.

You will be good just relax pray. God has you and your child!!!

My grandson ear infections were horrible he needed tubes they tried a Chiropracter and he never had another ear infection again he was 3 at the time he is 11 now

Tubes? Are they the same as grommets to release pressure from infections?

I was so worried when my 11 month old got them but it wasn’t bad at all! He was back there for maybe 15 minutes. The worst part is the anesthesia. If the react well to it they’ll just be drowsy maybe take an extra nap and the next day it’ll be like nothing happened. Some kids get upset or angry after anesthesia but because of their ages I wouldn’t be too worried about it!

They will be in and out very quick. And shouldn’t have any problem you daughter had them. No trouble

Nothing to worry about they dissolve on their own and in a few years because water builds up in children’s ears and won’t drain

My daughter had them for the first time at the age of 11 after years of going to different doctors and tons of tests i finally found a doctor who was willing to take the time to look at her and figure out exactly what was wrong when she had the tubes put in she cried because she was able to hear although be careful with loud noises and bangs for the first few days for my daughter it was painful because a lot of noises she couldn’t hear before but it paid off now she is great they will fall out by themselves

Our biggest issue was the first hour we had our kids back from recovery. Bring your best distractions! Mine were fighters coming off anesthesia and also kept trying to pull their ivs out. It was basically uncontrollable crying, screaming, kicking, and fighting until the iv came out. They were 2 at the time.

My son had them put in at 14 months. Hardest part was getting him groggy enough for him to go to strangers. Surgery itself was under 15 minutes. Was a little fussy coming out of it but the whole experience was actually pretty easy. No ear infections or problems since, he’s almost 2.5 now.

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It’s a quick process. What took the longest for us is the waking up but really that wasn’t to long. The tubes themselves took about 15 mins.


My daughter got tubes when we did her tonsils and adenoids. She did say her ears hurt a little but ibuprofen and Tylenol helped. Noises are more sensitive at first so try to talk calmly. I had my daughter in her pjs and brought her favorite snuggly. It’s a really quick procedure. :slightly_smiling_face:

My son got tubes at 18 mo back in Jan. It was super quick and easy. They give them pain meds after and they’ll tell you what to give them. Bring a snack and a bottle/cup for after since they won’t be able to eat or drink before hand. The hospital will usually give them both but make sure you have something too just in case. And toys/activities to distract them after waking up. Sometimes it can take a while for the Dr to release you so having them distracted is a must.

he will scream, and cry, and kick and fling about( my daughter did this…its totally normal!!) you will want to be there with him in recovery to comfort him. but it is a quick 15 min surgery…he will want to sleep most of the day…LET HIM!!! don’t force him to eat afterwards…he will eat when he is ready…other then that, tylenol works wonders…and they will prescribe ear drops.

Kelly Ann Kennedy-Hawley

I had two children with tubes in their ears and it’s a simple procedure,They didn’t feel it in their ears so don’t be nervous.

My son had tubes in his ears starting at 10 months old and it is pretty quick, the hardest part is when they wake up in recovery… it will take him a min to realize it is you… but once it clicks as they say… they will calm down…

Look for things that can cause this - for mine plug in air fresheners, spray air freshener, scentex anything,

Sorry for the ignorance here but what are tubes for? I’ve never heard of this procedure. Hope you’re little one will be okay.

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Just keep the noise level down around them as much as possible. My middle daughter had to have tubes twice. The noise is what bothered her the most

They may fall out… happens often

Everything will be fine my daughter had tubes in her ears and it was all just fine. Maybe bring things to distract them while waiting but that’s really all u need

The waiting is more scary as a parent than the procedure.

Honestly when my son go them the roughest part was coming out of anesthesia, after that he acted like nothing happened.

I had tubes as a young kid and it didnt hurt and didnt take long. I was scared going in because, well as a kid that’s scary! The worst part was when it came out later down the road. It’s funny now, I freaked out because this little blue thing fell out of my ear and I started screaming for my mom saying “My tonsil fell out!” :rofl: I was only like 5, makes for a great story for her to tell people though :rofl:

My son has had 7 sets of tubes. He always went in his jammies. Made sure he had his blanket and stuffed animal which he was allowed to take back with him.

