When I was younger I was the same, but I seen a man in my hall who was actually my grandad who passed away when I was 1. I kept seeing him. No one believed me, I was terrified, because at the time I didn’t know it was my grandad who had passed away because I couldn’t remember him. I used to sit up under my blanket and then I’d pull my duvet into my parents room and sleep on the floor. I told my nanny one day, and she asked what he looked like and what he was wearing and I told everything from his cap to his shoes, and his smell of a pipe, she said that it was my grandad, her husband, and showed me a picture of him, I remember feeling the blood drain from me, because it was him. I was as young as 5, thrust me, kids are very open to all things spiritual, they’re mind are open to everything, help him, sage your house, bless it with holy water, put rock salt by your doors, xx
I slept with a light on pretty much my whole childhood. Nothing happened and I never had nightmares, but I felt safer with the light on. Best of luck to you.
I remember my brother in law had to go into his girls room with a baseball bat and beat the stuffing out of the monsters. He would yell like he was after an intruder and go in the closet, under the bed anywhere else “the monsters” might hide
Ask him to draw what he is scared of and why you will be surprised some kids psychology use this technique to communicate with little kids and no tu put to much pressure on them
He doesn’t feel safe. Maybe something he cant explain my grandsons went through this we switched the room they were sleeping in and all is good now. Children and animals see and feel things that we may not. Just saying. Before anyone goes wack about my comment yes I do firmly believe in the paranormal I have witnessed it myself…and at first it scared the crap outta me. I can only imagine what it does to a child when they see it.
Around this age this is normal…maybe not to this extreme, but still a normal thing. My very best advice is two fold…1st pray with him around his room. Maybe even have other close family & friends join you. He will know he is being heard and it will build his faith in turning things over to Jesus. 2nd let your family dog sleep with him. I know it sounds silly, but this worked wonders for my son at this age. Our black lab at the time was allowed to sleep with him in his bed & all was well. Happy child and happy dog.
My only advice is please don’t let him cry it out. If they’re wanting momma, let them have momma. I regret ever letting my eldest cry it out one time. I was his sade space and he needed to feel safe. Just snuggle that baby of yours until you figure out why he’s so scared.
Maybe lay in bed with him until he falls asleep. Get him a pet that can sleep with him. And maybe therapy. If he is that scared something is going on. And warm milk a little honey a dab of vanilla and dash of cinnamon… warms the belly and helps falling asleep quickly.
Put him in bed with you! Or lay with him until he’s sleep.
My family believes that a small bible under the pillow or on the pillow next to you. Will keep all bad away! It’s worked for generations!
I’m not the religious one but I’ve watched this work on my brother, several cousins, nephews and my own daughter.
Nana brings the Bible, they pray while holding the Bible and ask Jesus to keep all the bad away.
Or just give melatonin and lay with him for 20 minutes!
Reiterate to him that there is nothing to be scared of and that he is safe perhaps all of these things being done are encouraging the thoughts and fears of monsters ? I’d try telling him that all of his handwork has payed off and the monster scaring stuff isn’t needed here anymore
Sleep in the with him. My mind really messed with me when I was a kid. Something is scaring him . And if u are leaving his light on and he is still scared then something isn’t right. I would seriously sleep in there with him so u can figure out what it is causing it
Ever since my son was born I tried this person called Jesus! He works ! Together with pray for peaceful sleep for His beloved and some beautiful worship songs for bed. You can try Him too! He’s here for everyone…just saying…sometimes the simple things work.
Has he said what he is scared of? If not, or he doesn’t know then sleep with him. Children that age can still see what we, as adults, have learnt to ignore. If you have the availability, could you offer to let him have another room?
Could be night terrors. I had them and let me tell you i couldnot sleep cuz of fear as a kid either. It started arround age 5 for me. had to knock myself out with high doses melatonin in my teenage years just to sleep. Did not know what is was till i was 17 and finally went to a doctor for it cuz i stopped listening to my parents saying “you don’t need a doctor your just being silly and immature” … yeah they where wrong. I have awful anxiety and depression as a result of not getting sleep as an adolescent… See a sleep specialist please!!!
Maybe stress from home might be affecting him differently.
My son use too have night terrors doctor recommended liquid iron! It worked that first night!! Check with your dr for blood work.
Don’t let him nap during the day. Good luck cause it’s not fun when they can’t sleep.
Worst comes to worst, what the harm in letting him sleep in your room? Maybe with you or in a sleeping bag or something. Or vice versa you could sleep in his room for a few nights. My 12 year old still come into my room with his blankets and wants to sleep next to the bed in the middle of the night (once in awhile). Of hes afraid of something and being close to me makes him feel safer then I let it be.
I have never experienced anything like this, but my suggestion would be talk to a Dr and make sure it’s not someone real that is causing him to be scared! Sometimes it can be the least expected! Does he draw pictures? Sometimes children can say a lot in pictures that they can’t talk about with words! Prayers for him and your family!
I would for sure see if there’s actually something in his room. I’m a complete believer of the paranormal. My mom also said that when I was a baby I would scream bloody murder and look in one direction when she put me in my playpen. Turns out that house was haunted. I’ve seen too many things to not believe. Something is definitely going on.
Does he have night terrors, maybe he needs to be seen, sounds like he was already having issues sleeping before your surgery
I would lay down with him and talk to him until he falls asleep. Lots of cuddles and love here momma.
I agree… Definitely get the house blessed. If he is scared…there is a reason… Kids and dogs know when something is off.
Monster Spray - fill a spray bottle with water and allow him to decorate it…he can spray it any time he feels there is a monster and blast it to bits. Worked for my child.
Did you try letting him fall asleep on couch in living room with you? Create a toy he can have that is special for you and me.
my cousin made my son a cute monster rag blanket that fits on his pillow and we said that it will keep monsters away when he started acting the same way at age 4. He’s 7 now and still brings the blanket everywhere. He really thinks it works.
Was he put under for surgery? If so This could very well be the cause. Being forced asleep then waking up hurting with no one he knows(becauseI know first hand they do not let you into the recovery room untilthey start waking up). There are so many things that happen during surgery. This could definitely be the cause for him being terrified to sleep
Smudge (Sage) his room and your house you obviously have unwanted guests. Poor little boy.
Try some melatonin for children. Kids can sense and see things we can’t. Something as scared him. Get some holy water.
Check into sleep paralysis. My son had this from childhood into his teens. It was terrifying for him.
You need to ask him what the monster does that scares him. There could be something more real going on.
Something is scaring him. Talk to him and find out what it is. Only then can you fix the problem.
With all the suggestions maybe add some meditation and some exercises that may help burn off more energy soit helps him fall asleep.
I give my kids their own monsters and darknesses
Co sleeping. Make ir fun, have laughs, then tell a story or sing a song. And sleep. When he is asleep you get out of his bed.
I did the same thing at that age, but my parents would let me sleep with them when I got scared. It passed eventually I’d sleep through the whole night
Have you taken him to doctor? There may be a physical or psychological reason for his fear
What is he scared off…that’s the first myself to solve.
Get rid of the white sound machine! That is essentially a ghost box! I speak from experience!!!
My daughter is 3 and does the same thing. I have to sit in there until she falls asleep then sneak out. I’m pretty sure it’s separation anxiety.
Get to the root of the problem. What exactly is he scared of or scared that is going to happen? Have him explain it to you. Has he watched something on fb that scared him?
Did he say what was scaring him? If you haveny ,ask him why is he scared? Maybe he sees a spirit in his room…children can sence another presence…
First off Pray over him
Find him lots activity to do n day to ware him out
And get counselors involved if u have too
Try changing the. Bed around and let him watch you move nto a different place
What changed in your life in the last week?
Make a spray bottle of water and label it monster spray really works
I use a melatonin gummy…It helps so much
Try changing his bedroom if possible xx
That dream catchers needs to go, prayer needs to come in with ANOINTING oil, something has him terrified obviously, little man needs our prayers:heart:
Lay down with him till he goes to sleep and give him a melatonin for kid’s
Id be asking him about thesw “mosnters” perhaps seeing a psychologist will help. Poor little mitw
A Tinsy bit of Benadryl might help
Put his bed in your room for a while
Warm bath, warm drink, a few books read in bed and lay there with him.