Bring their snuggles - blanket, stuffed animal etc. Expect them to be a little cranky the rest of the day/weekend.

OK. I have had ear problems all of my life. I had my first set of tubes at five. Teach him how to breath in and out. Make it a game. probably how they will put him to sleep. It’s a quick process there’s nothing to worry about your child will feel much better when the process is done. And then you’ll become as well. It’s scary with a small child to have surgery but it’s gonna be just fine. He will feel so much better much better

My oldest daughter had her first set at 11 months. Second set at 3 third set at 5. Tonsils and adenoids out at 7.

We’ve had 2 sets. No issues. I took his special elephant and that was it. He slept the rest of the day when we got home

My daughter had this done at 5 months old. In and out. She turned into a new baby after. No more screaming 24 hrs a day

I have had bad ears all my life, perforated ear drums and a growth that eroded the bone in my head that was operated on at 18. I am classed as death. I have to have my ears done yearly by my consultant that I’ve had since I was 18. Lots of hugs, and love and a blanket and their favourite teddy to keep them company xx

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Really the worst part for my daughter was coming out of the anesthesia. She was crying and thrashing around half asleep. But once she came out of that you would have never know she just had surgery. She was trick or treating 2 days later! Best thing we ever did!

Try a chiropractic adjustment first. It spared my son from having the procedure done.

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My son had tubes in his ears it didn’t hurt him or anything but make to bring to sure to bring a stuffed animal and blanket and some other things that will.make the child comfortable

The third day after surgery is the worse not sure why. They will give u a bottle of ear drops covet them with your life . You will need them. They may wake up with some stinky liquid coming out of their ear no worries clean it and use the ear drops. Use cotton balls when u wash their hair .

My son had them as well quick process. Waking up was the hard part they can kick and cry roll around. Just talk to him softly as he wakes up and comfort him. We took him out n comfy cloths and his blanket and had his sippy cup with apple juice ready for when he woke up. After they have them not supposed to get water in their ear so we would use silly putty since it forms to the ears when we would do bath time or swimming.

You will be good just relax pray. God has you and your child!!!

Tubes? Are they the same as grommets to release pressure from infections?

I was so worried when my 11 month old got them but it wasn’t bad at all! He was back there for maybe 15 minutes. The worst part is the anesthesia. If the react well to it they’ll just be drowsy maybe take an extra nap and the next day it’ll be like nothing happened. Some kids get upset or angry after anesthesia but because of their ages I wouldn’t be too worried about it!

They will be in and out very quick. And shouldn’t have any problem you daughter had them. No trouble

Nothing to worry about they dissolve on their own and in a few years because water builds up in children’s ears and won’t drain

My daughter had them for the first time at the age of 11 after years of going to different doctors and tons of tests i finally found a doctor who was willing to take the time to look at her and figure out exactly what was wrong when she had the tubes put in she cried because she was able to hear although be careful with loud noises and bangs for the first few days for my daughter it was painful because a lot of noises she couldn’t hear before but it paid off now she is great they will fall out by themselves

Extremely unhappy kiddo. But it’s so routine that hopefully he’ll be good.

The after effect. My son slept basically for 24 hours after. It hit him hard…I had to wake him up to eat and he just wanted to be held. But after that no issues.

Brought my son’s favorite blanket. You’re right there with them until the team takes him back. They give him something to relax also. My son was 18 months when he had it done. By the time we finished some paperwork and were shown to the waiting room (about 15 minutes) it was done. He was a little grumpy but we left an hour later. They fall out eventually on their own. Best thing we could have done for him. Not a single infection since. The nurses are wonderful!

My oldest had them done when he was 10 months old. He’s 8 now. He was getting ear infection after ear infection. It was horrible!
I was so nervous and scared. Honestly it was fine. Try not to stress to much. He woke up a little groggy but he was fine within 30-45 minutes and even went to the park for him to play. He has not had ONE ear infection since the tubes. Not one, in 8 years. Best decision I ever made honestly.