You’ve got ghosts homey
Take him to his room about 30 to 45 minutes before his bedtime. Lay in his bed with him, back to back, in the dark. Tell him he should be able to feel your back up against his. Tell him a story, not a fairy tale, not from a book. Tell him a true story from your childhood or a time where you were scared. Obviously something age appropriate that he will understand. Ask him what he would have done if he was scared about the same thing. Then, ask him to tell you a story. If he can’t think of one (or hesitates to tell you something), ask him to tell you a story about something that might seem scary to one of his friends or classmates. You would be amazed to find out that some children will not take ownership of what is scary to them. This will allow you to possibly find out what is going on in his brain without him being afraid of your reaction. Good luck mama, these are some trying times for our world, but especially for us with children that look to us for protection. With the room being dark during this exercise, he won’t be able to see your reaction and may comfort him. I started this with my daughter when she was about your son’s age. She is now a teenager but often asks if she can come in my room for a back to back talk. It works for us and I cherish every time!
These are all behaviors seen in reaction to a trauma.
Get him to a counselor ASAP.
He is displaying hyper vigilance seen in PTSD ( post traumatic stress).
Please get him help. His actions are trying to tell you what he can not verbalize. Help is available. Don’t delay.
Give him love & support.
My daughter is doing the same thing. She talks about a monster bugging her and he is ugly. I get her to talk about it and draw it. We light candles and smudge the room. I tell her to tell it to go away. Most nights she sleeps with us. There is always time to get them to sleep in there own room later. Pediatrician recommended melatonin and helps her relax and sleep through the night.
My son is also 5 and terrified to sleep in his room without every. Single. Light. On. Even hall lights!
I’m not sure why bc when we first transitioned him to his bed out of mine when he was 2 1/2 or so, he slept fine!! No issues. Then gradually over time it got worse, as he got older. He has been sleeping with me and his little sister now. I almost hate to say how long, but I am a co-sleeping parent so it doesn’t bother me. It’s been at least a year that he’s been back with me (and his younger sister) every night. We don’t even try to get him to sleep in his room right now.
I figure sleep and peace and more important than insisting he sleep in his room. He’ll eventually get old enough he won’t want to sleep with Mom! Lol. I’m not worried about that.
Do what you feel is best for you and your son! Hugs to you!! Parenting is hard!!
If you are absolutely sure nothing else is going on in your house, or that might have happened to him. I am talking sexual abuse. Does he sleep over people’s house? Who has access to him? Who is he alone with? Trust no one.
If everything is on the up and up tho here are some alternative ways to coming at the problem:
Sometimes you have to put your foot down. Sorry to say but allowing our children to desend into hysterics is bad. You know the scene where the person is in hysterics and someone slaps them? I am by no means telling you slap him…at all. What I am saying is that hysterics becomes a self perpetual cycle and has to be nipped in the bud. That goes for tantrums too. They should not be tolerated or accepted. I do have something you can try to see if this is real or hysteria. Start taking away TV, video games, anything that is fun etc and make it clear that you think that those things are what is causing no sleep at night. Even if he begs for them…it’s a hard no. He cannot run the house into the ground at night and then play freely during the day time. Because, honestly it could be any of those things and you want to see if this is an “acting out thing”. It won’t get better over night. And then take it from there: there can be no TV because i think that is why you won’t sleep in bed at night. And when that is conquered: there can be no video games because i think that is why the lights can’t be turned off… ect ect ect.
Also don’t put thoughts in his head, dont suggest problems…like are you afraid of monsters? These give our kids ideas to build upon.
Whatever this is I pray for a speedy resolution and that you can unearth why this is happening. I know you must be ultra-frayed. Best of luck and blessings
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Pray…Jesus is always with him and loves him more than anyone:pray:
Pray over him before he goes to bed!!!
Sage his room from top to bottom, make sure to open the window before doing so, it’s always good to cleanse energy in areas especially if he’s exhibiting that kind of fright also a kitten may help as well, good luck, sending nothing but positive energy and vibes his way!
My son did this & a friend told me this idea. Get a spray bottle fill it with water & put a label on it that says something like “boggie man spray be gone”… Then you can spray the room together & then he can sleep with the spray bottle. Worked for us.
my kid does this as well… she doesn’t scream, but the anxiety …omg, … she had slept with us since she was hospitalized with pneumonia when she was 2… she’s almost 6 now, we’ve tried getting her back in her bed several times, she’s basically a 6 yr old in a 12 year olds body so it’s like sleeping with 3 full sized people in bed with us… we’ve tried laying with her till she falls asleep but 2 hours later she’s in our bed again, did I mention when she gets really upset she pukes
TV…I dont like to recommend it but let him watch till he passes out whenever and as often as possible. Eventually when the tv goes on his eyes will go shut. Worked for my little guy.
I would suggest empower him. First start with a talk about what exactly is he seeing/hearing or dreaming about. Then talk him through it and tell him this is your house and your room. You are the boss here and nothing is allowed to bother you here. You are not lying to him btw. He needs to know that he is the master of his reality. I would also have him sleep with you so he can catch up on his ’s for a night or 2. Being tired is just making it worse.
Try laying with him til.he falls asleep and every night you move closer m to the door. Until you are no longer in there. He’s young…their imaginations are wild.
Its better to have a sit down with your child and ask him what frightens him, from there u will know and take actions. I also believe in prayers. God bless you and your family.
He might have what called night terrors it happen when or if something happens to a parent a surgery a car accident when a child thinks or dreams someone might die and never ever return or if possible someone has presently passed .this happened to my daughter at 2 but it was so scary police would show up because of her screaming at night a single parent but nothing was wrong she would only sleep if she could smell something I had worn like a shirt with perfume on it she would fall right to sleep try it or maybe sleep in the bed room to see that might be he is frighten to sleep alone the way this world is now
There’s probably a jinn in the child’s room. Children can see the unseen. They’re seeing something scary that isn’t visible to you. If you are Muslim you would know what to say over the child to protect them. Search about Islam and protecting oneself from Jinns. People may laugh at my reply but it is the truth. Nothing you are doing is going to protect your child as those things cannot protect you from the evil that is unseen.
if you’re religious pray over his room and keep a bible next to his bed? or try “falling asleep next to him” and sneeking out once hes asleep
You should try smudge his room try taking out the lavender try amethyst under his bed definitely smudge his room ask him to draw a pic of the monster get down on his level be patient he’s looking for help from him right read happy stories don’t give up ! See if you can change his bed have the head of the bed facing west hang the dream catcher over the head of the bed ! Good luck
I would definitely have him talk to a counselor. Try melatonin also.
If this just started happening I’d seek counseling. It could be a red flag something happened he can’t talk about.
Get a spray bottle and fill it with water! Tell him it’s monster spray to kill any monsters. You can even decorate the bottle or if you ask the pharmacy they can sometimes print labels out to put on the bottle! Get him to spray the room! good lucky mama!
Have you tried wearing him out like playing at a park maybe even trying melatonin. My kids have night terrors and sleep walks it helps me and them a lot
Fill a bottle with “monster spray” he can keep it in the bed i case he sees something or gets scared!
Let him sleep with u r at least in ir room. Kids can see alot of paranormal things so maybe u should get hin out of that room. U could even bring hia bed to your room
He needs a sleep study done he has severe sleep apnea!!!
Let him sleep with you until he be ready again to sleep alone
Ask your doctor for a monster spray prescriptions. Works wonders
Something traumatized him while you were gone!
Change his bedroom round if you can get him to help too
He’s 5 drug him next caller
My son was like this,after therapy and melatonin and then prescribed medication by his dr we have gotten through.
It was hell for years. He would scream I CANT SLEEP all night so no one slept.
We actually took time off work to get a new schedule down.
Therapy and medication as much as I didn’t want the medication it was necessary. Hes 14 and still takes it now